All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1247 Star Explorer! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Faced with the invitation of the great elder, Wang Teng did not refuse.

He looked at the time, and it was getting closer and closer to the day when the Dagan Empire genius battle began, but at his speed, he could leave after a few days, and there was no time.

What's more, his light star, Chen Force, is only on the seventh level, and has not yet reached the ninth level of consummation, so naturally he still has a wave of wool.

In addition, the most important point is that not only he and Feilia know that Glossy Planet, but also members of the Black Leaf Serpent Mercenary Group have come here, so they must find a way to determine the ownership of Glossy Planet.

Wang Teng and Feilia lived with the great elder. After a long rest, Wang Teng went out alone.

According to Hanguang, the members of the Black Leaf Snake Mercenary Group were imprisoned by her in a cave halfway through the sacred mountain.

He is going to take a look now.

Wang Teng and the great elder confessed and turned into a ray of light, flying towards the halfway of the holy mountain.

In a moment, he found a cave halfway up the mountain.

"It's here." Hanguang's voice sounded in Wang Teng's mind.

Wang Teng glanced over and saw a spaceship parked in the open space not far in front of the cave, with the logo of the Black Leaf Snake Mercenary Group on it.

"This is their spaceship." Han Guang said.

Wang Teng nodded, not caring about the spacecraft, a space-class spacecraft, and couldn't raise his interest. Then he wandered into the cave.

The cave was obviously dug out by man, and there were a lot of rubble around it.

After walking for about ten meters, I saw a small cave space in which several people were imprisoned.

They were blocked by the Force, and at the same time, their hands and feet were tied with some kind of cane and tied to the stone wall.

That kind of rattan is exactly the rattan on the Hanguang tree. It is very tough, and ordinary warriors can't break it.

The people detained in the cave were sober, but they could only stare at them, and could not escape from here.

They suddenly saw a figure walking in from outside the cave, and they couldn't help but lift their spirits.

After being detained for so many days, someone finally came.

They just couldn't help being surprised when they saw the appearance of the incoming person.

Terran warrior!

The visitor is not the natives covered in white hair, but a human warrior who looks the same as them!

Several people looked at each other, and there was a trace of uncertainty in their eyes.

"Oh, hello everyone!" Wang Teng appeared in front of the crowd and stretched out his hand to say hello.

"..." Ren Gulan and others.

Why does this man come from?

I always feel something is wrong.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Wang Teng walked into the cave and asked with a smile.

"Who are you?" Ren Gulan asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that your life is in my hands." Wang Teng said.

"Are you the people behind those natives?" Ren Gulan narrowed her eyes and looked narrower and asked, looking at Wang Teng.

Wang Teng was stunned for a moment, touched his chin and said, "It turned out not to be, but now, it can be."

"..." Ren Gulan.

What turned out to be not, now it can be, what is all this mess.

She has never been a person who likes to use her brain.

"Cough!" Pei Weiyan, who had eyes next to him, coughed dryly and said, "Your Excellency, you come to see us at this time. I don't want to come here for small talk."

"You are not stupid." Wang Teng glanced at him and smiled.

"What do you want to do?" Ren Gulan asked directly.

"I'll ask you a question." Wang Teng said.

"What's the problem?" Ren Gulan frowned.

"Apart from you, is there anyone who knows about the existence of this planet?" Wang Teng asked directly without going around in circles.

Ren Gulan and Bei Weiyan looked at each other, their eyes flickering slightly.

"Think carefully before answering. If the answer is wrong, it will kill people." Wang Teng squatted down in front of Ren Gulan, looked at her, and said with a faint smile.

"You!" Ren Gulan looked at this face close at hand, although she was smiling, but there was only indifference in her eyes. I don't know why, she felt a chill.

But after all, she is the younger sister of the head of the Black Leaf Snake Mercenary Group, and she is also a lawless lord, how could she easily admit it.

"Are you threatening me?" she said coldly.

"You can think so." Wang Teng smiled.

"Do you know who we are?" Ren Gulan said with cold eyes.

"Black Leaf Snake Mercenary Group!" Wang Teng said in a very calm tone: "Your group members have already explained your details."

"You caught them all." Ren Gulan frowned and cursed coldly: "A bunch of trash!"

