All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1232 He? Mother of Light? Harvesting crazy! (Please subscribe!)

"The tree of light!?" Wang Teng raised his head, looked away from the "seed", and looked at the little girl.

In the memory of the Void Swallowing Beast, there is a spiritual tree that gathers the power of light and gathers the essence of heaven and earth, called the tree of light!

It can be said to be a very mysterious tree!

Rumor has it that within a thousand miles of its surroundings, everything will be "blessed" by it and thus possess the power of light.

It is rumored that it has the ability to heal everything, as long as it is close to it, some ordinary injuries and illnesses will be cured without treatment.

It is even more rumored that it has gathered a drop of light for a hundred years. If swallowed, no matter how serious the injury, no matter how terrible the disease, it can be healed instantly, and even the dying can be easily saved.

But the tree of light seems to only exist in the legend, even the Void Swallowing Beast is only a record of this kind of thing in the memory, but has not really seen it.

At this moment, the little clam girl actually told him that this is the seed of the tree of light!

Wang Teng is not very convinced.

Although this velvety planet has strong power of light, it definitely does not look like a place where the tree of light grows.

To put it simply, the power of light is not strong enough.


He looked at the "seed" in his hand again, although this thing seemed quite magical, allowing these Light Element star beasts to use it as a sustenance to temporarily explode with strength far beyond their own.

But Wang Teng still remembered clearly how indifferent her eyes were when she broke out just now, like a god above her.

In that case, it's like being taken away from your mind.

Wang Teng felt that there was a sense of evil in it.

The legendary tree of light is truly sacred and bright, and it is absolutely impossible to possess such evil power.

And if Wang Teng didn't guess wrong...

"This is indeed the seed of the tree of light, at least in my cognition," said the little girl Clam Jing.

"Really?" Wang Teng was noncommittal.

The little Clam Jing girl's eyes flickered slightly, she couldn't see Wang Teng's thoughts.

Wang Teng thought for a while, and explored his spiritual power into the "seed".

The inside of this kind of child is like a white space, filled with light everywhere, and the strong light power nourishes Wang Teng's spirit, making him feel a sense of lingering and forgetting.

But Wang Teng was firm, his eyes were flat, and he controlled his mental power to penetrate the "seed" continuously!


Suddenly, a large ray of light broke out, and a powerful spiritual force gushed from the depths of the "seed".

A very vague human-shaped light and shadow loomed in the light, sacred and majestic, inviolable, just like a high god.

Wang Teng looked at that figure, his mental power was rolled out, and he wanted to find out!


A majestic and indifferent voice came from the figure.

Powerful mental fluctuations swept across, defeating Wang Teng's mental power.


The indifferent voice sounded again, accompanied by a strong white light, and the tyrannical mental fluctuation seemed to want to completely wipe Wang Teng from this world.

Behind the endless light, Wang Teng saw a pair of golden eyes!

Wang Teng let out a cold snort, his spiritual power exploded, and the Nine Treasure Buddha Pagoda burst into endless golden light, suppressing everything.


The spirit fluctuations that swept across were instantly suppressed, like glass, shattered by the Nine Treasure Buddha Tower, dissipated and invisible.

"Presumptuous!" The golden light in the eyes of the figure was full of anger, furious.

Wang Teng didn't say a word, but the Nine Treasures Pagoda directly smashed over and fell on the opponent's head.


With a loud noise, the golden figure was smashed to pieces in an instant, and completely collapsed.

"Something." Wang Teng closed his eyes and slowly opened his eyes, a chill flashed in his pupils.

"You!" The little girl was so horrified that she couldn't believe her eyes and looked at Wang Teng blankly.

It clearly felt the explosion of the existence in the "seed" just now, but it quickly disappeared. It did not disappear by itself, but was forcibly defeated.

Apart from this human race, there is no one else here.

So, who else can it be besides him?

But who is he? It is so powerful that it can easily defeat the spiritual mark left by that existence.

