All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1241 You can't do it, little girl! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Rong Li successfully promoted to permanent star!

This is of great significance to the entire race of Light Velvet Spirit.

It means that the velvet spirits finally no longer need to be restricted to planetary stars, and they can have stronger strengths.

And this strength comes from their own cultivation, not from external forces.

There is nothing more trustworthy than your own strength.

At this moment, the great elder and the leaders of the various tribes were ecstatic, and they saw the dawn of the entire race.

And this was given to them by Wang Teng.

At this moment, with Rong Li's success, their gratitude to Wang Teng has instantly risen to the point where it cannot be overwhelmed.

Even the tribal leaders no longer had any doubts about Wang Teng, only deep gratitude.

"Wang Teng, Wang Teng, I broke through!" Rong Li was happy like a child, showing Wang Teng the results of his breakthrough.

A faint smile hung from the corner of Wang Teng's mouth.

This Tie Han, isn't it just breaking through to a constant star? As for being so happy.

The exercise he created could at least be cultivated to the cosmic level, and Rong Li was too happy.

However, the leaders of the various tribes were very envious of Rongli.

Although the first person to eat crabs has to bear certain risks, the benefits are the greatest.

Rong Li's successful breakthrough is inseparable from Wang Teng's careful explanation and guidance, and the people behind will definitely not have this treatment.

"Wang Teng, thank you so much!" The elder grabbed Wang Teng's hand and said excitedly.

"You are welcome, this is what I should do." Wang Teng smiled faintly.

Compared with the [Yuanguang Bible], what is this mere cosmic level practice?

Being able to do something for the velvet spirit is also a compensation for them.

The great elders and others didn't know the joints, and seeing Wang Teng consider them so, they became closer to him in their hearts.

If they still regarded Wang Teng as a friend before, they now regard him completely as their own.

"Wang Teng, from now on, you will be the greatest benefactor of our velvet spirit clan, and we will never forget your kindness." The elder said moved.

After speaking, he suddenly cut his palm, blood flowed out, white light rose from his body, and then combined with the blood, condensed into a rune mark, which did not enter Wang Teng's eyebrows.

When Wang Teng saw the rune, his eyes flashed, but he didn't dodge.

There is nothing malicious in this rune.

"Bloodline Spiritual Oath!" Feilia couldn't help but a flash of shock in her eyes, apparently recognizing this rune mark.

The great elder actually used the bloodline spirit oath!

The bloodline spirit oath is an unbreakable oath that can only be made voluntarily.

After making this spiritual oath, that oath will always be inscribed in the blood, and it will truly be unforgettable forever.

Moreover, as the great elder of the velvet spirit clan, if he makes the bloodline spirit oath, it means that the entire velvet spirit clan will abide by the entire vow.

Because he represents the entire velvet spirit family.

This shows how grateful the great elder is to Wang Teng.

In this way, Wang Teng got the long-lasting friendship of the Spirit of Light Velvet.

This is something her grandfather didn't do.

Although the overall strength of the Velvet Spirit is not strong, this planet is rich in resources in the Light Element.

Will there be fewer treasures of the Light family if you can get the friendship of the velvet spirit?

Feilia didn't forget the nine Ten Thousand Years Light Element Spiritual artifacts that the elder brought out before, even in the universe, they are a huge wealth.

"Bloodline spirit oath?!" Wang Teng couldn't help but move when he heard these four words.

"Wang Teng, this velvet spirit has really lost its blood." A round voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"What is this bloodline spirit oath?" Wang Teng asked.

Yuan Kuankuan explained it right now, and the content was basically the same as what Feilia knew, and there was no difference.

"..." After listening, Wang Teng fell into silence for a while.

Did the great elder misunderstand something?

He just made a polite sentence, why does it seem that the Spirit of Glow is more grateful to him? Did you hesitate to make a bloodline vow?

"Elder, I just did a small thing, how can I be worthy of your heavy oath?" Wang Teng said.

"This is not a trivial matter for us." The elder smiled indifferently. He thought a little weak, and it seemed that just using the bloodline spirit oath had a big impact on him.

"Elder, are you okay?" Rong Li and Rong Shan hurriedly supported him.

"I'm old, I'm old." The elder waved his hand, indicating that he was OK.

"You treat me as a friend, I should help you naturally, not for your gratitude." Wang Tengyi said righteously.

The Great Elder, Rong Li, Rong Shan and other light velvet spirits were even more moved.

Wang Teng really is their best friend!

"Hahaha, it's enough to have you." The Great Elder smiled.

"..." Feilia felt that Wang Teng's face was really thick, and even such shameless words could be said without pressure.

I don't know why, she always feels that Wang Teng is acting.

This guy is definitely not so innocent on the surface.

