All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1235 The gratitude of the velvet spirit, the mysterious slate! (Seeking subscription for mon

You're a good man?

The two of Hutley almost thought they had a problem with their ears.

This guy doesn't look like a good person. Well, compared to him, they all feel like a good person.

Those fur ball creatures didn't believe in Wang Teng either, mainly because Wang Teng's brutal appearance just scared them.

These furball creatures live on this planet and have nothing to do with the world. Nowhere have they seen such a ruthless person.

"..." Wang Teng was a bit speechless, is he so scary?

These aborigines looked at him as if he were a big devil.

Obviously he rescued them, but he was treated as a bad person. Where can this be justified?

Fortunately, these aborigines also knew that it was Wang Teng who had just rescued them, so that they survived, so they should not be treated rashly as a villain.

Besides, they saw Wang Teng's strength with their own eyes, and they wished that he was a good person in their hearts.

"Hello, my name is Rong Li. I am the leader of this Magra tribe. Thank you very much for saving us."

The headed aborigine has the power of a planetarium, is more than three meters tall, and has a round body. He seems a little afraid of Wang Teng, and cautiously releases mental fluctuations, thanking Wang Teng.

"Rongli! Magella tribe!" Wang Teng flashed his eyes, nodded and smiled: "Don't be so polite. Strictly speaking, we should be friends."

"Friend?" The light velvet spirit named Rongli was stunned for a moment.

Wang Teng did not rush to explain, and asked, "Are you the spirits of velvet?"

"Yes!" Rong Li said in surprise: "You actually know the name of our race, are you friends who have been to our planet?"

"I'm here for the first time, but a friend of mine once visited your planet. He asked me to come, so I'm no stranger to you." Wang Teng said.

"I don't know what your friend's name is?" Rong Li asked.

"His name is Veblen!" Wang Teng moved Veblen out.

When he came, Veblen said that he would contact the great elder of this planet, but the velvet spirit in front of him was only the leader of a small and medium tribe, and should not be the great elder.

So he didn't know whether this Rongli knew Veblen.

But he can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor. He must do something to gain the trust of the other party, otherwise he will not be able to establish a foundation for communication.

Rong Limingxian froze again, and asked in cosmic lingua franca in surprise: "Are you Veblen's friend?"

"You actually know the lingua franca!" Wang Teng said in surprise.

"For countless years, some outsiders have always come to our planet, just like Veblen, they have left a lot of things, and knowledge, and the leaders of our tribes are all required to learn the universal language in the universe. In order to communicate." Rong Li explained.

"That's it." Wang Teng nodded thoughtfully.

"I don't know what you call it?" Rong Li asked.

"Wang Teng!"

Wang Teng said: "You don't need to use honorifics, just call me by name!"

"Wang Teng? Let me think about it. Veblen seems to have actually said this name, but I forgot it. I have seen your photos. It's just that you humans look alike. I really can't tell. "Rong Li said distressedly.

"..." Wang Teng.

The gods all look the same.

This velvet spirit is afraid that it is not a blind face.

Having said that, he saw that these velvet spirits all looked the same, and if they weren't very familiar, they wouldn't be able to recognize them.

But the problem is, this guy is too confused, it's fine if he doesn't recognize his appearance, he can't even remember his name, can he not be more reliable?

Wang Teng could hardly complain.

"Can you contact Upper Veblen, I recognize him." Rong Li blinked with a pair of cute big eyes, scratching his head, as if asked embarrassedly.

Wang Teng didn't expect that his handsome face with such recognizability would be crippled by the Spirit of Glossy.

In desperation, he had no choice but to let Yuankunkun contact Veblen.

At the same time, with a big wave of his hand, the Force formed a protective cover to shield the surroundings so that outsiders could not see the internal situation.

After all, the members of the Black Leaf Snake Mercenary Group were still watching, and Wang Teng didn't want to reveal his identity for the time being.

Before long, a light and shadow emerged, it was Veblen.

He is wearing a lab coat and is doing some kind of experiment in his laboratory.

Moira was also aside, and seemed very happy to see Wang Teng, and waved at him.

"It seems that you have reached the Planet of Light Velvet." Veblen said with a glance at Wang Teng.

"Yes." Wang Teng nodded.

"Wang Teng, have you seen the velvet spirit?" Moira asked.

"I saw it, but..." Wang Teng sighed.

"Just what?" Moira couldn't help asking curiously when he saw his expression.

"It's hard to say a word. There is a velvet spirit you know here. Tell him yourself." Wang Teng shook his head depressed.

After speaking, he pulled Rong Li over and made him appear in front of the two Veblen.

"Rong Li." When Veblen saw Rong Li, he couldn't help laughing happily: "Long time no see!"

