All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1255 The emperor! Golden Winged Scarlet Tiger! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

The spaceship team of the Parax family was intercepted outside the military fleet.

If you are not a participant, you cannot enter the battle star!

The hatch of the Parax family spacecraft opened, and extraordinary figures flew out of it, standing in the void.

Their aura is powerful, like the cubs of giant star beasts, extremely fierce and intimidating.

"Go!" A voice came from inside the spaceship.

Those few figures saluted respectfully towards the spaceship, and then turned into shocks and flew to the waiting area outside the battle star.

"Are those talented warriors participating in the Parax family?"

"It looks so strong!"

"There are so many, worthy of being one of the eight different surname royal families, and the background is profound."


On the communication platform of the virtual universe, everyone talked and was shocked.

At this moment, the space of another starry sky was surging again, and one spacecraft rushed out, led by a deep blue world master class spacecraft, with amazing aura.

"Storm Griffin!"

"The Storm Gryphon mark is the Rodriguez family!"

"Another eight kings with different surnames!"


The exclamation sound came from the spaceships and warships around again. The appearance of this spaceship team ignited the unquenched emotions of everyone again.

The dark blue spacecraft came to a halt slowly in front of the military fleet, and there were similarly powerful figures appearing.

"The Rodriguez family seems to have fewer talented warriors than the Pellax family."

"It's not surprising that the Rodriguez family and the Ji family, one of the other eight royal families, set off a princely battle. How tragic the battle was. The result was both defeats and the two royal families fell to the end of the eight royal families. They almost didn't even hold the position of the royal family. It took a few years to regain their vitality. They didn't participate in the last genius battle."

"There is such a thing?"

"Young man, if you don't understand, ask more."

"Good old man, old man please go well."

"Roll rough!"

"Speaking of the princely battle, isn't it terrifying? It almost made the two royal families almost lose their status as royal families."

"It's more than terrible, it's terrible, and ordinary people can't even imagine it."

"Then they can appear this time, I am afraid they will come prepared, maybe there will be one or two amazing Tianjiao."


On the communication platform of the virtual universe, even talking about an old thing that year, many young warriors were shocked, but they were involuntarily attracted.

Before the talented warriors of the Rogrides family stepped into the waiting area, another royal family of different surnames arrived.

The spacecraft flew out of the dark universe and stopped not far from the spacecraft of the Rodriguez family.

"Royal Ji Family!"

"Really come here. Just mentioning the Ji family, this Ji family is here."

"There is a good show here. Two royal families with different surnames who have a deep hatred meet together. I don't know if they will fight directly?"


"Humph!" A cold snort suddenly came from the spaceship of the Rodriguez family, and then a powerful figure appeared in the void.

He was wearing a blue robe with long blue hair scattered, and he turned out to be a handsome man.

In the vast void, this figure was the size of a sesame seed, and those with bad eyesight might not be able to see it.

But when he appeared, it was like a light-concentrating body, which made people unable to ignore.

A majestic aura exuded from his body, condensed into a terrifying behemoth in the void.

Storm Griffon!

The emblem of the Rogrides family!

"Roar!" The terrible storm griffon roared up to the sky, with a deafening voice, rumblingly echoing in the void.

"Master-level powerhouse!" The crowd was in an uproar, staring at the blue-haired man dumbfounded.

"Hehe, old friend, haven't seen you for thousands of years, you still have this violent temper." A chuckle came from the spaceship of the Ji family.

In a daze, another figure appeared in the void, also an old man, wearing a golden robe, standing in the air opposite the master-class powerhouse of the Rogerides family.

"Ji Xiangming, you still have the guts to show up in front of Lao Tzu." The world leader of the Rodriguez family shouted coldly.

"Why don't you dare, I'm still afraid that you won't succeed." Ji Xiangming smiled lightly.

"I haven't seen you for thousands of years, you still look like this insidious, I can't understand you like this, I don't know if your strength has grown like your mouth for thousands of years?" Luo Ge The realm master-level powerhouse of the Des family narrowed his eyes slightly.

"If you have made any progress, you will know if you try." Ji Xiangming said with a flash of cold eyes.

"Come, those who don't come are counseling eggs." The world master-level powerhouse of the Rodriguez family said coldly.

"If you want to fight, roll out to fight hundreds of millions of miles away. This is the battle star, not your place to mess around." At this moment, a flat voice came from the fleet of the military headquarters. The voice was not loud, but Clearly passed into everyone's ears.

The expressions of Ji Xiangming and the master-level powerhouses of the Rogrides family changed slightly.

"Hahaha, you two old guys still want to end up personally. The battle for genius is imminent. Let the younger generation fight hard."

A loud laugh came from afar.

The void oscillates, and the spatial ripples oscillate around, and this time the scope of the spatial ripples is extremely large.

At a glance, dozens of spacecraft rushed out of the dark universe and came to the starry sky thousands of miles away.

