All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1242 This tree...has become refined! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Feilia's face stiffened when she heard Wang Teng's words.

This bastard!

He was almost killed just now, and now he is still talking coldly here.

However, I have to admit that this bastard's spatial movement methods are indeed clever. The situation just now gave people a short reaction time, but he escaped intact through spatial methods.

She is ashamed of this.

Even her [Escape] is inferior to Wang Teng's spatial movement method in this respect.

The body of the five elements, the talent of the light element, the talent of space... the deeper she understands Wang Teng, the more shocked Feilia's heart will be.

Although I don't want to admit it, this talent has indeed surpassed her.

Who the hell is this guy?

The identity of a person with such a talent is definitely not simple.


Among the tribes below the holy mountain, not long after the great elder and others walked into the house, they heard the terrifying roar from the holy mountain, and suddenly ran out again.

"What happened?" The great elder looked towards the holy mountain in amazement.

In the dense fog, you can still see the dazzling white light, like the spikes of a hedgehog, piercing from the layers of fog.

The mist rolled over, and there seemed to be a big hand crazed in it.

"Could it be that Wang Teng and the others have had an accident." Rong Li looked horrified and worried.

"Damn, we can't do anything." Rongshan and the other leaders of the velvet spirit were anxious, but they couldn't help but clenched their fists.

Wang Teng did so many things for them, and they had already regarded him as their own, and naturally they were very worried about his safety.

The explosion gradually subsided, and the power formed by dozens of "holy envoys" blew themselves so terrifying that it almost covered that area.

If an ordinary warrior encounters such a situation, there is no way to survive, and he will undoubtedly die.

It is a pity that Wang Teng and Feilia two freaks were encountered.

But even so, the mist still hovered around the top of the holy mountain, and the explosion just did not disperse it.

It can be seen that the fog covers a wide range.

Wang Teng and Feilia stood in the void in the distance, their expressions a little ugly.

Dozens of "holy envoys" are dozens of velvet spirits, and it is a pity that they blew themselves up like this.

"Someone should be manipulating them to blew themselves up." Feilia angrily said: "Who is it, so hot!"

Wang Teng also guessed this way. There was a sudden movement in his heart, and his mental power swept across the space debris. He was relieved to see that the few "saints" he had caught had no effect.

"Go up and take a look." Wang Teng sneered: "I thought we could be stopped by self-destruction, ridiculous!"

The two looked at each other and reached a consensus in an instant.

Let go of the previous grievances and solve the current problems first.

The death of the velvet spirit made them quarrel with the enemy.

Their bodies flashed, turned into a horror, and then rushed towards the top of the holy mountain again.

After a while, the fog in front of him felt a lot thinner. Wang Teng's eyes lit up and he knew that he was about to reach the top of the mountain, and his current speed was a little faster.

Feilia followed closely behind.

All the "holy envoys" seem to have blew themselves up, so no one can stop them anymore.

After almost breathing, the two rushed out of the mist and came to the top of the mountain.


With a soft sound, Wang Teng's feet stepped on the ground.

Feilia fell beside him, looking around warily.

After seeing the surrounding scene, both of them were a little surprised.

The top of this mountain does not look like a dangerous place, but like a fairyland, with a faint mist wafting, and all kinds of strange flowers and plants grow here, but there are no creatures, and it looks exceptionally quiet.

And in front of them, a huge spiritual tree stood quietly on the steep rock, with a large number of sturdy roots exposed on the ground, tightly grasping the surrounding rock walls, taking deep roots in it, branches and leaves Luxuriant, born towards the sun, the trunk is vigorous and powerful, as if to break free from the fate of fate.

If so, this tree is just an ordinary tree.

However, in the eyes of Wang Teng and Feilia, this tree is emitting a faint white light, holy, noble, and inviolable.

There are white lines on its branches, like a rune that came into being from the heavens and the earth, engraved on its body, making it look extraordinarily mysterious.

If you observe carefully, you will find that even the leaves have fine white lines, which are emitting a faint white light.

This is an extraordinary tree!

"Isn't this the tree of light?" Feilia hesitated with a look of surprise in her eyes.

Wang Teng did not answer, but directly turned on the [Pupil of True Sight] and looked towards the big tree.

In a soft white light, a light and shadow curled up like a newborn baby.

