All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1253 Broadcast, attention from all parties! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Battle star.

As time gets closer and closer to the opening date of the battle for geniuses, countless geniuses have gathered.

Some are cultivated by big forces, ready to go, and want to be famous in the stars!

Some come from remote planets and walk out with the hope of the whole village, hoping to become famous in World War I!

Some are so talented that they have been carefully cultivated as apprentices by the strong since they were young, and now it's also the time when the eagle first screamed!

There are also occasional encounters, ignorant, bumping into the vast starry sky, waiting for them is the unknown...

But anyway, these geniuses have absolute self-confidence in themselves and come to the battle star with the heart of an indomitable strong man.

They came from all over the starry sky, exuding a powerful aura, which made those who were preparing to watch the battle outside of the battle star exclaimed.

The atmosphere completely ignited the starry sky!

Such a grand occasion, as the largest virtual company in the universe, the virtual universe company will naturally not let it go.

They conducted a live broadcast of the battle star, no matter who it is, as long as they log in to the virtual universe, they can see the real-time broadcast of the battle star.

Magnolia galaxy.

Jade star!

In Wang Teng's manor, the martial arts leaders of the Earth Star, Mr. Han, Hong Shuai and others gathered together, looking at a light curtain in front of them. The light curtain was exactly the situation on the side of the battle star.

Obviously, they all know the news of the battle of the geniuses of the Dagan Empire.

Such an unprecedented grand occasion has long been spread everywhere. They heard people around them discussing the battle for geniuses a long time ago, and gradually understood what the battle for geniuses meant.

To put it bluntly, as long as you stand out from the battle of geniuses, you will definitely be named in the stars.

Even those geniuses are likely to become world master-level powerhouses in the future, or even immortal-level powerhouses, truly surpassing the world and surpassing countless warriors.

What an honor this is!

Just thinking about it makes people excited.

The martial arts leaders and others can't wait for themselves to participate in this genius battle for hegemony. As the outstanding people from the earth stars, their talents are actually not weak, they can even be said to be very strong.

And their age is not more than a hundred years old, in the universe, compared with those races that are thousands of years old, such an age is considered small.

It's a pity that they came to the universe for too short a time. In half a year, many of them reached the later stage of the planetary stage, but did not break through the constant star.

Such strength is not enough to participate in the genius battle after all.

But they were unable to participate, but it didn't mean that Earth Star had no one to participate.

Wang Teng!

They believe that with Wang Teng's talent, he must have grown to a constant star now, and he will definitely be able to participate in this genius battle.

There is no doubt!

Part of the reason they watched this genius battle for supremacy was to watch the excitement. After all, such a grand event should not be missed.

The biggest reason is to watch Wang Teng's game and want to see what he can achieve in the genius battle.

"It's really lively!" The martial arts leader couldn't help exclaiming as he looked at the picture in the light curtain.

His name is Wu Xingyun!

Few people knew his name. Everyone called him a martial arts leader when he was in Earth and Star, so that even he himself almost forgot his name, but now in the universe, he naturally has to show his real name.

"It's really a gathering of geniuses, even across the screen, I can feel the aura of those geniuses." Old Han said with emotion.

"I wonder if Wang Xiaozi can defeat them?"

"Yeah, these genius warriors are really terrible. I heard that some of them are the direct disciples of immortal powerhouses. In this regard, Wang Teng is too far behind. He came out of the earth star, and his background is completely incomparable with them." Hong Shuai is here, shaking his head and sighing.

"I don't know how he has been in the past six months?" Dean Yu Xiuxian of Earth Star First Academy said.

Everyone fell silent.

This question is what everyone thinks, but they can't get the answer because they haven't contacted Wang Teng for half a year.

At first everyone was quite confident in Wang Teng, but seeing the constant-star talented martial artists on the battle star, their confidence was weakened a lot.

Can Wang Teng really be compared with those enchanting geniuses?

In addition to Wu Xingyun, Han Lao and other warriors of the older generation, many talented warriors of the younger generation of Earth Star are also here.

Since the establishment of the space formation, many warriors on the earth and stars have had the opportunity to come to the Jade Star to practice.

These people include Han Zhu, Wan Baiqiu, Du Yu and others of Huang Haijun Academy, Ji Xiuming, Yu Tao, Mao Na and others of the first university.

And Xiao Yunfan, Luo Cheng, the geniuses of major martial arts academies...

They are in the golden age of practice, and naturally they have all come to the universe.

In half a year, they made great progress, and at the same time they understood the vastness and terribleness of the universe. The strength like them could not be compared with those real geniuses in the universe. Their foundations were too different.

But with the same background, Wang Teng has already gained a firm foothold in the universe, which shocked them and felt sighed in their hearts.

