All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1233 Encounter! Clash! (Please subscribe! Ask for monthly pass!)


After some hunting, the island has become a forbidden place, and no star beast dared to approach it anymore.

Wang Teng raised the bonfire, took out the table and chairs, and lay on his back on a beach chair like a master.

There are a few beautiful and flowery girls around, busy.

Don't just enjoy it too much.

These girls are the Huazi, Huaxianer and others of the Hualing tribe.

Cao Jiaojiao was among them.

During this period of time, Cao Jiaojiao has been cultivating in the space debris, and today finally had the opportunity to come out and breathe.

They were all pulled out by Wang Teng as coolies. At the moment, they were processing various seafood and then handing them over to Wang Teng for cooking.

After all, only Wang Teng has the best cooking skills here, reaching the level of Master Lingchu.

These bright seafood are rare good things, and he doesn't want them to ruin them.

All kinds of lobsters, crabs, and big octopuses are strung into skewers and grilled on a bonfire. Various seasonings are sprinkled, and the rich fragrance is floating on the beach.

Shellfish such as scallops, oysters, etc. use other methods and are equally fragrant.

Hua Zi and the others stared at the barbecue by the campfire, their eyes almost unable to move away.

The little Hua Xian'er squatted there, holding his knees with his hands, his eyes glowing, and a gleam of sparkle came out of the corners of his mouth.

Even Cao Jiaojiao couldn't stand the temptation of such food, and her throat rolled unconsciously.

She had a cold face and put her eyes aside with difficulty.

This is her last stubbornness!

Although she can't resist everything about Wang Teng, no one can stop her from doing superficial skills.

The Ironclad Scorpion was lying on the side, his eyes were also on those seafood barbecues. It was already greedy and wanted to start eating right away.

But Wang Teng didn't speak, he didn't dare to be presumptuous.

After a while, when the scent reached its peak, Wang Teng finally took off a huge lobster and ate it himself.

"It tastes good!" Wang Teng was satisfied with his cooking skills.

While nibbling on the lobster, he took out a bottle of Coke brought by Earth Star. The Force of Ice froze in his hand, iced the Coke, and then drank it happily.

Everything can be served with Coke, seafood plus fat house water, you have to go to heaven!

Although this combination is a bit unhealthy, it is not a big deal to the warrior.

The warrior's stomach is absolutely leveraged.


A very loud swallowing drool rang.

Wang Teng paused in his hand and looked at Hua Xian'er on the side.

She saw her big eyes staring at the lobster and Coke in her hand unblinkingly, and she kept swallowing, and almost immediately came forward.

"Hurry up, what are you doing in a daze." Wang Teng waved his hand.

"Yeah~" Hua Xian'er cheered, and immediately rushed to the biggest crab in front of her. As a result, as soon as her little hand touched the crab shell, she immediately shrank back: "It's hot! It's hot!"

"Be careful!" Hua Zi couldn't laugh or cry, and hurriedly pulled her hand over to make sure that there was no scald, and then he was relieved.

"Hahaha, no one is robbing you." Wang Teng couldn't help laughing.

Hua Xianer's eyes were still staring at the crab, her little eyes full of longing.

Huazi shook her head helplessly, helped her break off the crab leg, and handed it to her.

This crab is very big, and its legs are as thick as Hua Xianer's whole person. It may be difficult for ordinary people to break it off.

Fortunately, during this period of time, Huazi and others did not relax in the space debris. After the space debris was transformed, it was very suitable for them to practice. Therefore, their strength has improved a lot, especially Huazi, which has reached the level. Stars.

The Huachangpu and others are not bad, basically all of them are above the seven-star apprentice level, and even Huaxianer has reached the seven-star apprentice level.

So breaking the crab legs is not difficult.

This tells us to practice hard, otherwise we won’t be able to break anything that is delicious.

Hua Xian'er didn't think so much, she broke off the crab legs and gnawed at it, eating like Wang Teng.