"Sure enough, it's you!" A curve of Wang Teng's mouth appeared.

This light and shadow is exactly the light and shadow within the son!


The light and shadow seemed to perceive Wang Teng's peeping, his body stretched, and a pair of pale golden eyes turned towards Wang Teng's eyes. The two eyes collided invisibly, and the majestic cold shout echoed in Wang Teng's sea of ​​knowledge.

This cold shout rushed directly to Wang Teng's mental body with a tyrannical mental impact.

"Hmph!" Wang Teng snorted coldly, and the Nine Treasure Buddha Pagoda exuded a bright golden light, directly suppressing this spiritual fluctuation.

"It's you!"

The light and shadow clearly recognized Wang Teng, and there was a trace of anger in his voice.

"We meet again." Wang Teng chuckled.

"Who are you talking to?" Feilia just felt a mental fluctuation sweeping from the tree, she didn't know who caused it, so she couldn't help but frown and asked.

"Hiding the head and showing the tail, it turned out to be a tree!" Wang Teng raised his chin towards the big tree in front, mockingly said.

"Tree!" Feilia narrowed her eyes, and she obviously understood something, but she was still a little surprised. The mental fluctuation was actually caused by a tree. Then she was taken aback again, changing from surprise to shock: " Wait a minute, this tree...has become refined!"

"You can say so." Wang Teng glanced at her, his eyes admiring, this little girl really is the same kind of person as him.

The universe is so big that it is rare for vegetation to have intelligence, but it is not without it.

Star beasts can possess sapience, and some can even be transformed into human forms, and plants and trees can naturally.

Some blessed spiritual creatures are nourished by the heaven and the earth in a specific environment, and after a long time, they will naturally become stronger. If it is a coincidence that gives birth to the wisdom, it is a great fortune.

Of course, this probability is naturally very small.

And the birth of grass and trees is called "Hua Ling"!

At this moment, countless spots of light gathered on the big tree, and finally turned into a majestic woman in a clean white dress.

She has a beautiful face, with a straight nose and picturesque eyebrows, but there is always a kind of indifference in her eyes, which makes people look a little uncomfortable.

She sat on a trunk of the big tree and looked at Wang Teng and Feilia.

When Feilia saw this woman, her face was also astonished, and she couldn't help but say: "It's really refined!"

"..." The woman in a white dress.

This is very uncomfortable.

What is it?

You have become refined, and your whole family has become refined.

She transforms the spirit, gives birth to spiritual wisdom, and becomes a tree spirit that is rare in millions of years, comparable to the extraordinary vegetation.

"It's really rare to see a tree that gave birth to wisdom." A round voice sounded in Wang Teng's mind.

"Do you know what tree this is?" Wang Teng asked with a move in his heart.

"I don't know, I have never seen such a light-type spirit tree." Yuan Kuan groaned for a moment, and said: "Maybe it is mutation, I will check if I can find a similar species."

"Yeah." Wang Teng nodded.

"You killed my servant?"

At this time, the cold voice of the woman in the white long dress came, her expressionless face, high up, as if overlooking the gods in the world.

But in Wang Teng's view, this woman is completely pretending, how ridiculous.

Compared with the existence that left the inheritance, it only has its form but not its god.

"What a thief called to catch the thief." Wang Teng sneered: "Those velvet spirits were forcibly controlled by you to explode, and I am ashamed to say that we killed them."

"They are my servants, who serve me and are willing to die for me." The woman in the white long dress said lightly.

"Fuck your special mother's shit." Wang Teng directly exploded and said coldly: "Who gives you the right to decide their life and death."

"Okay, it turns out that you are controlling the Spirit of Light Velvet to explode, they are so pitiful, you demon." Feilia furiously said.

"Presumptuous!" The woman in the clean white dress said coldly, "I am the mother of light. How dare you say that I am a demon."

"Mother of Light? Poh, you are also worthy of calling yourself the Mother of Light, who will give you the face." Feilia directly sprayed, her combat power was amazing, and Wang Teng was a little squinted.

The complexion of the woman in the clean white dress suddenly sank.

"You deliberately shed these seeds, right?" Wang Teng suddenly appeared a luminous "seed" in his hand, and said lightly: "Used to control other creatures, such an evil act, I am embarrassed to claim to be the mother of light."

