All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1254 Encounter! Gathering geniuses! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

In the dark universe, an ordinary spacecraft is sailing fast.

This is the spaceship that Wang Teng is riding in. They are already very close to the battle star, so the Huohe was replaced with an ordinary space-class spacecraft.

"You will be able to reach the Battle Star in one hour." Inside the spacecraft, Chuankuan said to Wang Teng.

"Yeah." Wang Teng closed his eyes and practiced. Hearing the round words, he didn't open his eyes, but just nodded.

"Hey, I ran into a spaceship from the capital of the Dagan Empire in front of me." Yuan Gungun said suddenly.

Generally speaking, spaceships need to be registered, and when two spaceships approach, they will show each other where they are registered.

This is done to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

The universe is dangerous, and sometimes if they encounter each other and misunderstand them accidentally, a great war may break out.

These things were dealt with in a roundabout way, and Wang Teng ignored them.

Chuankuang didn’t take it to heart. The battle for geniuses was imminent, and the place was getting closer and closer to the battle star. There must be a lot of people from the imperial capital to watch. NS.

However, just as Yuan Kuan Kuan was about to pass the news, he suddenly received a communication from the other side.

"Wang Teng, the other side initiated a communication request, do you want to get through?" Yuangunwan was a little curious about who would send a communication request to them, and couldn't help turning his head to ask Wang Teng.

Wang Teng frowned, slowly opened his eyes, and said, "Connect it."

"Okay." Yuan Gungun nodded, and connected to the communication request from the other side.

Then a light and shadow emerged, it turned out to be a woman with a veil on her face.

"Baron Wang Teng, it really is you!" The woman with a veil on face saw Wang Teng and smiled slightly.

"Situ Wan'er!" Wang Teng stared at the familiar and unfamiliar figure, was taken aback for a moment, and finally remembered the identity of the other party.

This woman was indeed Situ Wan'er, the daughter of Duke Situ Nan.

"How did you know it was me?" Wang Teng asked curiously.

"Your spaceship was registered on the 29th Defense Star, or it was purchased through special military channels. I guessed it was you when I guessed it." Situ Wan'er's voice was a little cold, but there was also some contentment.

Wang Teng suddenly realized that in order to save money, he bought several spaceships from the military as a means of transportation.

Unexpectedly, this Situ Wan'er Hui Lanxin guessed his identity with this little information.

Of course, there is also a bit of luck in it.

"Are you going to Battle Star too?" Wang Teng asked.

"Yes." Situ Wan'er nodded and looked at Wang Teng. This is the first time she saw Wang Teng since the last time she was in the imperial capital.

But in the middle, I heard a lot of Wang Teng's deeds, especially his merits on the 29th defensive star and obtaining the Pillar State Medal. There has been a lot of rumors among the top empires.

When Wang Teng was newly promoted to the baronial title and banqueted the nobles of the empire, he was caused by the Parax family and completely disturbed.

Many people regard Wang Teng as a joke, offending the Parax family, what is the future of a baron.

But unexpectedly, half a year later, the baron became famous again, and even got the Zhu Guo Medal.

The Pillar State Medal is the highest honor of the military. With this medal, it is equivalent to the military's backing for Wang Teng. No matter how powerful the Parax family is, it is impossible to reach out to the military.

Many people were shocked by this.

I thought that Wang Teng, who had left the imperial capital, would be a bereaved dog, but he did not expect that he would enter the sea like a dragon, and the sky would be brighter!

Because of this, Situ Wan'er would take the initiative to contact when she guessed that the spaceship in front of her was most likely Wang Teng's spacecraft.

Otherwise, with her temperament, even if she met some noble children who had met in the Imperial Capital, she would not take the initiative to contact each other.

"Are you going to watch the game or participate?" Wang Teng asked curiously.

"Participate!" Situ Wan'er said.

Wang Teng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the daughter of the duke would also participate in the battle for genius hegemony.

However, as the daughter of a master-level powerhouse, her strength should not be weak.

"What a grand event is the genius battle, since I am qualified, I shouldn't miss it." Situ Waner said.

Wang Teng nodded, thinking that there are not a few people who hold this kind of thought, but they just don't know what her strength is?

Thinking of this, Wang Teng's gaze carried a trace of inquiry, but it was a pity that there was only a light and shadow in front of him, after all, Situ Wan'er could not be seen.

His [Pupil of True Sight] can pass through the void and spacecraft, but it is unnecessary and not an enemy.

What's more, it's useless to watch. They are all constant stars, and you can't tell in terms of combat power.

Unless you have multiple Forces like him!

How much can you tell one or two.

But the combat skills and secrets that everyone masters are different, and it is difficult to truly judge from the original force.

If you really encountered it in the battle for genius hegemony, it will not be too late to explore.

"You should also go to the competition." Situ Wan'er said.

"Exactly." Wang Teng said.

"Why not go together?" Situ Wan'er said.

"Okay." Wang Teng didn't refuse either. There was a companion on the road, which was not so lonely anyhow.

With only one hour left, he didn't want to practice any more, so fortunately, he chatted with Situ Wan'er.

As the daughter of the Duke, Situ Wan'er had extraordinary knowledge and talked about everything. Fortunately, Wang Teng was able to keep up with the round cards.

There is also the memory of the inheritance of the Void Swallowing Beast, some more mysterious things and things, just to mention one or two, it is an eye-opener for Situ Wan'er.

"By the way, why didn't Duke Situ Nan come?" Wang Teng suddenly remembered something and asked.