Others also started. These seafoods are originally good things. After Wang Teng's cooking, they are even more delicious and delicious. Who can bear it?

The armored fire scorpion caught a big fish and gnawed desperately, eating happily. After a while, he leaned in front of Wang Teng and said slyly: "Master, give me a bottle of Coke too."

"What are you doing, you are so big, a bottle of Coke is not enough to stuff your teeth, it's a waste." Wang Teng would not give it.

"I'll just have a taste, a taste." Ironclad Scorpion licked his face.

When Wang Teng saw it this way, he shook his head speechlessly.

In the end, he gave a bottle of the Ironclad Scorpion, anyway, he had a lot of inventory, and he couldn't finish it.

If the stock is too small, he will never give it.

The armored flame scorpion ran to the side, two big tongs holding the Coke can, carefully looking very funny.

Coke is too small for it. If you compare it to an adult, then the amount of Coke is estimated to be one drop.

Thinking of this, Wang Teng felt that this guy looked a little pitiful, so he took out ten bottles of Coke and threw it to him.

"Thank you Master, thank you Master!" The Iron Armored Flame Scorpion couldn't find Bei, and repeatedly thanked him. It was almost grateful.

Wang Teng felt even more guilty.

It's over, I'm usually afraid that this ironclad flame scorpion is squeezed too hard.

"Master, can you chill me a bit too." Ironclad Flame Scorpion said again.

"..." Wang Teng rolled his eyes.

He is afraid that he is thinking too much!

This guy is really good at it. Sure enough, he can't give it too much color, otherwise he will definitely open a dyeing workshop.

Wang Teng rolled his eyes, waved his big hand, and a chill drifted past.


The Ironclad Scorpion and the bottles of Coke were instantly frozen.

Don't you want to ice it, then give it a good ice.

However, this ice layer was not thick, and Ma Shan was crushed by the armored flame scorpion, breaking the ice.

Although it was fine, the cold still made the Ironclad Scorpion tremble.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Ironclad Flame Scorpion smiled and didn't care at all. He squeezed a bottle of Coke and poured it into his mouth, narrowing his satisfied eyes.

Hua Xian'er was attracted by this novel drink, leaning close to the Iron Armored Scorpion and watching it drink, she was not afraid of it at all.

"Big Scorpion, is your drink good?" she asked with a smile.

"It's not good, it's not good." The Ironclad Flame Scorpion hurriedly protected a few bottles of Coke under his body, swinging its tongs again and again.

"You are a lie, it must be delicious." Hua Xian'er became unhappy, pouting her mouth and said: "I usually give you everything that is delicious and delicious, why are you so stingy."

Ironclad Scorpion was blushed by what she said.

There are no other creatures in the space fragments. After the Hua Ling clan girls came, they became familiar with it over time. Hua Xian'er and the others are very kind, and they will share anything delicious with it.

Thinking about it this way, it couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

Blame the stingy owner, it must have been affected.

If Wang Teng knew what he was thinking, he would definitely put away those bottles of Coke.

"Then... I'll share a bottle for you." Ironclad Flame Scorpion hesitated.

"Good." Hua Xian'er nodded and smiled contentedly.

She took a bottle of Coke from the Iron Armor Scorpion, returned to Hua Zi's side, and shared it with everyone.

Ten girls of the Flower Spirit Race, each one takes a bite.

After drinking, his eyes lit up.

"It's a strange taste, but why does it taste so..." Hua Zi's face was tangled, and she didn't know how to describe it.

The flower spirits generally drink flower lotion and spiritual water, and it feels strange that they have ever drunk such a unique but nutritious beverage.

"So cool!" The Ironclad Flame Scorpion took the conversation.

Hua Zi blushed a little. She thought this was too vulgar, but she did think so in her heart.

"Hey, it's right to be cool, this thing is a refreshing drink." Ironclad Flame Scorpion said cheerfully.

