All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1230 Seen as day and night as night! (Please subscribe!)

The universe is vast, with thousands of stars, and there are always some special stars that have bred very special creatures on them.

It is these countless creatures that make up the various forms of the universe.

The velvet planet is such a peculiar planet of life.

It has been 8.6 billion years since its birth. In the vast universe, such a history may not be a big deal.

But if it were compared with the Earth Star, it would be the old one among the old.

The velvet planet is strayed from one another, it is indisputable in the world, and it is very similar to the original earth stars, and they are rarely disturbed by people.

Even if there were outsiders entering this planet, they did not interfere with their development for various reasons.

This has to be said to be a kind of luck!


A spaceship flies quietly in the starry sky.

From the speed of the spacecraft, the roaring sound of the Force Engine, and the materials it is made of, it can be seen that this is a spacecraft.

This spacecraft has a rough and hard appearance, like a beast of steel roaming in the universe.

On both sides of the surface of the spacecraft, there are marks with a shield as the base and crossed swords.

If anyone who knows sees this spaceship, they must know that it is the unique symbol of the Space Mercenary Alliance.

And below this mark, there is a bigger ferocious black snake logo.

The head of this black snake is triangular in shape, the whole body is black, and the scales are like leaves. A pair of snake pupils are blood red. On the top of the head is a green fleshy crown like a cockscomb. The fangs are visible and faint. A fierce air, people dare not look directly.

Black Leaf Green Snake!

This is an extremely vicious and venomous snake with strong strength. If an ordinary constant star warrior encounters it, he will probably fall under the mouth of this poisonous snake.

In the Universe Mercenary Alliance, there is only one mercenary group marked by the Black Leaf Green Snake, and that is the extremely powerful Black Leaf Snake Mercenary Group!

Among all the mercenary groups of the Universe Mercenary Alliance, this black leaf snake mercenary group can rank in the top three hundred. There are five domain master-level powerhouses in the mercenary group. Among the domain master-level powerhouses, they are all top-notch ones.


On the spaceship, a group of warriors stood in front of the main console, looking at the star road map displayed by the spaceship's intelligence, and their faces were a little excited.

"Teniang's, it's finally here." A middle-aged man with a beard exploded and said.

"This planet is really remote enough. We came from Feiyunxing and sailed for three months before reaching here." Another brown-haired, handsome warrior said.

"I hope there is no problem with the star map, otherwise our three months will be wasted in vain." A glamorous woman in her twenties, wearing a black uniform, stood in the front and said lightly.

Her lips are slightly thin, and her eyes are slightly narrow and long, making her look a bit cold, and her indifferent look makes people afraid to approach.

"Captain, I have studied that star map. It is true, at least it has been circulating for hundreds of years, and it can't be fake." said a young man wearing glasses with a sense of technology.

"I hope so, or be careful of your skin." The glamorous woman said lightly.

The young man with glasses was originally vowed, and when he heard the cold woman's words, he couldn't help but shrink his neck.

Others also looked at the woman in fear.

"My brother's birthday is coming soon. I came here after listening to your suggestion. If you don't get enough gifts for him, you know the consequences." The cold woman patted the young man with glasses on the shoulder, her tone was flat Said.

"Yes, it must be okay." The back of the young man with glasses was sweating coldly, as if being stared at by a poisonous snake, he quickly promised.

Others were also awe-inspiring. This is the sister of their mercenary group leader, whose vicious temper and their leader are almost carved out of the same mold.

They don't have to think about it or know that if they didn't find anything and returned empty-handed this time, not only would the glasses youth not get any benefits, but everyone in their presence would suffer along with it.

There was silence in the spaceship, everyone stared at the star map in front of them, and no longer spoke, time passed by bit by bit.

"Captain, here." Suddenly, the young man with glasses brightened his eyes and exclaimed in ecstasy: "A life planet has been detected. We are not wrong. There is a strong light power on that planet."

"Great!" The others were overjoyed, and they were really relieved.

"The Force of Light! It's really a planet full of the Force of Light, this time we sent it." The bearded man laughed excitedly.

