All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1248 Big Brother Is Still Missing A Pendant, The Kind Of Calling 666

Coming out of the cave, Wang Teng was still thinking about the starry sky explorer, and the relevant information that had just passed in round in his mind appeared.

When he returned to the tribe of the Velvet Spirit, he had learned a lot about the star explorers.

I was sighing in my heart.

Star Explorers rarely have a good ending!

On their way to explore the starry sky, various unknown dangers can easily put them into desperation. Many star explorers died silently in some Jedi, buried their bones in other places.

And the diary they left is the best proof of their existence.

So star explorers have a good habit-to write a diary!

In order to record their past and experiences, it also left traces of pursuit for the latecomers.

Bei Weiyan was able to come to the planet of velvet because of the diaries left by his ancestors.

And if some other star explorers have no children or seal up their diaries, it is very likely that no one else will be able to know the location of those dangerous places.

In fact, there are not many star explorers, otherwise they would not be rarely known.

Wang Teng glanced at the spaceship outside the cave again, and with a move in his heart, Rumbling invaded the spacecraft's intelligent system.

After a while, a round and solemn voice sounded: "Wang Teng, as you expected, there is a tracking device on this spacecraft."

"Always turned on?" Wang Teng frowned and asked.

"Yes." The round roller raceway.

"It seems that the rest of the Black Leaf Snake Mercenary Group also knows the location of Light Velvet Planet." Wang Teng sighed.

Ren Gulan didn't lie, but she might not know that a tracking device was installed on this spacecraft.

This was originally installed by her brother quietly for her safety.

Ren Gulan doesn't like being controlled, so her brother didn't let her know the existence of this tracking device.

Now it seems really necessary.

Otherwise, Ren Gulan and others would die silently on the planet of Light Velvet.

Wang Teng hasn't decided what to do with them, but if it is useless, he will probably kill them directly.

Wang Teng did not stay any longer, and went straight back to the tribe.

"What's the situation?" The great elder hurriedly greeted him when he came back.

"Elder, call everyone together. It's best to call Feilia over and discuss with you." Wang Teng shook his head and said solemnly.

"Okay!" Seeing him like this, the elder couldn't help but nod his head quickly.

After a while, Wang Teng, Felia and the Great Elder gathered in the wooden house of the Great Elder.

Everyone looked at Wang Teng, wondering what was wrong with him suddenly calling everyone over.

"Ahem." Wang Teng gave a dry cough and said in a shocking voice: "Everyone, the location of the Planet of Light Velvet has been exposed."

As soon as he spoke, the great elders and the leaders of the various tribes were tight-hearted, and their complexions were a bit unsightly.

It's time to come, it's coming.

They actually thought about this issue a long time ago, but now it's finally time to face it.

Feilia glanced at Wang Teng, she already knew what Wang Teng was going to say.

"Those alien captives came from a mercenary group called the Black Leaf Serpent. Although we captured them, their ship has a tracking device, so the rest of the Black Leaf Serpent Mercenary Group probably already knows about the light velvet. The location of the planet." Wang Teng explained.

"Black Leaf Snake Mercenary Corps." Feilia frowned and said coldly: "Why don't you just kill them?"

Wang Teng glanced at her.

Sure enough, she is a violent woman, with such a rude style.

However, very much with his appetite.

Feilia did not know that Wang Teng gave her the nickname of a violent woman.

"Now there can be a black leaf snake mercenary group, and in the future there will be a white leaf snake mercenary group and a green leaf snake mercenary group, which can't be destroyed." The elder saw clearly, and shook his head with a wry smile.

"So, I want to ask you, what are your plans next?" Wang Teng nodded and asked.

It's better for the Spirit of Light Velvet to speak up on this matter, not by him, otherwise the meaning will change.

Whether or not he can cooperate depends on the wishes of the Light Velvet Spirit, and he does not want to force anything.

The elder took a deep breath without hesitation, and said directly: "I have discussed this with Veblen before, and he told me that the best way is to find someone who is sufficiently high in strength and status. Register Glitter Planet under his name, and in this way, you will be able to stop the minds of other people."

Wang Teng and Feilia nodded, this is also the way they thought of.

"Can someone choose the great elder? If not, I can persuade my grandfather to let him go to register, wanting to come to his reputation, as long as he goes out, no one will dare to fight this planet." Feilia Looking at Wang Teng, he said.

Wang Teng narrowed his eyes slightly, this violent woman was the same as his plan.

That's right, there are countless light-type spirit creatures on the velvet planet, even if the rank is not high, it is a huge wealth.

It is even more beneficial to the martial artist of the light department.

As a martial artist of the Guangming system, how could she give up.

"Your grandfather?" The elder stunned for a moment, and a figure appeared in his mind, but after so many years, that figure has become a little fuzzy in his memory: "I haven't seen him for a long time."

"The elder wants to see him, I can contact him immediately." Feilia smiled.

It seems that the great elder and her grandfather have a lot of friendship.

"No need." The elder shook his head and said: "I originally considered asking your grandfather to help, but someone like him would probably not like to mix things up with this kind of thing. I'm under the name."

Feilia couldn't help being taken aback.

"And let an immortal powerhouse register in person, don't you think it's too fuss?"

The Grand Elder smiled bitterly and continued: "So I gave up the idea, and now I have a better candidate."

He said, looking at Wang Teng.

Wang Teng was a little surprised. Did he choose him?

