All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1234 This guy must be pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger! (Please subscribe! Ask for

Wang Teng did not chase the silver short-haired girl, the other party was very fast, even if he used [Air Flash], he might not be able to catch up in a short time.

That kind of speed is like turning oneself into light, possessing the speed of light.

This kind of physical skill should be unique to the light system, very peculiar and powerful.

And if Wang Teng was right, compared with his [Air Flash], this combat technique would be a long-lasting victory.

[Air Flash] It’s a bit similar to a short-range eruption of body skills and combat skills, but the combat skills used by the silver short-haired girl can maintain the state of light for a long time and escape in the form of light.

Although with Wang Teng's spatial power, if he keeps chasing, he is confident that he can catch up.

But this is not necessary.


Instead of spending this effort with her, it is better to spend more time seeking benefits on this planet.

It's just that he really didn't expect to be able to meet a martial artist of the Light Element on this planet, and this martial artist of the Light Element seemed to have a big background.

The strength is not as weak as the ordinary Guangming martial artist, but extremely powerful, able to compete with him.

He has a hunch that sooner or later the two will have a fight.

"But this combat skill... is really peculiar!" Wang Teng thoughtfully, his eyes faintly revealed a fiery look.

Regardless of the boxing technique used by the silver short-haired girl in front, or the body technique used at the end, he was very enthusiastic.

That kind of light-type combat skills is very interesting.

His eyes swept around, his eyes shone slightly, and he picked up the attribute bubbles dropped by the silver short-haired girl just before the battle.

[Light Star Chen Force *2100]

【Bright Boxing*100】


[Light Star Chen Force *2100]


"Hahaha..." Wang Teng couldn't help laughing.

What I really want to come.

I just watched the silver short-haired girl's body and boxing skills, but I didn't expect this to be obtained from the attribute bubbles dropped by the opponent.

The system baba is really awesome!

Chuankuan appeared, looking at Wang Teng's appearance, a little worried.

Isn't this guy irritated?

When he met a genius of his generation, he also suffered a little loss. It was the first time that Wang Teng encountered such a situation.

Just don't be crazy!

"What's your look?" Wang Teng saw Yuan Kuankuan suddenly appear, looking at him with an expression of caring for the mentally retarded, and his head was suddenly covered with black lines.

"Ahem, are you okay?" Yuangunguin asked with a dry cough, and quickly put away his worried gaze.

"What can I do?" Wang Teng didn't know why.

"It's okay, it's okay." Yuan Gungun thought he was pretending to be calm, to hide his unwillingness, and didn't try to tear him down, just nodded in agreement.

"It's weird." Wang Teng said in a bad mood.

"Oh, this poor child." Yuangunguin shook his head secretly, feeling a little helpless in his heart: "I can only come out on his own. Such a blow is not a bad thing, lest he always underestimate those from all races in the universe. genius."

Wang Teng didn't know what Yuan Gunwan was thinking at all. If he knew, he would be speechless.

You think too much!

Is he someone who can be easily hit?

What's more, the little girl didn't find anything cheap. The light source in that "seed" was absorbed by him. I don't know if there are other uses. Even if there is, it is estimated to be very limited. It is not as important as the light source.

So if it is taken away, it is taken away, no big deal.

He just felt that he had suffered a little and he would definitely find the place back next time.

And there are a lot of good things when I just picked up the attribute bubbles, and the one who really suffers should be the girl with short silver hair.

For the "seed", two combat skills were lost.

Who is more cost-effective for this transaction?

You don't need to think about it.

At this time, a period of insights appeared in Wang Teng's mind. Although this insight was not much, it was only an introduction, but Wang Teng had mastered the cultivation methods of these two combat skills.

Bright fist!

Wang Teng's eyes flashed, a punch was blasted, and the light star Chen's force gathered, making his fist imprints seem to turn into rays of light, smashing onto the water, arousing a small spray.


Wang Teng's eyebrows twitched, this power really meets... the entry level!

"Puff!" Yuan Gungun originally wanted to go back, but stopped when he saw this scene, looked at Wang Teng, and tried hard to smile.

"Laugh if you want." Wang Teng said silently.

"What kind of moves are you, so weak..." Yuan Gungun said, suddenly stunned: "Wait, why are you so much like the combat skills that the silver short-haired girl just displayed?"

"Did you just notice it?" Wang Teng squinted at it.

"???" Yuangunguin's eyes widened like a ghost: "Have you learned other people's combat skills stealthily?"

"Ah." Wang Teng nodded, "Can't it?"

"..." Billowing.

Isn't it okay?