Originally, Ren Gulan still had a glimmer of hope. The warriors in her team were all constant stars and planet stars, and they were all mercenaries who had experienced many battles. Just be cautious and didn't encounter those perverts on this mountain. This planet is walking sideways.

No matter how bad, after a few days, if you find that you can't contact them, you can know that there is a problem with them, so you should leave the planet and ask for help from her brother.

As a result, they were also arrested, which was of no use at all.

It's just that she didn't want to think about it. Even her cosmic martial artist was arrested. What about those martial artists with constant and planetary stars?

"Since you know we are members of the Black Leaf Snake Mercenary Group, dare to arrest us?" Ren Gulan looked at Wang Teng again and said coldly.

"These words, your subordinates also told me." Wang Teng sneered: "But what are your Black Leaf Snake Mercenary Group? It's just a few domain masters."

Ren Gulan fell into a moment of silence, her eyes uncertain.

Could it be that this person has some amazing background, so he is so confident.

"It seems that you won't answer me honestly, and I have to spend more time." Wang Teng sighed, a strange scarlet light flashed in his eyes, and he shouted, "Look at my eyes."

Ren Gulan looked into Wang Teng's eyes subconsciously.


In an instant, her eyes became confused. A cosmic martial artist, whose spirit is at most a constant star, is completely incomparable even though it is of the same level as him, so she soon fell into Wang Teng’s [Confusion] .

"Now tell me, besides you, who else knows the existence of this planet?" Wang Teng asked again.

"No one else knows, we came here in secret." Ren Gulan answered honestly.

Wang Teng nodded, but what the other party said was consistent with what the previous few people said, and then asked, "How did you discover this planet?"

"Bei Weiyan told me that he found an ancient diary that recorded the existence and location of this planet." Ren Gulan said.

"?" Pei Weiyan's eyes widened in horror.

what happened?

Why did Ren Gulan answer each other's questions so cooperatively?

With Ren Gulan's character, it is absolutely impossible to cooperate so honestly, there are problems, there are definitely problems!

"You are Bei Weiyan?" At this moment, a voice came from the side.

Bei Weiyan was taken aback, and saw that the young man in front of him was turning his head and looking at him. His eyes were glowing with strange red light, which made his scalp numb. He was shocked again and wanted to avoid those eyes. But it was too late.

In an instant, Bei Weiyan only felt his consciousness plunged into darkness.

"Yes, I am Bei Weiyan." He replied unconsciously.

"Did you discover that diary?" Wang Teng asked.

"I found it, but it was not accidentally obtained from other people, but passed down from my ancestors. I lied to Ren Gulan, just want to use her power to explore the treasures of this planet." Bei Weiyan said.

"Huh?" Wang Teng was stunned for a moment, and a curve appeared in the corner of his mouth: "Interesting, it turns out to be a young man."

He thought for a while and lifted Ren Gulan's [Confusion] control.

The confusion in Ren Gulan's eyes dissipated, and she recovered her consciousness. After a short pause, she reacted and looked at Wang Teng in anger and said, "What did you do to me?"

"Don't worry, I just asked you a few questions." Wang Teng smiled faintly, and beckoned: "Come here, let you listen to a fun story."

"What on earth do you want to do?" Ren Gulan said with an ugly expression.

Wang Teng ignored her and asked Bei Weiyan to repeat what he said just now.

Bei Weiyan had no resistance, and could only honestly repeat the words just now.

Ren Gulan's complexion became more and more ugly, she gritted her teeth, and said every word: "Bei! Wei! Yan! You dare to lie to me!"

"What do you plan to do after you find Planet Luminous?" Wang Teng glanced at her, couldn't help but smiled, and continued to ask Bei Weiyan.

"I have given Ren Gulan and them a drug. As soon as the time comes, I can easily make them lose their ability to resist."

"Ren Gulan, that stinky bitch, always screams at me and treats me as a fool. I have had enough."

"When I get the treasure, I must let her know how good I am." Bei Weiyan said numbly.

Although his words showed hatred for Ren Gulan, there was no wave in his tone, which seemed very strange.

Ren Gulan was frightened and angry, and at the same time seeing Bei Weiyan's appearance at this time, she couldn't help but feel a little hairy in her heart.

What kind of weird ability is this, which can make people answer the other party's words without resistance. Did she also have this ability just now?

