All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1262 Five Wang Teng! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

"Knockout, start!!!"

"All contestants enter the battle star!!!"

As the huge voice echoed in the void, spreading in all directions, everyone was boiling.

here we go!

here we go!

It finally started!

On the third ring continent, the second ring continent, and the first ring continent, countless genius warriors looked excited, and suddenly turned into ten forbidden areas where the rainbow rushed towards the battle star.


"The tenth restricted zone is mine!"

"The tenth restricted area is also embarrassed to call out, I go to the ninth restricted area."

"Go to the seventh forbidden zone, and all the warriors of this tribe will keep up."

"Brother, I'm leaving, I'm going to the third restricted area."

"No, you are going to the third penalty zone. The higher the penalty zone ranks, the more dangerous it is. Don't you know?"

"There are more powerful star beasts in the third penalty zone. I want to get more points. Only by performing well can I be taken by the Seven Star Academy. If I don't come back, remember to burn incense for me next year."


"I'm going to the first restricted area, don't stop me."

"Go to the first restricted area, is the coffin ready?"

"Fuck, who dare to curse your grandfather."


Everyone has their own choice. Some people choose the relatively simple tenth restricted area, while others choose the first three restricted areas that are more difficult.

Although you only need to rank in the top 10,000 in each penalty zone, you are eligible to enter the next round of competition.

But everyone knows.

This elimination battle has a potential competition mechanism, that is, the number of points!

The more points you get, the more eye-catching your performance will be, and the greater your chance of falling into the eyes of the Seven Star Academy.

Countless rays of light rushed up from the three major rings. If they were looking up at the battle star, they would be like a series of meteors, passing through the void and falling into the battle star.

Facing the excitement and eagerness of these warriors, there are some people who are not in a hurry and still stand on the three major rings.

Wang Teng was one of them. He was not in a hurry to leave, but was thinking about which restricted area to go to.

Undoubtedly the first restricted area is the most dangerous. There are many powerful star beasts in it, and the density of the star beasts above the median emperor rank is relatively high. If you are confident, you will naturally go to the first restricted area.

Of course, the competition in the first restricted zone will be fierce, and those powerful geniuses will probably go there.

The problem is that there are several restricted areas that are also very attractive!

For example, the third forbidden area, where poisonous fog floats, is obviously a forbidden area full of poisonous star beasts and poisonous force.

His Poison Elemental Force is now only one-star level, can't it be promoted?

Another example is the Fifth Forbidden Zone, which is a land of ice, with countless ice star beasts lurking, it is white and white, and it is very cute.

For Wang Teng, who is in the ninth level of the Ice Force Force, how can he give up?

There is also a second restricted area, where the thunder is rolling, and many thunder-type star beasts are roaring under the thunder.

There is also the seventh restricted zone, where there are violent winds everywhere, and the wind-system star beasts can be seen walking against the wind everywhere, so happy, shouldn't such a noisy wind soothe it?

At the time when Wang Teng was thinking, some talented warriors of great powers also set off one after another, and the roar sounded. They stepped on the ground and disappeared into place instantly, bursting out with extreme speed and rushing towards the battle star.

Under such a huge impact, the bluestone slabs around the land were actually intact.

"Let's go!" One of the eight royal families finally set off. It was the Rodriguez family. They took the lead. Most of them rushed to the seventh restricted area of ​​Battle Star, and only three of them rushed forward to the three restricted areas.

This scene sparked many people's eyes.

Three of the Rodriguez family actually entered the first three restricted areas. It seems that they are not small.

The genius warrior of Ji's royal family flashed his eyes without hesitation, and rushed to the battle star.

"Hahaha, let's go too." The genius warrior of the Xiahou royal family laughed and took the tribe into the air.

It was as if the floodgate had been opened, and the remaining royal families left one after another. Even the princes of the royal family left the first ring continent, leaving only the members of the Pylax family.

Their eyes fell on Wang Teng, obviously waiting for him to leave.

The emperor got up and touched the head of the Golden Winged Scarlet Tiger by his feet. The Golden Winged Scarlet Tiger let out a low roar, and then disappeared in place.

Wang Teng noticed this scene, his eyes flashed.