When Wang Teng saw that they liked it too, naturally he would not be stingy, and each one divided a bottle.

Hua Zi and the others were very happy, and thanked Wang Teng by twittering, and then they held Coke, seafood, and sipped them one bite at a time.

Cao Jiaojiao on the side saw everyone eating and drinking, and was so unhappy that the expression on her face was almost stretched.

Hua Zi knew her well. Knowing that Cao Jiaojiao couldn't save face, she glanced at Wang Teng, then picked up a bunch of grilled squid and stuffed it into Cao Jiaojiao's hand.

The two of them got together and didn't know what was said, Cao Jiaojiao talked and laughed with her, and then took the opportunity to eat.

Then she was shocked.

too delicious!

How can it be so delicious!

The demon Wang Teng actually has this kind of cooking skill, at least he has reached the master level.

She has a complicated mood.

Seeing Weizhizhu, Wang Teng's talent is too strong, and there is almost nothing he does not know. This makes her feel very frustrated, and her previous thoughts are even more ridiculous.

Wang Teng just didn't see it.

Cao Jiaojiao is now his person no matter how, he is not so stingy, in fact, it is Cao Jiaojiao who can't save face, has to froze with him, and doesn't have the consciousness of being a slave girl.

He didn't care, anyway, no matter how stiff Cao Jiaojiao was, she couldn't run away. It was her who suffered.

But Wang Teng was a little puzzled in his heart.

Looking over, how come he raises all... foodies?


Above the sea, there is boundless, and you can't see the end at a glance.

However, when the line of sight is shifted, one can see that a small piece of land is floating on the surface of the sea.

It's like an island.

Around that land, it was no longer blue, but scarlet. If you sniffed it close, you would smell a strong smell of blood.

There were countless corpses of sea beasts rising and falling around, and it was obvious that a great battle had erupted before.

On that land, there was a figure standing with a glowing "seed" in his hand, and it was Wang Teng.

This is already the second day he came to the planet of velvet.

Wang Teng relied on "seeds" to hunt down a large number of ocean star beasts, and obtained a lot of star power and blank attributes.

To his surprise, the star beasts on this planet actually possess the light force to some extent, but star beasts of other forces are rare.

[Light Star Chen Force *600]

【Blank attribute*1200】

[Light Star Chen Force*520]

[Light Star Chen Force*450]


Wang Teng picked up the surrounding attribute bubbles, looked at his attribute panel, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


A large amount of light force merged into his body, and after flowing around the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, it poured into the sea of ​​nothingness and condensed into the force "stars"!

But at this moment, a roar exploded in his body.

Nine white stars suddenly collided in one place, turning into a white whirlpool, and exuding an extremely holy and bright aura.

I don't know how long it took, the white whirlpool was replaced by a "star" containing a huge force, and if there was no bright and holy breath wafting out of Wang Teng's body.

The light star Chen Force has finally been promoted to the first level of constant star!

How can Wang Teng be upset? He came to the Planet of Light Velvet for less than twenty-four hours, at most, one day. He was upgraded from the seventh level of the planetary star to the first level of the constant star, and his strength has been improved by two small realms. , A great realm.

If it is known by other light martial artists, it is estimated that their mentality will explode directly.

Is this what people do?

Even a genius warrior would not dare to say that he could improve so much in a day.

It's a foul!

Wang Teng felt the light force that was becoming more and more full in his body, and he was quite happy, and then he looked down at the "land" under his feet!

In fact, this is not "land" at all, but the back of a huge cetacean star beast.

This star beast has been killed by him.

Before he used "seeds" as bait, no star beast could resist, and this cetacean star beast was one of them.

It was drawn out from the deep sea, trying to swallow Wang Teng into its stomach, but he killed it instead.

But this cetacean star beast is quite special.

Wang Teng's eyes flashed, and a stream of light flew out of him, and disappeared from the back of the star beast under his feet.