"Rong Li!" Moira also exclaimed happily.

"Veblen, Moira, my friend, I am so happy to see you." Rong Li was also very happy, and the fluffy face was occupied by joy.

The two parties exchanged a few words, and the two people of Veblen knew why Wang Teng wanted to contact them, and they couldn't help crying or laughing.

"Hahaha." Veblen couldn't help laughing when he saw Wang Teng's deflated appearance for the first time.

"Smile, what's so funny." Wang Teng rolled his eyes.

Moira squeezed a smile and comforted: "They were the same when they saw us for the first time. They didn't recognize us clearly."

"Forget it, just figure it out." Wang Teng waved his hand, he still wouldn't be angry about such a trivial matter.

"Wang Teng, don't forget what you promised me before." Veblen couldn't help but reminded.

"It's not my problem now. In addition to me, there are others who have come here. If I hadn't appeared in time, this tribe would have been slaughtered." Wang Teng said.

"What!" Veblen was shocked and asked seriously: "What the hell is going on?"

Wang Teng immediately explained it.

After listening to Veblen, his face was extremely solemn, and he sighed: "I should have guessed that I could stray into the Planet of Light Velvet, and everyone else can get there."

"What should I do then?" Moira asked anxiously.

"Rong Li, what do you plan to do? I'm afraid the person who came this time is not a good crop," Veblen said.

"I need to inform the Great Elder." Rong Li said.

"That's right, he should be notified of this kind of thing." Veblen nodded and said: "You can discuss it first. If you need help later, you can contact me directly."

"Okay, thank you, my friends." Rong Li said gratefully.

Veblen stopped talking, and finally Moira spoke; "Wang Teng, the strength of the Velvet Spirit is not strong, can you help them?"

"If I choose to sit on the sidelines, I won't make a move just now." Wang Teng said.

Naturally, he would not tell them that he had his own plans.

Helping can help, but the benefits cannot be neglected.

"Then please." Veblen said.

Wang Teng nodded and hung up the communication.

"I'll let everyone know, they must be very worried." After confirming Wang Teng's identity, Rong Li hurriedly went outside the protective cover.

Wang Teng waved his hand and removed the protective shields around him.

Rong Li walked to his clan and said something in their language, and the velvet spirits showed joy.

Although Hutley and others didn't know what they said specifically, but seeing this scene knew that Wang Teng must have gained the trust of these natives.

They were shocked, wondering how he did it?

Before they tried to communicate with these natives, but in the end to no avail, they had to kill them. For them, killing was the most common method.

It's just that they felt ridiculous when they saw Wang Teng, a cruel fellow, actually communicated well with the natives.

The surrounding velvet spirits no longer fear Wang Teng so much.

Wang Teng saved their tribe, and the sense of fear naturally became a kind of awe, rather than just fear.

Wang Teng looked at the fluffy light spirits around him, and he couldn't help but stretch his hand over.

This hair looks so smooth!

Rongli invited Wang Teng to a room and thanked again: "Wang Teng, my friend, I really appreciate your previous rescue, otherwise our tribe may be in distress."

Perhaps it was thinking of the situation before, he could not help but let out a sigh, his face was full of worry.

"Leader Rongli, don't worry, as long as I'm here, those people won't be able to hurt you." Wang Teng said flatly.

"Thank you so much, your strength is very strong, we are really lucky to be able to get your help." Elder Rong Li said with a look of gratitude.

"I am familiar with Veblen's great wisdom, and you are his friends, naturally also my friends. It is necessary to help friends." Wang Teng began to build a relationship.

Friends in the world are one family, then everyone is a friend.

Elder Rong Li was very moved: "As expected of Veblen's friends, you are all good people."

"These light velvet spirits are really deceiving." Wang Teng muttered to himself.

At this time, a velvet spirit ran in and said something to Rong Li.

"What's the matter?" Wang Teng couldn't help asking when seeing their dignified faces.

They spoke an indigenous language, so Wang Teng couldn't understand it.

"There are several people from the clan who have been seriously injured. They are seriously injured. I have to go over and take a look." An anxious look appeared on Rong Li's face.

"I'll go with you and see if I can help you." Wang Teng said.

"Okay!" Rong Li did not refuse, and the two of them walked out of the house and walked towards a wooden house at the back.

The three wounded velvet spirits were placed here, and they were so angry that they were going to die.

The other velvet spirits rushed round and round.

At this time, Rong Li and Wang Teng hurriedly walked in.



"Chief, please save Rongza them."


Seeing the arrival of Rong Li, the luminous velvet spirits in the house opened their mouths one after another.

"Don’t worry, I’ll try." Rong Li calmed the crowd, walked to the side of the three injured velvet spirits, and put two velvet palms on the wound. Suddenly, a white light lit up, and the strong power of light poured into the wounded.