"Of course, if it weren't for such a special planet, I wouldn't dare to offer treasures to the captain." The glasses youth said immediately to please.

The cold woman still looked indifferent, but her eyes flashed, and she said, "Go forward at full speed."

"Yes!" The young man with glasses responded quickly.

The people on the spaceship suddenly felt as if they were beaten up with blood, and then under the control of the glasses youth, the space-class spacecraft they were on suddenly accelerated and rushed towards a starry sky.

Soon, a planet with a pale white light came into their eyes.

Everyone on the spaceship had their eyes glowing, as if they had seen some peerless treasure, and their eyes showed greed.

This untapped planet is simply a lamb to be slaughtered to them.

"Captain, have you entered this planet?" the young man with glasses asked anxiously.

"Idiot." The Leng Yan woman slapped his head and said coldly: "First scan the situation of this planet to determine the strongest combat power on it."

"This kind of backward planet certainly doesn't have any strong combat power." The glasses youth couldn't help but muttered.

"You say it again." The glamorous woman gave him a cold glance.

"Uh... Captain, you heard it wrong, I didn't say anything." The young man with glasses quickly put on a smiling face, turned on the spacecraft scanning system, and scanned the planet in front.

After a while, the scan results were presented to them.

"The strongest talent star, the natives of this planet are really weak." The bearded man grinned.

"Bei Weiyan, invade the other party's network system." The cold woman Ren Gulan said.

"Captain, they don't have the Internet." Bei Weiyan, a young man with glasses, said quietly.

"..." Ren Gulan's face stiffened slightly, her eyes flashed coldly: "You knew why you didn't say it?"

"I just found it just now." Bei Weiyan was shocked and quickly explained.

The handsome brown-haired man gave Bei Weiyan a speechless look. He knew that the captain had a bad temper, and he always provoke her. Is this because he didn't live long enough?

It's really cheap!

"Then what are you doing in a daze, enter the planet." Ren Gulan snorted coldly.

"Okay, okay." Bei Weiyan quickly controlled the spacecraft and flew towards the planet ahead.

"Hewlett, Bilbom, wait for you to take people to capture all the planetary existences on this planet." Ren Gulan ordered.


The handsome brown-haired man and the bearded man responded in unison.

Their expressions are very relaxed, and they don't take this as a thing at all.

Because they are all constant star warriors, and the only travel stars are too weak, and there is no threat to them at all.

In fact, they only need one person to attack the planet, but since it was Ren Gulan's order, they did not dare to disobey.


The spacecraft landed over a lush forest, and the huge air current swept across, crushing the trees below to collapse all around.

The star beasts in the forest were startled, screamed in horror, and rushed to the surroundings.


Several figures rushed out of the spaceship, and they were exuding extremely powerful force fluctuations. It was Ren Gulan and others.

The handsome brown-haired man Hutley took a deep breath and said with intoxicated emotion: "What a fresh air, what a strong light force, this planet is really a huge treasure."

"It's an undiscovered treasure." The bearded man Bill Bom haha ​​laughed.

He grabbed forward with one hand, and a star beast escaping far away was caught by an invisible force, floating in front of him, struggling in horror.

This is a snow-white rabbit, two to three meters high, and one meter horizontally. It is very plump.

"Star apprentice-level light star beast." Hutley glanced, his eyes flashed and said.

"Yes, just grab one of them is a light star beast, just this one is enough to sell hundreds of thousands of cosmic coins." Billbom said cheerfully.

Ren Gulan came over and reached out and touched the rabbit's head. The rabbit was trembling with fear and did not dare to resist.

When other people saw Ren Gulan's appearance, they all looked like a ghost.

Does this venomous woman like rabbits too?

Sure enough, all women can't refuse cute animals.

"Eat braised rabbit head tonight." Ren Gulan ordered.

Everyone: "..."

The captain is indeed the captain!

It's so naive that they can't refuse cute animals, they have such ridiculous thoughts.

