All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1240 This guy really did it! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Wang Teng didn't tell the truth, the true meaning of martial arts and god-level exercises are two different things.

The true meaning of martial arts is just a kind of understanding and perception of martial arts by the once strong people, and finally stayed in the form of slate runes.

The god-level technique is a kind of inheritance!

In the eyes of the elders, Feilia and others, it was indeed a kind of martial arts true meaning, they felt the coercion of martial arts true meaning!

But they didn't know that there was a god-level technique hidden in it!

The elders, Feilia and others didn't have too much doubt, and the true meaning of martial arts was also great. It was the understanding and perception of martial arts left by a strong man, and it contained a lot of content.

It can show the way forward for later cultivators!

This is a kind of wealth that can not be found!

Compared with those combat skills, the perception of the Light Department is not much better.

Feilia's eyes turned red immediately, and her heart was uncontrollable with envy and hatred.

This guy actually got the martial arts true meaning left by the strong!

Judging from the kind of coercion just now, the strength of that strong man is definitely above the immortal rank, and may even be the venerable among the immortal rank!

What is His Holiness?

If the immortal level is divided according to strength, it can be divided into three levels: Fenghou, Wangwang, and Venerable.

At each level, the strength will vary a lot!

The Venerables of the Immortal Grade are the strongest among the Immortal Grades. They are extremely powerful, almost a presence below the "True God" level walking sideways.

Characters of this level are very rare in the starry sky. They only exist in legends.

The true meaning of the martial arts they left behind is so terrifying, and the value is simply incalculable.

Even if Fei Liya's grandfather, the immortal class of the king exists, I am afraid that he will be moved when he encounters the true meaning of martial arts left by the immortal class.

Wang Teng didn't know that they had misunderstood.

This is not the true meaning of martial arts left by the Immortal Venerable, but the true meaning of martial arts left by a real "True God" level powerhouse.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that feeling!

Even a look from that mysterious woman would make her soul tremble, as if a high god overlooking the world, making people unable to look straight!

Moreover, the inheritance she left behind was a god-level technique.

Martial arts and gods!

This is not just for fun, but a technique that can truly reach the gods, which is rare in the world!

This kind of exercises, the ordinary Immortal level is not there at all.

"I just don't know where she ended up? Or has she...fallen?" Wang Teng muttered to himself, thinking of the mysterious woman, his heart throbbed.

Could it be that even that kind of existence would fall?

Unfortunately, Wang Teng knew nothing, and there was no clue to speculate on the origin of the woman.

What surprised Wang Teng was that the mysterious woman and the light and shadow in the seed seemed a bit similar.

But Wang Teng can be sure that they are not alone.

The light and shadow in the seed are too weak!

Even he can handle it, how could it be this mysterious woman who left her inheritance? The two are not on the same level at all.

"It seems that if you want to know who the light and shadow in that kind of child are, you have to go to the sacred mountain for a while." Wang Teng thought in his heart.

After envious, jealous, and hate, Feilia became a little desolate and received a big blow.

It turned out that Wang Teng had really comprehended all the slates a long time ago, and he had been waiting for his comprehension to complete before he began to comprehend.

She didn't take her seriously at all.

Fortunately, she has been thinking about comparing with Wang Teng, and it turned out to be such a result in the end.

The clown has always been herself!

For the strong Feilia, this is the most unacceptable for her.

"Unfortunately, it's just the true meaning of martial arts, not the cultivation technique. It seems that it can't solve the cultivation problem of our clan." The great elder suddenly said regretfully.

The rest of the velvet spirits also looked disappointed.

"Great Elder, you are worrying a lot." Wang Teng smiled: "With the true meaning of martial arts, I will be more confident in solving your cultivation problems. Don't worry, I already know it in my heart. Give me a little time and you can help. You completely solve the problem of cultivation."

"Really!" The eyes of the Great Elder suddenly lit up.

"I can still lie to you." Wang Teng said with a smile: "However, I will have to show me your cultivation method at that time, so that I can prescribe the right medicine and change it for you."

"No problem, no problem!" The Great Elder said quickly.

Fei Liya hesitated and stopped.

Modifying the exercises, or even creating new ones, is not so easy.

Even if it's just a star or a constant star, the difficulty is ridiculously high. Without an absolutely powerful savvy and rich accumulation, you can't even think about it.

This Wang Teng was young, how could there be such accumulation.

But when I think of this guy's savvy, he can comprehend even all the slates, and he can see how strong his savvy is.

She has studied the slate herself, so she knows the difficulty more clearly.

In addition, he has gained the martial arts true meaning of the strong, and maybe he can really modify and recreate the cultivation method of the velvet spirit.