Those dozens of spaceships are not the same family. If you distinguish them carefully, you will find that they are divided into five different main camps.

The Kalandish family!

Ji's royal family!

The Jiang family!

The Perez family!

Xiahou royal family!

Five royal families, come together! ! !

At this moment, the five remaining royal families came together.

Ji Xiangming and the realm masters of the Rogrides family couldn't help turning their heads to look at the five royal clans, their eyes flashed slightly, and they waved away.

The young talented warriors of the two royal families glanced at each other, sparks splashed in their eyes, and then flew to the waiting area for the competition.

In addition, the arrival of the five royal clans did not cause any conflict. On their respective spaceships, a series of powerful figures appeared, and they also stepped into the waiting area for the competition.


The surrounding pressure is loose.

All the onlookers finally eased from the tense atmosphere formed by the arrival of the royal family, and then they burst into shocking voices of discussion.

"Seven royal families!"

"My God, it's terrible!"

"I am afraid that every royal family will have a realm master-level powerhouse personally present. That kind of terrifying aura is simply suffocating."

"The Ji family almost got into a fight with the Rogrides family, but fortunately they were drunk."

"By the way, that was the powerhouse of the military department just now, and with just one voice, it overwhelmed the aura of the two realm master-level powerhouses of the Ji family and the Rogrides family!"

"Immortal powerhouse! Absolutely immortal powerhouse! Otherwise it is impossible to do this!"

"Yes, it must be an immortal-level strong, and there must be an immortal-level strong in the military department!"


After a long time, this discussion gradually subsided, but people were still discussing the eight kings, and the focus of the discussion shifted from the older generation of strong men to the younger generation of talented warriors.

Nowadays, geniuses are contending for supremacy, and the older generation of strong men can't fight, but the younger generation of genius warriors will inevitably have a battle.

And it will be intense!

So it is better to focus on those young talented warriors.

As time passed, more and more talented warriors poured in from all directions, but with the jewels of the eight royal families in front, the momentum of the talented warriors behind was naturally much weaker.

Their background is not enough to compare with the eight kings.

However, among these people, there may be extremely amazing geniuses, and now they are not well-known. After the start of the genius battle, it may not be a blockbuster!

There has never been a lack of such an existence in previous battles for genius hegemony!

"Look, that is the Kunwu Beast symbol, the royal family has arrived!"

"What! Royal family!!!"


"Oh my god, there are several world master class spacecraft, this is more than one royal family coming, one, two, three..."

"Have all the princes of this generation appeared?"


The world master-class spacecraft stopped, and a series of indescribable figures appeared in the void. Although they were different and different in temperament, they were all wearing purple-gold robes, with aloof demeanor.

Even when compared with the younger generation of talented warriors of the eight great royal clans, they are particularly victorious.

It is a kind of inherent nobility, just like engraving the word nobility in the blood.

These young princes glanced at each other, and they were not so kind, but there was a sense of rivalry.


At this time, a roar resounding all over the world suddenly sounded.

The princes' eyes flashed and looked far away, only to see a golden light overflowing in the void.

The space was torn, and a huge figure "squeezed" out of the crack in the space!

Between heaven and earth, there is silence!

Everyone looked at the behemoth, their eyes widened involuntarily, and their mouths slowly opened, unable to close.

Even the princes were caught in a daze, unable to recover.

The people of the eight great royal families also changed their complexion slightly, looking at the giant beast in amazement.

"That...that's a giant starry sky!!!"

Someone swallowed and said in horror.


Countless people were shocked.

"The starry sky behemoth is actually a starry sky behemoth!"

"Why is there a giant starry sky here?"

"I have read the records, this star behemoth seems to be a legend...Golden Winged Scarlet Tiger!"

"Golden Winged Scarlet Tiger! The golden starry sky behemoth is extremely powerful, and it is rumored that it will naturally grow into an existence equivalent to the world master level after adulthood!"

"Look there, there is a man on the back of the star behemoth!"

"It seems... there really is someone!"

"Who is it? He came here with a behemoth in the starry sky!"


"The emperor!!" The first few princes instantly recognized the person on the back of the star beast, and said in astonishment.

The people of the Golden Winged Scarlet Tiger generation are indeed the emperors of the Dagan Empire generation!

The emperor! ! !

The person who can get this title is definitely the best one among the imperial children, and is considered the next generation heir to the empire.

The emperor of this generation is even more stunning, showing unparalleled talent at a young age, like a sun shining on the imperial capital and being valued by many royal ancestors.

For him, he personally crawled out of the coffin to teach.

Later, the emperor traveled the starry sky and swept one side. It was rumored that he had walked out of the Dagan Empire and was already at war with the outside Tianjiao.

When many genius warriors were still struggling to flee in the great empire, he had already stepped out of the great empire. Who can compare with such a talent?

Now this emperor comes to drive a terrifying star behemoth!

Such a momentum!

Such a posture!

It is really unimaginable.

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