All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1256 Someone Came to Pick Me Up! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

A huge starry beast set foot on the starry sky, walked out of the cracks in the space, and appeared in everyone's eyes.

The golden-winged scarlet tiger has two wings hanging down into the sky, showing a golden color, but its hair is pitch black, with red markings on it.

The limbs are strong and strong, the tail is thick and long, and the hideous fangs stick out from the big mouth.

A pair of tiger eyes, piercing eyes, really majestic, with unmatched momentum.

For the first time, many people saw a real star behemoth, and they were trembling all over, unable to speak because of the momentum.

The appearance of the emperor on the back of the Golden Wing Scarlet Tiger in this way made everyone even more stunned, unable to explain for a long time.

Even the eight great royal clans and those princes are setting off stormy waves in their hearts, and they can't recover for a long time.


The Golden Winged Scarlet Tiger violently opened its mouth in the blood basin and let out a roar toward the sky.

Then under the eyes of everyone, its huge body shrank quickly, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a normal star beast size.

The emperor still sat firmly on the back of the Golden Wing Scarlet Tiger.

The Golden Winged Scarlet Tiger stepped on four steps and turned into a golden light, coming to the front from thousands of miles away.

At this time, everyone could clearly see the appearance of the emperor.

The black hair is scattered, and the god is handsome and handsome, as if the heaven and the earth are carved with a magical craftsmanship.

His face exudes radiant brilliance, making his appearance hazy, and more and more set off the unparalleled temperament of super dust and vulgarity, just like a true god descending on the earth.

No wonder that the ancestor of the royal family once asserted that the emperor had the resources of a "true god"!

Such a peerless talent, it may not be believed by anyone to say that it is a true god.

If it was only a rumors in the past, then now, as the emperor came to drive this star beast, the Golden Wing Scarlet Tiger, everyone believed it more and more.

To subdue the behemoth in the starry sky, this is something ordinary people can do.

"The emperor!"

I don't know who it is, with a loud shout.

"The emperor!"

"The emperor!"


Then there were countless shouts in the starry sky, all shouting the word "Emperor", and the voice echoed in the void for a long time.

But the emperor was unmoved, as if he was an outsider, as if everyone was not shouting his name.

He was carried by the Golden Wing Scarlet Tiger to the front of the military fleet.

"The emperor!"

The princes looked different, but they all saluted the prince.

It stands to reason that they are all children of the royal family, but they are not called by their kinship, but all call him "the emperor"!

Respect is beyond words.

"Hmm!" Seeing this, the emperor nodded and drove the Golden Wing Scarlet Tiger to step forward.

The army fleet in front gave way to the emperor, as if welcoming him.

This is a privilege that the eight great royal clans do not have, which shows the high status of this emperor.

Seeing him step into the waiting area for the competition, the princes followed.

At this time, everyone came back to their senses and started talking like crazy.

"The emperor! That is the legendary emperor!"

"I have long heard of the emperor's prestige, but I didn't expect to be fortunate enough to see the real emperor today. This genius battle for hegemony really didn't come in vain."

"The imperial son's aura is much stronger than the geniuses of those eight royal clans before, and it is almost impossible to look directly at him."

"It's more than the eight great royal families, don't you see the appearance of the princes just now, even they can't compare with the emperor!"

"The temperament of those princes is already outstanding enough. I didn't expect that they still can't compare with the emperor. This emperor deserves to be considered by the ancestors of the royal family to be a "true god"."

"In this way, I am afraid that the first place in this genius battle is not already locked by the emperor!"

"It's very possible that the emperor can conquer even a starry behemoth like the Golden Wing Scarlet Tiger. It can be seen that the strength is unfathomable, it is incredible, who can compare with it."

"At least until now, I haven't seen a genius warrior who can compare with the emperor."


On the virtual universe exchange platform, people from all sides are talking about it, and it can be said that they are turning against the sky, and they are all discussing the unparalleled emperor.

Even the princes were thrown aside, and no one mentioned it at this time.

Jade Star, martial arts leader Wu Xingyun and Han Lao and others looked at the real-time broadcast of the virtual universe company, and their faces were all shocked.

"This emperor is terrible!" Wu Xingyun, the martial arts leader, said with emotion.

"Sure enough, there are all kinds of geniuses in the universe. I really can't imagine such a character." Old Han shook his head.

"Not to mention that it is the emperor of the Dagan Empire, that is, the eight kings, and the princes, they are not comparable to ordinary genius warriors." Hong Shuai sighed: "This genius battle for supremacy will really be a battle between dragons and tigers. NS."

"I originally thought that even with many geniuses, Wang Teng's talents would be able to stand out. I didn't expect these geniuses to reach such a point." Old Han said.

"I don't know where Wang Teng can go?" Wu Xingyun worried.

Wu Xingyun, Hong Shuai and others were all shocked, not to mention the younger generation of martial artists such as Han Zhu, who have ever been such an amazing genius martial artist.