People who used to be on the same starting line have now gone so far.


On the other side, a team of mercenaries sailed in the universe on a spaceship with a constant star.

There are three constant star warriors in this mercenary squad, and more than a dozen star warriors, both men and women, mainly young people.

At this moment, they were a little embarrassed, their armor and uniforms were covered with blood, and many of them were still wounded. It seemed that they had just experienced a big battle.

This team has just returned from a mercenary mission on a remote planet, and is currently being repaired.

"Quickly, quickly, quickly turn on the virtual network, and the broadcast on the battle star has begun." A planetary star warrior suddenly exclaimed with excitement.

"Yes, the battle for genius hegemony is about to begin." Everyone was shocked, and there was excitement and excitement in their eyes.

For these young warriors, the genius battle is their most yearning event.

They immediately opened the virtual network, and the real-time broadcast of Battle Star appeared instantly.

"So strong!"

"Is this a genius warrior?"

"It's terrible, that kind of aura, it's simply not like what a constant star warrior can have."


When everyone saw the figures, they couldn't help but exclaimed, and their faces were full of envy and yearning.

"If I can participate in this genius competition, even if I can't get the ranking, it will be enough to brag for a lifetime." A constant star warrior shook his head.

"Brother Xue Fei, your strength has clearly reached the constant star, why don't you go to participate?" a travel star warrior couldn't help asking.

He who asks this kind of question is obviously a rookie.

However, many star warriors didn't know the reason, and they looked at the constant star warrior and were curious.

"I'm only at the 5th level of a permanent star. I can't even do a battle of higher ranks. What should I take to participate." Xue Fei smiled bitterly and explained: "Although you only need a permanent star to participate in the battle for geniuses, you can definitely participate. They are all the peaks of the ninth level of constant stars. This is a default rule, lest everyone go in and recharge their numbers."

"Isn't it, what if some people have strong combat power at the fifth level with a constant star rating?" someone asked.

"Yes." Xue Fei glanced at this person and said: "But it will definitely be targeted. I will ask you a question. Suddenly a constant-star five-layer martial artist appears among a group of constant-star nine-tier martial artists, you What do you think will happen?"

"We will definitely attack the fifth-tier martial artist of the constant star level first!" The man suddenly said with a pale face: "The persimmon is looking for a soft pinch."

"That's right, all the 9th-layer constant star martial artists think so, so unless you really have the strength, you still don't want to die." Xue Fei said.

"Hmph, if you give me a few more years, I will definitely reach the ninth level of the constant star." Suddenly, another constant star warrior hummed softly.

"Yes, Big Brother Isaiah is so talented. This time the mission has been upgraded from the fifth level of the constant star to the sixth level. If you give you some more time, you will definitely reach the 9th level of the constant star. Participate in the genius battle for hegemony." A travel star warrior echoed.

The constant star warrior named Isaiah is a brown-haired young man with a tall stature and extraordinary bearing.

Hearing the words of the crowd, he couldn't help feeling a little complacent, and then his gaze fell on a star-star woman in the team.

This woman was wearing a silver-white battle armor, which set off her exquisite body and her exceptional beauty. Her long jet black hair was tied into a ponytail behind her head, neat and clean, looking very sassy.

It's just that there is coldness on her delicate face, and no strangers should enter.

There are many runes inscribed on the battle armor, although it is a planetary battle armor, it is a rare product among them.

This woman is undoubtedly the most dazzling existence among this group of young warriors.

There is beauty, and there is money!

The male warrior in the squad doesn't have a slight idea about her.

Isaiah was surprisingly one of them, and in his eyes, no one else dared to express their ideas.

No one can compete with him here.

It is a pity that this beautiful woman only maintains the friendship of teammates to everyone, and even her temperament is even more inaccessible, and she is indifferent to everyone.

Even Isaiah has never obtained any benefit from this woman, and she has never even smiled at him.

At this moment, the woman didn't even look at Isaiah, she was staring at the light curtain, her eyes seemed to have a different kind of light.

Isaiah frowned, he had never seen the other side show such gaze.

"Isaiah, you did have a chance. It's a pity that we are just ordinary warriors, we don't have any resource background, and after all, it's too much difference." Xue Fei said with emotion.

When Isaiah heard these words, all her pride just disappeared, her brows furrowed deeply, and a deep unwillingness flashed deep under her eyes.


Why those geniuses have various resources and backgrounds, but he can only work hard to cultivate at the lowest level.

No matter how hard he tried, he was far from those talented warriors and couldn't catch up.

He was unwilling, really unwilling.

Isaiah's gaze fell on the woman again, and this was probably his only chance.

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