All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1231 The seed of the tree of light! (Please subscribe!)

In the starry sky, Wang Teng collected the Huohe spacecraft and stored it in the spacecraft.

He was wearing a scarlet world-class battle armor, with his feet on the void.

The situation of Luminous Planet is unknown, and the target of the Huohe spacecraft is too large to be found easily, so Wang Teng decided to abandon the spacecraft to land and enter it alone.

At this moment, he didn't say much, and when he moved his figure, he flew towards the velvet planet.

Under the envelope of the master-class battle armor, he did not even use the original force to protect himself, allowing the surface of the battle armor to rub against the air to produce flames.

The temperature of this flame is not enough to hurt Wang Teng at all.

After a while, he entered the Planet of Light Velvet and fell at high speed.

When he reached an altitude of about 8,000 meters above the ground, he opened the helmet of the armor, and the violent wind blew his black hair everywhere.

But Wang Teng didn't realize it at all, closed his eyes and felt it.

"What a strong light force!"

Compared with other places, this planet is simply the paradise of the light force, and it is full of light force everywhere.

"It seems that I have come to the right." A curve appeared in the corner of Wang Teng's mouth, and he was quite happy.

"This kind of planet full of the light force is very rare, it is rare that you can find it." Yuan Gumun floated beside him, exclaiming in amazement.

"Thanks to Veblen's great wisdom." Wang Teng said.

"Where are you going now, are you going to that place?" Yuan Tuan asked with a flash of eyes.

The place it said was the place where Wang Teng noticed the abnormality.

"No hurry, let's touch the situation first." Wang Teng shook his head.

He glanced down, and then flew directly towards a place.

Below is a sea area, with scattered islands dotted on the sea, like gems inlaid on blue silk and satin.

Wang Teng locked a small island, and the light force on it was stronger than the surroundings.

The location where he landed was completely reckless, because he was here to pick up attributes, so he went wherever he was good.

This time, he is going to bald the planet.

Keke, of course, is just a superficial swelling, it is impossible to really hollow out the entire planet, after all, he has promised Veblen the Great Wisdom that he will not do anything to harm the natives of this planet.

Besides, such a magical planet is undoubtedly a treasure in the universe, and it cannot be destroyed.

Wang Teng was very fast, and in a short while, he came to the sky above the target island.

This island has an area of ​​about 300,000 square kilometers. There are various seaside vegetation on the island, and some star beasts crawled out of the ocean and inhabited on the beach.

There are also various star beasts in the forest on the island, and there are one or two roars from time to time.

They don't know, the nightmare is coming.

Wang Teng was about to enter the forest on the island. He suddenly noticed something, then turned around and came to the beach with a soft sound.

A huge crab star beast is crawling out of the ocean, and the water falls from its body like a small waterfall.

This crab is very peculiar. It has a hard carapace and hideous barbs. The whole body is brown, but it is covered with white spots. The two giant tongs are strong and powerful.

If it is clamped, even the physical body of the planet-star warrior may not be able to hold it, and it will be clamped into two pieces.

And the realm of this crab itself has also reached the king level, which is equivalent to a planetary star.

Obviously, this crab is the top combat power on Luminous Planet!

At least it is on the surface.

What made Wang Teng most concerned about was that this big crab was a star beast of the light system.

One of Temeow’s crabs is a bright star beast, which is outrageous!

But it also explains from the side that this planet is really a treasure!

To know that a star beast of the light system is a rare species in the universe, it is definitely a good thing in the market and priceless.

Especially this kind of delicious and high-end ingredients!

Wang Teng is already considering whether to open up a seafood market.

Veblen's great wisdom would never blame him for the idea of ​​hitting the star beast, right?

Besides, he will not go fishing, he must take the route of sustainable development, and long flowing water is the kingly way.

Hmm, it's a big deal!

Wang Teng suddenly felt that he was really very business-minded, and he was simply a genius.

At this moment he fell in front of the big crab, touching his chin while looking at it.

The giant crab was also looking at him, and then spoke, speaking in an unknown language, probably the language of this velvety planet.

At the king level, they generally have language skills.

Wang Teng asked Yuangungun to take out the translator and translate it. Although the language of the velvet planet has not been registered by the great forces of the universe, the advanced translator in the universe has complete functions. It includes too many languages ​​and has very powerful analytical capabilities.

The translated content came out soon, probably:

"What are you looking at?"

"Look at you, it's delicious." Wang Teng's voice was directly transmitted into the giant crab's mind through his mental power.

The big crab was immediately angry. This two-legged creature wanted to eat it, and it couldn't be forgiven.

It raised a huge jaw and smashed it towards Wang Teng.

Wang Teng's body looked extremely small in front of it. With this pinch down, ordinary warriors had to be smashed into flesh.