Is this a question of okay? This is a question of whether you can learn or not!

Chuanwan wanted to be mad.

Although the punch that Wang Teng cast just now was not powerful, it was obvious that it was really learned. It only takes a period of cultivation to completely turn it into his thing.

So how did he do it?

This is not right.

"Don't look at me like this, you know, I have a relatively strong talent, and I can do it at a glance, and it's not a particularly advanced combat skill." Wang Teng opened his eyes and said nonsense.

"..." Yuan Tuankuan didn't know what to say anymore.

Will it be at a glance?

Can this be described by a relatively strong talent? It's a monster, alright.

It's not a particularly advanced combat technique. Which one of your eyes sees it not so advanced?

Although Yuan Gungun is not strong, his vision is not weak at all. It can tell that the fist and combat skills are definitely not low-level combat skills. Ordinary people may not be able to cultivate successfully in a short period of time if they obtain combat skills training. Not to mention stealing learning.

Wang Teng is absolutely not telling the truth.

Wang Teng smiled secretly in his heart, and didn't pay attention to the roundness, his figure flashed, turning into a ray of light and appeared hundreds of meters away.

"???" Yuan Gungun just forced himself to accept this fact, and his eyes widened again.

What's so special, this is the stamina and combat technique that the silver short-haired girl used when she finally left! !

Did Wang Teng even learn this combat skill secretly?

Too much!


Wang Teng continued to turn into light, walking on the surface of the sea, like a ray of light constantly refracting and reflecting, and the speed is fast to the extreme.

However, his body method is very stagnant and not so smooth, which is the reason for the lack of proficiency.

Compared with the speed of a girl with short silver hair, that is naturally a huge difference.

But it doesn't matter, if Wang Teng wants to improve, just use the blank attribute directly.

[Bright Boxing]: 1001000 (Beginner)

[Escape]: 1501000 (Beginner)

Wang Teng paused and looked at the attribute panel. The two combat skills are just for getting started, and it's not easy to be able to do this.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and his heart was happy.

Just treat it as interest!

His "seeds" were not given in vain.

Now he has obtained the combat skills of a silver short-haired girl, and he will meet again next time, depending on the face of the other party.

When the time comes, Wang Teng will let her vomit everything out.

Thought that he had robbed him of a "seed", so let this matter go?

How can it be!

"Rolling, let's go." Wang Teng greeted him, stepping on the surface of the sea and disappearing into the vast sea.

"Wang Teng, how did you do it?"

"All said, I have a good talent!"

"No matter how talented you are, it is impossible to learn it after reading it once."

"What is impossible, it is your narrow vision that limits your imagination."


"By the way, do you know what race the girl is?"

"I don't know, the races in the universe are more than hundreds of millions. Some are mysterious and not known to outsiders at all."

"Well, I overestimated you."


The two voices came intermittently.


After Wang Teng hunted and killed in the ocean for three days, the Light Force was upgraded from the first level of the constant star to the second level.

Not much improvement.

After reaching the constant star level, the speed of promotion slowed down.

This is also a very helpless thing. Although there are a lot of light star beasts on the velvet planet, but the strength is not strong, the king-level star beasts are poor, and the others are basically star beasts below the lord level.

For him now, it is naturally not enough to stuff his teeth.

Moreover, Wang Teng didn't want to do too much. Basically, he rarely killed the star beasts below the lord level. He smashed a wave of wool and let them go.

Sustainability is very important!

"It's time to go!" Wang Teng said, looking at the direction of the landing place.

"If you don't go anymore, the star beasts in the sea will soon be wiped out by you." Yuankuun said boredly on Wang Teng's shoulder.

"You can't say that. There are too many star beasts. If you don't deal with it properly, the species will be overwhelming. I am doing good deeds." Wang Teng said in a high-sounding voice.

"That's really thank you." Yuan Tuankuan said silently.

"You're welcome."


Wang Teng flew straight to the coast. At this moment, he was not far from the land, and he reached the land in less than half an hour.

The environment of Luminous Planet is very peculiar. There are lush vegetation everywhere. Just after landing, a forest appeared in front of you.

Without any hesitation, Wang Teng walked directly into the forest.

There are forests, indicating that there are a large number of star beasts, and he can squeeze wool again.

Wang Teng walked through the air in the forest, without the slightest idea of ​​concealing himself. The star beasts on this planet would basically not surpass the king level, and to him, it was tantamount to no threat.

While flying, he looked around.

The trees here are very tall. The most common big trees require four or five people to hug them together. The thorn bushes are extraordinarily dense, and the vines lie on the ground like a python, entwined with the roots of the tree.

