All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1257 It's Really Him! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

"Someone is coming to pick you up?" Situ Wan'er was taken aback for a moment, looking a little surprised.

However, she immediately thought that at the banquet that day, the two royal families of the Ji family and the Kalandish would not hesitate to offend the Parax family for Wang Teng.

It shows that the relationship between Wang Teng and the two royal families is very good.

There is another identity of Wang Teng-Master of the Three Daos!

People in the vice-professional league shouldn't ignore Wang Teng either.

"It seems that I think too much." Situ Wan'er smiled and said: "Then I will go one step ahead."

"Go." Wang Teng nodded.

The two immediately turned off communications.

"Let's go too." Wang Teng said to the round.

"Good!" Yuan Gungun replied, and drove the spaceship to the front of the military fleet.

Situ Wan'er's spacecraft flew in another direction, where there was a world master class spacecraft.

The world master class spacecraft was extremely huge, and Situ Wan'er's spacecraft entered it from its tail.

This scene surprised many people.

I didn't expect this ordinary spacecraft to have such a background.

"That master-class spacecraft that seems to be Duke Situ!" Someone recognized it and exclaimed.

Not to mention how surprised everyone was, Situ Wan'er saw Situ Nan after entering the spacecraft.

"Fortunately, you finally arrived in time!" Situ Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Father, guess who I met on the way?" Situ Wan'er asked mysteriously.

"Oh, met an acquaintance? It still makes you so worried." Situ Nan was very surprised, he pondered for a moment, and said, "Is it a genius that you should pay attention to?"

"Wang Teng!" Situ Wan'er did not sell Guanzi any more, and said directly: "It was Wang Teng that I met on the way."

"It's actually him!" Situ Nan was even more surprised: "He really is here, right now is his spaceship with you."

"Yes." Situ Wan'er nodded.

"It seems that you are quite destined." Situ Nan smiled and asked again: "Why didn't you invite him over?"

"Invited, he said someone will come to pick him up." Situ Wan'er said.

"Someone picks him up? That's right, he has a lot of connections." Situ Nan nodded, looked at Wang Teng's spacecraft in the void, and suddenly let out a soft huh.

Seeing his expression, Situ Wan'er couldn't help but look at the starry sky displayed in the spacecraft's panoramic simulation.

I saw that Wang Teng's spacecraft flew straight to the military fleet, and did not stop until it reached the front of the military fleet.

At this moment, a group of figures suddenly emerged from among the military warships and stood on top of their respective warships.

They are indeed a famous military warrior!

At a glance, there are warriors appearing on the warships of the entire military fleet, densely packed, like those warships, all over the starry sky!


The entire starry sky outside the battle star suddenly fell into a dead silence!

All sounds are gone!

Everyone was stunned!

Under the veil, Situ Wan'er's mouth slowly opened.

Situ Nan's eyes widened slightly, and his pupils shrank.

"This is the person who came to pick up Wang Teng...?!" Situ Wan'er and Situ Nan looked at each other, and an incredible thought came up in their hearts.


What happened?

Why do these military warriors show up?

The onlookers around were full of turbulent waves and doubts in their minds.

Since this military fleet came to Battle Star, there has never been such a sight.

Those military warriors never left their warships, never showed up in front of others.

Even if the emperor's son appeared just now, they were just driving the warship to make way.

Now they appeared one by one in the void.

Are these warriors to welcome the arrival of that ordinary spaceship?

At the same time, many people couldn't help but think of such absurd ideas.

"what's up?"

"Military warriors have all appeared, is there any important person here?"

"Impossible, important people will ride on a spaceship?"

"What is the origin of that spacecraft?"


On the communication platform of the virtual universe, countless people are full of question marks, all wondering whose car the spaceship is, and it can make countless military fighters appear to welcome it.

On the spaceship of the eight great royal families, the Parax family, the burly old man frowned as he watched this scene: "What the hell is the military department doing?"

"Old Ancestor Nuyan, do you think he is in that spaceship?" Waltergu was shaking in his heart, his complexion a little unsightly.

"You mean..." The burly old man was the realm master of the angry flame who fought at Wang Teng's banquet.

"It definitely won't be that little bastard." Xin Kleimeng couldn't believe it, and shook his head abruptly.

The landlord of Nuyan and Waltergu didn't speak, but stared at the cosmic-class spacecraft.

On the Kalandish family spacecraft, Boragu, Diqi, and Olia are there, there is also a master class presence, as well as some other Kalandish family members.

In the battle for geniuses, a lot of people from each family came.

"Diqi, do you think it is Wang Teng?" Boragu hesitated.

"Wang Teng! This..." Di Qi smiled bitterly: "I can't believe it, but I hope it's him."

"You said Wang Teng was on the spaceship?" Olia asked curiously.

"It's just a guess." Boragu said.

At this moment, a hand that was as white as a jade was stretched out and patted Olia's head, and said: "This girl has been mentioning Wang Teng since she came back, so I want to see him in person."

The speaker is a beautiful woman who can't see her age. She is dignified and elegant. She wears a white dress and has a noble temperament.

"Mother!" Olia grabbed the beautiful woman's arm and shook it vigorously.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about you." The beautiful woman shook her head pettingly.