The rabbit shivered. Although it couldn't understand Ren Gulan's words, it felt something. The whole rabbit was not good.

"What are you still doing, act." Ren Gulan ordered.

"Yes!" everyone responded immediately.

Afterwards, a group of figures rose into the sky, galloped towards the distance, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Ren Gulan lifted the rabbit in her hand and returned to the spaceship again.

"Captain, where are we going now?" Bei Weiyan quickly followed up and asked.

"Go to the place with the strongest Bright Force, and that should be the most important place on this planet." Ren Gulan said.

The spacecraft flew in one direction again.

This planet has lush vegetation, almost 70% of the area is covered by plants, and there are vibrant sceneries everywhere, and the aborigines of this planet live scattered in the forest, forming tribal groups. Prosper for generations.

In the depths of the largest forest on the planet, there is a place that is their holy land!

That is a towering mountain!

Below the mountain is a dense jungle, layered on top of each other, shrouded in mist, and all kinds of exotic flowers and plants grow in it, the fragrance is permeated, the stream flows, and it is like a fairyland.

And in the valley and forest, there are many strange wooden buildings, either built on trees, or between stones, or hidden in flowers. They are all strange and unique.

There are many white hairs all over their bodies, and figures that look like a ball shuttles among the strange flowers and weeds, and they are pretty naive.

A peaceful scene!

But no one knew that disaster was about to fall on their heads.

Suddenly, a black shadow in the distance flew straight at an extremely fast speed, and finally stopped in front of this big mountain, just so suspended in the sky.

A huge shadow cast down, blocking the sunlight, and plunged below into chaos.

Many orb creatures with white hair ran out of their house, looked into the sky, pointed and babbled.

In the center of the valley, in a relatively large wooden house, an obviously very old furball creature walked out. When he walked and swayed, his eyebrows and beards had been dragged to the ground.

Ren Gulan and others walked out of the spaceship, looking at the creatures below, frowning slightly.

"What is this?" Ren Gulan frowned.

"This should be the aboriginal people of this planet." Bei Weiyan was also a little surprised, looking at the furball creatures below, feeling very interesting: "Don't say it, they look very unique."

"Foreign powerhouse." At this moment, an old voice came from below.

Ren Gulan looked down, her eyes locked on the headed Maoqiu creature.

"Unexpectedly, you can speak the universal lingua franca!" Bei Weiyan said in surprise.

"Since the location of their planet can be spread out, it means that someone has been here and it is normal to understand the lingua franca of the universe." Ren Gulan said.

"Those who went into Baoshan without taking it, really don't understand what they think." Bei Weiyan shook his head.

Ren Gulan's eyes flashed without answering.

In her opinion, the so-called kindness is just an excuse for the weak, and it is the most stupid behavior.

"Foreign powerhouses, come down quickly." The old voice seemed a little nervous and came again.


Ren Gulan and Bei Weiyan were puzzled.

In this tone, if it is an invitation, it doesn't look like it. If it's an order, it doesn't seem to be the case.

"Captain, shall we go down?" Bei Weiyan asked for Ren Gulan's opinion.

"Go down... um!" Ren Gulan was about to nod her head, suddenly her complexion changed, and she turned to look at the top of the mountain not far away.

Their spacecraft is suspended in the middle of a high mountain. The mountain is very high and goes straight into the clouds. It is impossible to see the top. Naturally, it is impossible for them to park the spacecraft there.

But at this time, three figures were rushing straight down from the top of the mountain.

The fur ball creatures below saw these three figures, as if seeing something extremely terrifying, and immediately ran back to their respective houses, and disappeared in an instant.

"What's going on?" Bei Weiyan was surprised.


The three figures came to the front in the blink of an eye.

Their appearance is somewhat similar to those of the furball creatures below, but their bodies are not round, but they appear to be more slender and sturdy. The white hairs have golden lines on them, and those golden lines gather at the center of the eyebrows to form a line. The mark of complex mystery.

And their eyes are also golden, revealing a sense of indifference and nobility, staring coldly at Ren Gulan and others.

