All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 173 People who play conspiracy and tricks are dirty (seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

The next day.

On the playground of the Yellow Navy Academy.

Freshmen gathered here again, and many of them looked a little tired. They were those who were fined to run yesterday.

With the lessons of yesterday, no one dares to be late again today, dare not make a lot of noise, and they all consciously lined up on the playground.

In front of the team, directly below the rostrum, five areas were divided.

Workbenches have been set up in each area, and there are more than a dozen academic affairs staff waiting for new students to sign up behind each workbench.

At this time, the branch deans of the five major colleges were sitting on the rostrum, and under the rostrum, the instructors of each branch were standing behind their respective college areas, looking at the freshmen in front of them.

"The college registration is related to the route you will take in the future, and it is also vitally connected to your future achievements. You should know the best for which college your talents are suitable, and I don’t need me to choose how to choose. Say."

"The deans and mentors of the various colleges, you should have known them, they have their own areas of expertise, you can think carefully about it yourself."

"In addition, the deans and tutors can give suggestions or offer solicitation, but students must not be forced to sign up. Registration depends on the students' own wishes. I will stop here and start signing up."

Dean Peng Yuanshan finished speaking lightly, and sat down in the middle position, closing his eyes and regaining his senses.

The five branch deans on the rostrum looked at each other, and then a strong man sitting on the right hand side of Peng Yuanshan stood up.

This person looked in his thirties, but the actual age of the warrior could not be judged from his appearance alone. His whole body was pierced with muscles, and his bald head was particularly bright and conspicuous in the sun.

"I'm the dean of the War College——Tong Hu!"

His voice was thick and mad, and his voice was thick, spreading around.

"I won't say more nonsense, I will just tell you a word, enter my war academy, you will be the strongest!"

Speaking of him, there was an aura of "I am invincible", which shocked the new student below.

"Tong Hu, what you said is wrong. Although your war academy is strong, it is only a strong individual. In which group actual combat exercise, you have won our command academy?"

An elegant middle-aged man on the left of Peng Yuanshan stood up and said with a smile.

"Dear freshmen, I am Su Jing, the dean of the Commanding Academy. I don’t deny that warriors should focus on their own strength, but their heads must also keep up. Gu Youzhi will one person into the army, and those who know how to use their brains are truly strong. In fact, our command academy is never weaker than others."

"Hehe, people who play conspiracy and tricks are dirty." Tonghu said with a smile.

"..." Su Jing, who had just had an elegant and indifferent appearance, suddenly turned black.

Knock on Rima!

Lao Tzu's conspiracy and tricks, why do you say my heart.

Pooh, this is resourceful, how can it be called a conspiracy!

"The commander's matter, can you say that it is the heart? Do you understand what is strategizing and winning a thousand miles away?" Su Jing said angrily.


Tong Hu wanted to say something more, when he heard Peng Yuanshan's dry cough, he snorted and said no more.

Su Jing winked at him triumphantly.

"Everyone, I am Ou Changsong, the dean of the Forging Academy. You should know what our Forging Academy does. I just want to tell you that forging is an art and also requires talent. Interested students can sign up for us. College."

“I’m Cui Heng, Dean of Danding College. I don’t agree with what Dean Ou said just now. Alchemy is an art. As for forging, that kind of rough work, I can hardly associate it with art. But Pill refining also requires extremely high talent. You feel that you have this talent. After passing the test of this academy, you can enter my Danding Academy."

"Oh, by the way, we don't have anything else in Danding Academy, but there are so many pills. It's okay to eat one and throw one."


The temptation of Chi Guoguo!

Sure enough, when the new student below heard it, his eyes immediately brightened, showing the color of yearning.

Eat one and throw one, don't be too extravagant!

"Fart!" Ou Changsong, the dean of the Blacksmithing Academy, stared in his eyes, and said angrily: "Your alchemy stuff is just like those cooks cooking rice. You don't have any skills at all. Just take a pot and cook it. It's not difficult at all. No, I dare to talk about art."

Just take a pot and boil it? ?

The freshmen heard black lines, are you alchemy or cooking?

And are these two deans engaged in art? Art is always artistic, people who don’t know think they are two artists.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, the dean who had not yet spoken immediately said: "I am Situ Jun, the dean of the Rune Academy. Fu Wenxue, interested students can find out."

Ou Changsong and Cui Heng were interrupted by the quarrel that was about to begin, and they felt as uncomfortable as a poop of shit in their hearts. However, due to the dean’s face, this fight still couldn't make a noise after all, so they could only stare at each other. Sulking in the position.

The five deans have all introduced themselves, but the freshmen are even more confused.

These five deans seem to be a little unreliable!

The freshmen were suddenly a little hesitant, so that there was silence on the playground for dozens of seconds, but no student came forward to sign up.

The atmosphere was very embarrassing!

The tutors of the various colleges want to cover their faces at this time, can their deans be normal? It's okay now, the freshmen are all scared...

At this moment, a figure walked out of the crowd and walked towards the position of the War College.

"Wang Teng!"

Everyone immediately recognized this figure.

Tong Hu, the dean of the War College, smiled, very proud.

Look, the best one among all the freshmen has chosen the War Academy, and you just lost at the beginning.

"Humph!" Su Jing snorted coldly, with some regrets in his heart, but they couldn't interfere too much with the students' choices.

The other three deans also felt sorry. They were unanimously optimistic about Wang Teng, and naturally hoped that he could come to his academy.

An outstanding student represents a lot of things, and it is definitely a good thing for the college to win more honors for the college in the future.

It is a pity that there is only one Wang Teng after all, and in the end only one academy will be cheaper.

However, they suddenly saw that after Wang Teng had finished registering at the War Academy, he went to the area where the Command Academy was located.

"What is he going to do?"

At this time, everyone present was taken aback for a while, watching Wang Teng walk towards the Command Academy, and then signed the name on the registration form before the tutor in charge of the registration in the Command Academy didn't respond.

He went on to the next college, and after a while, he signed up for all five colleges.

Everyone:? ?

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