At this moment, it was pale and frightened inside. It felt that the human race in front of it was like an extremely terrifying existence.

Wang Teng looked at the little girl in front of him, his mental power turned into an invisible big hand, abruptly pinched it, and huge power surged out.


The little Clam Jing girl suddenly screamed, her complexion quickly became pale, and her body became illusory.

That is a manifestation of mental and physical damage!

"What was that just now?" Wang Teng controlled the mental power to drag the little girl in front of him, and asked indifferently.

"No, don't kill me." The little girl struggling desperately, shouted in horror.

"Answer my question." Wang Teng said lightly.

"That is the mother of light." The little Clam Jing girl said pale.

"Mother of Light?" A sneer appeared at the corner of Wang Teng's mouth, and said: "Anyone can dare to call the Mother of Light. I want to know what it is, not a name."

"I don't know, I haven't seen him like that." The little girl Clam Jing said quickly.

"He!" The ridicule at the corner of Wang Teng's mouth became more intense.

In the language the two people communicated, the pronunciation of "He" and "He" is not the same. The little girl actually called that thing "He", Wang Teng only felt very ridiculous.

Only those who truly break through the immortal level and reach the level of "God" are qualified to be called "He"!

What right does a guy who hides his head and shows his tail?

But this clam spirit hasn't seen that thing before?

Wang Teng couldn't help frowning, the 【Confusion Heart】 skill was activated, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"look into my eyes!"

The little girl Clam Jing wanted to escape, but was still affected by Wang Teng's spirit, and she was suddenly lost in confusion.

Wang Teng cross-examined again, and when he saw that he really didn't know it, his brows couldn't help but he frowned, feeling a little disappointed in his heart.

"It seems that the mother of light is very mysterious." Yuan Kuankuan appeared on Wang Teng's shoulder, and said solemnly.

"I didn't expect a planet unknown to the outside world to have such an accident." Wang Teng shook his head.

"Generally speaking, the less known to the outside world, the more mysterious it is."

"The Veblen Great Wisdom, they have come here, haven't they found it at all?" Wang Teng suspiciously asked.

"I'm afraid they won't study as deeply as you, after all, they are just outsiders, and they don't have other crooked minds. Naturally, they can't touch the mystery of this planet." Yuan Gungun analyzed.

"Why do you sound a bit wrong about what you said?" Wang Teng said silently: "What is a crooked mind? Did I come with crooked mind?"

"Then you have to ask yourself." Yuan Tunkun gave Wang Teng a meaningful glance.

It still doesn't know what abilities Wang Teng has, and how he found this cave.

This guy is like a treasure hunter, wherever he goes, there are treasures, and he can't be precise.

Wang Teng wanted to refute: Is he that kind of person? He seems to be very greedy for money. This is an insult to him.

But at this moment, the little Clam Jing girl woke up and looked at Wang Teng in horror.

"what did you do to me?"

"You are a clam, what can I do to you." Wang Teng suddenly said in a bad mood.

"..." The little clam girl.

This sentence made it feel insulted.

"Forget it, you are considered fat, so let's eat you at night." Wang Teng said.

Little girl: (つ﹏⊂)

Wang Teng flashed away from the inside of the clam, his mental power turned into a big hand, and the huge clam shell suddenly closed.

"Don't..." Clam Jing little girl yelled.

Wang Teng put it away directly, swept his eyes around, and picked up the attribute bubble that had just fallen.

[Light Star Chen Force *1500]

[Light Star Chen Force *1200]

【Glorious Sky Curtain*200】

【The Origin of Light*10】


Suddenly, a sentiment appeared in Wang Teng's mind.

This is a combat skill!

Shining sky!

The light is condensed in a special way, and then burst out in an instant, forming endless light in an area.

And in that light, there is an extremely powerful murderous opportunity hidden.

This [Glorious Sky Curtain] is the skill that the little clam girl used before.

Wang Teng's eyes flickered, but he didn't expect to be able to gather such a skill.

