All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1251 I am waiting for you! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Feilia looked at Wang Teng with a strange expression, thinking about a very serious question in her heart.

How much money does this guy have?

Can a baron of a great empire have so much money?

She became more and more curious about Wang Teng.

Moreover, the Planet of Velvet hadn't been developed yet, so he sent a space-class spacecraft, which was equivalent to an investment of tens of billions, which immediately made her feel ashamed.

In comparison, she, who is obviously endlessly poor, suddenly felt like a poor man.

"Leave the spaceship to us, what do you do by yourself?" The elder asked worriedly.

"Yes, does this guy have other spaceships?" Fei Liya was taken aback, and found that she was underestimating Wang Teng again.

"I still have a spaceship. That one is what I usually use. This space-class spacecraft is just a spare spacecraft." Wang Teng said.

The elder nodded, said without saying more, "Then I wish you all the best!"

Wang Teng and Feilia bid farewell to the Spirit of Velvet and left the planet of Velvet.

In the universe, two spaceships flew side by side in the void, and Wang Teng and Felia stood on their own spaceships, looking at each other.

"Wang Teng, don't rank too low in the battle for geniuses, or I will laugh at you." Fei Liya said.

"You think too much." Wang Teng said lightly.

"How about Bibi to see who gets a higher ranking?" Fei Liya said.

"It's no longer the same force, what's the comparison." Wang Teng shook his head.

"Why are you so boring?" Feilia rolled her eyes irritably, and said, "The Great Gan Empire and our Pan-Universal Alliance are not too far apart. Of course, the strength of the holders of the corresponding rankings will not be too different. Far."

"Aren't you afraid to compare with me?"

"Fear, I never know how to write the word for fear." Wang Teng said flatly.

"That's it. I will pay attention to the battle for hegemony in your Da Gan Empire, and go." Feilia waved her hand, and her figure disappeared on the top of the spaceship.

And the silver-white domain master-class spacecraft she was riding on also accelerated suddenly, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared into the dark universe.

"This violent woman really likes to find things." Wang Teng shook his head.

"She's not convinced, and wants to compare with you." Yuan Kuan appeared on Wang Teng's shoulder, looking at the direction Feilia had left, and said with a smile.

"She loves to let her compare by herself, I don't bother to play with her." Wang Teng said, and said: "Since people are gone, let's change the Huohe spacecraft."

As soon as the voice fell, he waved his big hand, and the universe-class spacecraft under him disappeared. It was replaced by a larger crimson spacecraft, which was quietly suspended in the void, just like a terrifying starry behemoth.

"It's really troublesome, always avoid their sight." Wang Teng couldn't help saying.

"Then there is any way, who told you to keep a low profile." Round rollers.

Wang Teng was helpless, secretly thinking, if he wanted to reach the master level earlier, he didn't need to hide his head and show his tail like this.

Even if it reaches the domain master level, at least by then, he believes that he is not afraid of the general master level powerhouse.

Then he entered the spacecraft directly, and the Fire River also entered the dark space under the control of Chuan Chuan, reaching the fastest speed in an instant.

The goal, the great empire-battle star!

Battle Star is an extremely large planet, located in a remote part of the Dagan Empire. This planet is full of dangers. Not only are various powerful star beasts living here, but more importantly, the environment of Battle Star is extremely unique and dangerous. The earth is all over the planet.

Those dangerous places, even if a domain master-level warrior enters, they may not be able to come out easily.

And this battle star is actually the place where the battle of geniuses is held.

A group of constant star warriors entered it, and I am afraid that only the top geniuses can come out.

In past genius battles, death has always been the theme.

Even if a lot of powerhouses are arranged on the battle star, it is impossible to guarantee that every warrior who enters the battle for genius will survive.

This competition is cruel, death and opportunity coexist, it depends on who can get to the end.

Those who come to the end will definitely get opportunities that are not imaginable.

As Wang Teng rushed to the battle star, countless talented warriors also gathered towards the battle star, and the battle star that had been silent for a thousand years suddenly became lively.

In the great empire, people from all major forces had already headed to the battle star when they learned that the battle for genius hegemony was about to start.

You know that was six months ago.

Why is it so early?

Because everyone knows that the genius battle is one of the best events in the entire Dagan Empire!

If it is late, I am afraid that even the starry sky outside the battle star will be occupied by people, and then they will not be able to watch the genius battle above the battle star at close range.