A trace of pride and disdain flashed in the big crab's eyes. This little bit dare to provoke it, really knowing how to live and die.

However, the look in its eyes quickly turned stiff, because it felt that its jaws had not completely fallen, as if it was being held back by a huge force and could no longer move.

How can it be? ?

Its eyes were full of weirdness, and it turned its eyes and looked under the tongs.

It doesn't believe it, that little bit can stop its pincers.

However, this is the case.

Wang Teng looked at it jokingly, raising one hand and pressing it against the giant tongs of the crab, looking extremely relaxed.

It was just a king-level star beast, and he didn't even use 10% of his power.

The big crab was furious, and another pincer caught it instantly, very fast, quite unexpectedly.


A burst of sparks shot out.

It turned out that Wang Teng didn't hide at all, the world master-class battle armor on his body easily blocked the pincers.

The big crab's expression stiffened again. It knew that it had encountered stubble, and at the same time it was puzzled.

How can there be such a powerful presence in this area?

Wang Teng waved his big hand and recruited the Ironclad Flame Scorpion.

The body of the Ironclad Scorpion was bigger than the big crab, and appeared in front of it, making it shiver with fright, and the whole crab shrank.

As of now, it still doesn't understand, the creature in front of it is not something it can provoke.

The big crab regrets it, and would not come out if he knew it. Wouldn't it be okay to stay in the sea obediently?

Didn't read the almanac when I went out today!

"Wow, what a fat crab." When the Ironclad Scorpion saw the big crab, his eyes lit up and he almost drooled.

Having been with Wang Teng for so long, his mouth has long been sloppy.

I usually eat good things, and I have broadened my horizons. I know that this big crab is definitely delicious.

As for scorpions and crabs, they look a bit similar, but they are not of the same kind after all. Who cares so much?

"This big crab is for you to cook, don't kill it, it's not fresh." Wang Teng said.

"Don't worry, master, I guarantee it is fresh as ever." Ironclad Flame Scorpion quickly promised.

Wang Teng didn't say anything more, leaving behind the trembling big crab and the iron armor scorpion, the figure slowly disappeared in place.

Ironclad Flame Scorpion saw Wang Teng leave, then turned his head and smiled at the big crab, making it creepy.

On the other side, Wang Teng stepped into the forest of the island, and he found that although the power of light was strong in the surrounding area, no attribute bubbles appeared.

This disappointed him a bit.

But it’s right to think about it. If the attribute bubbles appear so easily, does he still need such painstaking efforts to squeeze the wool?

Judging from past experience, only those areas where the force is relatively concentrated, there is a chance that attribute bubbles will appear.

And the light force on this planet is only relatively evenly distributed in the air, naturally it is impossible for attribute bubbles to appear everywhere.


A star beast with no eyes rushed out of the bushes nearby, two or three meters high, and bit its head towards Wang Teng.

Wang Teng put on the helmet of the battle armor and let the star beasts bite.


This head is a lizard-like ferocious star beast with its mouth full of fangs and burst immediately, not killing its prey, but making its mouth full of blood.

How to fatten four?

what happened?

Its entire animal face is dumbfounded, and its eyes are confused.

Wang Teng raised his hand and patted the lizard star beast's head with a palm.


The lizard star beast let out a miserable cry and was killed on the spot. Several attribute bubbles emerged, floating around its corpse.

Wang Teng's mental mental strength rolls and picks it up.

[Light Star Chen Force *500]

[Light Star Chen Force *300]

【Blank attribute*1200】


Wang Teng's heart moved slightly, a little surprised.

This star beast is only at the lord level, and has not even reached the king level, but the attribute that it exploded is the force of the stars.

It should be understood that generally only star beasts above the king level can cultivate the force of the stars, and ordinary star beasts do not have this ability.

Now think about it, maybe this planet is special, the power of light is strong, and the star beast can directly transform it into the force of the stars.

It may also be related to the practice methods they inherited.

I have to admit that many planets in the universe are better than the earth and planets in their cultivation methods.

Of course, that was before, and now Earth Star is not comparable to before. The cultivation techniques that Wang Teng left Earth Star do not know how many life planets in the universe.

For example, if the planet Earth used to be a slum, then it is now a middle class, at least crossing two levels.

Wang Teng didn't think any more, after picking up the attribute bubbles, he put away the body of this lizard star beast.

The body of the light star beast is also a very good thing, if it has a star core or a star bone of the light system, it is even better.

Then he continued to walk into the depths of the forest, and many star beasts ran out on the way, but they were all killed by him and turned into attribute bubbles.