This skill is actually very strong. Once caught in the endless light, you can't see anything at all and can only be slaughtered.

It is a pity that this combat technique happened to be restrained by Wang Teng.

The characteristic of the Eye of the Candle Dragon is just to absorb light and form a dark night.

To be honest, this is no coincidence.

Wang Teng himself felt a little unbelievable. If it were before he got [Candle Dragon's Eye], he estimated that he would not have a good way to deal with this combat skill, he could only break it with brute force.

But before he came to Luminous Planet, he went to squeeze the wool of the candle dragon clan's body, and he also squeezed out the strongest talent of the candle dragon clan [Eye of the Candle Dragon].

Although the [Candle Dragon Eye] attributes he got were not many, it was just able to use it.

And this clam essence is not too strong, otherwise, with his current stage [Candle Dragon's Eye], it is really tough to deal with the clam essence.

In short, everything is God’s will!

"It seems that to walk on this planet, I still need to rely on [Eye of Candle Dragon]!" Wang Teng secretly said in his heart.

Then he looked at the property panel.

[Glorious Sky Curtain]: 2001000 (Beginner)

The attribute of this combat skill is only 200 points, which is only enough for him to reach the entry level.

Wang Teng is not in a hurry to improve. He doesn't have many blank attributes now, so I'll talk about it when he wants to use it.

Then he looked at another attribute bubble.

Another period of sentiment emerged, and this time the sentiment was much deeper than the previous [Glorious Sky Screen].

Fortunately, it makes no difference to Wang Teng.

His comprehension has now reached the domain master level, he is already very high, and he has the talent of [Body of Light], and he is very sensitive to all the powers of light. It can be said that comprehending the things of the light element is twice the result with half the effort.

Even without the help of the system, he only needs to spend a little time to comprehend the power of this light source.

Of course, if you absorb it in the way of attributes, you will feel faster!

In a short while, Wang Teng fully comprehended this light source power, although not much, it meant that he had another source power.

"It turns out to be the source of light!" Wang Teng was a little surprised.

That mussel spirit is at best a king-level star beast, even with the help of the power of the "seed", that is, reaching the middle emperor level, which is equivalent to the universe level. .

But this source of light has appeared.

There is only one possibility, this source of light is not the drop of the clam essence, but the consciousness in the "seed"!

Yes, consciousness!

In Wang Teng's view, what was seen in that "seed" was the consciousness of a certain existence, and the source of light was dropped by the other party.

"It seems that this "Mother of Light" is not an ordinary person either." Wang Teng became vigilant in his heart.

He really sneered at that "Mother of Light", but that didn't mean he would underestimate the other party.

Just a single "seed" gave the king-level star beast the power of the middle emperor. The "Mother of Light" must have its own special features, and perhaps its strength is not weak.

I just don't know why he hides his head and shows his tail, and doesn't want to show up.

[Light Source]: 1010000 (first order)

"Uh..." Wang Teng couldn't help being a little speechless when he saw the 10 point attribute value on the attribute panel.

The origin is the origin, but it is missing!

Wang Teng shook his head, stopped thinking, and left the bottom of the pool, there was nothing worthy of his nostalgia.


Northwest of Glitter Planet.

There is a vast grassland here, the verdant grass is two to three meters high, and many grassland star beasts are crawling in the grass, waiting for their prey to appear.

The breeze blew, and the grass of the entire grassland swayed like waves.

At this moment, a spaceship appeared out of thin air in the sky, as if it had escaped from space, and there were circles of spatial ripples around it.

The spacecraft fell slowly, and finally hovered tens of meters above the ground.

A figure walked out of the spacecraft and slowly floated to the ground.

This is a girl with short silver hair. She looks like she is seventeen or eighteen. She has big eyes, and her pupils are also silvery white, pure and pure, just like a piece of white lake.

After she fell from the spacecraft, she was directly overwhelmed by the surrounding blue grass, because her height was really not high, at most only 1.5 meters.

This makes her look very petite.