Thinking of this, Ren Gulan's face turned pale.

At this time, in her eyes, Wang Teng completely turned into a devil in human skin.

"How do you want her to know how good you are?" Wang Teng glanced at Ren Gulan and asked curiously.

"I have a big stick, and keep it so that this fairy will cry for father and mother." Bei Weiyan said hehe with no waves.

"Puff..." Wang Teng smiled directly, his expression strange.

Well, this guy is talented!

He couldn't help but glanced at Ren Gulan, let alone, this woman looks pretty good, wearing a black uniform, should be convex, should be warped, and her figure is very good.

There is also a cold and glamorous temperament, which really makes people very conquer.

As her subordinate, this Bei Weiyan has such a tiger and wolf mind, I have to say that he is really a guy with a face and a beast.

"Beast!" Ren Gulan's face was green, blue and white, eyes like knives, she seemed to want to vent her hatred by slashing Bei Weiyan thousands of times.

"How about it, should you thank me for helping you break through this guy's mind." Wang Teng couldn't help but smile.

"Hmph, you are not a good person either." Ren Gulan snorted coldly.

"Ha, it seems that you are not so stupid, at least you still know that I am not a good person." Wang Teng smiled.

"You!" Ren Gulan was anxious.

This person is completely unscrupulous.

Wang Teng ignored her and asked Bei Weiyan a few more questions to make sure that no one else knew about the existence of this planet. He was also relieved.

Then he relieved Bei Weiyan's [Confusion] and allowed him to regain consciousness.

Bei Weiyan was still a little dazed. After a long time, he came back to his senses. Suddenly, he felt a murderous aura firmly locked on him. He couldn't help but turn around and found that Ren Gulan was looking at him with a deadly expression. .

"Team... Captain, why are you looking at me like this?" Bei Weiyan stammers in his heart.

"Boy, your business has been exposed." Wang Teng patted his shoulder.

"What did you just do to me?" Bei Weiyan suddenly remembered what happened before losing consciousness, and asked angrily.

"I didn't do anything, I just asked a few questions, and then you said all of your little abacus. You can't blame me." Wang Teng spread his hands and said innocently.

"..." Bei Weiyan's face was stiff.

He suddenly had an ominous premonition. He might have said something terrible just now. The corners of his eyes twitched and he looked at Ren Gulan with a guilty conscience.

When I saw her look, I knew something bad.

"Captain, you listen to me explain?" Bei Weiyan swallowed, trying to make the final struggle.

"Do you think I will believe you?" Ren Gulan mocked.

"You two slowly love each other and kill each other. Since no one else knows about the existence of this planet, then I will save you a little life for now." Wang Teng stood up and prepared to leave.

"Wait." Bei Weiyan called out suddenly.

"Why, what else do you want to say?" Wang Teng stopped and turned to look at him.

"The diary left by my ancestors not only records the velvet planet, but also other strange planets. If you are willing to let me go, I can take you to find those planets." Bei Weiyan said.

"Oh?!" Wang Teng was really surprised this time.

"I didn't lie to you. My ancestor was a starry explorer, who liked to explore all kinds of unknown places, so I could find those strange planets with different characteristics." Pei Weiyan said again for fear that Wang Teng would not believe it.

"Star Explorer!" Wang Teng couldn't help muttering.

"Wang Teng, if it is really a star explorer, then what he said is probably true." A slightly shocked voice sounded in Wang Teng's mind.

"Do you know this star explorer?" Wang Teng said.

"As he said, star explorers are a group of people with a strong desire for knowledge. They like to explore the starry sky and go to those unknown places. They have walked in all corners of the universe all their lives and left countless legends." Rolling like admiration, Said with emotion.

Wang Teng's eyes flickered, and he was a little surprised. He didn't expect such a group of people to exist in the universe.

"Where is the diary?" He looked at Bei Weiyan and asked.

"The diary is stored in the virtual universe. It is not a real thing. If you want to watch it, I must open it." Bei Weiyan seemed to be afraid that Wang Teng would kill the donkey, and said nervously.

"What he said may be true. Most of the things in the virtual universe are bound to the soul, and it is impossible for outsiders to get it." Round Rolling Road.

"You stay here first, and I will come to you after I finish processing the matter." Wang Teng groaned for a while, leaving a sentence, and then left the cave.

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