All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1250 Seven Star Academy! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Feilia didn't think as much as Wang Teng thought. After the registration of Glow Planet, she was very happy, with a smile on her face, and said to Wu Yuquan: "Uncle Wu, thank you, if it weren't for your help, we still don't know what to wait. Only then will we be able to obtain ownership of the Planet of Light Velvet."

"You're polite, it's just a trivial matter based on my relationship with your father." Wu Yuquan smiled and waved his hand.

"Hehe." Fei Liya smiled: "Then we won't bother Uncle Wu. Next time I have time to come to my house for a drink, I found some rare bright spirit fruits on the planet of velvet, which are very good for making wine. You will love it."

"Oh, the wine made from Guangming spirit fruit, that's a good thing." Wu Yuquan's eyes lit up: "Then I can wait."

"I will notify you in advance at that time." Fei Liya stood up and said: "Then we will leave."

"Thank you seniors for your help this time. If there is something useful in the future, please tell me." Wang Teng also got up and said.

Although this time it was the face of the Felia family that was able to invite the master-level powerhouse of the Virtual Universe Company to help, but since he also enjoyed this kind of treatment, he still had to express his opinions.

"It's easy to talk." After Wu Yuquan knew Wang Teng's identity, he didn't underestimate him.

But he didn't think there was any place Wang Teng could help him. After all, there was a big gap between the strengths of the two sides and his status was not low. What Wang Teng could do, he could do it himself, naturally there was no help.

The so-called mutual help is sometimes based on equal strength.

Wang Teng naturally noticed Wu Yuquan's expression and smiled in his heart without saying much.

"You don't need to call me senior, since you are Feilia's friend, you can call me Uncle Wu in the future." Wu Yuquan said with a smile after selling his face.

He still valued Wang Teng. This little guy had an unusual status in the Dagan Empire. The most important thing was that he was young and had a promising future.

He can ignore the current Wang Teng, but he can't ignore the future Wang Teng.

Feilia glanced at Wu Yuquan in surprise. Even though Wu Yuquan said it was because of her face, she knew that not everyone had this treatment.

Although the uncle and senior are just a title, the relationship is quite different.

This can be regarded as Wu Yuquan's recognition of Wang Teng.

It seems that Wang Teng's status is much higher than she thought.

"I'll give it to you." Wu Yuquan stood up and said, without the pretension of a master-level powerhouse at all.

After sending the two to the door, watching them disappear into the virtual universe, Wu Yuquan showed a look of interest in his eyes, and then slowly disappeared into the virtual universe.

He appeared here this time mainly to help Feilia and Wang Teng register the Planet of Light Velvet, otherwise, in his capacity, he doesn't need to go out in person at all.


On the velvet planet, on Felia's spacecraft, Wang Teng and Felia walked out of the virtual cabin.

The two looked at each other and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Now that the registration of Luminous Velvet Planet is completed, with the power of the two, it is useless even if other people look at it.

"Well, should you thank me?" Feilia said with a squint at Wang Teng.

"Yes, yes, it's all up to you." Wang Teng didn't refute her. Once things are done, she can satisfy her little vanity.

Feilia was not so happy, she always felt like this guy was coaxing a child.

"When are you leaving?" She snorted, turned the subject, and asked.

"Since the matter has been resolved, I plan to leave today." Wang Teng said. He has already upgraded the Light Element Force to the ninth level of the Constant Star, and there is no need to stay.

"So anxious." Feilia said in surprise.

"The battle for genius hegemony in the Dagan Empire is about to begin," Wang Teng said.

"The battle of geniuses, that's the case, you are going to participate." Feilia suddenly remembered something, scratching her head and said: "Wait, my grandfather seemed to have signed me up for the genius battle of the Pan-Universe Alliance last time. War, it seems that I am going to participate in it."

"The Pan-Universal Alliance also has a genius battle for supremacy?" This time it was Wang Teng's turn to be surprised.

"In fact, every major force above the advanced civilization in the universe is eligible to hold a genius battle, and it will be held at the same time." A round voice sounded.

"At the same time?!" Wang Teng narrowed his eyes slightly, as if thinking of something, and asked: "Does this have any deep meaning?"

"I didn't plan to tell you so soon, lest you get distracted, but now that you have encountered a big power genius outside of the great empire ahead of time, let me tell you." Yuan Huo said: "All the major forces in the universe will be held at the same time. The genius battle is actually to select genius students for the Seven Star Academy in the universe."

"Seven Star Academy!" Wang Teng was taken aback.

"There are seven academies located in different parts of the universe, in which countless geniuses of the entire universe are gathered. They are very old. No one even knows who founded these seven star academies. They only know that they will send people to walk the universe every once in a while. Collect talented students," Yuan Gungun explained.

"Why did I never know the existence of this Star Academy?" Wang Teng frowned.

"Because the Seven Stars Academy is very mysterious, no one even knows where the Seven Stars Academy is located. Talented students admitted by it need to be personally introduced by the instructors of the Seven Stars Academy before they can enter the Star Academy." Yuan Gungun said. After a pause, he said again:

"And those talented students who walked out of the academy are also very secretive about this, so if no one specifically mentions it, few people know the existence of the Seven Star Academy."

"Even me, I don't know much about the Seven Star Academy." Yuangun shook his head.

"I didn't expect that there would still be such an existence. Compared with the Sacred Star Tower of the Orland Federation, I am afraid it is like the fireflies and the bright moon." Wang Teng sighed.