"Sure enough, you ruined my consciousness in the "seed". No wonder I feel so familiar." The woman in the white dress said coldly.

"It's me, how about it? Are you happy to see me?" Wang Teng smiled.

"??" The woman in a white dress.

"..." Feilia glanced at Wang Teng speechlessly.

God is so high and unhappy, unhappy.

Obviously hostile relationship, it's weird if people are happy to see you.

"I'm looking for you nowhere, but you came here by yourself." The woman in the white dress said coldly.

"It's a coincidence, I'm also looking for you." Wang Teng said.

"..." The woman in a white dress.

Feilia's mouth twitched, wondering where this happened? This guy's brain circuit is really weird.

"Dead!" The woman in the white dress finally couldn't bear it, her voice was cold, and she raised her finger and pointed towards Wang Teng.


There was a piercing sound, and dozens of canes sprang from the big tree, sweeping towards Wang Teng and Feilia.

"Is it angry?" Wang Teng flashed, avoiding dozens of swept vines, and said with a smile.

Bang bang ......

The dozen or so vines hit the ground, cracking the ground and stirring up countless rubble.

When Wang Teng saw this scene, his pupils shrank slightly.

After the rattans fell on the ground, they bounced instantly, turned a corner, and stabbed at Wang Teng fiercely. The sharp front end was like a sharp spear, wrapped in white light, and aimed directly at Wang Teng. The main points.

Wang Teng narrowed his eyes, and a scarlet world master-class war sword appeared in his hand.


With a sword cut out, the scarlet fire element force condensed into a sharp sword light, and the hot high temperature swept out and slashed on the cane.

In an instant, all a dozen rattans were cut off, and then the rattans retracted instantly as if they had encountered a nemesis.

The woman in the clean white dress had a gloomy face, and her eyes flickered with cold light.

at the same time.

On the other side, Felia was also entangled by a dozen rattans, and she used [Escape Light] again, turning it into a ray of light to shuttle quickly.

Those rattans were intertwined with each other and swept out crazy, but it was a pity that Felia was too fast, even if those rattans were almost woven into a big net, Felia was able to wander through the gaps of the big net with ease. She couldn't even touch the corners of her clothes.

After a while, those rattans were knotted and entangled tightly together. They twisted wildly, but they couldn't be separated.

Feilia showed herself in her self-light state, patted her palms, and gave Wang Teng a triumphant look.

"Hahaha, interesting and interesting, this method is good." Wang Teng couldn't help laughing.

Feilia snorted proudly.

"Who on earth are you?" the woman in the clean white dress couldn't help asking, her eyes twinkling.

"Why, are you scared?" Wang Teng looked at each other and smiled faintly.

"You are good at strength, I will give you a chance to surrender." The woman in the white dress said calmly: "Submit to me, and I will give you even more powerful strength."

"Hahaha..." Wang Teng burst into laughter suddenly, as if he had heard something extremely ridiculous.

"What are you laughing at?" The woman in a clean white dress frowned.

"Laugh at your ignorance." Wang Teng's laughter gradually stopped, his smile disappeared instantly, and he mocked: "Give us strength, are you worthy?"

"With your little strength, you dare to give others strength. Where do you come from?" Feilia looked at the woman in the white dress in surprise, as if she had said something very ridiculous.

Crit × 2!

The woman in the clean white dress seemed to have been insulted, furious, her complexion pale and ugly.

On this planet, she is the mother of light, and all living beings regard her as a god. How can she be so humiliated?

These two ants dare to look down upon her so much!

"You! People! Find! Die!"

An icy voice came from her mouth, with endless anger, her body slowly rose into the air, suspended at the top of the spirit tree, and a powerful wave suddenly swept out.


This wave of volatility was too strong, and it swept across the Quartet in an instant,

Master class! ! !

This wave of volatility has reached the level of the master class!

Wang Teng's eyes narrowed, but he was not too surprised. When he got the source of light in the "seed", he guessed that this spiritual tree might have reached the level of the realm master.

"It's actually a realm master-level spirit tree, this tree is incredible!" Feilia felt the tyrannical fluctuations, and was very surprised, showing a frightened look, and said: "It's over, are we going to treat her Annoyed?"

"It's too late to run now." Wang Teng said.

"Why don't you run together?" Feilia said counselingly.

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