All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1261 Ancient Chinese Language! In the first round, the elimination battle begins! (Seeking s

Seven huge ancient warships were suspended in the void.

The vicissitudes of life permeated the void.

Whether it was the spacecraft around, the onlookers on the battleship, or the people in front of the virtual universe exchange platform, they were all quiet at the moment.


Completely quiet!

All the sounds disappeared, and the seven ancient warships were like a swallow body. The moment they appeared, they seemed to have absorbed all the sounds.

Wang Teng's eyes shrank, and his heart vibrated involuntarily.

What kind of ship is this?

There is an extremely ancient feeling!

The mottled hull, simple style, and even the vicissitudes of life, all illustrate the age of these seven warships.

In the universe, Wang Teng has seen too many high-tech warships and spaceships, but this is the first time he has seen such an ancient warship.

It's like coming across time and space from ancient times, appearing in this era is shocking!

He couldn't help but open the [Pupils of True Sight] and looked at the seven warships.

However, a cloud of gray mist enveloped the seven warships, which was not true at all.

"Seven Star Academy!!!"

"The Seven Star Academy is here!"

"It's really that ancient Seven Star Academy. It's worth death to see it with your own eyes."

"Finally here, they are finally here, the genius battle is about to begin, I must get the opportunity to enter the Seven Star Academy."

"Dream. If you want to enter the Seven Star Academy, at least it must be in the top 1,000. Of course, if you have any special talents, you may be favored by the Seven Star Academy if you have any special talents, but the odds are too low. Too low."

"Hundreds of billions of people get the top one thousand, it's too difficult!"


Countless voices erupted from all directions, and all the genius warriors all around looked at the seven ancient warships with passion and yearning.

"Seven Star Academy!" Wang Teng's heart moved. Are these seven warships from the Seven Star Academy? Although he faintly guessed, after hearing the confirmation from the crowd, his heart was inevitably shocked.

The appearance of the Seven Star Academy is very surprising.

"Wang Teng, do you think there are some symbols on the battleship?" Yuan Gungun said suddenly.

"It seems to be that every warship is different." Wang Teng looked far away and nodded.

"It is said that it is an ancient number, representing one to seven respectively, which corresponds to the seven star academy." Rolling Road.

"Old numbers, why have I never seen them before?" Wang Teng said suspiciously: "Wait, let me see."

He immediately thought of the inheritance memory of the Void Swallowing Beast, and immediately searched, and finally found this kind of text.


This kind of peculiar ancient script is called ancient script!

It is described in the inheritance memory of the Void Swallowing Beast that the ancient race is not only a race, but includes a variety of ancient races.

And to Wang Teng’s surprise, the ancient clan actually included the ancient gods he knew!

This is incredible!

It should be known that according to Wang Teng's understanding, the ancient gods are an extremely ancient race, with a history that can be traced back to extremely ancient times, and even the beginning of the opening of the universe.

Now I actually told him that there were more than one ancient races like the ancient gods, and there were many others.

And they also left a civilization!

The words are just the symbols of civilization, and the ancient writings show that the ancients once were brilliant and splendid.

So, where did they go now?

The ancient gods have disappeared in history and are almost invisible. What about the other ancients?

Everything is full of doubts, as if there is a thick fog covering the ancient history, making people look at it.

At least Wang Teng hadn't seen any relevant records from the memory of Void Swallowing Beast's inheritance.

Sighfully, Wang Teng returned to God, his gaze fell on the ancient text of the warship.

From left to right, in order, there are seven numbers from one to seven!

Obviously, this is the order of the Seven Star Academy!

At this time, whether it was the genius of the eight great royal families, the prince of the royal family, or the emperor, all eyes were on the seven warships.

Wang Teng glanced over, and took a special look at the emperor, and found that his eyes were also shining with light, obviously not as calm as on the surface.

It seems that the attraction of the Seven Star Academy is really huge!

Even a character like the emperor wanted to enter it.

"The battle for genius hegemony should begin too!" Wang Teng muttered in his heart, and put away the tables and chairs next to him.

Jade star.

The martial arts leader Wu Xingyun, Old Han and others are also discussing these seven ancient warships.

"The Seven Star Academy!" Old Han said in surprise: "I didn't expect this genius battle to select students for the Seven Star Academy."

Although the people of Earth and Star had heard about the genius battle, they did not know the Seven Star Academy. At this time, following the discussion on the virtual universe exchange platform, they knew that this was the case.

"There is such an ancient existence in the universe, it is really incredible." Wu Xingyun said with emotion.

"It is said that if you want to enter the Seven Star Academy, you need at least one thousand in the battle for hegemony. I don't know if Wang Teng can do it." Hong Shuai said with some worry.