"Sacred Star Tower?" Yuan Kuankuan snorted: "Don't compare it with the Seven Star Academy. It's incomparable. Even the highest institution of the Dakan Empire, Dakan Academy, dare not compare it."

Wang Teng took a surprised look. He didn’t expect that he admired the seven star academies so much. This is a rare thing. He smiled and said, “Speaking of which, I still wanted to go to see this great academy. It’s just Because various things have been delayed and have not been completed so far, otherwise I might participate in the genius battle on behalf of the Academy."

"If they knew that you originally wanted to enter the Academy, and ended up rushing to the military department, what would it be like?" Yuan Tuankuan seemed to think of something interesting and couldn't help laughing.

Wang Teng shook his head, but he didn't think there was anything. He didn't even have an intersection with the Dagan Academy. Naturally, there was no regret or regret.

The tumultuous communication between him and Yuan was in his mind, so it ended soon, and it was only a moment in Felia's eyes.

"It's over, why did I forget about this? I must rush back right away, otherwise my grandfather will definitely punish me." Feilia said hurriedly.

Wang Teng couldn't help but laughed. He just said he was so anxious, but now she is even more anxious than herself.

"Go back and talk to the elders, we should go." He shook his head and said.

"Okay!" Fei Liya nodded quickly. She is more anxious than Wang Teng now, and the distance between Luminous Planet and the Pan-Universal Alliance is farther.

The two walked out of the spaceship, turned into two rays of light, and flew towards the tribe.

They directly found the Great Elder and explained their intentions.

"Are you leaving?" The Great Elder was taken aback, very surprised.

too suddenly!

He originally thought that Wang Teng and Feilia would stay for a few more days after registering on the Planet of Light Velvet, but he didn't expect to leave now.

"Yes, Luminous Planet has been registered, and we have our own business, so we must leave." Wang Teng explained.

"Has Luminous Planet registered? So fast!" The Great Elder said in surprise.

"With the help of Feilia's family, things have gone a lot better, otherwise it would not have been so fast." Wang Teng glanced at Feilia and said.

Then he turned on the smart watch again and showed the results to the elder, mainly to show that he and Feilia jointly owned the planet of velvet, and other people could no longer invade it.

After reading it, the elder finally breathed a sigh of relief and said gratefully: "Felia, thank you so much."

"It's nothing. I registered the glorious planet with my name. I will also benefit. I should do something." Feilia waved her hand.

The elder said nothing more, he saw that both of them were in an emergency, so he stopped staying.

The other leaders of the Light Velvet Spirit tribe also knew the news that Wang Teng and Feilia were about to leave, and rushed to see them off.

"Why leave in such a hurry, I still want to invite you to live in our tribe for a few days." Rong Li looked at Wang Teng and said with some dismay.

Wang Teng saved their tribe, but he hadn't had time to thank Wang Teng.

"If I am here, I have to leave." Wang Teng smiled and said, "Anyway, the Planet of Light Velvet is under my name, and I will definitely come again in the future. There will always be another day when I get together."

"Wang Teng was right. It's not that we can't see you anymore. You don't have to be like that." The Great Elder said, beckoning to the velvet spirit behind.

The velvet spirits stepped forward, holding various light-type spirit objects in their hands, spiritual flowers and grasses, and some peculiar minerals, exuding bright white light, and the power of light was very strong.

Among them, a few spiritual objects are contained in a white jade box. The jade box contains mysterious light runes, which can isolate the energy from spilling.

These phantoms are obviously different!

"I know that you need Light Element spiritual things, so I have prepared these things for you to take away." The Great Elder said.

"We really need these things, thank you very much, Grand Elder." Wang Teng and Feilia accepted without any refusal.

"From now on, Planet Light Velvet will rely on you, what can I do to thank you?" The Great Elder waved his hand indifferently.

He had already thought very clearly. From then on, Guangrong Planet was headed by Wang Teng and Feilia.

Only in this way can they survive in the universe and develop better.

"Elder, I will leave a cosmic-class spaceship. If you have anything in the future, just contact us through the virtual cabin on the spacecraft." Wang Teng has already taught them how to use the spaceship and virtual cabin a few days ago. Be prepared for this.

"Leave a spaceship!" Felia was a little dazed.

Before she could react, Wang Teng waved a big hand and a spaceship appeared in the sky.

Felia's eyes widened, like a ghost.

"Do you own a large space ring?" She asked in shock.

"It's not too old." Wang Teng glanced at her and said casually.

The spaceship in front of me is actually not big. It has been parked in the spaceship docking bay of the Huohe, and the Huohe is stored in the Huohe ring left by the owner of the Huohe.

When Wang Teng was inherited from the Lord of the Fire River, the Huohe Ring was the biggest gain. Not only was there a variety of treasures left by the Lord of the Fire River, it was also a space ring with a super-large space, so Wang Teng is always able to carry the spaceship with him.

Feilia thought that Wang Teng just had a space ring that could fit the spaceship in front of her.

This is so, in her opinion, it is already big enough, at least she doesn't have such a large space ring.

She didn't even have a genius born from a big family like her. It can be seen how scarce super-large space equipment is, and that Wang Teng has been inherited from the master class to be so extravagant.

What surprised her even more was that Wang Teng was too generous.

This is a cosmic-class spacecraft, how can it cost tens of billions of cosmic coins, so it can be used by Light Velvet Spirit at will?

Great wealth!

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