"This is the light treatment method." Wang Teng's eyes flashed, and he was a little surprised.

He himself possesses the method of light healing, and he is no stranger to this kind of healing combat skills.

The light healing method is rare, and he didn't expect to see another light healing method here.

At this moment, several attribute bubbles suddenly dropped from the edge of Rong Li's palm.

When Wang Teng's eyes lit up, he immediately picked up his mental power and picked it up.

【Yuanguang Palm*100】

【Yuanguang Palm*120】

【Yuanguang Palm*120】


Rong Li tried his best to save people by using [Yuanguang Palm], and the attribute bubbles continued to fall from his palm, and were quietly picked up by Wang Teng.

Wang Teng's thoughts about [Yuan Guangzhang] appeared in his mind, which quickly improved his mastery of this [Yuan Guangzhang].

[Yuanguang Palm]: 2503000 (proficient)

Wang Teng picked up the attribute value of 1250 points, so this [Muanguang Palm] reached proficiency directly from the entry level.

At the same time, he was a little surprised that this [Yuanguang Palm] has no level boundaries, and how powerful it is depends entirely on the strength of the user.

In other words, the stronger the user, the better the effect of this [Yuanguang Palm].

This is definitely a rare magical skill!

It stands to reason that the velvet spirits are not strong, how can they master such a bright healing method with great potential?

Wang Teng was a little puzzled.

At this moment, Rong Li's body shook suddenly, and he was about to fall. Wang Teng's eyes were quick and he quickly supported him.

"Are you OK?"

"I'm okay, it just consumes too much." Rong Li shook his head, looked at the three wounded velvet spirits, and said with a sad expression in his eyes: "Unfortunately, I can't treat them with my strength. They hurt too much. It's heavy."

"how so?"

"Can't even the leader help?"


When the other velvet spirits heard Rong Li’s words, their faces suddenly showed disappointment. There were also a few velvet spirits with sad eyes. The crystal tears fell from the corners of their eyes and turned into light spots before they fell on the ground. Dissipated, making Wang Teng amazed.

"Oh!" Rong Li sighed helplessly.

"Let me try it." Wang Teng said.

"You?" Rong Li looked at Wang Teng in surprise and hesitated: "But with such a serious injury, how do you treat them?"

"I forgot to tell you, I am also a light martial artist." Wang Teng smiled slightly, and a cloud of light star Chen Force emerged from his palm.

Rong Li's eyes widened, as if he felt a little weird.

He didn't expect Wang Teng to be a light martial artist!

The other light velvet spirits are also the same, very surprised, because the light-type warriors are too rare, and it is the first time they have seen the light-type warriors in the human race.

"What a pure light star Chen Force!" Rong Li exclaimed.

Wang Teng smiled slightly. He has a light body, which is not an ordinary light type talent. This type of physique is a very top light type physique, and the light star Chen force absorbed and refined through this physique is naturally more refined.

"Is your Bright Force also a constant star?" Rong Li asked with a glimmer of hope.

"Yes." Wang Teng said.

"Great." Rong Li was really surprised and delighted. Wang Teng was not only powerful, but even the Light Element Force reached a constant star, and he didn't know how much stronger than him.

He knows the division of the realm of power in the universe, so he also knows the gap between the constant star and the planet star.

If Wang Teng could make a move, he would surely be able to rescue the three wounded.

But his expression changed quickly: "But you don't know how to cure it!"

"I watched a little when you used the light healing method just now, and I almost mastered it. You wouldn't mind it," Wang Teng said.

"What?" Rong Li suspected that his ears had misheard: "You mean you learned [Yuan Guangzhang]?."

"Yuan Guangzhang? Is it the light therapy you just performed? If it is, then it's correct." Wang Teng said, "I learned it after just two glances."

As Yuan Billow listened to Wang Teng and Rong Li's conversation, he couldn't help but sympathize with this fluffy guy.

Wang Teng started to pretend again.

This fluffy guy didn't know yet, he was there as a tool man obediently.

"You learned after just a few glances?" Rong Li's head buzzed, and he was very shaken. He hesitated: "You didn't kid me, did you?"

Wang Teng didn’t talk any more nonsense, the light star Chen Force in his hands suddenly transformed into the original force operation mode of [Yuan Guang Palm]. The rich white light wrapped his palms, which looked like a pair of crystal clear crystals. Bare palms, very mysterious.

"This..." Rong Li's eyes widened again, his unbelievable expression looked extremely funny on his fluffy round face.

"It's important to save people." Wang Teng said.

"Yes, yes, it's important to save people." Rong Li reacted and quickly stepped aside to let Wang Teng save people.