"Then let's go back first." Wang Teng said.

The Great Elder and others naturally have no doubts.

The crowd left the valley where the altar was and returned to the tribe.

The elder took Wang Teng to his residence and said, "You can rest here. The slate of comprehension should consume a lot of mental energy. You are not in a hurry about the exercises. You will wait until you rest."

Although he was very anxious, he did not show it. Instead, he let Wang Teng take a good rest.

"Just take the exercises and show it to me. Actually, I didn't consume much. I almost recovered on the way back." Wang Teng said.

Grand Elder: "..."

Feilia: "???"

You almost recovered on the way back?

Are you kidding me?

Are you serious?

No matter how you hear this sentence, it feels a bit untrue.

The elder hesitated a little, but looked at Wang Teng's ruddy and shiny face, and then at Feilia's pale face.

A strong contrast is in front of you!

An idea suddenly popped up in the great elder's heart. What Wang Teng said may be true, and his consumption is not serious.

Feilia: ( ̄▽ ̄)"

Why are you looking at me?

What do you see me doing?

Although the elder didn't say anything, Felia felt insulted by the look just now, and she was very angry.

But it obviously can't show it at this time.

So she straightened her back and pretended to be indifferent, showing her strongest side.

My old lady is very good, not at all in vain.

However, that pale face betrayed her.

Wang Teng glanced at her with a weird face, and said in excitement, "Do you want to go back and rest first?"

"No need." Feilia snorted and added: "I'm fine."

"...Very good?" Wang Teng took a look at her, but didn't see how well she was?

"Felia, your face is very ugly, or you should go take a rest." The elder still said worriedly without noticing the abnormality.

"..." Feilia.

Being pierced again, and still unconsciously pierced by the great elder, she was so depressed that she wanted to vomit blood.

"Puff!" Wang Teng looked at her gloomy expression and burst out with a smile.


Let you pretend!

It's flat now.

Feilia glared at him fiercely, unable to stay any longer, turned and left.

The Grand Elder was a little confused; "What's wrong with Feilia, she seems to be very unhappy?"

"It's okay, girls, there are always a few days in a bad mood." Wang Teng said.

Feilia had just walked to the door, and when she heard Wang Teng's words, she staggered and almost tripped to the ground with her feet.

"Hahaha..." Wang Teng laughed.

At last there was a feeling of sighing.

The elder didn't know what Wang Teng meant, and shook his head, no longer entangled in the matter, and said seriously: "You are waiting for me here, I will show you the cultivation method."

He has chosen to believe in Wang Teng, because compared with Felia's state, Wang Teng's situation is much better, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Okay." The expression on Wang Teng's face also became serious and nodded.

The great elder walked into the back of the house. His house is very large, and there are many rooms in the back. Some rooms are where he collects treasures.

After a while, the great elder came out with a few pieces of animal skins in his hands. Seeing his cautious appearance, people who didn't know thought it was a peerless technique.

But Wang Teng simply didn't like these techniques that could only be cultivated to the star level.

The two sat down at the table, and the elder rolled the animal skins on the table and spread it out in front of Wang Teng.

Wang Teng picked it up and watched. The speed was very fast, almost all of them were swept away. There were a total of eight animal skin rolls taken out by the elder, which was not much.

He finished reading it quickly, raised his head and asked: "Your cultivation method"

"Yes!" The elder nodded.

Although Wang Teng had already expected it in his heart, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

There are only eight cultivation methods for a race!

This is really shabby!

"Isn't it enough?" the elder asked nervously.

"Enough." Wang Teng was silent for a while, and said, "Elder, prepare a quiet room for me."

"Okay." The elder nodded and led Wang Teng to a quiet room.

"Wang Teng, please," the elder said.

"Don't worry." Wang Teng smiled.

After the Great Elder left, Wang Teng sat cross-legged, and the eight exercises he had just watched came to mind.

The eight exercises are all star levels, and they are very superficial, not a sophisticated exercise.

Therefore, without expending much energy, Wang Teng wrote it down and understood it thoroughly.

Then he sketched a light and shadow in his mind, which was exactly the appearance of the velvet spirit.

It's just that this light and shadow is not the external appearance of the velvet spirits, but their body structure.

He used the [Pupils of True Sight] to carefully look at the body structure of the Velvet Spirits, and was very familiar with the veins of the force in their bodies.

It can be said that the velvet spirit only uses less than 30% of their body veins, and a large part of them is in a dusty state.

If these contexts can be used, then the exercises they can practice are definitely not limited to the stars.

You know, the more complex and advanced exercises, the more context is needed.

The reason why Humans can create various cultivation techniques is because they have a very clear understanding of themselves, and they have maximized the potential of the body.