"This is really a day worth remembering." The elder sighed with emotion: "Our velvet spirit clan finally has our own constant-star technique!"

"That..." Wang Teng couldn't help interrupting the words of the great elder.

"What's wrong?" the elder asked.

"Elder, you may have misunderstood, this exercise is not a constant-star exercise." Wang Teng said calmly.

"Isn't it a constant star skill?" The Great Elder was stunned.

Rongli, Rongshan and other light velvet spirits can't help but stay in place.

Even Feilia was also dumbfounded.

Could it be...

Everyone could not help but a thought that shocked them.

But they also found it incredible and somewhat unacceptable.

"This won't be..." The great elder's voice trembled, his eyes widened, and he was even more excited than just now.

Wang Teng was worried that he would be too excited and fainted directly. After all, he is a lot of age. If he gets excited and takes him away, his sin will be serious, so he quickly said: "Elder, you first Don't get excited, take a breath, take a breath."

"It's okay, I'm okay." The elder shook his head repeatedly, holding Wang Teng's hand, and asked incoherently: "Is this technique, is it..."

"Yes, it is cosmic level. When I deduced the exercises, it was not too difficult to see behind, so I easily deduced it to cosmic level." Wang Teng said.

"Universal grade! Really cosmic grade!" The great elder was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

The surprise came a little too suddenly, giving him the feeling of being hit by a pie falling from the sky.

He originally thought that Wang Teng would be their greatest fortune to be able to perform a constant-star exercise, but he did not expect that Wang Teng would actually perform a cosmic-level exercise.

This is incredible!

Rongli, Rongshan and other light velvet spirits also felt that they were hit by a huge surprise.

Especially Rong Li, holding the animal skin scroll that recorded the technique in his hand, looking cautiously, as if he was afraid of breaking the tough animal skin scroll, which seemed extraordinarily funny.

But no one laughed at him, because all the velvet spirits wanted to confess this animal skin.

"Simply..." Feilia was also shocked to the point that she couldn't speak for a long time.

Universe level exercises!

Wang Teng actually performed a cosmic-level exercise!

It's so easy to deduced.

How is this possible?

Even his grandfather failed to deduct a constant-star exercise, let alone a cosmic-level exercise.

Why can Wang Teng perform a cosmic-level exercise?

Don't forget, he is just a constant star warrior.

A constant star warrior performed a cosmic-level exercise. No matter how you look at it, it feels absurd.

"Can you show me this technique?" Feilia hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help but say.

She must confirm!

The elder was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at Wang Teng.

This technique was deduced by Wang Teng. Although it was given to them, the Spirit of Velvet, but they had to show it to others without his consent.

"It's okay, since she wants to see it, just show it to her." Wang Teng said lightly.

He knew that Felia would definitely not believe it, so he made this request.

Wang Teng didn't worry at all, because he knew that there was nothing wrong with the exercise he developed.

As for being known by Feilia about the content of the exercises, that's nothing.

It's just a cosmic-level practice, so she can see what it is.

What's more, Feilia's status is quite good, and it is estimated that she would not appreciate this mere cosmic level practice.

If he is pretentious, he appears to be too stingy.

After obtaining Wang Teng's permission, the elder handed the animal skin roll to Feilia.

Feilia glanced at Wang Teng, then opened and scanned, her brows gradually frowned, seeming to be thinking.

After a long time, she let out a long suffocating breath, and said with a complex expression: "It is indeed a cosmic level technique. I can't see any problems."

The Great Elder and others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Knowing that this exercise is a constant star exercise before, they can still trust Wang Teng unconditionally.

But knowing that it is a cosmic-level practice, they will inevitably have some doubts in their hearts.

After all, the difficulty of deducing the cosmic-level exercises is definitely more than a hundred times and thousands of times that of the constant-star-level exercises, and the difference is too great.

Fortunately, Feilia has determined that there is nothing wrong with this technique.

Leah's status is not ordinary. Although she is not high in realm, her vision is not low. It can be seen whether there is a problem with this technique.

Since she said that there is no problem, then 80% is no problem.

For a time, everyone's eyes fell on Wang Teng.

What kind of genius is this in the end to be able to perform cosmic-level exercises with the realm of a constant star level!

Feilia was completely convinced by Wang Teng's talent.

This guy is a monster!

"Wang Teng, I really don't know how to thank you." The Great Elder took a deep breath and said to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng was polite again, and said: "Now I can only deduct to the cosmic level, and the follow-up exercises need to wait until my realm is higher before I can help you continue to deduct it."

"Didn't you say it's easy? How can it be deduced to the cosmic level?" Feilia said.

"For me, there is no difficulty in meeting things, and those who don't don't." Wang Teng said lightly.

"..." Felia was choked into speechless.

