All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1243 I am God! Who dares to kill the gods? ? (Please subscribe! Ask for monthly pass!)

The incomparable force wave filled the heaven and earth, pressing down from the top of the holy mountain.

It is like a god descending heavenly majesty to the creatures on the ground, vast and mighty.

Among the tribe, the elders and others had no thoughts to return to the house, and they all gathered in the open space outside the house, looking in the direction of the holy mountain.

They couldn't bear the terrible pressure, and they knelt on the ground one after another, their faces full of horror.

What's more, I was already trembling all over, and I couldn't stop it.

"What happened?"

"Is the mother of light angry?"

"Will we be punished?"

"God, please save us."


The sound of panic spreads among the ordinary velvet spirits. For such a power, apart from fear, they only have fear.

There are also velvet spirits praying silently, asking the god of light they believe in to save them.

The Great Elder and others were worried, not only for the safety of Wang Teng and others, but also for the changes on the sacred mountain.

The holy mountain is their holy place, even if something goes wrong over the years, they still regard it as a holy place.

If the Holy Land ceases to exist, their faith will collapse.

This is unacceptable to the velvet spirit family.

Therefore, the sacred mountain must not be lost.

The top of the sacred mountain.

After all, Wang Teng and Feilia did not escape. They looked serious, looking at the "Mother of Light" whose anger had already exploded in front of them, and their eyes became solemn.

As the momentum exploded, the body of the "Mother of Light" also burst into bright white light, really like a god.

Her pale golden eyes became colder and colder.


There was a violent roar, and countless rattans spewed crazily from the body, and they came overwhelmingly towards the two of Wang Teng.


Wang Teng looked up, and the dense cane couldn't help making his scalp numb, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

The cane attack just now was nothing compared to the moment.

Feilia was also shocked, her face pale.

Although she was lawless and not afraid of anything, she was still a bit horrified in the face of the master-level offensive.

"You really think of yourself as a queen. You like playing with whips so much." Wang Teng couldn't help but said.

"..." Feilia was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, somewhat speechless.

There are everything in the universe, and naturally there is no shortage of weird things, even more than the patterns of earth and stars.

What orcs, elves, queens, there are so many...

At any rate, they are all real, unlike the Earth and Stars, they can only play COSPLAY, not on the same level!

Haven't eaten pork, haven't you seen a pig running?

So Feilia is no stranger to this.

She felt that Wang Teng was really shameless when he got home, and she didn't know what kind of mess was in his head, so she could also think of that.

But when I think about it carefully, it looks's fun.

Think of the tall woman in white dress in front of you who changed into a black queen dress with a leather whip in her hand...

Oh mad!

No more, no more, the picture is so beautiful that I can't think about it anymore.

Feilia looked at the woman in the clean white dress, who was clearly so holy and spotless, but because of Wang Teng's words, her painting style changed suddenly and her temperament was completely ruined, her eyes could not help but become a little weird.

"Mother of Light" didn't know what Wang Teng meant, a daze flashed in his eyes.

What queen?

What whip?

What does it have to do with her.

She has stayed on the top of this high holy mountain since she was born. Even if she shed the "seed", she was also obtained by the star beasts on this planet. Only through the star beasts can she know some things about this planet. For those in the universe The crooked things are naturally not clear at all.

But she immediately noticed that Felia's gaze was strange, and she knew that this was definitely not a good thing.

The other party may even humiliate her.

The eyes of the "Mother of Light" suddenly became colder.


Countless rattans carrying the anger of the Mother of Light, their speed skyrocketed, and they fell from the sky, condensing white light, like a series of sword lights, such a sharp offensive, enough to destroy a universe-level warrior, and even a domain master-level warrior. Cut it in half directly.

Feilia's complexion was extremely solemn, and she suddenly turned into a ray of light and violently retreated.

It's just that she blinked and saw Wang Teng still standing still stupidly, her complexion changed, and she shouted, "Go back, what are you doing in a daze?"

Wang Teng waved his hand and stared directly at the countless rattans that fell. There was no intention to move at all, as if he was going to resist this terrifying attack.

"You're crazy!" Fei Liya didn't know what Wang Teng thought. It was an attack from the master-class, how could he, a constant star warrior, be able to resist.

The best way now is to fight each other. After all, it is just a tree with many limitations.

As long as it finds its weaknesses, it may not be impossible to defeat it.