This emperor probably has the same space as him to store creatures!

This is not surprising, such a character must be a unique existence, and there is certainly no shortage of opportunities.

After the Golden Winged Scarlet Tiger disappeared, the emperor also walked towards the battle star.

Every time he took a step, he surpassed a large number of warriors. In a blink of an eye, he didn't know how many warriors who set off first came to the forefront, and then stepped into the first restricted area.

Wang Teng retracted his gaze, glanced at the people of the Parax family in the distance, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He knew exactly what these people had made.

"Wang Teng, haven't you chosen yet?" Song Yicheng, who was next to him, saw that there were no people around, so he couldn't help asking.

"Which restricted area do you plan to go to?" Wang Teng asked instead without answering.

"I naturally went to the first restricted area!" Song Yicheng and others said, "Do you still want to go to other restricted areas?"

"I'm thinking about it!" Wang Teng said grimly: "Forget it, you go first, let me think about it."

"..." Song Yicheng and others were full of question marks.

Do you still have to think about it?

They originally thought that Wang Teng should have gone to the first restricted area just like them, but he seemed very entangled.

With Wang Teng's strength, going to the first restricted area, even if you can't get the first place, the ranking won't be too low, right? What is there to hesitate.

They wanted to ask something, but seeing Wang Teng like this, they could only act first.

"What are you thinking about?" Yuan Gungun couldn't help but asked aloud when he saw him lingering.

"Round Billowing, do you say that multiple restricted areas are allowed in this elimination battle?" Wang Teng asked in his mind as Song Yicheng and the others left.

"Huh?" Yuan Gungun thought he had heard it wrong: "Multiple restricted areas?"

"Yes." Wang Teng nodded.

"Couldn't you be thinking..." This guy really dared to think about it with a weird face and speechless in his heart.

"Is there a rule?" Wang Teng asked.

"It doesn't seem to be the case." Yuan Guan hesitated for a moment, as if recalling the rules of the elimination game, and then said.

"Then it will be easy." Wang Teng's heart moved and he had a brilliant idea.


While Wang Teng was struggling, everyone on the virtual universe communication platform was surprised, wondering why Wang Teng remained motionless.

Wang Teng is now a hot figure, and his attention is naturally very large.

And every move will be magnified, many people even guess whether he dare to go to the first restricted area, so hesitated.

On the other side, Strachey and others of the Parax family were already impatient. Someone said, "What is this kid doing? Does he know our purpose and want to make it to the end, so we can't leave first."

"I heard that this kid is extremely shameless, maybe he really has this kind of mind." Another Martial Artist of the Parax family said.

"The ancestor told us to entertain him well, but what should we do if he doesn't leave? We are also very embarrassed."

"Landon, do you have any good ideas?" Strachey asked with an ugly expression.

"I have a fart idea, eh wait, he seems to have moved..." Langdon said, suddenly surprised.

Strachey and the others condensed their eyes, and quickly looked at Wang Teng.

I saw that Wang Teng was surrounded by a few more figures who didn't know when.

Those figures are also like Wang Teng!

One, two, three, four, five!

Five full Wang Teng!

Strachey and others: "???"

In an instant, everyone in the Parax family was dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

Why are there four more Wang Tengs suddenly?

Not only them, but the people in front of the virtual universe exchange platform were also stunned. Wang Teng was full of eyes, and countless question marks flashed in his mind.

What happened to this special?

"Clone!!" Strachey's expression became more gloomy, and said: "It must be a clone!"

"He actually has the method of clones!" Lan Deng was taken aback for a moment, then reacted, frowning and said: "But what does he want to do with so many clones?"

At this moment, the five Wang Teng looked towards Strachey, Landon and the others, smiled slightly, and instantly rose into the sky.

The five figures separated in the sky and rushed into the five different restricted areas below.

"Fuck!" Seeing this scene, Strachey finally couldn't help but exploded directly.

He thought that Wang Teng used the avatar method to separate the avatars in order to avoid them.

As a result, they didn't even know which one was Wang Teng's ontology.

This bastard is too cunning!

It's a weird thing to actually figure out this way to avoid it!

"Chasing!" Stritch couldn't take care of the others, suddenly shouted, and chased Wang Teng.