Of course, this is the result of the unremitting efforts of generations of strong men.

In the final analysis, the velvet spirit is bad.

They live on this planet without too much danger, and naturally they don't have that sense of urgency. If there is a crisis in the middle, and they are about to extinct, then they may stimulate their own potential.

After all, the one who knows oneself best is always oneself.

If they want to create more advanced techniques, the best way is to rely on themselves.

But now that Wang Teng is here, they don't need to use that extreme way to develop new techniques.

At this moment, Wang Teng's mind is simulating a brand new cultivation method.

In the light and shadow of the velvet spirit, a golden vein spreads out, slowly circulating, achieving the purpose of running the sun.


After half an hour, this light and shadow suddenly collapsed.

"Can't it?" Wang Teng frowned, thinking about what went wrong.

After a while, another light and shadow emerged, and he continued to simulate.

This time, the golden veins flowed in a wider range, covering two more veins, but just as it was about to continue, the light and shadow collapsed again.

Then he simulated it nine times, and every time he got here, he would crash and couldn't continue to run.

"It seems that this path is wrong!" Wang Teng muttered to himself.

Since this road is unworkable, it can only be changed.

The veins in the velvet spirit are extremely complicated. It should be said that the veins in every living creature are extremely complicated, so it is so difficult to create a method suitable for a certain kind of living creature.

Wang Teng overturned the running context he had created before, and he was very patient, slowly deducing it, and not at all impatient.

The true meaning of martial arts left by the mysterious woman echoed in his mind, making Wang Teng's understanding of this aspect deeper.

The practice method of the Glossy Spirit was born out of the [Yuanguang Bible], so Wang Teng can refer to the practice method of the [Yuanguang Bible] to modify the original cultivation method of the Glossy Spirit.

In this way, the difficulty has actually been reduced a lot.

time flies……

One day passed quickly.

Felia has recovered and walked out of her house.

She found that the elder was pacing outside a certain room on the side, and looked uneasy. The other leaders of the velvet spirit tribe were also there. They glanced at the closed door of the room from time to time, and then whispered about something. .

Feilia moved her heart and walked over.

"Great Elder!"

"Felia, have you recovered?" The elder squeezed a smile on her face when she saw Feelia, and asked with concern.

"It has been completely recovered, thank you for your concern." Fei Liya said.

"That's good, that's good." The Great Elder said with confidence.

"Wang Teng is inside?" Feilia asked with complicated eyes.

"Yes." The elder nodded.

"How long has he been in?" Feilia hesitated and asked again.

"It's been a day, I don't know how long it will take." The Great Elder said.

Feilia's eyes flickered, she didn't say anything, and followed the elder and others to wait outside.

She was also very curious about whether Wang Teng could help Glorious Spirit.

After digesting and assimilating what she had learned from the stone slab last night, she found that it was unrealistic for her to help the velvet spirit. Although the insight she gained greatly improved her practice, when she wanted to face the light When the velvet spirit's cultivation method was modified and created, he was clueless and messed up.

Only then did she know why even her grandfather couldn't do it.

Is it just that Wang Teng can do it?

Can a young warrior do something that even an immortal warrior can't do?

I waited for three hours.

With a creak, the wooden door suddenly opened.

A figure walked out from behind the wooden door, and it was Wang Teng.

"Come out!" Everyone was shocked.

When Wang Teng saw the situation outside, he couldn't help but was taken aback, and said, "You won't be waiting here all the time?"

"How is it?" The Great Elder walked forward quickly, looking at Wang Teng expectantly.

Feilia stood where she was, but her eyes fell on Wang Teng's body.

"Fortunately not insulting your life!" Wang Teng raised the animal skin scroll in his hand and handed it to the Great Elder: "Great Elder, can you find someone to try and see how it works?"

"Really, really, it really succeeded!" The elder was so excited, his hands were shaking, holding the animal skin roll that Wang Teng handed him, as if holding some rare treasure.

Feilia's heart was full of weirdness, her gaze fell on the animal skin scroll, and she wanted to see its contents.

one day!

This guy really only took a day to create a method suitable for the cultivation of the velvet spirit?

Rong Li, Rong Shan and others all gathered around, looking at the animal skin scroll with excitement. If it hadn't been held by the great elder, they would have been tempted to grab it.

This animal skin scroll can allow them to practice the techniques above the perverse star!

"But I want to remind everyone that although I didn't have any problems with this exercise, I haven't tried it on a real person after all, so there is still a certain risk. You'd better choose someone to come out and try it first." Wang Teng Said suddenly.

The Great Elder and others seemed to have been splashed with cold water and immediately calmed down.

"This..." The Great Elder hesitated.