"You tell me that the highest combat power is the planetary star?" Ren Gulan looked at Bei Weiyan and gritted his teeth.

"Team. Captain, I don't know what's going on?" Bei Weiyan's face was full of horror, and there was an incredible in his eyes.

These three figures are actually cosmic! ! !

When he scanned before, he didn't find these existences.

Among them, only Ren Gulan is a universe class, and the others are just constant stars.

Looks like you have kicked the iron plate now?

"Idiot, I will ask you to settle the account later." Ren Gulan gritted her teeth and cursed. At this moment, she didn't care about the others, turned around and wanted to rush towards the spaceship.

However, one of the figures suddenly flashed and stood in front of them.

"Go away!"

Ren Gulan took a deep breath, knowing that she would never be able to leave without fighting. She snorted, and a war sword appeared in her hand, cutting out towards the figure in front of her.


Jianguang swept across.

The figure was not injured. It stretched out its hand and stretched out its palm to the front, bursts of golden light burst out, instantly defeating the sword light, and then rushed towards Ren Gulan.

Ren Gulan's complexion changed drastically, and she did not dare to take the attack and dodge to avoid it.

But the other two figures also moved at this time. One left and the other appeared on both sides of her. The palms were also raised, and the golden light burst out like arrows.

Feeling the threat of death, Ren Gulan pulled away and retreated violently, but was still hit by a lot of golden light, and a few blood flowers bloomed on her body.

She snorted, her pupils contracted, knowing that she could not beat the opponent at all, and hurriedly fled towards the distance.

It's just that she is already injured at the moment and can't escape at all.

Under the siege of the three figures, she was soon seriously injured and unable to resist.

Then these three figures took away Ren Gulan and others, returned to the top of the mountain, and disappeared into the clouds.

It wasn't until they left for a moment that in the house below, a group of figures walked out fearingly, with a frightened look.

Then a few figures surrounded the elder furball creature and said something. The older furball creature waved, and everyone went to do their own thing, as if nothing had happened.

The whole valley restored a peaceful scene.


On the Huohe spacecraft, Wang Teng was standing in front of the body of the Zhulong clan at this time, spinning around it a few times, not knowing where to start slicing the wool.

In the end, there was no other choice but to take out the thunder brick, and the head holding the body of the candle dragon clan just banged a few times.


The power of thunder robbery burst out in an instant, causing the heads of the candle dragon clan's body to become scorched, as if thunder struck.

"Please forgive me!" Wang Teng muttered in his heart.

At this moment, several attribute bubbles appeared.

"Really good!" Wang Teng's eyes lit up suddenly, and he picked it up quickly.

【Candle Dragon's Eye*1】

【Candle Dragon's Eye*1】

[Holy Fire Talent *200]

【Candle Dragon Flame*100】


"Huh?!" Wang Teng let out a sudden horror, and a hint of shock rose in his heart: "Candle Dragon's Eye?!"

As those attribute bubbles merged into his body, Wang Teng felt a strange energy in his eyes, and then some changes seemed to have taken place.

The pupil of true vision was aroused, the golden light flickered, and then there was a touch of black and white in the golden light.

The blink of an eye is white, and the blink of an eye is black.

It looks very peculiar.

However, this vision only appeared for a moment, and was covered by the golden light, not conspicuous.

"Think of it as day and night as night!" Wang Teng felt a glimmer of enlightenment in his heart, his eyes flickered, and he was really surprised and happy in his heart.

This is actually a pupil technique!

He unexpectedly sculpted a pupil technique from the corpse of the Candle Dragon tribe, which was really unbelievable.

To be honest, Wang Teng never thought that he would get such a gain. It was too unexpected. When the Wu Nao Demon Emperor controlled the body of this candle dragon clan before, he did not use any pupil technique or the like to attack. Naturally he would not go. Think about that.

He acted on the corpse of the Candle Dragon Clan just in case, in case he encountered something good, after all, the Candle Dragon Clan had a resounding name and extremely talented talent, so he did not expect to encounter it.