This is the same as football games and basketball games. Some people just like to watch them live to experience the enthusiasm and passion.

The same is true of the genius war.

Even if there is a live broadcast, it can't stop their enthusiasm.

How can it be cool to watch the broadcast live!

Of course, there are some people who go to... do business.

After all, the genius battle will attract countless people to watch it. No matter what it is selling, it will be extremely popular. Universe coins are simply earned casually.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and many savvy people are already in action.

Making money is not shabby!


Wang Teng didn't know what kind of grand battle for genius hegemony would be. He was sorting out the light-type spirit objects given to him by the great elder in his own space debris at this time.

Especially the things in those jade boxes are not simple.

Wang Teng had his own wooden house.

The girls of the Flower Spirit Race specially built an exquisite wooden house for Wang Teng, hoping that he would not appear in their wooden house every time he enters the space debris.

Wang Teng has no face and skin anymore, and under such circumstances, he is not embarrassed to take advantage anymore.

He felt that he was too benevolent that gave the girls of the Flower Spirit Race a chance to stand up.

But for the sake of their hard work to build a wooden house for him, forget it.

At this moment, he was sitting in the lobby of the wooden house with a wooden sign with the word "Master", and summoned all the girls of the Flower Spirit Race.

"Wow, what a strong Light Elemental Force!" As soon as the girls of the Flower Spirit Race came in, they sensed the piles of Light Element spirit creatures on the table and exclaimed.

Huazi quickly drank a group of restless Hualing girls, and then took the lead in saluting Wang Teng.


I have to admit that a group of Yingyingyanyan girls of the Flower Spirit clan shouting "Master" towards them, this feeling is still very emotional.

Wang Teng felt at ease, he felt that Huazi was good at training, and he had time to reward her.

"Okay, you are welcome, come and look at these Light Element spirit creatures." He waved his hand.

"Yes!" Hua Zi nodded and responded.

Then a group of flower spirit races gathered around happily, and a faint fragrance of flowers floated in the surroundings.

These flower spirit girls naturally carry body fragrance!

The martial artist's sense of smell is very sensitive, and Wang Teng was surprised to find that the fragrance of each flower spirit girl is actually different.

This is... strange!

"Master, where did these light-type spirit creatures come from?" Hua Xian'er asked curiously.

Wang Teng touched her head, and said in his heart that it was really supple, but he smiled and said, "I got it on a planet of the Light Element."

"Bright Stars!" The girls of the Flower Spirit Race exclaimed.

Hua Zi glanced at Wang Teng in surprise, and was able to discover the light planet, their masters were very lucky.

"Now that planet belongs to your master. There is a very strange race on it. I will take you to play in the future." Wang Teng said.

"Okay, okay!" Hua Xian'er's eyes lit up, clapping her hands happily, and asked curiously: "What kind of strange race is it?"

"Here, that's it, it's fluffy." Wang Teng transformed the appearance of the velvet spirit and showed them.

Stuffed toys or something, girls have the least resistance.

Wang Teng sold the Light Velvet Spirit without any pressure.

"Wow!" Sure enough, stars appeared in the eyes of the girls of the Flower Spirit Race.

Even Hua Zi was a little moved, and looked like she was about to move.

Hua Xian'er couldn't help but stretched out her hand to hug the velvet spirit in front of her. Unfortunately, it was just a phantom. She went straight through and almost fell on the ground. Fortunately, the iris hurriedly supported her.

Wang Teng couldn't help covering his forehead.

"Okay, okay, can you see if these light-type spirits can be planted?" He quickly waved away the phantom and turned the topic back.

"Oh." The girls of the Flower Spirit Race were reluctant to give up, but when they heard Wang Teng's question, they quickly recovered and looked at the spiritual objects.

"We can plant these spiritual things." After a while, Hua Zi nodded solemnly.

"Very well, you really did not disappoint me, then I will give you these spiritual things." Wang Teng said with satisfaction.

Many good things can be added to his back garden.

"However, we need to re-open up a spiritual field with strong light force here." Hua Zi said.

"Yes, this matter is simple, I will solve it." Wang Teng said, he got a lot of light source stones from the velvet planet, just to use it to set up the light array.

Then he opened the jade boxes again and looked intently.

"Sure enough, it is a ten thousand-year-old artifact!" Wang Teng couldn't help his eyes flashing when he saw the things in it.