If you want to practice this technique, you must find a velvet spirit at the pinnacle of the planetary star. Among them, only the leaders of the various tribes have reached this state.

But the identity of the leader of each tribe is very important, if something goes wrong, it will be a huge loss to the tribe they belong to.

After all, the leader of each tribe cannot be selected simply, and the strength and reputation must be recognized by other velvet spirits in the tribe before it can be selected as the leader.

For a while, other tribal leaders also fell into hesitation.

"Elder, let me come." At this moment, a figure stood out.

"Rong Li!" The elder looked at each other in surprise, frowning and said: "Did you think about it?"

"Wang Teng is my friend, I believe him." Rong Li said loudly.

Wang Teng couldn't help but glanced at Rong Li. This guy believed him so much, which really moved him.

"Don't worry, with me watching by the side, even if something goes wrong, I can help you control the flowing force, nothing will happen." Wang Teng said.

"..." The elder was silent for a moment, and said quietly: "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

The other velvet spirit leaders also looked at Wang Teng, with a bit of resentment in their eyes, causing them to worry in vain.

"Hahaha, I haven't had time to say, you will discuss it yourself." Wang Teng smiled.

Feilia glanced at him speechlessly.

This guy is terribly funny.

"Why don't I be the first to come?" Rong Shan said, leaning over.

"Go and go, you didn't believe in Wang Teng at the beginning, now you want to buy cheap, but there is no door." Rong Li squeezed him open and said angrily.

"Okay, go to Rongshan and let Rongli come." The elder said.

Rongshan's face showed a trace of shame, and he could only retreat to the side.

The Grand Elder handed the animal skin roll to Rong Li, and the other party couldn't wait to open it and look at it.

"If you don't understand, you can ask me." Wang Teng said.

Rong Li glanced at Wang Teng gratefully and nodded.

He watched for more than half an hour, and asked Wang Teng from time to time. Some parts were more profound and difficult to understand. Without Wang Teng's explanation, he would not understand at all.

With a wave of Wang Teng's big hand, a pair of light and shadow appeared in the air, with the body structure of the velvet spirit, and every vein was clearly visible.

The great elder and others were shocked. Wang Teng was so familiar with their body structure, and some of the veins above were not very familiar to them. At this moment, according to Wang Teng's light and shadow diagram to verify, they found that they actually existed in their bodies. Context.

Feilia also widened her eyes, just how powerful this guy's mental power is to analyze the body structure of the Velvet Spirit so clearly.

Rong Li finally mastered the technique created by Wang Teng thoroughly, and let out a long spit.

"Don't be nervous!" Wang Teng comforted: "With me, there will be no problems."

Rong Li nodded, and then sat cross-legged on the ground, taking out a white spar and placing it in the palm of his hand.

"Light source stone!" Wang Teng's eyes flashed. This is the first time he has seen the light source stone on this planet. It seems that there should be a light source stone mine here.

Feilia also noticed the spar, and the expression on her face changed slightly.

Rong Li closed his eyes and started to operate the exercises according to the route of the exercises, absorbing the light source within the source of light.

Everyone looked at him nervously.

Especially the great elders and others are secretly praying in their hearts that there will be no problems.

After a while, Rongli began to glow, just like the scene of the blessing of the holy mountain during the sacrifice.

"Really!" The Great Elder looked excited.

Wang Teng smiled slightly. In fact, before he took it out to practice the Spirit of Glossy Velvet, he had deduced it thousands of times, all of which were successful, so the probability of a problem might not even be one in a million.


Suddenly, Rong Li's body shook, and the light force between heaven and earth suddenly gathered towards him, forming a white force vortex on top of his head.

"It's going to break through!" Feilia said in shock.

"It's normal. They have been stuck at the peak of the planetary star for a long time. There is only one chance." Wang Teng said.

"Great, great!" The grand elder's excited words were uncomfortable.

The other light velvet spirits were also excited, but none of them made a sound and looked at Rong Li nervously.

Wang Teng looked at the force vortex above Rong Li's head, and couldn't help but smile: "It seems that the technique I created is not bad."

The amount of force gathered at the time of breakthrough is not only related to its own accumulation, but also related to the level of the technique. The higher the level, the more force will naturally gather.

This is why many people are eager for advanced techniques.

Rong Li's breakthrough lasted a full hour.

An hour later, all the force vortex above his head sank into his body, and then there was a loud bang.


A powerful aura erupted from Rong Li, much stronger than before.

He opened his eyes, jumped up in excitement, and shouted: "I broke through, I broke through, I broke through the constant star! Hahaha..."

Feilia looked at Wang Teng, and the shock and shock in her eyes could no longer be concealed.

This guy really did it!

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