Blood spurted, and the streamer plunged straight into the flesh and blood.

After a while, the streamer flew out of the flesh and blood, but there was still a ball of light floating on the streamer.


See the seeds again!

This cetacean star beast actually has a "seed" in its body!

Wang Teng touched his chin. To be honest, this was an unexpected joy. He never expected that this cetacean star beast would have a "seed" in its body!

Just now he just took a chance to look at this giant whale with [True Sight Eyes]. After all, for such a big star beast, if there are star cores and star bones in the body, it is certainly not small, but he didn't expect it to be unexpected. See the "seed"!

"It seems that there is more than one of this kind." Wang Teng touched his chin, and secretly guessed in his heart: "That said, there may be other places too."

He is very interested in this "seed", which embodies the consciousness of a certain existence, even if it is just a strand, but being able to dig out the source of light is enough to prove that this is a good thing.

Wang Teng didn't think much, his mental power entered the "seed", and he saw the vague light and shadow again.

"It's you!"

The anger of light and shadow.

"Yes, it's me. Let's meet again." Wang Teng said with a smile.

"Mortal, looking for death!" Guangying was furious, and spirit fluctuations swept towards Wang Teng.

"Hey, can't you just say a few words?" Wang Teng shook his head helplessly, and the Nine Treasure Buddha Pagoda was sacrificed to suppress it.


Before the words fell, the light and shadow had been smashed to pieces.

"Can you use another word to swear, it's the same every time." Wang Teng drew his ears and withdrew from the inside of the "seed".

He gained another 10 points of light source!

The number is really small, but there is no alternative but to squeeze the wool slowly.

Wang Teng glanced at the "seed" in his hand. He didn't know what purpose it had, and he pondered for a while before putting it away.

At this moment, a hand stretched out from the void next to it and straightly grabbed the "seed".

"Who!" Wang Teng's expression changed slightly, and he slammed a punch into the void.


A figure appeared from the void, banged against Wang Teng, and landed lightly on the sea in the distance.

Wang Teng frowned and looked, and found that there was a girl with short silver hair on the opposite side. He was a little surprised. Just now, the other party had a hard punch with him, and it looked very relaxed.

Although he didn't try his best in a hurry, the opponent seemed to be able to handle it easily, apparently just casually coping with a punch, and didn't take it seriously.

Moreover, this person hid from the side and snatched the "seeds" he had obtained. This kind of hiding method, even he did not even notice it, had to be said to be clever.

It's been a long time since Wang Teng encountered such an aggrieved thing.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and [Pupil of True Sight] opened silently, wanting to see the strength of the opponent.

As a result, the silver short-haired girl actually had a layer of white light flowing around her body, and she couldn't see anything at all.

Can't see through the other side's realm unexpectedly.

You must know that his [Pupil of True Sight] has just been promoted to the "True Level".

This girl with short silver hair is definitely not simple.

"Who are you?" Wang Teng asked with a slight condensed heart.

"Passing by." The silver short-haired girl said lightly.

"..." Wang Teng twitched his eyes and said, "You are robbing me like this, isn't it?"

"Grab it all, what can you do with me." The silver short-haired girl looked at the "seed" in her hand and said without raising her head.

Good guy, this little girl is even more arrogant than him!

Wang Teng laughed anxiously and said, "Little girl, believe it or not, I will open your butt and make you cry and go home to find Dad."

The girl with short silver hair became stiff, and finally raised her head, as if she had been insulted, her complexion flushed, staring at Wang Teng angrily, and yelled, "Keep talking!"


She stepped on her foot, the sea exploded, and then she disappeared in place, suddenly appeared in front of Wang Teng, and blasted Wang Teng's face with a punch.

"The temper is quite big!" Wang Teng narrowed his eyes slightly, without dodge or dodge, the profound meaning of strength exploded, and he greeted him with a punch.