Han Zhu from Earth Star, Ji Xiuming and other young warriors stared at the seven warships in shock.

They naturally yearn for such a holy place for cultivation.

Those martial arts academies on Earth and Stars can’t be compared at all, what Xia Kingdom’s first academy is, it’s as small as a firefly.

Unfortunately, they are not qualified to participate in this genius battle, let alone enter the Seven Star Academy!

Everyone looked at the familiar figure in the light curtain, with envy that could not be concealed in their eyes.

On the spaceship of the battle rock mercenary group squad.

"Seven Star Academy!!! The oldest and most sacred place of cultivation in the universe, my God!" a travel star warrior exclaimed excitedly.

The others didn't laugh at him because of his gaffe, because they were just as excited, looking at the seven ancient warships with red eyes.

The genius battle is held every three thousand years, and the seven star academies naturally also appear once in three thousand years.

Three thousand years is enough time for many people to forget some things and things that are not mentioned, especially ordinary warriors do not have such a long life span at all, so many people do not know the existence of the Seven Star Academy.

But at this time, with the appearance of the Seven Star Academy, some insiders took the initiative to explain, letting more and more people know what the Seven Star Academy is like!

Xue Fei, Isaiah and others were also the first time they heard about the Seven Star Academy, and they all showed envy and jealousy on their faces.

After all, these seven star academies have no relationship with ordinary warriors like them!

The distance is too far.


On an extremely remote planet, a beautiful woman wearing a cyan armor sat cross-legged on the top of a mountain. She turned on the smart watch on her wrist, and the light curtain projected out.

"Seven Star Academy! That kid should be able to go in." The beautiful woman murmured to herself, with a curve in her mouth.

Then her gaze fell on the seven warships, and a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes: "Where did the symbols on the warship seem to be seen?"


Battle star.

With the appearance of seven ancient warships, everyone knew that the battle of geniuses was about to begin.

Everyone held their breath and stared at the seven ancient warships in the sky.


Suddenly, violent roars suddenly sounded above the battle star.

Boom boom boom...

Everyone was suddenly startled and looked down at the battle star below the three major rings.

The Battle Star has ten forbidden areas in total, each of which is extremely dangerous. Some are snow-white and icy places that you can't see at a glance, some are extremely hot places like flames, and some are deep sea forbidden areas, deep and dark. , And more...

At this moment, in each of the ten restricted areas, a stone tablet soared into the sky and flew toward the universe.

"What's that?" someone exclaimed.

"It seems to be a...stone monument!" Wang Teng's eyes narrowed slightly, a little surprised.

In a blink of an eye, ten stone steles directly broke through the atmosphere and appeared in the void above the battle star.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on those ten steles.

This stone monument is so huge, each one is a hundred feet high, and it is flat and smooth, and there is nothing at all.

Just when everyone was wondering why this stone tablet appeared, bright light burst out from the ten stone tablets, which turned into light curtains and hung down, respectively covering the ten restricted areas of the battle stars.

Looking at it this way, the ten restricted areas are actually bordering each other, forming the entire battle star together.

In other words, this battle star is actually a huge fierce land, and nowhere is safe.

"Daigan Empire, geniuses contend for supremacy!"

"First round, elimination battle!"

A huge and incomparable voice suddenly echoed in the void, reaching everyone's ears.

But people can't find the source, I don't know where it came from.

"Knockout!" Wang Teng said in his heart.

"All contestants enter the battle star to survive for one month, hunt the star beasts, and get the points ranking!"

"Each participant can choose the restricted area at will, and the top 10,000 in each restricted area will enter the next round!"

"Points ranking rules: hunting a king-level first-level star beast gets 1 point, king-level second-tier 2 points, and so on, hunting a lower-level king-level star beast gets 10 points... 90 points for a lower-level king-level star beast , You can get 100 points for hunting the first level of the median emperor, and 200 points for the second level of the median emperor..."

"Note: All contestants are not allowed to kill each other, and must not plunder others who have earned points. If you encounter life-threatening, you can admit defeat and send away directly, and your points will be halved."

That huge voice echoed in the void again, telling the rules of the first round of elimination.

Everyone couldn't help but listened carefully, their expressions gradually becoming solemn.

Hundreds of billions of people, as a result, only 10,000 people are left in each restricted area, and ten restricted areas are 100,000 people to enter the next round.

This kind of elimination rate, no matter who hears it, can feel the difficulty.

Even if Wang Teng already knew that the battle for genius hegemony would be very difficult, he couldn't help but feel tight when he heard such rules at this moment.

"Now, the elimination battle is on, and all contestants enter the battle star!!!"

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