Information about this pupil technique appeared in Wang Teng's mind, and he immediately understood the function of this [Candle Dragon's Eye].

This kind of pupil technique can absorb light and heat within a certain range, so there is a saying that "think of it as day and night as night".

What does that mean?

In other words, opening your eyes is day, and closing your eyes is night.

In fact, the black and white color of the Eye of the Candle Dragon corresponds to this statement.

When the eyes appear black, they will absorb the surrounding light and heat, thereby turning a certain area into a "dark night".

When the eyes are white, light and heat can be emitted, forming an attack similar to the sun, and the surroundings will turn into daylight.

Wang Teng thinks this pupil technique is a bit awesome!

Of course, the premise is that the level of the pupil technique is high, otherwise the attack power is very limited and the effect is small.

Just like Wang Teng just got the 2 points of [Candle Dragon's Eye] attribute, at most he just let him try that feeling, and then he fell silent again, it was impossible to use it.

Even if the Wubrain Demon Emperor occupied this body before, he couldn't use it, otherwise it would be impossible not to use such a powerful skill.

Even the original owner of this body may not have awakened this [Candle Dragon Eye].

But this was Wang Teng's guess after he got [Candle Dragon's Eye].

He shook his head, no longer thinking about it, looking at the body of the candle dragon clan in front of him, his eyes became a little fiery.

This is a good thing!

If he can get more [Candle Dragon Eyes] attributes, he can initially use this magic pupil technique from the Candle Dragon tribe.

Wang Teng directly manipulated the thunder brick, which was another fierce operation.

Fortunately, this body is the body of a realm master-level powerhouse. It is extremely hard and will not be easily smashed into a black and swollen face. Otherwise, Wang Teng will definitely feel guilty in his heart.

After all, he has no hatred with this candle dragon clan, and it is really helpless to start with it. If he still destroys its remains, it would be a bit unkind.

Wang Teng was still thinking about handing it over to the Zhulong Clan in its entirety in the future.

An hour later, Wang Teng had a total of 26 points of the [Candle Dragon Eye] attribute. To be honest, it was not a lot, but it was no longer the first few attributes.

He felt that he could barely use this [Candle Dragon Eye].

In addition, from the body of this candle dragon clan, he also obtained many attributes of [Candle Dragon Flame] and [Holy Fire Element Talent], which greatly improved his two attributes.

After that, Wang Teng didn't do it again. He found that no matter how he squeezed, he couldn't squeeze out the wool. It seemed that this was the limit.

He was very satisfied, after all, it was a surprise.

"Forgive me! Forgive me!" Wang Teng folded his hands and bowed to the body of the Zhulong clan, soothing his conscience, which was nowhere to rest, before he put it away and waited for it to be returned to the Zhulong clan in the future.

"Wang Teng, we are here."

At the same time, a round voice sounded in Wang Teng's mind.

Wang Teng lifted his spirits and hurriedly walked out of the training room and came to the main control room of the spacecraft.

"Look at it." The round eyes pointed to a planet ahead strangely.

Wang Teng noticed it as soon as he arrived. At this time, there was also a strange light in his eyes, and he looked at the planet with a pale white light in the void in front of him: "It's finally here."

"I just scanned it. Guess what I found?" Yuan Tunkun suddenly asked mysteriously.

"What?" Wang Teng raised his eyebrows and asked directly without guessing.

"There is actually a wave of cosmic martial artist on this planet." Yuan Rolling said.

"Cosmos-class warrior!" Wang Teng frowned. Veblen told him that the strongest planet on this planet is the planetary star. How could the force of the cosmic-class warrior fluctuate?

"So, there may be something wrong with this planet, or something has happened," Yuan Gu said.

"You mean there may be outsiders?" Wang Teng said in a deep voice.

"Yes, it's very likely an outsider." The round raceway.

Wang Teng nodded, letting Chuankuo drive the spaceship closer, and then opened the [Pupil of True Sight] to look at the planet in front of him.

"It seems that it's not just as simple as outsiders, this planet is a bit weird." Wang Teng seemed to see something, his expression a little dignified.

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