Then she flew up again angrily, muttering in her mouth: "What kind of broken grass, what are you doing so tall."


A roar sounded, and the bad wind pounced on the side.

It was a giant wolf, who regarded this silver-haired girl as its prey. Although the prey looked petite, it looked very tender and had a good taste.

The eyes of the giant wolf shone with cunning and wisdom.

"Want to eat me." The silver short-haired girl chuckled, turned over in the sky, and smashed it out with a punch.

The small fist banged on the waist of the giant wolf, smashing it directly into the air.

The giant wolf roared, knowing that it had encountered hard stubble, and quickly turned and ran away.

"Bring me back!" The silver short-haired girl appeared in front of the giant wolf, and hit it again.

After a while, the giant wolf was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face. He shrank there in fright and aggrieved, his head was covered with his two front paws, and he did not dare to look at the girl.

"Get up, show me the way!" The girl yelled.

The giant wolf screamed twice, not daring to disobey the girl's order, let her ride on him, and then ran in one direction according to the girl's description.


Wang Teng didn't know, two groups of people had already arrived here just before and after he came to the planet of velvet.

Either no one came to this velvety planet, so many came as soon as it came.

I don't know if this is his luck or bad luck.

On the beach.

The big crab was chased by the scorpion scorpion, and the sand was blowing all over the sky.

The armored fire scorpion catches up from time to time, and then uses its giant pincers to hit the crab's head, so as not to damage its shell, but it hurts to scream.

When Wang Teng saw this scene, he couldn't help laughing or crying.

Especially the big crab's walking posture, rampant and domineering, really is the king of crabs, he is a little bit more looking forward to the seafood dinner tonight.

The big crab on the run suddenly fought a cold war, as if a wave of malice had enveloped it.

Wang Teng appeared in front of the big crab and the iron armored scorpion, and the two star beasts braked suddenly and stopped, but the sky full of sand was shoveled up and rushed towards Wang Teng.

Both the Big Crab and the Ironclad Scorpion were shocked.

Damn it, dying!

They looked at each other, their eyes seemed to say: "You are mentally retarded!"

The corner of Wang Teng's mouth twitched, and all the sand was suspended in front of him, without even touching the corner of his clothes.

It is not a trivial matter that his magnetism mind controls a little sand.

The armored flame scorpion immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly approached cautiously: "Master."

"It was very fun." Wang Teng glanced at it.

The Ironclad Scorpion couldn't help shivering, and the two huge jaws swayed again and again: "No, no, I'm not happy at all."

Seeing its huge body, Wang Teng was scared like a one hundred and twenty catties child. He couldn't help being a little speechless: "Am I so scary?"

"Haha." The Ironclad Flame Scorpion could only laugh, not knowing how to answer.

To say that it is not scary, it means that there is no awe, and that it is scary, it does not mean that Wang Teng is an evil lord.

Any answer is a death!

Ironclad Scorpion feels wronged.

"It's alright, I can still eat you." Wang Teng waved his hand.

Iron Armored Scorpion Heart said: "If it weren't for me, I'm afraid you would really have a mouthful."

Wang Teng didn't pay attention to it, and looked at the big crab, scaring this huge star beast was also a trembling, did not dare to look at him, his eyes shrank.


Wang Teng suddenly felt that he was too bad?

He shook his head, his eyes flashed, and took out the "seed".

When the big crab saw this "seed", his breath suddenly became swift, like a pervert who saw a beauty lying naked in front of him, his eyes were full of greed and scorching heat.

If it weren't for Wang Teng's lustful prestige, it probably couldn't help but pounce on it.

"Want?" Wang Teng said in his heart with a secret voice.

Big Crab couldn't nod his head, but kept sending Wang Teng mental fluctuations, expressing his desire for this "seed".

"No." Wang Teng said lightly.

"..." Big Crab.

The armored fire scorpion looked at the big crab weirdly, and then at the "seed", with some curiosity in his heart: "Is this food delicious? Why does this mentally retarded seem to want to eat it."