But this guy didn't know which of the tendons was wrong, so he had to fight it hard.

The dense cane was reflected in Wang Teng's eyes, but the corners of his mouth were curved.

He is not stupid!

It's not to try hard!

But he happens to have a way to restrain the other party!

What can you do if you just restrain yourself? He didn't mean it, and he was helpless, so he could only be reckless.

"Mother of Light" looked indifferently, lowered her head and looked down at Wang Teng, as if looking at a dying ant.


Countless rattans were finally smashed, completely submerging Wang Teng underneath.

Feilia witnessed this scene with her own eyes, her pupils shrank slightly, a little weird.

That guy is...dead?

In her opinion, Wang Teng's strength is not weak, and there is space to move. In any case, he shouldn't just die like this.

But the facts are here.

His figure has been completely submerged by the cane, and such an attack can't be stopped by a constant star warrior.

"No!" Feilia's face changed again, as if she felt something.


A terrifying roar sounded, and suddenly, a hot temperature swept out from under the cane covering, causing the surrounding air to be distorted.

"What!?" The Mother of Light was shocked.

Just in their horrified eyes, a cyan flame burst out.

The rattan could not withstand the blazing high temperature, broke every inch, and was rushed into the sky by the flames.

"This is..." Feilia's eyes were full of shock, and she looked forward with some sluggish eyes.

I saw the cyan flames soaring into the sky, as if a cyan dragon hovering, reaching a height of more than ten feet in an instant.

In the flames, a figure was quietly suspended, held up by the cyan flame, and black hair wafted slightly.

The flame temperature was extremely high, but the young man was unscathed.

He is like the god of flames!

Feilia took a few deep breaths before she calmed down a bit, but the shock in her heart still did not subside.

This guy is amazing!

And what kind of flame is this, so terrifying?

Feilia fixed her eyes on the cyan flame, her thoughts kept turning, searching for flame records similar to the cyan flame in her memory.

At this time, the cyan flame was firmly attached to the cane, burning violently, and spreading along the cane to the spirit tree's body.

The light flashed above the cane, but it still couldn't be extinguished.

"What kind of flame are you?" Mother of Light's complexion changed drastically, and finally there was a trace of panic in her voice.

When wood meets fire, nature is restrained!

Besides, Wang Teng's flame is not an ordinary flame.

Even if this bright spirit tree is extremely extraordinary, it can hardly escape the burning of heaven and earth.

"Aren't you known as the mother of light? You can't even tell what kind of flame this is." Wang Teng said lightly.

"You..." The mother of light was pale.

This sentence seemed to sting her.

She is not a mother of light, she is just a tree that gave birth to spiritual wisdom, Wang Teng uncovered all of this abruptly.

But seeing that the cyan flame was about to burn into her body, she had no time to hesitate, so she could only cut off the vines and let them fall off from the body.

At this time, the cyan flame was less than one meter away from her body.

The aura on Mother of Light was slightly weakened. Fujijo was originally a part of her body, and it was cut too much at once, which was tantamount to the pain of a broken arm, and it did a lot of damage to her body.

But she also quietly breathed a sigh of relief, at least her body was saved.

Then she looked at the cyan flames surrounding Wang Teng with jealous eyes, and quickly thought about the way to deal with it.

"Sapphire Liuliyan!"

At this moment, an exclamation sounded from the side.

Wang Teng turned his head to look at Feilia, a little surprised, the other party actually recognized his flame.

"You are the different fire of heaven and earth-sapphire glaze flame!" Feilia said with an incredible face, as if confirming with Wang Teng.

"Yes, you little girl has a lot of knowledge." Wang Teng nodded.

Feilia didn't have time to pay attention to Wang Teng's jokes, her eyes widened: "It's really Qingyu Liuliyan! How did you... get it?"

Her tone was full of envy.

This is the fire of heaven and earth!

What kind of fairy luck is this guy to conquer a world of strange fire for his own use.

"You may not believe it. One day, when I was sleeping on a big rock that looked like a blue ox, a strange fire suddenly fell from the sky. When I woke up, it had somehow recognized me as Lord. Now, you say magic is not magic." Wang Teng said nonsense.

"..." Feilia.

I know if I believe it or not.

Who are you fooling?

Even if you make an excuse, can you find a more reliable excuse!

It's not magical, magical, you big-headed ghost!