Wang Teng once asked Hua Zi and the others. According to them, the light force here is strong and vibrant, so the trees are so tall and luxuriant.

Wang Teng flew about three kilometers into the forest, and roars came from all around, and a huge lord-level star beast rushed over, trying to swallow Wang Teng in one bite.

Wang Teng slapped it out, then patted it back into the woods, splashing a large swath of blood in the air.

"What kind of star beast was that just now?" Wang Teng turned his head and took a look, then asked Yuangungun.

"It's too fast, I didn't see it clearly." Yuanguin shook his head.

Wang Teng picked up the attribute bubble, ignored it, turned and left.

He has been flying in the forest for more than ten minutes, and he has gotten deeper and deeper, and he can feel the fluctuation of the star beasts around him more and more, so he stopped, ready to take out the "seed" and continue to lure the star beasts into the bait, otherwise he will go head by head. Hunting is too much trouble.

As soon as the "seed" was taken out, a lot of roars echoed in the forest.

After a while, the ground vibrated, the trees on both sides shook, and the leaves fell.

A star beast came from all around.

Wang Teng's eyes glowed, and the moon-gold wheel galloped out, hunting down the star beasts around him.

[Light Star Chen Force *30]

[Light Star Chen Force*20]

【Blank attribute*1200】


Numerous attribute bubbles poured in, but the attribute value was not high. It took a long time to pick up four or five thousand attribute values.

After those star beasts were killed for two or three rounds, the place was bloody, and the star beasts behind did not dare to come close.

Wang Teng had to give up. He found that the efficiency of this method was already very low and it was not suitable for reuse, so he put away the "seed" and flew straight into the sky.

He turned on [Pupils of True Sight] and glanced around, but didn't find anything worthy of attention.

Wang Teng chose to leave this place and continue to go deep into the jungle, where the true core of this planet lies.

The distance was very long. After Wang Teng flew more than ten kilometers, his figure suddenly stopped.

There was a commotion not far ahead, and there were horrified screams.

Wang Teng's eyes condensed, and he felt the force fluctuations of several constant stars and planet stars over there.

"There are others coming!"

His heart moved, a little helpless.

Doesn't Veblen the Great Wisdom mean that no one knows this planet? Is it reliable?

He has already encountered the second wave.

Wang Teng shook his head. Now is not the time to think about these things. He hides his figure and fumbles forward.

Not far away, a small and medium-sized tribe appeared in front of you. Many wooden buildings were scattered all around, which looked very simple and ancient.

Wang Teng quietly appeared in the shadow of a big tree, and looking over there, he saw some fluffy orb creatures gathered in the open space in the center of the building, appearing panicked.

At the same time, a few human warriors stood in front of the hairball creatures, with an air of arrogance and contempt for everything. They were holding blood-stained weapons, and a few hairball creatures who had lost their signs of life fell under their feet. The scene was bloody and ferocious.

"These should be the velvet spirits, right." Wang Teng thought of the description of Veblen's great wisdom, and secretly guessed in his heart.

"They seem to have been caught." A round voice sounded in Wang Teng's mind.

"Isn't it obvious?" Wang Teng said.

"Then what are you going to do, do you want to rescue them?" Yuan Gun Road said.

"Look at the situation first." Wang Teng said.

Just as the two were talking, in the open space in front of the few human warriors, a handsome brown-haired man said: "Bilbom, hurry up, we still have a lot of places to go, too much delay. For a long time, it's too late to go back, and the captain probably loses his temper again. She doesn't like waiting for someone."

"Don't worry, there are a lot of good things in this tribe, you have to look for it." A bearded man waved his hand and said to the other celebrity warriors: "Search for me, don't miss any corners. All the spiritual objects in their collection were found."

"Yes!" Those celebrity martial artists only have star-level stars, obviously they are under the orders of these two constant-star martial artists.

They immediately entered the wooden houses and began to search.

"Two constant stars, ten planet stars!" Wang Teng muttered in his heart.

"That person just said about the captain, they should be more than these people." Round Roller Road.

"Yeah!" Wang Teng nodded, said nothing, and disappeared in place, before swaggering towards the tribe in front of him.

Such an obvious movement instantly attracted the attention of the few human warriors, and they looked towards Wang Teng one after another.


Hutley and Bilbom looked at each other, pointed their weapons at Wang Teng and let out a loud shout.

Wang Teng ignored their scolding and still walked towards the tribe step by step.

"The Black Leaf Snake Mercenary Corps is working, go ahead and die!" Hutley's eyes flashed coldly, and he shouted sharply.