He was a little bit happy with Hunting. This girl looked like he was not much different from him, but she was very strong. She even dared to bang his fists directly, which was completely inconsistent with her petite figure.

This kind of confrontation from peers is what makes him really excited.

Sometimes there is no opponent, but a kind of sorrow.


The force of the two condensed into fist marks on their fists, colliding in mid-air, making a roar.

Wang Teng felt a burst of great power from his fist, and pushed him out horizontally, backing more than ten meters before stopping.

The silver short-haired girl also stepped back more than ten meters before she could stop her figure, frowning slightly, and for the first time a solemn look appeared in her eyes.

This young man is very strong!

"Come again!" The girl with short silver hair was eager to try, she seemed a little excited, and rushed towards Wang Teng again.

Wang Teng didn't say a word, his fist imprints broke out, and he fisted at the silver short-haired girl.

Boom boom boom...

The two directly fought each other in mid-air, without using any other means, and they were tacitly banging their fists against each other, as if they were going to decide a victory or defeat in this way.

Wang Teng used the [Five Elements Boxing] he just created. The Five Elements force evolved and transformed into various birds and beasts in the air, including golden rocs, huge sea whales, and more fierce evil tigers, etc., roaring The girl with short silver hair facing the other side.

This was transformed by Wang Teng's profound meaning, capable of transforming into various terrifying star beasts at will, greatly increased in power, and extremely terrifying.

"Bright Fist!"

The silver short-haired girl drank sweetly, her fists turned into light, as if she turned into a ray of light, colliding with the alien beast transformed by Wang Teng's fist.

The force of horror swept all around, and the sea was stirred up by monstrous waves, which was terrible.

The fist marks on both sides were both wiped out, and no one could do anything about it.

The two of them didn't know how many punches they collided, and they finally staggered again.

"Bright combat skills!" Wang Teng looked at the girl in surprise.

"What is your boxing technique? There are so many changes!" The silver short-haired girl frowned and asked.

"Why should I tell you." Wang Teng said lightly.

"Your boxing technique contains changes in the force of the five elements, which means that you are the body of the five elements and you have mastered the force of the five elements." The silver short-haired girl flashed a sly in her eyes, and said: "You think you don't tell me, I will just Can't guess."

"Know what, can you beat my combat skills?" Wang Teng said noncommittal.

"You can't break my combat skills." The silver short-haired girl said in dissatisfaction.

"Hehe, that's not necessarily." Wang Teng sneered: "If I want to break your combat skills, there are at least three ways."

"Arrogant!" The silver short-haired girl shouted: "You are a genius with the body of the five elements, but this is not your proud capital. In front of my clan, a genius like you is nothing."

"Really?" Wang Teng didn't want to argue with her, the force of his hands surged, and he wanted to continue to do it.

"Hey, I won't play with you for the time being." The figure of the girl with short silver hair suddenly began to blur and gradually disappeared.

"Want to go! Leave the seeds for me." Wang Teng's eyes condensed, and he directly used [Air Flash], a void appeared hundreds of meters away, and he reached out and grabbed it forward.

"Huh!" The girl with short silver hair let out a surprise. She is only five meters away from Wang Teng at the moment, but there is no panic on her face: "It's actually a spatial method. Who are you? Forget it, I guess you. You won’t tell me, but it’s not that easy for you to catch me."

When the voice fell, a dazzling light burst out from where she was, and then her whole person turned into a light and disappeared again.

"Next time I meet again, I will tell you my name." The silver-haired girl's voice echoed on the sea, but her figure had long since disappeared.

Wang Teng walked out of the void, expressionless, his eyes flickering.

It's hard to imagine that he was put together by a girl who was almost like him, and he hadn't even caught the other person.

Since Wang Teng has practiced, he has never met anyone of his age who is comparable to him.

This is the first one!

"Interesting!" He looked at the direction of the girl's departure, and the corners of his mouth appeared to be curved.

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