Wang Teng shook his head and laughed, thinking that this velvet spirit is really naive. If it is someone else, knowing that he has secretly learned his own knack, I am afraid that he would have turned his face long ago, but this velvet spirit was only shocked, even a little bit. No one looks angry.

In fact, this can be regarded as a temptation for Wang Teng to see if these velvet spirits are really so simple.

If they are not as simple and honest as they seem on the surface, then the cooperation between him and the velvet spirit needs to be carefully considered.

Wang Teng walked up to the three wounded and put his hands on the abdomen of one wounded. There was a sword wound there, which almost cut the light velvet spirit open, and the wound was very serious.

But at this time, under the [Yuanguang Palm] he used, the injury was healing quickly.

The person who hurt them is only a constant star, so Wang Teng's [Yuan Guangzhang] is more than enough to treat the other party.

In a short while, the breath of the velvet spirit stabilized, and it was considered a life saved.

Rong Li's face showed joy, but he didn't dare to disturb Wang Teng out loud, so he could only watch him nervously as he continued to heal the remaining two velvet spirits.

Although Wang Teng's light star, Chen Force, is only on the second floor of the constant star level, it is very pure at any rate. It has a great advantage when using [Yuanguang Palm], and the therapeutic effect is several times stronger than that of Rong Li Fang.

If he can increase the proficiency of [Yuanguang Palm] to Xiaocheng, Dacheng, then the effect will be even better.


He breathed out a long suffocated breath, felt the little light star Chen Force left in his body at this time, and couldn't help but smile.

Even if his original power is pure, healing the three people will consume all the star Chen's original power.

Rong Li saw that the three velvet spirits were out of danger, and the joy on his face could no longer be concealed. He was excited and gave Wang Teng a bear hug directly. The soft feeling made Wang Teng seem to fall into a big size. In the sofa.

"This light velvet spirit is very suitable as a pillow." Wang Teng unconsciously came up with such a thought in his mind.

"Wang Teng, thank you, thank you so much!" Rong Li said gratefully.

"'re welcome, you should, you should let me go first, I will be out of breath." Wang Teng said.

"Hahaha, look at my excitement." Rong Li scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Really naive." Wang Teng was speechless, this Rong Li was also the leader of a tribe anyway, but turned out to be like a child.

"Let them rest, let's go out first." Wang Teng said.

"Yes, right, go, go to my place, you twice helped save me, I must thank you very much." Rong Li took Wang Teng and walked outside.

Wang Teng left the house in the respectful and grateful gazes of the other velvet spirits. Those velvet spirits surrounded him, and looked at the three wounded velvet spirits who had completely recovered from their injuries, marveling at them.

In the eyes of these velvet spirits, the current Wang Teng is not only a formidable and powerful warrior, but also a respectable friend.

Rongli's residence is a large wooden house in the center of the tribe.

The wooden house they live in is very peculiar, very close to nature, as if blending with the surrounding vegetation.

After Wang Teng walked into the house with Rongli, he found that there was a cave in it, which was very warm and comfortable, like a huge grass nest, and there were all kinds of strange flowers and plants growing in the house, and the fragrance was tangy.

"Wait for me for a while, I'll get you something." Rong Li said, and went into the back of the house, not knowing what he was doing.

Wang Teng shook his head and looked around. He felt that this room was quite interesting. These velvet spirits were really different from other races.

However, his eyes flashed, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It seems that Rong Li's attitude towards him is obviously different just now, and the other party will not take him to his residence before he changes.

The room they were talking to before was a simple wooden house, which seemed to be used to entertain others.

And this is where Rongli lives. I am afraid that only people close to him will have the opportunity to come in.

Two rescues have achieved the effect of bonus.

As he was thinking, Rong Li walked out from behind, holding a slate in his hand, came to Wang Teng, and placed the slate on the table as if offering a treasure.

"Come and take a look." God Rong Li said mysteriously.

Wang Teng raised his eyebrows and looked at the stone slab in front of him with some surprise.

This is a very old stone slab, and when Rong Li put it on the table, a sense of vicissitudes came to his face.

Wang Teng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked over the stone slab, only to see that the surface of the stone slab was carved with many complex and mysterious ancient runes.

At first glance, those runes seemed to be twisting, as if they had life.

But when I look at it again, all the runes are still, as if just an illusion just now.

"This slate..." Wang Teng was surprised.

"How about it, do you like this gift?" Rong Li laughed.

"This is the rune of light!" Wang Teng looked at the slate carefully, and slowly said.

"Yes, you are a martial artist of the light system, these light runes should be helpful to you." Rong Li said: "After we reach the planetary star, we will all have the qualifications to comprehend this slate. Everyone understands things differently. See what you can understand from the above."

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