"Black Leaf Snake Mercenary Group!" Wang Teng was taken aback, and asked, "Are you from the Universe Mercenary Alliance?"

"Yes, our Night Snake Mercenary Group is the top 300 large-scale mercenary group in the Universe Mercenary Alliance. We discovered this planet first. It is already the private property of our Black Leaf Snake Mercenary Group. I would like to advise you. Leave quickly." Bilbom said.

"Ranked in the top 300, is it amazing?" Wang Teng asked faintly, his footsteps still kept, his expression on his face was very calm, he was not scared by any black leaf snake mercenary group at all.

"Boy, you are looking for death!" Bilbom's eyes were cold, holding a battle axe in his hand, and the golden force light on it was fluctuating: "It is a mere constant star, and I dare to oppose our Black Leaf Snake Mercenary Corps."

"Oh, how about going against you?" Wang Teng asked with a smile.

"Bilbom, stop talking nonsense, kill this kid." Hutley said with contempt, coldly.

"Why don't you make a move?" Bilbom turned his head and asked.

"It's just a constant star warrior, you'll be enough to take action." Hutley flashed his eyes and smiled.

"Hey, I am stronger than me, so I just point fingers at me." Bilbom said dissatisfied.

"Why don't you take the shot together." Wang Teng stopped, and now he was less than ten meters away from the two of them, and said lightly, looking at them.

"Arrogant!" Bilbom yelled coldly, without hesitation, stepped on his feet, rushed towards Wang Teng, and slashed his battle axe fiercely.

He didn't underestimate Wang Teng, he used his full force when he shot, and the original force of the gold system stars in his body exploded, and he wanted to solve Wang Teng with one move.


An extremely sharp golden edge cut off Wang Teng's head and was about to split him in half.

Wang Teng raised his head, punched out, and the power of horror burst out.


The fist marks swept across, smashing the golden axe directly, and then hitting the bearded man.


He spouted a mouthful of blood, his face was incredible, the whole figure flew upside down like a broken kite, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Go!" Hutley's gaze shrank, his face was shocked, and he didn't have time to think about it. He grabbed Bilbom in one hand and turned around and left, trying to escape from here.

The other ten star warriors also followed one after another, not daring to stay.

The boss ran away, and they naturally didn't have the courage to face a powerful enemy.

"Can you go?" the voice came.

The next moment, Wang Teng appeared in front of the two like a ghost and looked at them jokingly.

"Who is your Excellency?" Hutley looked ugly and had to stop. His back was soaked in cold sweat and he didn't dare to move.

He felt as if he was being stared at by a giant starry sky. If he dared to escape again, he would definitely be seriously injured like Bilbom, or even be killed directly.

The young man in front of him is definitely not as simple as a constant star warrior!

"I'm just a passerby." Wang Teng said lightly, borrowing the rhetoric of a girl with short silver hair without shame.

Hutley and Billbom twitched.

God is passing by.

If you really pass by, how can you attack them?

"Your Excellency, our group leader is a domain master-level powerhouse, and there are five more domain master-level existences in our Black Leaf Snake Mercenary Group, can you give us a face?" Huttlely said.

"Are you threatening me?" Wang Teng looked at him, tilted his head, and asked.

"Don't dare!" Hutley quickly said, looking at Wang Teng's gaze, his scalp numb.

"I think you dare, you have threatened me." Wang Teng said.

"..." Hutley thought his mother sold it.

The young man in front of him looked confident, even when he heard the strength of their Black Leaf Snake Mercenary Group, he did not show the slightest expression of fear, which made him not sure whether the other party had any support.

"Hutley, he won't let us go, fight with him." Bilbom spit out a mouthful of blood, with a cruel expression on his face, said.

"Very courageous." Wang Teng commented.


The two only felt aggrieved for a while.



They glanced at each other, exchanged glances, and finally burst into flames.


The two each performed powerful combat skills. Hutley held a long sword and swept the blue sword light. On the battle axe in Bilbom's hand, a larger axe than before was condensed, severely chopped down, and all bombarded Wang Teng. Come.

"Oh, why bother!"

Wang Teng shook his head and did not use other means. It was an ordinary, ordinary punch.


The strength of the mad alliance swarmed out, and the terrifying force seemed to form a large dragon, rising from Wang Teng's arm, and swept toward the two of them.

Whether it was the blue sword light or the golden axe light, all collapsed under this fist mark.


In the end it fell on the two Hutley.


The two of them spewed out a large mouthful of blood at the same time, as if they were struck by lightning, their complexions were extremely pale. This time they did not fly out, but they fell to their knees under the pressure of the fist, and prostrated on the ground in an extremely humiliating manner.

