All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 175 My Wang Teng is as witty as a monster...

Wei Hua was angry, looking at Wang Teng's contemptuous eyes, feeling that he was looked down upon.

Would he not know that it takes 100 credits to challenge Wang Teng?

He just didn't want to spend these 100 credits.

The purchasing power of 100 credits in the school is equivalent to 1 million of the outside world, and whoever is okay originally intends to spend this 1 million.

For many students, the freshman year is used to promote the martial artist.

The school has a task mechanism that can earn credits, but it's not a martial artist. Most tasks can't be done. You can only do small things. The credits earned are almost used for cultivation.

And this Wei Hua has just been promoted to his sophomore year, and it has only been more than a month after he was promoted to the martial artist. The credits he had accumulated before were all used for cultivation, and now he can't take out 100 credits at all.

He originally thought that Wang Teng was just a freshman, and he must be very foolish.

In the name of learning, if you lose, naturally you don't have to pay 100 credits.

And if he wins in the end, he can also be said to be a challenge, and he will be able to win the rank, which is simply not too beautiful.

He also knows that many classmates who are stronger than him are also focusing on this rank, but he can't resist the temptation, so he wants to take advantage of those people who are still waiting and see, and get the rank first, so that those people can no longer snatch it. NS.

Because the dean has already stated that he can only grab the rank from Wang Teng. This method does not work for other people, otherwise the system will be messed up.

They all know that this kind of snatch is rare in a lifetime.

Now that you have encountered it, knowing that it is difficult, and even getting into trouble, who can hold back not being tempted?

You all said that the martial artist must fight, then I will fight for you to see.

Wei Hua gritted his teeth and said to Wang Teng: "Tomorrow at 12 o'clock noon, in the playground martial arts, I will fight with you, then I will naturally be ready for 100 credits."

"Yes, since you want to give me credits, I will definitely not refuse." Wang Teng nodded.

"Arrogant!" Wei Hua's face was pale.


Wang Teng closed the door directly and ignored this person, a 1 star warrior? Haha, if it weren't for the 100 credits, Wang Teng wouldn't even pay attention to him.

Wang Teng had long been waiting for these people to come.

They focused on Wang Teng's military rank, so why didn't Wang Teng focused on their credits?

"Tomorrow you can pretend to be reluctant to defeat the opponent, and you can't scare away all at once, so that the people behind will continue to be sent to the door." Wang Teng walked into the house and touched his chin.

It's a little excited to think about it.

My Wang Teng is as witty as a monster...

The next day, military training began at seven o'clock.

All freshmen have to get up at six o'clock, wash up, put on well-fitting military uniforms, and rush to the playground to assemble.

This is how the new semester begins a new day!

On the playground, freshmen from the five majors gathered together.

A dozen instructors lined up.

Then each major was divided into three to five teams because of the different numbers of people.

Yesterday, the division of various majors has been completed, and the freshmen have already received the news. At this time, the teams are arranged by class.

After lining up, the instructors led their respective teams to disperse, and they all chose an open space far away to start the training.

"Hello classmates, I am Du Chi, your military instructor, and also your senior. I will teach and train you for the next 15 days."

Wang Teng's class is War 1 class, with 32 people in the class.

Hou Pingliang and the other three roommates in his dormitory are in Class 1, and even Lin Xue, whom I met on the first day, is also there. I have to say that it is fate.

The instructor in front of him was a young man in his twenties.

After hearing the instructor's words, everyone couldn't help but talk in a low voice.

"Our instructor is actually a senior."

"What's so strange about this. We are originally a military academy. The seniors are originally well-trained officers. Unlike other ordinary schools, they have to hire people from the military for training."

"This senior is so handsome!"

"It takes 15 days to train, so you can get in touch with it hehehe..."

"Quiet!" Du Chi frowned and shouted coldly.

"From now on, I haven't let you talk, and no one is allowed to whisper, otherwise you should know the rules of our Yellow Sea."

Everyone was quiet immediately.

"Okay, now please introduce yourself to each other, let's start with the first classmate on the left." Du Chi said.

The first student on the left was an ordinary-looking boy. He was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately spoke under the attention of the instructor and everyone:

"Hello everyone, instructor, my name is Hao Zhengye and I come from Shashi, Jiangbei."

After him, everyone began to introduce themselves in turn.

"Hello everyone, my name is Xie Tong..."

"Hello everyone, my name is Yuan Jing..."

"My name is Hou Pingliang and I am a native of the East China Sea. My father is an active soldier. Under the influence of the family atmosphere, I have determined to be like my father since I was a child."

"My name is Xue Lin, a native of Donghai..."

"My name is Wang Teng, a native of East China Sea!" Wang Teng's introduction was very brief, only explaining his name and hometown.


"Wang Teng is really good in our class. I heard that the school will test the rankings every month. With him, our class will definitely be the leader." A classmate said.

"We can't rely on Wang Teng for everything. We came to the school to improve ourselves. If we rely on him, what is the meaning of our study." Another student shook his head and said, it was the clear breeze of Hou Pingliang's dormitory.

His words immediately resonated with everyone, and the boy who spoke before couldn't help but nod his head:

"You are right, I take it for granted, martial arts still have to rely on myself!"

Suddenly Du Chi glanced over.

Almost forgot the warning from the instructor, a few people were frightened in a cold sweat, and immediately closed their mouths.

But this time Du Chi didn't say anything. Soon after everyone walked and introduced himself, he led everyone to the dormitory area.

"Today, the first thing I want to teach you is to organize your house affairs."

When he arrived at the dormitory, Du Chi demonstrated to everyone.


The legendary tofu residue...Bah, tofu chunks!

After two swishes, a tofu block was born in Du Chi's hands. It was neat and neat, which was breathtaking.

Then it was the students' turn to fold the tofu cubes by themselves. The process was naturally not so smooth, and it could even be said to be horrible.

The instructors taught in the dormitory one by one, and checked the past, and the last one arrived at Wang Teng.

Because he lives in District C, Du Chi took everyone to Wang Teng's dormitory after everything was done.

"This treatment!"

Everyone looked around, all sighed with envy.

Even Du Chi, a senior, was a little surprised. He had lived in District C, but Room 1...that was also someone else’s dormitory!

Wang Teng didn't have time to pay attention to the reactions of his classmates and instructors at the moment, he was concentrating on the quilt in front of him.

"Instructor, I'm all right." Wang Teng, sweating profusely, let out a sigh, stood up and said.

It's too hard for me to drop it!

Everyone looked at Wang Teng's masterpiece, and they almost burst out laughing.

Are you sure this is a piece of tofu, and not some other strange species?

Is Wang Teng the legendary handicapped party?

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