There are a total of nine ten thousand-year spiritual relics, which is equivalent to the number of spiritual relics used by the great elders that day.

Wang Teng glanced at it, and every spiritual thing was different, and each had its own usefulness. If it was used to refine a pill, it would definitely be able to refine a pill at or above the master level.

For the Guangming martial artist, this is a great temptation.

"A Thousand Years Era!" Hua Zi widened her eyes and opened her mouth slightly, no matter how she couldn't close her.

There are even ten thousand years of spiritual things, what kind of planet their master has discovered.

Wang Teng put away these ten thousand-year-old artifacts. They were too old to be planted in ordinary places. They needed special places with strong light force to the extreme. Even if they were not planted well, they might be damaged and died. So Wang Teng did not intend to let the Flower Spirits plant it.

These ten thousand-year-old artifacts are unique and uncommon. Since they have been picked, they only need to be preserved.

"Let's go, I'm going to open up a spiritual field dedicated to planting light-type spiritual things." Wang Teng stood up and said.

The Hualing girls quickly followed.

Cao Jiaojiao was alarmed, she couldn't help but walked out of the wooden house and looked at them, "What is this going to do?"

Wang Teng found an open space in the space debris, sat cross-legged in the sky, his mental power gushing out, engraving runes, and at the same time throwing out bright source stones.

The white runes of light hovered quietly in the sky, surrounding Wang Teng, emitting bursts of white light.

Over time, more and more runes appeared, until they were connected to form a huge circular formation.

"Ning!" Wang Teng suddenly let out a soft voice.

The formation immediately burst out with a burst of bright light, falling towards the ground.


The ground seemed to tremble, making a strange noise.

The bright array submerged into the ground in a blink of an eye and disappeared, and the area covered by the array immediately had a strong light force permeating out.

Cao Jiaojiao looked surprised, even if it wasn't the first time to see such a situation, she still felt shocked.

Master Rune!

This guy is incredible!


Wang Teng smiled slightly, fell from the sky, explained the flower spirit girl, and disappeared into the space debris.

He was so anxious to leave the space debris because news came in round and round that someone was contacting him.

In the main control room of the spacecraft, Wang Teng's figure emerged.

"It's the communication of the military of the Dagan Empire." Round Rolling Road.

"Connect." Wang Teng nodded and sat down in the driver's seat.

Turning on the communication at the moment, a light and shadow emerged. This was a military warrior in the military uniform of a major. As soon as he appeared, he gave a military salute to Wang Teng and said loudly: "Colonel Wang Teng, I am the general staff of the military. Lieutenant Commander Maxwell, it’s a pleasure to meet you."

There was a trace of reverence in his voice, and his eyes looked at Wang Teng with a little excitement.

Wang Teng's deeds of defending the star on the 29th have long been spread, and many warriors in the military are no strangers to him, and even many people regard him as an idol, a goal of struggle and pursuit.

The possession of a Pillar State Medal is still so young, how can it not be worthy of respect.

The military department also deliberately regarded Wang Teng as the target of propaganda.

After all, he is so suitable, so young and so outstanding, there is no more suitable propaganda object than him.

"Hello, Major Maxwell!" Wang Teng replied with a polite.

He felt that the other person's gaze was a little strange, it seemed very...excited! ?

Does the other party know him?

Isn't it a mess? Although he is handsome, he doesn't want men to like him.

"Colonel Wang Teng, I am very happy to serve you. Many warriors in our military department know your deeds." Maxwell said.

Wang Teng suddenly felt relieved, and said, "This is what a warrior of my generation should do. It's not worth mentioning. I wonder if you have anything to do with me?"

Seeing that Wang Teng was so humble, Maxwell looked even more respectful, and said, "I contacted you this time to ask when you will arrive at Battle Star. We have already arrived in advance, so we can welcome your arrival. This is the peak. The command."

"As the representative of our military, we cannot lose the limelight in front of other forces."

Wang Teng was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect it to be for this.

Is the military so high-profile?

But... he likes it.

The battle of geniuses, countless geniuses gathered, no one wanted to lose the limelight. Wang Teng didn't plan to do anything, but since the military was willing to stand up for him, he would not be stupid to refuse.

Wang Teng immediately informed Maxwell of the specific arrival time.

"Okay, Colonel Wang Teng, I am waiting for your arrival." Maxwell saluted, and the light and shadow disappeared.

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