At the beginning, they still felt that they were not weak, and it was only because of their background problems that they lagged behind the genius warriors of these universes.

But seeing the emperor, the prince, and the genius of the eight kings, they knew how ridiculous their thoughts were.

These geniuses in the universe are extremely dazzling figures even if their background is comparable to them.

But this is not to say that the young talented martial artists of Earth Star are very weak. If they grow up, maybe some people will be as amazing as those of the Eight Great Kings and Princes.

But this is unknown.


On the spaceship of the constant star in the void, a group of constant star and travel star warriors also held their breath because of the appearance of the emperor and others, and their faces showed admiration.

This mercenary squad comes from a mercenary group in the cosmic mercenary alliance-the war rock mercenary group!

This battle rock mercenary group ranks behind the black leaf snake mercenary group. The black leaf snake mercenary group can be ranked in the top 300, and this battle rock mercenary group can only be ranked in the 800th place. Big.

The team in front of them was just a small team of the Zhanyan Mercenary Corps, unremarkable.

"Emperor! It would be nice to see the true face of the battle star in person." Someone said yearningly.

"Don't think about it, how can people like us who have no money and no background can squeeze into the viewing area." Xue Fei shook his head.

"You might as well do a few more tasks to improve your own strength instead of thinking that there are none," said the third constant star warrior.

There is a scar on this warrior's face, which is particularly hideous and preaching, so many novice warriors are afraid of him.

"Hahaha, Duval, you are always like this. Now everyone is watching this genius fight, so I have to let everyone discuss it." Xue Fei smiled.

Dewar shrugged, knowing that it is unrealistic to ask others to concentrate on tasks under such a grand occasion, but fortunately he didn't say more.

"By the way, that giant star beast is really majestic, the emperor is worthy of being an emperor, and even the giant star beast can be subdued." A star warrior said with bright eyes: "What is the name of the giant star beast... Golden Winged Scarlet Tiger! Even the name is so domineering!"

"The star behemoth, this is the first time I have seen it." Another human said.

"Don't talk about you, it's me, it's the first time I have seen it." Xue Fei said.

"Chuhan." Isaiah didn't participate in the conversation, her gaze fell on the beautiful woman in silver-white armor, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, and she asked, "What are you looking at?"

Lin Chuhan didn't take his gaze back, staring at the broadcast screen all the time, as if he was afraid of missing something.

"..." Isaiah's face was slightly stiff.

Seeing this scene, Xue Fei and Duval couldn't help but glance at each other, and a trace of ridicule flashed in their eyes.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect Chuhan that you like the battle for geniuses so much." Isaiah squeezed a smile on his face and said with a dry smile.

Lin Chuhan still didn't take his gaze back.

"..." Isaiah.


Soon after the emperor's arrival, two unremarkable spaceships appeared in the void outside the battle star.

Because they are all space-class spacecraft, they are incomparable with the previous world master-class spacecraft that the eight kings, princes and others took.

In the spacecraft, Wang Teng and Situ Wan'er stopped talking.

After the two people's spacecraft lowered their speed, they separated from the dark universe and appeared in the starry sky.

"Battle Star, here it is!" Rounded his eyes flashed and said with a little excitement.

"Is that a battle star?" Wang Teng looked at the void ahead, only to see a huge and extremely large planet floating there, extremely astonishing.

"How?" Yuan Gungun asked.

"It's a big ball!" Wang Teng exclaimed.

"..." Yuan Kuan choked, and explained: "This is a super large life planet, which is also very rare in the universe."

Wang Teng nodded, looked at the planet, his eyes suddenly noticed something.

It turns out that on the planet's planetary orbit, there are three lands that look like rings!

"What is that?" Wang Teng couldn't help asking.

"That is the ring and land of Battle Star, from the inside to the outside, they are the first ring, second ring and third ring." Yuan Gungun explained.

"One ring, two rings and three rings." Wang Teng looked weird, and immediately moved in his heart, and said, "This ring and land shouldn't be formed naturally, right?"

"You can see it!" Yuan Tuankuan was a little surprised, and then nodded and said: "Yes, that is the unity of the strong with supreme power."

Wang Teng's eyes were shocked.

What kind of power can it condense such a huge void land, and it still takes the shape of a ring, surrounding the planet.

Really Weili!

Wang Teng wanted to ask a few more questions, but was interrupted.

"Wang Teng, I'll meet my father first." Situ Wan'er said goodbye to Wang Teng, and then seemed to think of something, and asked: "You...Would you like to join me? We will enter the waiting area together later. "

Wang Teng was stunned for a moment, and then reacted.

Obviously, Situ Wan'er probably thought of his rather embarrassing situation. Although he won the rank of colonel on the Defensive Star and is the owner of the Pillar Kingdom Medal, the title is only a baron after all, and there is no ostentation.

Coupled with the contradiction between him and the Parax family, if he appears too shabby, he will inevitably be underestimated.

Situ Wan'er wanted to help him.

"Thank you!" Wang Teng smiled and said faintly: "But no need, someone will pick me up."

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