All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1067 Dedication of loyalty!

"Thank you for the compliment!" Wang Teng said with a smile.

"..." The Ant-Man race mother couldn't help but stunned, and said: "In this case you can still laugh, you are really different."

"In fact, it's useless for you to praise me. Why should I help you?" Wang Teng said.

"I know you won't help me for no reason." The Ant-Man tribe said: "But I will help you escape from this planet. Without me, it will be difficult for you to leave this planet."

"No, I have a way to leave." Wang Teng said to himself: "With or without you, it doesn't matter."

"Oh!" The Ant-human clan mother was very surprised. It looked at Wang Teng's face carefully, as if to see if he was playing mystery.

"My Ant-Man still has some treasures on other planets. We didn't have time to escape at the beginning, so those things haven't been moved. If you save me, I can give them all to you." The Ant-Man mother groaned and said again.

"How many are there?" Wang Teng asked with a move in his heart.

"If the wealth is converted according to the universe currency, there should be about three trillion yuan." The Ant-Man tribe said.

"Hiss!" Yuan Tunkun took a breath of cold air directly, his eyes widening to the extreme.

Wang Teng was also shocked, and his whole person was a little bad, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

Three trillion!

Are you serious?

The last time he got the relics of the Lord of the Fire River, he only had a fortune of more than 20 trillion, and now this Ant-Human mother actually told him that their wealth is three trillion!

"Are you not kidding me?" Wang Teng asked.

"Naturally won't lie to you." The Ant-Man tribe said.

"Not enough." Wang Teng groaned and shook his head: "If I hadn't guessed, once you show up, you will be discovered. To it, you should be more delicious and more conspicuous than me."

"..." The Ant-Man clan mother fell silent again.

It didn't expect Wang Teng to even think of this.

This was what it wanted to conceal, because once Wang Teng knew about it, he would definitely not easily agree.

"It seems that I guessed right." Wang Teng shook his head and turned to leave.

He didn't want one more burden.

What's more, this Ant-Man tribe cannot be completely trusted.

That existence is scary enough, and if an Ant-Man clan parent body is added, the surprise is too great.

"and many more!"

When Wang Teng was about to drill out of the gap and leave, the Ant-Man clan mother made a sound again, with a hint of helplessness.

"Take me away, I am willing to offer my loyalty!"

"Your loyalty!" Wang Teng stopped.

"Yes, my loyalty." The Ant-Man tribe said: "Get my loyalty, and you can get an entire Ant-Man tribe."

"Wang Teng, this Ant-human clan mother is really driven to a desperate situation, and is willing to pay such a price." Yuan Gungun said in Wang Teng's mind in surprise: "If you pay loyalty, then they will only be at your disposal in the future. Now, you will live forever as a slave."

I have to say that Wang Teng does have a feeling of enthusiasm.

The Ant-Man tribe is an extremely powerful race, if there is such a vassal, it is undoubtedly a great thing.

"Are you sure?" Wang Teng took a deep breath and asked.

"I can let go of the origin now and let you leave a mark." The Ant-Man tribe said calmly.

"Okay, you let go of the origin. After I leave my mark, I will take you away." Wang Teng's eyes flashed and finally nodded.

The Ant-Man tribe mother said nothing, under its control, the white crystal flew towards Wang Teng.

Wang Teng's eyes flashed, and his spiritual thoughts came out, and he entered the white spar, leaving his soul mark very smoothly.

In this way, it only takes a thought of Wang Teng to decide the life and death of this Ant-human mother.

However, in his perception, the nature of this Ant-Man tribe's body is already at the master level. Fortunately, Wang Teng's mental power is strong enough to reach the peak of the constant star level, not far from breaking through the universe level, so he can still guarantee the imprint. exist.

But once the power gap between the two sides exceeds this limit, he may not be able to control the Ant-Man tribe.

Wang Teng's eyes flashed, but he was not too worried. He was confident that the strength gap between the two sides would remain within a certain range, and even make the gap smaller and smaller, or even overtake.

"It's not too late, let's leave here quickly." The Ant-Man tribe said.

"I can't leave for the time being. My spacecraft is broken. I must wait for the spacecraft to be repaired." Wang Teng said.

"My people once left a world master class spacecraft, and it has not been destroyed. We can take that spacecraft and leave." The Ant-Man tribe said.

"What, you actually have a realm master class spacecraft, which is great." Wang Teng was very happy and asked quickly, "Where is it?"

"In the east, under a building of our clan that is 8,000 kilometers away from here." The Ant-Man clan said.

"Okay, let's go over there right away." Wang Teng made a decision immediately.

He didn't want to stay longer on this planet for a moment, and it was safer to leave as soon as possible.

"You go back to the soul spar first, I will put you in a safe place, so that the existence will not find you." Wang Teng said.

"You have a way to hide me." The Ant-Man tribe mother said helplessly, it felt like it was trapped.

"I also have to pay a certain risk." Wang Teng smiled softly and put the soul spar of the Ant-Man clan mother into the space debris.

"You are really dark enough to force an Ant-human mother to have to surrender." Yuan Kun said.

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't want to bring this trouble." Wang Teng said.

"Install, then install!" Rounded a smile.

"Let's go." Wang Teng drilled the brain of the Ant-human mother from the gap where he had come, and then passed through its body to the outside world.

"It has to take its body away. This is a good thing, especially the brain, which can be isolated from outside exploration. Otherwise, the Ant-Man tribe's body would have been discovered long ago, which is unbelievable." Yuan Gungun exclaimed.

Wang Teng nodded, and took the body of the Ant-Man tribe into the space ring.


At this moment, an ice-blue spear light suddenly pierced from above, sweeping around with extreme chill.

"I found it here." Wang Teng was shocked, and before he could think about it, the sapphire glaze flames gushed out and shrank suddenly.

The body of flame is on!

Lines of flame lines suddenly appeared on Wang Teng's body, and then he directly blasted out a punch, and the flames condensed into a cyan fist print, facing the icy blue spear light.


The two sides collided in one place, the air wave was rolled back, and the aftermath of the force spread to the surroundings.

Wang Teng took this opportunity to dart into the distance and narrowed his eyes slightly as he watched the tall figure falling from above.

"Wang Teng!" Saiba looked at him with cold eyes, and his voice came out slowly.

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