"Which one do you pursue?" The others suddenly recovered and asked one after another.

"Landon and I went to the first restricted area, I don't believe that he will go to other restricted areas, and others go to other restricted areas." Strachey gritted his teeth.

Among the five Wang Tengs, one person entered the first restricted area.

Strache did not believe that Wang Teng would give up the first penalty area, so his body must be in the first penalty area.

In just a moment, all the Warriors of the Parax family entered the restricted area.

At the same time, other genius warriors also entered various restricted areas and started their own hunts.

The first restricted area.

Wang Teng's body did come here, and the other four clones entered the second, third, fifth, and seventh restricted areas.

At this time, he looked around, and he saw the vast sea, dark and deep, and he couldn't see his head at a glance.

This first restricted area is indeed the deep sea forbidden area!

The surrounding figures fell from the sky and hovered on the surface of the sea. They did not enter the sea for the first time, but were observing.


Suddenly, a black shadow threw out from the sea and swallowed a warrior.

The warrior didn't even have time to make a scream, and a cloud of blood burst out, obviously he could not die anymore.

The warriors around him suddenly changed their complexion.

Someone died just now when they arrived here, and the other party didn't even have time to give up.

Many people were silent, and finally realized the horror of the first restricted zone!

The bloody name of the genius war does not come from nothing.

Wang Teng's expression also became solemn, and he did not dare to neglect the slightest.

After the other warriors had been frightened just now, some people slowed down, their eyes were firm, no longer hesitating, and one after another entered the sea.

These genius warriors are not only powerful, but also very determined. Naturally, it is impossible to be frightened so easily.

"What a powerful gravity!" Wang Teng no longer paid attention to the dead warrior. At this moment, he felt the huge gravity rushing from all directions, and his eyebrows could not be helped.

The gravity of the battle star is at least a thousand times that of an ordinary planet. Fortunately, he has cultivated the [Ancient God Body]. The physical body is very powerful, but this gravity has no effect on him.

The other warriors looked dignified, and they were obviously affected by this gravity.

Not every warrior has a powerful body.

Wang Teng's eyes flashed, and he glanced at the sky. Strachey and Landon came quickly, and it seemed that the two hadn't given up yet.

He couldn't help but smile, and instantly jumped into the sea.

He turned on [Deep Sea Breathing], and he could walk on the ground in the deep sea without even using the force.

The ocean of this battle star was so dark for some reason, and the light projected from above could not be seen, and there was a faint feeling of coldness in the water.

And the further down, the more intense the feeling of coldness, making the martial artist's body stiff.

The pressure from the surroundings is also increasing. The gravity of the battle star is already huge, and the pressure in the deep sea is naturally even more terrifying.

The double resistance greatly affected the fighter's ability to act.

For the participating constant star warriors, this resistance is very deadly. No wonder this deep sea forbidden area will be listed as the first forbidden zone.

call out!

A black shadow suddenly sprang from Wang Teng's left side and rushed towards him.

Even in the ocean, Wang Teng felt a violent stench coming from his nose, which made people nauseous.

Wang Teng's expression remained unchanged, and a golden light flashed through his eyes, clearly seeing the original face of the black shadow.

It was a black monster fish with jagged fangs full of mouth and spikes on its back. Its aura had reached the level of a lower emperor.

As soon as he came up, he encountered this tricky sea star beast, and Wang Teng's luck was quite good.

He grinned, raised his hand to hold, and the surrounding water suddenly rotated, surrounding the black strange fish, making the black strange fish unable to break free.

Under the high-speed rotation of the water, the black strange fish was strangled instantly, and the rich smell of blood permeated.

Wang Teng didn't even use his combat skills, but simply used the original force of the water system to kill a lower-ranked sixth-tier star beast.

At the same time, on the huge stone tablet at the top of the first restricted area, Wang Teng's name emerged——

Participant: Wang Teng;

Points: 60;

Rank: 1765891;

Wang Teng only killed a star beast in the sixth level of the lower imperial rank, ranking No. 1,765,891, inconspicuous among the many contestants.

At this time, numerous names appeared on the stele, and Wang Teng's name was sandwiched in it, and the spectators could not even find it.

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