The big crab knew that Wang Teng would not give it to it, and was disappointed in his heart. It didn't dare to grab it. It could only lie down there, and couldn't help but glance at the Ironclad Scorpion: "Fortunately, this mentally retarded doesn't know what this is. "

Wang Teng let go of the restraint on the "seed", and suddenly a strange wave swept around.

The big crab stood up abruptly, looking at Wang Teng in amazement.



Does he not know the consequences of doing this?

They will all die!

The big crab was terrified, but before he spoke, he saw Wang Teng look at it, and even if it didn't need to say anything, it already understood it.

This human race is deliberate!






At this moment, bursts of star beasts roared, coming from the ocean, from the sky...the sound contained a hint of excitement and excitement.

The armored flame scorpion hit a sharp spirit, staring into the distance with wide eyes.

What happened? ?

So many star beasts roared, and it seems that the voice is getting closer and closer to them, this is going to be a big deal!

It looked at Wang Teng, wanting to know something from him.

Could it be that "seed"?

It is not stupid, and it immediately guessed some reasons, but Wang Teng did not answer it.

The big crab has completely shrunk, and it carefully moves toward the beach, seeming to want to escape.

Wang Teng glanced at it, and his mental power condensed into a thin needle, piercing its weak mental body, so painful that it yelled and didn't dare to move again.

"If you move again, I will eat you right away." The Ironclad Flame Scorpion glared at it.

The big crab dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.


The sea in front of me suddenly surged wildly, and the waves were surging, as if something was stirring the sea.

"Come!" Wang Teng's eyes lit up.


The roar and roar became stronger and stronger, and countless star beasts suddenly rushed out of the ocean and rushed towards Wang Teng.

These star beasts are all species in the ocean, crabs, lobsters, flying fish, everything, and even some unseen sea beasts also appear.

Even the sound of crying in the sky was endless, and a large number of birds swooped down.

Their goal is the "seed" that Wang Teng took out!

The Iron Armored Fire Scorpion felt a little panicked at this scene, even if its strength was stronger than these star beasts, but the number was too much, and it rushed in densely, as if to drown them.

Wang Teng sits on a big rock by the sea, but he is indifferent...

No, why are his eyes glowing? ?

The Ironclad Scorpion was a little confused.


At this moment, Wang Teng raised his hand and blasted a punch, sweeping out like a huge fist print covering the sky and sun.

In an instant, all the nearby star beasts were smashed out, whether it was the birds in the sky or the star beasts in the sea, they all died under his fist.

"Hiss!" The Iron Armored Flame Scorpion took a breath, his eyes shocked.

Is its owner already so strong?


"Master is mighty!" The Iron Armored Flame Scorpion returned to his senses and immediately yelled and flattered.

"..." Wang Teng glanced at this unscrupulous scorpion speechlessly, ignored it, and picked up the attribute bubbles scattered around.

[Light Star Chen Force *200]

[Light Star Chen Force *300]

【Blank attribute*2000】

[Light Star Chen Force *150]


Piles of Light Star Chen Force merged into Wang Teng's body, causing his Light Star Chen Force to rise rapidly.

Although these star beasts are not strong, there are too many, enough to provide him with a large number of light star celestial force attributes.

Wang Teng was very leisurely. He didn't punch any more. He held the "seed" in one hand to attract the star beasts, while on the other he controlled the moon-gold wheel with mental power, sweeping and harvesting among the star beasts.

In a short while, his light star Chen Yuanli was upgraded from the seventh floor of the planetary star to the ninth floor of the planetary star!

And those star beasts were stimulated by the "seed", even if they knew that Wang Teng was very strong, they still rushed forward one after another.

After two or three rounds of hunting, finally no star beast dared to rush over. At this time, the sea surface was stained blood red, and a strong smell of blood drifted away.

The harvest is over!

"It's terrible! Let's find a human being a devil." The big crab was shaking more severely from the side, shaking all over, and couldn't stop it.

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