All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 172 Five Colleges (seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Wang Teng returned to the dormitory, put his things away, and then checked the situation of the five major branches on the school's official website.

The official website of the Yellow Navy Academy can only be connected to the school's internal network.

The official website has detailed introductions about the branches and the instructors of each college.

Wang Teng browsed the past carefully, and gradually gained a more intuitive understanding of the situation of the five major branches.

The war academy mainly focuses on cultivating students' combat abilities. The warriors who come out of this academy are the strongest and are the main combat power on the battlefield.

So call it the War College!

The students of the War College face more dangers, and the death rate is always the highest among the five colleges.

If you choose a war college, you must be prepared for death.

Not only the Yellow Navy Academy, but also other schools.

This is the norm, and what the War Academy has cultivated is the war machine.

The command academy trains tactical commanders.

A battle cannot be without commanders. They are brains. Without the brain's command, all soldiers will be like a disc of sand, fighting on their own. All combat power will not be twisted into a rope, and they will not be able to exert their maximum power.

Forging Academy, as the name suggests, is to train forging talents.

Earthstar's forging technique was passed on from another world, and after self-integration and development, it had its current appearance.

There are some unique features of forging that even technology can't reach.

Even if it is a thermal weapon like the Force Firearms, the low-level may be better, but the higher the level, the higher the material requirements, and only the blacksmith can create it.

In the era of warriors, warriors are inseparable from all kinds of weapons. Only by holding weapons suitable for them can they give full play to their strength.

Because of the above reasons, forging is becoming more and more important, so a secondary vocational college such as the Forging Academy was born.

Danding College cultivates alchemy talents, mainly teaching students alchemy.

For the martial artist, the pill is a very important resource, whether it is healing or practicing, it is necessary to use the pill.

The efficacy of the high-level healing pill can even live and die, which is unmatched by modern medicine.

The importance of Danding Academy is naturally self-evident.

Finally there is a rune school.

Fu Wenxue is an extremely advanced subject, with all-encompassing content, covering a wide range, and having applications in all aspects.

Forging, alchemy, formation, etc., all require rune knowledge.

Even if you are not a student of Rune Academy, you are required to learn some rune knowledge in case you need it.

Of course, in fact, the disciplines of each college have crossovers. This is the same as that of ordinary colleges. For example, science and engineering majors basically have to learn high maths and physics, because these basics are used in various professional fields. Subject knowledge.

Fu Wenxue is similar to this kind of existence in the martial arts profession.

However, Fu Wenxue is very advanced and profound. If you don't learn it in depth, it is difficult to achieve something. Therefore, it is necessary to set up a special college.

The above is the main information of the five major branches.

I heard that there are some schools, such as the Spiritual Cookery Academy, the Planting Academy and so on.

However, these academies are not in major categories, and the Yellow Navy Academy did not specifically classify them into categories.

Of course, if students want to learn, it is also possible. Huang Haijun Academy also has similar elective courses, so students can learn as an interest.

After all, everything in the Martial Arts Academy is for the martial artist, and this era belongs to the martial artist after all.

In addition, there are information introductions of the instructors of each college, such as the realm strength, the weapon field that they are good at, and so on.

After watching it, Wang Teng had some insights in his heart. Of course, how to choose can only be finalized after seeing him tomorrow.

After all, everyone has a different temperament. In the unlikely event that a tutor and a student have difficulty getting along with each other, no matter how strong the tutor is, no matter how good it is to teach, it will be useless.

"But can you choose all of the five colleges?"

Wang Teng seemed to think of something and couldn't help but mutter to himself by touching his chin.

Anyway, it's all about picking up attributes, not picking up wherever you go!

It's a bit exciting to think about it to catch the five colleges in one go!

At this time, the doorbell rang.

"Who's here?"

Wang Teng got up and walked to the door.

"Forget it, let's see the specific situation tomorrow." He left his thoughts behind and opened the door.

Hou Pingliang and his roommates were standing outside the door.

"Wow, Brother Teng, your environment is great, too." Hou Pingliang couldn't help but yelled, peeking into his head.

"I have long heard that Room 1 is more upscale, but now I look at it and it is true." Lu Shu nodded.

"Only a man like Brother Teng can live in such a dormitory as soon as I enroll in it." Song Shuhang said humblely.

"That's it, this kind of house is based on your family background, and it's not that you haven't lived in it." Wang Teng rolled his eyes and let them into the house.

"That's different. This is a school. Our freshmen live in quadruple rooms. Not only do you live alone, but you still live in this kind of villa. You won't be envious of it!" Hou Pingliang said.

"Then you continue to envy it." Wang Teng said.

"..." Hou Pingliang were four of them.

Heartbroken old iron!

Several people went to the cafeteria to have dinner.

It was around five o'clock at this time, and there were already many people in the cafeteria, and they were still increasing.

There are not only old students, but also new students.

And some old students went directly to the second floor, and there was spiritual food cooked by the spiritual kitchen, and they needed to pay credits.

"I don't know when we can issue our student ID? With the student ID, the credits can be used in the school. However, I heard that freshmen only have a little basic credits. It is best to use them where they are just needed. Of course, I don’t think I can afford it.” Hou Pingliang explained as he looked at the students walking up to the second floor.

Several people had a meal, sat around a table, and ate with relish.

Although it is not spiritual food, I have to say that the food in the canteen is indeed delicious, and it is basically no different from the restaurant outside.

"By the way, those late freshmen are still running on the playground."

Several students passed by their table, one of them smiled and said to his companion.

"It's also deserved. Anyway, it's okay to arrive earlier. I have to show my presence." The other person disdainfully said.

"Hehe, they, I guess they haven’t turned their minds yet, thinking they are like a high school teacher’s treasure, and you can’t beat or scold you. Huang Hai is a top university, and the students in it are better than the other, just say we These new students, pick one at random, who hasn't been a treasure before?"

"Oh, only after entering the Yellow Sea did you know that there are people outside the world and there are heavens and heavens, so I said that Wang Teng, the champion of the Donghai Wushu exam, was very popular, and he was awarded the title as soon as the school started."

"But he is also in big trouble. I think there must be a lot of people who are eyeing that rank. Not only new students, but 80% of old students will also move."


They didn't see Wang Teng, and walked out of the canteen while talking.

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