Ta ta ta...

Wang Teng walked up to them and knelt down to look at them.

"You are definitely not a constant star warrior, who are you?" Hutley raised his head with difficulty, his expression in shock, his voice squeezed out of his throat.

"You are wrong, I am a passing constant star warrior, but you are really...too weak!" Wang Teng said lightly.

"How... maybe!!" Hutley was incredulous, unable to accept this fact.

They are mercenaries of the Cosmos Mercenary Alliance, who wander in various dangerous places all year round, how could their strength be weak.

But in front of this young man, they lost completely.


Just one punch leaves them with no power to fight back. What kind of strength is this?

They can hardly imagine, let alone believe in Wang Teng's nonsense, he is definitely not a constant star warrior.

In their opinion, Wang Teng's star-constant atmosphere is definitely a disguise, all to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

That's right, that's it.

This guy must be pretending to be a pig and eat a tiger!

Wang Teng didn't know what they were thinking, and no one believed the truth, so what else could be done.

He opened his mouth and said, "Tell me, how did you come to this planet."

"You have offended our Black Leaf Snake Mercenary Corps. Our head will never let you go." Bilbom received two punches from Wang Teng and wanted to cry. At this time, he gritted his teeth and said grimly.

"I care about you black leaf snake, white leaf snake, I haven't even heard of it. It must be some humble mercenary group. There are also five domain masters. What can the five domain masters do? I want to scare me. "Wang Teng said disdainfully.

"..." The two of Bilbom were suddenly surprised.

Does this young man really have a background?

Even the five domain masters can't look down on it, and I'm afraid it's not a genius who has come out and practiced by a major force, right?

The more they thought about it, the more they felt that it was possible, and their hearts were shocked and bitter. For a while, they were actually bluffed by Wang Teng.

"Looking at how you look, you won't be able to relax without any means." Wang Teng said, turning the thunder brick in his hand, and gestured to the two heads.

"What are you going to do?" The two were shocked.

"Don't be afraid, it'll be all right soon." Wang Teng smashed the thunder brick with his hands.



The two sounds are intertwined, making the scalp numb.

The other ten star warriors looked pale when they saw this scene. They couldn't help but swallowed. They wanted to escape, but they were enveloped by a terrifying aura. land.

After a while, Wang Teng stopped, looked at the two pig heads in front of him, and asked, "Can I talk now?"

"I, I, I..." Hutley's handsome face no longer existed, and it was so swollen that he couldn't bear to look directly at it. It was more uncomfortable for him than death.

Bilbom looked at Wang Teng with horror on his face, no longer the hard-heartedness he had before.

"Answer my question." Wang Teng's expression became cold when they saw that they did not answer.

The two were so frightened that they said everything like a bean.

"I learned about the existence of the Glitter Planet through a notebook hundreds of years ago. It seems that it is not only the Veblen Great Wisdom who came to this planet." Wang Teng's eyes flickered, and he finally knew the cause and effect, and at the same time he knew it. Why did the Black Leaf Snake Corps and others come here?

The captain of these two populations is the younger sister of the head of the Black Leaf Snake Mercenary Group. After she learned of the existence of the Light Velvet Planet, she was encouraged by a team member to hunt for treasure here, preparing to give her brother as a gift.


It happened that when Wang Teng came to this planet, they also came here.

"In that case, the head of the Black Leaf Snake Mercenary Group still doesn't know the existence of this planet." Wang Teng thought in his heart, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

There are a total of five domain master-level existences in the mercenary group. Although Wang Teng is not afraid, if the opponent knows about the existence of this planet, it is estimated that a lot of trouble will be caused.

Now that so many people know about the existence of the Velvet Planet, Wang Teng must register it in advance and include it under his own name, otherwise the Velvet Planet may become a cake in the eyes of others.

Of course, he also has selfishness, and he can't be the Veblen's great wisdom. They have no desires and desires.

This planet is undoubtedly a treasure, and if it is well developed, the value it can create is definitely not small.

It is also a good thing for the aboriginal people of Luminous Planet.

But before that, it's best to ask for their opinions. If they refuse, Wang Teng will not force anything. Give up the big deal and leave after squeezing the wool.

Thinking about this, Wang Teng looked at the furball creatures in the distance.

They suddenly backed away in fright, looking at Wang Teng with fear in their eyes.

"Don't be afraid! I'm a good person." Wang Teng's gaze fell on one of the furball creatures who reached the planetary star, and there were spiritual fluctuations.

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