Wang Teng also has a black belly. He has completely reduced his breath. Where can ordinary star beasts feel dangerous, everyone thinks he is a tempting piece of fat, but they can't think that this is a special bait. ...Little goblin!

When Wang Teng arrived at his destination, he had already picked up a lot of light star Chen Force and blank attributes.

What appeared in front of him at this time was a rugged rock face.

Wang Teng glanced over, and a small, narrow cave appeared under the rock wall, surrounded by a large amount of vegetation, which looked very inconspicuous.

Wang Teng smiled and wandered into the cave.

The inside of the cave was very humid, with a faint fishy smell. The surrounding rock walls were dripping, and they were covered with various moss plants, exuding a faint light.

Even these bryophytes are filled with a faint power of light, which is extremely strange.

Wang Teng walked inward and looked around. After walking for about ten meters, many attribute bubbles appeared on the ground.

His eyes flashed and picked it up.

[Light Star Chen Force*120]

[Light Star Chen Force*60]

[Light Star Chen Force *150]


Each of the attribute bubbles entered Wang Teng's body, and they were all attributes of the Light Star Chen Force, without exception.

Wang Teng was very happy. He had just arrived at Luminous Planet and he had obtained so many Light Star Chen Force attributes. As expected, he didn't make a trip in vain.

Worth it!

After another tens of meters, Wang Teng picked up a lot of attribute bubbles. At the same time, he also found that he was walking down, the terrain here was slanted.

And the surrounding area became wider and wider, all kinds of weird stones were all over the cave, and water droplets ding ding dong dong, and accumulated into puddles.

Wang Teng saw a faint brilliance exuding in front of him, and there was something there.

When he came closer, he saw a water pool lying there quietly, and the brilliance was radiating from under the water pool.

And on the calm surface of the pool, there are many more attribute bubbles floating.

[Light Star Chen Force *300]

[Light Star Chen Force *500]

[Light Star Chen Force*450]


After Wang Teng picked it up, he found that the original force attribute in this attribute bubble turned out to be more than just picked up, indicating that this pool is the place where the light force is the strongest.

Wang Teng groaned for a while, then jumped down into the pool.

He has the ability to avoid water, he can breathe freely in the water, and he is like walking on the ground under the water.

This pool is very quiet and clear, and there are many aquatic creatures under the pool. They are not afraid of Wang Teng, swimming around him.

Wang Teng ignored these small fishes and shrimps and went directly to the bottom of the pool.

At first glance, it was all mud and nothing.

In the distance, there is a passage connecting the outer waters, but it seems that it has been blocked by stones and can no longer pass.

Why does this place have such a strong attribute bubble?

At this time, he was underwater, still seeing a lot of attribute bubbles floating on the silt, and he didn't know how to produce it.

Naturally, Wang Teng would not let it go, and picked up all of them.


Suddenly shaking under the silt, the water in the pool was immediately turbid, and the sight was blocked, and nothing was clear.

Under the silt, it seemed as if a huge hole had been opened, and the inside was dark and dark, and something suddenly shot out and rolled towards Wang Teng.

"I've been waiting for you a long time ago." Wang Teng smiled coldly, and a war sword appeared in his hand and cut it straight out.

The sword light is also clear and abnormal at the bottom of the water, a piece of blue faint, which is formed by the condensation of the profound meaning of water.

The sword light separated the turbid water and slashed on the thing that was swept by.

It turned out to be something like a few tentacles.

It's a pity that under Wang Teng's sharp sword light, these tentacle-like things were instantly cut off.

Then a terrible weird sound rang out from the black huge mouth, and several tentacles resembling electric shocks retracted. The huge mouth immediately wanted to close, as if he knew that Wang Teng was not easy to provoke.

Wang Teng shook his head, and his mental power formed an invisible big hand, blocking the huge mouth, making it impossible to close it anyway.

The giant mouth is not a tentacle, but a large piece of software. It is struggling crazily, trying to get rid of the shackles of mental power.

"If you move again, you will be killed!" Wang Teng said lightly.

The thing suddenly froze, and gradually quieted down, obviously frightened.

The strength perception is very different, it dare not resist at all.

"Wang Teng, this seems to be a giant clam?" Yuan Chuan floating on Wang Teng's shoulder, said in surprise.

Wang Teng nodded. This is indeed a huge old mussel. I don't know how many years it has existed to grow to this size.

More importantly, it felt strange to Wang Teng, and the force fluctuations contained in it seemed to have reached the median emperor rank.

But if you look at it from the outside, it is at most a king level, and you can't see that it has such a powerful force.

It seems to be blocked by some kind of force.

This is why Wang Teng feels that this planet is a little weird.

Because of the entire planet of Velvet, this kind of existence is not limited to this one.

However, the attack power of this old clam is not strong, and it can be easily solved.