"You don't believe it? I can't do anything if you don't believe it. I know this kind of thing is outrageous, but it is the case." Wang Teng looked helpless, shook his head and said, "I have never understood why I did this. Fortunately, one day when I looked in the mirror, I suddenly understood."

"What does it have to do with you looking in the mirror?" Feilia asked blankly.

"I saw a handsome face in the mirror. This face is simply not owned by the world. It is like a gift from God. Isn't it normal for me to have this face to be favored by God?" Wang Teng touched He touched his face and said narcissistically.

"..." Feilia's mouth twitched and she vomited: "Oh!"

This guy is so shameless!

How could there be such a shameless person in the world.

Good-looking can get God's blessing, so why doesn't she have it, it's obviously unreliable.

Pooh! Liar!

"Heaven and earth are different!" When the mother of light heard the words of the two, her eyes flashed, becoming more and more jealous.

Although she couldn't see the origin of the different fires of the world, she had heard the name of the different fires of the world.

At the beginning, she was able to give birth to spiritual wisdom when she sat and listened to that person, so she had mastered some common sense in the universe, and the strange fire of this world was one of them.

Strictly speaking, her existence is very similar to the different fires of heaven and earth. Both are spiritual creatures born between heaven and earth, and they are unique existences.

But unfortunately, the strange fire of this world happened to restrain her kind of wood-type spiritual creature.

Ordinary flames, she can still rely on powerful strength to resist, but this world of fire, but she is a little helpless.

However, she is not a character who is waiting to die, the best way to eliminate the threat of the cyan flame is to kill the human warrior.

"Glorious sky curtain!"

A cold soft drink suddenly came from the mouth of the mother of light.


The dazzling white light burst out with her as the center!

At this moment, she was like a sun, bursting with light that people couldn't look directly at.

The endless light is like a sky curtain, falling from the sky, covering the entire mountain top area, making you invisible.

"This is another trick!" A weird look appeared at the corner of Wang Teng's mouth.

Fa Liya had to close her eyes in the face of the dazzling light, but her complexion also became a little weird.

If she remembers correctly, that guy seems to have a way to restrain this trick.

Although so far, she doesn't know how Wang Teng did it.

Seeing the faces of the two of them, the Mother of Light couldn't help frowning.

Why are these two people's expressions so strange?

"Candle Dragon Eye, open!!!"

With a move in Wang Teng's heart, his eyes suddenly turned into pure black and white.

Think of it as day and night as night!

In the blink of an eye, the pupils turned from white to black.

His eyes turned into a deep and dark vortex, absorbing the light from all around him.

In the endless light, there seemed to be a void, dark and deep, especially conspicuous.

"What?" The Mother of Light couldn't help being surprised, and some couldn't believe it: "You can absorb light!!!"

"Sorry, your combat skills are of no use to me." Wang Teng said lightly with dark eyes.

The Mother of Light looked at his eyes, she was a little bit horrified, she couldn't help but turned into anger, gritted her teeth and said: "You are only a constant star, I don't believe you can keep on absorbing it."

As the voice fell, the surrounding light flooded like a tide, covering the area where Wang Teng was, filling in the pitch-black hole of the star just now.

Wang Teng couldn't help frowning, and then his mental energy rushed into his eyes, urging the candle dragon's eyes.

The absorption power of the Eye of Candle Dragon skyrocketed, forming a stalemate with the other side's light curtain.

However, after a while, his candle dragon eyes felt a bit of effort, and was suppressed by the light curtain, unable to absorb it.

The attribute value obtained by the Eye of Candle Dragon is too small and his ability is not high. In addition, his strength is indeed only a constant star. If he is not strong in spirit, he really can't control this pupil type talent.

"You really can't hold it!" The Mother of Light sneered.

"It's too early for you to be happy!" Wang Teng snorted softly, looked at the attribute panel, and said silently without hesitation:

"add a bit!"

The blank attribute was added instantly.

Fortunately, he picked up a lot of blank attributes during this period of time on the velvet planet, reaching more than 80,000 points, which is just right at this moment.

In an instant, Wang Teng's blank attribute began to decrease rapidly, while the attribute value of Candle Dragon's Eye increased rapidly.

The attribute value and the blank attribute of the Eye of Candle Dragon are exchanged at a ratio of one to ten, which makes Wang Teng very distressed.

It's like stealing money!