"My father passed two days ago. I was practicing outside before, so I didn't go the same way." Situ Wan'er said.

"I see."

During the chat, time passed quickly, and the two spaceships were getting closer and closer to the battle star.

In the void, a huge black planet was floating quietly.

This size alone is a thousand times the size of a terrestrial star.

It is hard to imagine that such a superstar is actually a planet of life with countless lives.

However, due to the special environment of this planet, it was not suitable for the survival of ordinary warriors, and was eventually designated by the Dagan Empire as the venue for the battle of geniuses.

At this moment, countless warships and spaceships are staying outside that huge planet, densely packed and countless, forming a vast scene.

Those are spectators from all sides of the Dagan Empire.

And at the position closest to the battle star, there is an extremely powerful space battleship fleet surrounding the battle star cluster.

On these battleships are the unique signs of the military headquarters of the Dagan Empire-



Obviously, these are the fleets of the military headquarters of the Dagan Empire.

They will maintain the order of the genius battle, and even protect the genius warriors from all sides.

As the most powerful and impartial official force of the Dagan Empire, these things are naturally none other than the military department.

"This time it seems that many talented warriors have emerged from the various star regions of the Dagan Empire, more than before. I have just seen many powerful figures entering the waiting area for the competition."

"Yes, just then, I have seen no less than a hundred galaxy-level geniuses walk in."

"More than travel star geniuses, there have been many star-level geniuses."


The genius battle has not really started yet, and the people watching the battle around are already talking about it.

The real-time broadcast of the virtual universe locks the lens on the talented warriors with different appearances, allowing them to appear in front of all viewers.

"Look, that genius Furnas, who seems to be the star of Nass, was seen in the starry sky that he had killed a powerful middle-ranked star beast!"

"Heaven, a constant star can kill a middle-ranked emperor star beast, that's equivalent to a cosmic level!"

"What's the matter, true genius, it's normal to kill an existence one level higher than yourself."

"Huh, what Furnus, our Feng Nanxing genius Feng Yushan once fought two cosmic martial artists alone, isn't it better than him!"

"What, fighting two cosmic-level warriors alone with a constant star, I'm afraid it's not a joke."

"Just kidding? You just go out to inquire, who doesn't know about Fengyushan's deeds, this can be fake."

"Terror like this! Horror like this! Is this the so-called genius?"

"I seem to be a fake constant star!"


There is a dedicated communication platform in the virtual universe. As each genius comes on stage, the war has not yet started, and people from all sides have been arguing about the battle.

Especially those geniuses who have been paid special attention, all have the ability to fight beyond the ranks, and suddenly become the focus of everyone's discussion.

For ordinary warriors, being able to fight across one or two small realms is quite remarkable.

Fighting across a large realm is something they dare not even imagine.

But for these genius warriors, it seems to be commonplace, each of them possesses the super strength to fight across the great realm.

Only those strong, whose eyes fell on these genius warriors, seemed relatively plain.

Only by fighting across the big realm can you have the opportunity to stand out in the battle of geniuses, otherwise it will be for nothing to participate.

Suddenly, the onlookers around the battle star suddenly agitated.

I saw that in the distant void, the distance was about hundreds of thousands of miles, and the ripples of the space waved and opened, as if a stone fell, and the deep pool water stirred up ripples.

Then a huge spaceship jumped out and galloped towards the battle star.

Behind the realm master class spacecraft, there are a dozen cosmic-class and domain master class spacecrafts. They follow closely behind, like guards, guarding the realm master class spacecraft.

"Master class spacecraft!!!"

"That is the Parax family, one of the eight great royal families of the empire. Look at the logo on the spaceship, a fire dragon! It represents the Parax family!"

"Hey, one of the eight great royal families with different surnames!"

"Finally here, a strong man from the imperial capital, I don't know what kind of genius warrior the Parax family will send this time?"

"There hasn't been any news from the Parax family in recent years, I am afraid it is secretly cultivating talented warriors!"


With the arrival of the Parax family, everyone was boiling.

It was one of the eight different-surnamed royal families sitting high in the clouds. Ordinary warriors had never seen anyone with a different-surnamed royal family. He had only heard about it in the rumors. How could he not be excited if he could see it with his own eyes at this time.

Inside the realm master class spacecraft of the Parax family, a burly bald old man with a flame mark on his forehead stood in front of the spacecraft's main console.

Behind him are Walter Gu and Sinclair, two domain master-level warriors of the Parax family.

Behind is Adris and a few strange faces, and those strange faces faintly exude a strong breath.

Even if it's just a constant star, Adris dare not come close, and stay away from them.

"Stritch! Landon!..." the burly bald old man said.

"Ancestor!" Behind him, the unfamiliar young warriors responded respectfully in unison.

"The battle star is just ahead. The family has spent countless resources to train you. I hope you don't let me down and let the family down." The burly old man said.

"Yes!" everyone looked solemn and responded loudly.

"Very good!" The burly old man nodded and said again: "We are the Parax family, and the glory of the family rests on you. Every young warrior participating in the battle for geniuses, there are people who have gone to the end and entered the Seventh National Congress. Star Academy, the last one was one person. In this year, many of you are surprised by the talents of your family, so I hope that more of you can enter Star Academy."

"I will do my best in the future." The voices of those young warriors kept fighting high all day long.

The burly old man turned to look at these young warriors, his eyes became more satisfied, and he couldn't help laughing.

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