Wang Teng walked directly into the mouth of the old mussel. Its body was very soft, and it was slippery and smooth when stepped on it, and there was a lot of water.

"Come out!" Wang Teng said indifferently.

Lao Mu was silent for a while, and finally he heard a sigh, and a light and shadow floated up, which was Lao Mu's spiritual body.

Wang Teng looked at the opponent in surprise, his expression a little weird.

This is actually the appearance of a little girl, the height of which looks at most 1.5 meters, wearing white gauze, but the figure is plump and round, like a peach, some key parts are still looming.

Immature face, mature figure!

This kind of match, it's just... not right!

Wang Teng glanced twice, feeling that his nose was a little hot, and he couldn't stand it.

"Human race?" The little girl's voice was soft, and because it was a spiritual communication, there was no language barrier.

"Oh? Do you know that I am a human race?" Wang Teng asked a little surprised.

"Yes, we are not ignorant." The little girl nodded.

"We?" Wang Teng's heart moved, and then he asked, "Why are you attacking me?"

"Because you came here with hostility." The little girl hesitated for a moment and said.

"Really? How do you see that I am hostile? Isn't it because you have a ghost in your heart?" Wang Teng asked without changing his face.

"I won't hurt innocent people." The little girl said.

"Then why have you been using the psychedelic method on me?" Wang Teng said lightly.

The little girl's immature face suddenly stiffened: "I don't have..."

"You can't hide my eyes, old auntie." Wang Teng said lightly.

"...Old, old aunt!" The little girl's complexion gradually turned pale, as if she heard something incredible.

"Isn't it? I don't know how many years I have lived. It's cheaper to call you the old aunt." Wang Teng said.

"Huh, huh, huh..." The little girl's chest rose and fell violently, and she kept taking deep breaths. In the end she couldn't help but screamed: "You are the old aunt, and your whole family is old aunts."

Wang Teng pointed the tip of the sword forward, and the little girl suddenly seemed to be strangling the back of her fate, and she could no longer speak.

"Go on." Wang Teng said.

"Well, I think we can sit down and have a good talk." The little girl said sly.

"I don't think there is anything to talk about, you hand over the things, I will spare you not to die." Wang Teng said.

"You..." the little girl said in shock: "Do you know that I have that thing? How would you know? Yes, you came to me from the beginning, it must be for that thing."

"The ghost knows what you have?" Wang Teng muttered in his heart, still looking calm and calm on the surface, and said: "I'll give you three seconds to consider. After three seconds, if you don't hand it over, I will Do it yourself."




"Don't want to take it away!" The little girl changed her face several times, and finally gritted her teeth.

The next moment, her eyes suddenly turned golden, and endless rays of light burst out, turning into an extremely terrifying attack.

"Huh?" Wang Teng couldn't help but feel the horrible murderous intent hidden in the light.

It suddenly occurred to him that the [Eye of the Candle Dragon] he had just obtained, seemed to be used to deal with this kind of attack.

In an instant, Wang Teng's eyes suddenly burst into a deep black light, as if it could swallow the light.

The light that erupted from the little girl was only absorbed in a short moment, and the surroundings turned into pitch black.

"What's the matter?" the little girl yelled in panic.

In this small area where she and Wang Teng were, all the light disappeared, and nothing was seen, as if they had fallen into an abyss.

The bright combat skills she could obtain from that thing just now were extremely powerful and fast as light.

But the problem now is that her attack disappeared.

The surroundings were plunged into darkness, no matter how she urged her, it was useless, and the light never appeared.

She was filled with confusion, she didn't know what was going on at all?

At this moment, a strong sense of crisis surfaced in her heart, which made her tremble mentally and physically, like needles and felts.


The next moment, she felt as if her mental body was really being pierced by a needle, and she could not help but scream out in severe pain.

After a while, the surrounding darkness slowly dissipated, and the little spiritual girl floated there, but she was not as solid as before and looked extremely weak.

Wang Teng embraced her arms and looked at her quietly, with an indifferent expression.

"You!" The little girl looked at him, only panic was left in her eyes at the moment.

"Hand it over." Wang Teng said coldly.

The little girl looked at him indifferently, even if she was unwilling, she did not dare to resist, and finally gritted her teeth, only to see a thing the size of a thumb and exuding golden light floated out of her body.

Wang Teng stretched out his palm, let the thing fall on the palm of his hand, and looked intently, a little surprised in his heart.

This looks a bit like a...seed? !

There is a rather weird power of light inside.

"what is this?"

It is a good quality to ask if you don't understand, Wang Teng asked immediately.

"The seed of the tree of light." The little girl hesitated, and finally did not dare to look directly at Wang Teng's indifferent gaze and said.

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