Boragu and Diqi couldn't help laughing when they saw this situation.

"Bolagu, do you think it is Wang Teng?" The realm master-level existence said.

"Yes, apart from him, I can't think of anyone else." Boragu nodded.

"It makes me look forward to it," said the master-level existence.


Similar conversations took place in the spaceships of several other royal families, but not everyone guessed who was inside the spaceship.

At the same time, on the side of the waiting area for the competition, all the talented warriors were also attracted by this sudden scene outside of the battle star, and they all looked at them.

The geniuses of the eight great royal families, the princes, also looked at the void in surprise.

Even the emperor cast a glare.

At this moment, the warships of the military department were as if they had seen the emperor before, and they separated actively, forming a long passage in the dense encirclement, leading straight to the center.

There is a giant battleship fortress, with an icy steel body entrenched in the starry sky, like a giant steel beast.

Many powerful people know that the giant battleship fortress is where the immortal warriors of the military headquarters sit.

And at this moment, under many eyes, the spacecraft stepped off...a young man!

A young man in military uniform!

On the chest of the military uniform, a golden medal was shining in the starry sky.

But what is even more striking is the perfect look of this young man, and his detached and peerless temperament.


Numerous shocks resounded through the void.

All those who saw this scene were stunned.

It was such a young man who stepped down from that ordinary, unremarkable spacecraft!

The contrast is really huge!

When they saw this young man, a figure appeared in everyone's hearts.

The emperor!

That's right, it is the emperor who just appeared!

When they saw this young man, what everyone thought of was the emperor who possessed the resources of a "true god"!

The same thick black hair, the same perfect enchanting face, the same unparalleled temperament!

If it wasn't for the two people's faces, and if the two had different temperaments, everyone would probably think they were the same person.

After all, if there is one such character, even if it is a blessing, how can there be two.

On the spaceship of the Parax family, the expressions of the Lord of the Flames, Walter Gu and others instantly became extremely ugly.

"It's really him!"

When they really saw Wang Tengzhi, the trace of luck in their hearts was completely shattered.

The military warrior turned out to be really to welcome this little bastard.

It’s just that they really don’t understand why the military would give him such special treatment?

Is it just because of the Pillar State Medal?

What makes them even more incredible is that after only half a year, Wang Teng seems to have been reborn, and he has begun to take on the aura of a strong man.

Generally speaking, this kind of aura cannot appear in a constant star warrior.

But the true genius is naturally different.

Just like the geniuses they secretly cultivated, like those princes, and more like the princes, even if they are only constant stars, they can't be ignored.

On the Karandish family spacecraft, Boragu, Diqi, Olia and others were also in a trance, and then their faces were full of joy.

"Wang Teng!"

"It's really Wang Teng!"

Olia yelled even more excitedly.

"This Wang Teng is really extraordinary." Olia's mother looked at the young man in the void with strange eyes.

In the waiting area for the competition, the two princes and the third princes couldn't help being stunned, as if they had met someone who was impossible to see.

But this person just appeared in front of them in this wonderful way.

The emperor's eyes passed through the void and fell on Wang Teng, but he couldn't see any emotions.

Jade star, martial arts leader, Han Lao and others also saw Wang Teng's figure from the broadcast. They couldn't help but look at each other, and their hearts were shocked.

"That's...Wang Teng?" Wu Xingyun asked in disbelief.

"Yes, it's that kid, definitely him, he just turned to ashes, I can recognize it." Hong Shuai said excitedly.

"What has he gone through? He has changed so much in the past six months? I almost can't recognize it." Old Han said in an unbelievable way: "Also, his identity, which seems very unusual, can actually make the army of the empire a leader. The warrior greeted him personally."

The people of Earth Star didn't know much about what Wang Teng did. They didn't have channels to get high-level news, so so far they only knew that Wang Teng was the baron of the Dagan Empire.

How could a baron get such special treatment from the military?

Wang Teng must have other identities!

For a time, everyone on Earth and Star was confused and didn't know what to think.

On the spacecraft of the Zhanyan Mercenary Corps squad, the constant stars and the traveling star warriors were all shocked.

A young man comparable to the emperor appeared.

It still appeared in front of everyone in this very special way, and countless military warriors greeted him. The picture really made people feel a kind of enthusiasm.

Lin Chuhan stared at the eyes of the live broadcast, and at this moment a group of extremely bright light burst out suddenly.

The person she was waiting for finally appeared!

Sure enough, he will appear, and he will appear in such a highly anticipated way as always.

It is a pity that Aisaiya was also attracted by the figure in the broadcast at this time, and did not notice her abnormality.

Wang Teng stepped on the void and looked at the scene ahead, only to know what the military department had prepared for him.

Such a big battle really made him a little flattered!

But at this point, he naturally won't fade away, and immediately walked towards the giant battleship fortress in front of him.

Someone is waiting for him there!

He stepped out step by step, the speed seemed unsatisfactory, but each step crossed an unimaginable distance, but it was like walking in a leisurely garden, strolling the starry sky in this way.


Countless military warriors all around cast admiring gazes at him, and then all saluted him, watching him step into the giant battleship fortress.

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