Why does it seem to make this guy pretend to be forced?

There will be no difficulty!

How confident this is!

This damn bastard...

"Enough, enough, for us now, the cosmic level cultivation technique is completely enough." The elder said hastily.

"Then don't worry, please contact me when someone in your clan reaches the cosmos level in the future." Wang Teng said.

"Okay." The elder didn't say any more polite words, suddenly remembered something, and asked: "By the way, does this exercise have a name?"

"I haven't had time to get the name." Wang Teng was taken aback for a moment and said.

He just patronized the feasibility of testing the exercises, and he really forgot about it.

"You created the exercises. It's up to you to name it." The elder smiled.

Wang Teng didn't decline either. After thinking about it, he said, "It's better to call it [Guang Ling Jue], it's simple and easy to remember."

"The spirit of the velvet, the spirit of light, okay!" The elder was very happy.

"Guang Ling Jue, it is the unique technique of our Light Velvet Spirit, I like it." Rong Li said with a smile.

"Great, we have our own unique exercises."

"Hahaha, Guanglingjue, the exercise technique of our velvet spirit clan."


The tribal leaders around them were also very happy, with smiles on their faces.

It is difficult for outsiders to understand their feelings.

The problem that has been plagued for countless years has been solved in this way, and it has been over solved, how can they be unhappy.

Wang Teng couldn't help being infected by this smile, and the corners of his mouth were curved.

Feilia looked at this scene and suddenly felt that she was a bit redundant. She originally thought that she could help the velvet spirit clan, but she didn't expect that she was here to make soy sauce.

So angry!

It was all caused by Wang Teng.

There was a trace of dissatisfaction in Feilia's heart. She thought in her heart to see if she could find her place from other places.

"Elder, if there is nothing wrong, I plan to go and see on the holy mountain." Wang Teng said when everyone was calm again.

"Are you going to the holy mountain now?" The Great Elder asked in surprise.

"Yes." Wang Teng nodded.

"You just finished the exercise, don't you take a break?" the elder asked.

"No need, it has been restored." Wang Teng said flatly.

"..." The Great Elder.

"..." Feilia.

Is it back again?

What material is this guy made of?

He obviously didn't see him resting, but he was like an okay person, like a tireless machine.

The elder took a close look at Wang Teng's face, but he didn't notice that he was a little bit tired. Finally, he had to believe it and nodded in agreement: "If this is the case, then you go, just be careful."

"Don't worry." After Wang Teng finished speaking, he walked out the door directly and rose into the air.

"I'll go with you." Feilia naturally refused to fall behind, but also caught up.

The two flew straight to the direction of the holy mountain.

The Great Elder, Rong Li and other light velvet spirits were all watching them go away from behind, with a little worry in their eyes.

"Elder, are they really okay to go to the sacred mountain like this?" Rong Li couldn't help asking.

"They are so strong, there must be no problem." Rong Shan said carelessly before the great elder spoke.

"But the holy mountain has been closed for three hundred years, and no one knows what happened on it." Rong Li said worriedly.

The elder said nothing, and turned back to the house.


On the other side, Wang Teng and Feilia were flying towards the top of the sacred mountain. Although the sacred mountain was very high, it didn't take long to reach the top at their speed.

The only problem is that the fog covers the upper half of the entire holy mountain, making it impossible to see the way forward.

Wang Teng soon arrived in front of the fog, but he didn't stop at all, rushing into the fog without reducing his speed.

Feilia hesitated, but the next moment she gritted her teeth and followed in.

Wang Teng quickly walked through the fog, swept out his mental power, and sensed the surrounding situation to prevent any danger.

call out!

At this moment, there was a sound of breaking through the air.

In the mist, a black shadow flashed, and a strong force wave came from Wang Teng's left side, hitting his head directly.

Wang Teng's face was calm, and he blasted out a punch, directly colliding with that attack.


The attack from the opposite side dissipated instantly, without hurting him at all.

There was a flash of light in Wang Teng's eyes, and his figure suddenly leaped out of the void. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it forward. A figure was caught by him from the mist.

Surprisingly, it is a "sacred envoy"!

The fluffy body is unusually strong, and there is a cold and ruthless pale golden light in his eyes.

It is exactly the same as those of the priests caught before.

This "Holy Envoy" was pinched by Wang Teng's throat, and his body was struggling constantly.

Wang Teng frowned involuntarily, his eyes flashed, and his mental power formed spikes that pierced the cold pupils of the "Holy Envoy".


The "Holy Envoy"'s frantically struggling body suddenly hung weakly and lost consciousness.

"The mental power is very weak!" Wang Teng drew a conclusion in his heart.

The "Holy Envoy" is a mutation of the velvet spirit family, he is not good at attacking the killer directly, so he faints in this way.