[Eye of Candle Dragon]: 512610000 (True Level)

When the attribute value of the Eye of Candle Dragon reached more than 5,000 points, Wang Teng felt the pressure in his eyes disappear.

He glanced at the blank attribute, and there were only more than 30,000 points left.

[Heartache so I can't breathe·JPG]

Stop and add more!

It's a long story, but it's actually just an instant.

Wang Teng opened his eyes and looked at the mother of light, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

The breathtaking jet-black pupils seemed to burst out with a deep jet-black light, and the horrible suction exploded.

The stalemate was broken instantly, and Bai Guang was sucked into his eyes again.

The situation at this moment is like a curtain being violently pulled, and the white light gradually turns into pitch black.

"How is it possible!" The Mother of Light trembled.

This human warrior was already extremely struggling just now, why did it suddenly break out?

Had he been hiding his strength just now?

[Glorious Sky Curtain] was originally a very powerful move. Once it is shrouded in light, there will be a hidden murderous intent. The light turns into a series of attacks that will kill the people shrouded in light. Few people can avoid this move.

But as soon as she was used, she was restrained by Wang Teng and fell into a stalemate, so that the murderous intent failed to erupt.

I have to say that this is simply cheating.

The Mother of Light wanted to vomit blood depressed.

What to do if there is no recruitment, wait online, urgent!

All the talents and skills are restrained by this human warrior. Is this person her nemesis?

"Hey, I knew it was like this." Feilia opened her eyes at this moment and saw that the light around her had dissipated, she couldn't help but smile.

However, she was still a little shocked in her heart. The light curtain covered a very wide area just now, and it was completely incomparable with those previously displayed by the envoys.

Even so, it was still easily solved by Wang Teng.

Wang Teng didn't hesitate any more, his face suddenly became cold, and he pointed towards the sky, and the sapphire glaze flame whizzed out.


The cyan flame really condensed into a terrifying dragon of hundreds of feet in the sky, breaking through the fog and evaporating everything.

The fog that had enveloped the holy mountain for three hundred years was so dissipated.

The great elders and others below all saw this shocking scene, with a look of horror on their faces.

"The mist... dispersed!?"

The Great Elder and others looked at the holy mountain in disbelief.

Three hundred years!

For three hundred years, they finally saw the true face of the holy mountain again.

However, immediately they were attracted by the terrifying cyan flame dragon, and could no longer move away.

"This, what is this?" Rongshan and others opened their mouths to the extreme, as if they could swallow a goose egg.

"At such a terrifying temperature, this cyan flame dragon washed away the fog." The Great Elder said in horror.

"Are they Wang Teng?" Rong Li swallowed and asked.

" should be them, besides them, who else can be." Rongshan stammered and hesitated.

Regardless of the uproar below, on the sacred mountain, the huge cyan flame dragon has already taken shape. The dragon's tail is entrenched on the top of the sacred mountain. On the huge dragon head, a pair of majestic flame pupils overlook the bright spiritual tree below.

In the center where the dragon was entrenched, Wang Teng stood in the air, and the strong wind blew his black hair, and even his robes sounded hunting.

At this moment, he was stunned with cold eyes, like a peerless arrogant, between the gazes and hopes, a breathtaking power spontaneously radiated out.

The terrible strength swept all around, Feilia felt the terrifying hot temperature, her face was full of shock, and she couldn't help but retreat away from the center of the flame.

She looked at the cyan flame in the sky and the figure guarded by the flame dragon in the center, her eyes trembling.

This guy……

The Mother of Light looked at the cyan flame dragon above her head, the whole tree was not good, and finally a trace of fear appeared in her eyes.

"Go!" A cold soft shout suddenly sounded.


The cyan flame dragon raised up to the sky and let out a earth-shattering roar, the heat wave rolled, a pair of huge dragon eyes locked onto the mother of light, and then whizzed down.

"Do not!"

The mother of light burst out with golden light in her eyes, and she let out a roar, and instantly merged with the spiritual tree, and the vastness of the breath erupted from the spiritual tree.

"I am God!"

"Who dares to kill God?"

The majestic and dull voice came from the spirit tree and echoed between the heaven and the earth.

The light from the spirit tree soared into the sky, turning into a ghost tree phantom that was hundreds of times larger, and the crown of the tree seemed to cover the sky and the sun.


The next moment, the roaring cyan flame dragon smashed and fell on the huge spiritual tree phantom, and the terrifying force wave swept around.

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