He was very surprised, and it seemed that the great elder did not make a temporary intention, but chose him from the beginning.

Do you trust him so much?

Wait, the elder said that Felia's grandfather is an immortal powerhouse? ?

He looked at Felia in surprise and smacked his tongue secretly. This violent woman had such a background.

No wonder she has such strength at a young age!

No wonder she uses high-level combat skills above the master level!

Most people don't have such background.

Feilia couldn't help being a little depressed, with a wry smile in her heart. Her grandfather's temperament really made people...

Forget it, don't mention it, she really didn't expect that compared with Wang Teng, she would actually lose to her grandfather's character.

After all, it was Felia, not her grandfather, who wanted this planet.

A strong person who has reached the immortal level may not necessarily demand such a planet that is not too powerful.

However, looking at the appearance of the Great Elder, do you prefer Wang Teng?

Does this guy have any special status?

"Wang Teng, you are the benefactor of our velvet spirit family. We all believe in you very much. Veblen also told me that your identity is very special and may be able to help us." The elder said slowly.

Wang Teng couldn't help but stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Veblen to tell the great elder all his details.

That's fine, there is no need for him to say anything.

"I have a little identity in the Dagan Empire." Wang Teng nodded.

"Da Gan Empire!" Fei Liya's eyes passed a trace of surprise, this guy turned out to be a member of the Da Gan Empire.

A country of higher cosmic civilization!

No matter where it is, the higher cosmic civilization is a giant and cannot easily be provoked.

Even if compared with their clan, the Dagan Empire would not be much weaker.

"However, compared with Felia's grandfather, my identity is really nothing." Wang Teng shook his head.

He knew how many catties he had, and he was still very confident at first, but when he heard that Felia's grandfather was an immortal powerhouse, he knew that he was definitely incomparable.

He is just the baron of the Great Army Empire, and he has made many enemies, even if he now has the Medal of the Pillar Kingdom, he has the support of the military.

After all, there is too much difference in strength.

An immortal powerhouse is enough to shock a starry sky.

What does he compare to?

Feilia looked at Wang Teng in surprise. Is this giving up?

"You don't need to belittle yourself. I heard Veblen say that you are the baron of the Great Dry Empire and have a military background. It is enough to protect our planet," the elder said quickly.

"Baron Daqian Empire, military background." Not only did Feilia didn't underestimate Wang Teng, she was more surprised in her heart.

Because Wang Teng is too young, he has this status at such a young age, which is absolutely impossible for ordinary people.

You must know that it is a high-level cosmic civilization, not a low-level civilization.

Wang Teng is already standing on the head of ninety-nine percent of the younger generation.

Not to mention Wang Teng's strength is very strong, even stronger than her.

Even if Feilia didn't want to admit it, this was a fact that made her quite powerless.

She is a recognized genius of their clan, and was trained by her grandfather since she was a child to possess such strength.

As for Wang Teng, a baron of a great empire, his status and status must be inferior to her, but he has such a powerful strength. He is definitely not simple.

"Wang Teng, shouldn't you be the heir of a certain immortal powerhouse in the Dagan Empire?" Feilia suddenly thought of something, looked at him up and down, and asked tentatively.

"..." A few black lines hung on Wang Teng's forehead, he glanced at her silently, and said lightly: "The planet I was on is not as powerful as the Planet of Light Velvet. It's just a coincidence that I have come to this point. , So I’m just an ordinary person."

"What?" Feilia thought she had heard it wrong, and couldn't help asking: "You came from a backward planet?"

"Is there any problem?" Wang Teng said.

Feilia took a deep breath, looking at Wang Teng's eyes like a monster.

A warrior who came out of a backward planet, actually reached a realm of strength equivalent to her at this age?

Ordinary people?

Wang Teng actually called this an ordinary person?

Feilia inexplicably wondered if Wang Teng had any misunderstandings about ordinary people.

Her eyes changed completely.

She had only heard of such a perversion in the rumors.

"The person Grandpa said... so it really exists." Feilia muttered to herself.

"What are you talking about?" Wang Teng glanced at her.

"It's nothing." Feilia glanced at him incomparably complicated, and she still couldn't calm down. This young man was really amazing, and even a hint of admiration rose in her heart: "Is there still a pendant on my big brother? The kind of 666."

Wang Teng: "???"

What is this violent woman going crazy?

"Just kidding, just kidding." Fei Liya waved her hand and said: "The Great Elder is right. Your status and status are enough to shock many people, and it is enough to be the master of Luminous Planet."

"Why don't you, you and I jointly, hang the velvet planet under your and my names." Wang Teng muttered.

"Joint name!" Feilia was stunned, her eyes lit up slightly: "This is a good way, so that my grandfather doesn't need to go out in person. As you and me, a strong alliance is beneficial but not harmful, but In this way, the Planet of Velvet cannot be registered within the territory of the Dagan Empire."

"Are you not from a great empire?" Wang Teng asked in surprise.

"Of course not." Feilia glanced at him.

"How about that?" Wang Teng frowned and asked.

"Can be registered in the Pan Cosmos Alliance." Fei Liya said.

"Pan Cosmos Alliance?!" Wang Teng was stunned, this strange name made him a little puzzled.

"The Pan-Universal Alliance is a huge united body composed of various independent forces and families in the universe. It is not a whole, but it looks like a whole. It can be regarded as a semi-loose alliance organization." Yuan Gungun explained.

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