Then the light of the original force in his hand flashed, forming a rune chain wrapped around the body of the "saint envoy", blocking all the original force in it, and throwing it into the space debris.

Boom boom boom...

Not far away came the roar of the Force.

Wang Teng had already turned on the [Pupil of True Sight] at this time, and he glanced over there, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help showing a glorious arc.

Felia was entangled by three "Holy Envoys"!

In this misty environment, it was very unfavorable for Felia.

So she was entangled by the three "holy envoys", I am afraid it would be difficult to get out quickly.

Wang Teng ignored it, Feilia's strength was not weak, but she didn't worry about her life, so he rushed straight up.

In the mist, several figures rushed straight forward.

Wang Teng had already found the weakness of the "Holy Envoy", so he quickly solved them easily and collected them all in the space debris. After he went back, he would hand it over to the elder, which caused him a headache.

But when he got the six "Holy Envoys", he suddenly found that the surrounding fog was densely covered with dark shadows.

He was surrounded!

Wang Teng glanced at him, and at least eighty or ninety "holy envoys" surrounded him, staring at him so coldly with their pale golden icy eyes through the mist.

"..." Wang Teng's scalp was a little numb, and he couldn't help but explode in his heart: "Ma De, all came to me!"

He laughed at Felia just now, but now it was his turn to be recruited.

Eighty to ninety "Holy Envoys", who can bear it!

These "holy envoys" have also learned to be clever, knowing that a few of them are useless, they are all sending food to Wang Teng, so they just rushed out.




These "sage envoys" actually made a roar like a beast, and then rushed towards Wang Teng.

"My god!" Wang Teng exploded, and directly used "air flash" to run away.

No need to fight! No need to fight!

In an instant, there was a wave of fluctuations in the space where Wang Teng was standing, and he disappeared in place, and the "holy envoys" who rushed up suddenly rushed into the air.

On the other side, Felia was being stopped by three "sage envoys", and hearing the roar from the depths of the mist, she couldn't help but look over there, muttering: "What happened over there? It seemed very intense. "

But don't even think about it. It must be Wang Teng who met other "holy envoys", and they seem to have more than hers.

There was a smirk at the corner of Feilia's mouth.

Let you scream!

She snorted in her heart, and then looked at the three "saints" in front, her expression was completely serious, her fists burst out, and the bright fists turned into streamers.

Boom boom boom...

The roar echoed, and the three "holy envoys" faced this terrifying light fist, and were finally severely wounded and retreated, losing their combat power.

Feilia didn't kill them either, but dropped them, and then rushed upwards by herself.

Wang Teng was chased by dozens of "sage envoys", his face turned dark, and with a wave of his big hand, countless light spots flew out and landed on those "sage envoys".

The anger of the Void Mayfly!

The spiritual attack sealed in the Void Mayfly broke out, and many "Holy Envoys" were recruited and immediately lost the ability to resist.

Wang Teng didn't intend to pester them, and flew straight up.

Not long after, she ran into Feilia not far away. She saw the dozens of "sacred envoys" behind Wang Teng, and finally knew what was going on, her expression suddenly changed.

"Don't come here!"

"No, I'm coming over." Wang Teng smiled, his speed suddenly increased, and he rushed to Feilia's side.

"You are shameless!" Feilia's face turned black.

"The last time I grabbed my "seed" has not been accounted for by you, this time you can't run." Wang Teng said.


The "Holy Envoy" behind roared and chased them up, and as the two of Wang Teng approached the top of the mountain, they seemed to become impatient.

Suddenly, a dazzling white light erupted from their bodies, violent energy fluctuations emanating from their bodies, and their speed increased sharply, rushing towards Wang Teng and Feilia.

"Not good!" Wang Teng's eyes narrowed.

"They are going to explode!" Feilia's face was also white.

The speed of those "sage envoys" changed too fast for a time, and they came close to them in an instant, and then a roar suddenly resounded.




All the "holy envoys" unexpectedly exploded, the white light was dazzling, and the violent energy burst out, engulfing Wang Teng and Feilia.

The surrounding mist was frantically stirred, and there seemed to be signs of separation, but nothing could be seen under the dazzling white light.

Suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuations in the distant space, and Wang Teng stepped out of the void.

"Good risk! Good risk! I almost got the box lunch." Wang Teng let out a long sigh, patting his chest.

At the same time, a ray of light flashed, Feilia also showed her figure beside him, and she escaped with [Escape].

Only compared with Wang Teng, she seemed a lot embarrassed.

Feilia's complexion was a little ugly, and she was still in shock. Only then did she slowly recover a trace of blood.

"You can't do it, little girl!" Wang Teng couldn't help but move when seeing her like this.

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