All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 176 Give him a strong head! (Big chapter!)

Coming out of the dormitory area, the classmates of the war class 1 glanced at Wang Teng from time to time, and their expressions were a little weird.

It's really not good looking!

The champion in the dignified martial arts exam, unexpectedly can't stack the quilt.

Sure enough, people are not perfect.

How to say something...

Oh, the Lord Buddha closed a door for you, but opened a skylight for you.

I forgot whether it was what the Lord Buddha said by his elders. It probably meant that anyway.

"..." Wang Teng walked among the team with a black face. Today was a shame. He didn't even think that he would not be able to do such a simple thing?

Ma Dandan!

At 7:15, the instructor brought everyone to the cafeteria.

The other class teams also arrived.

After everyone gathered, they all entered the canteen for breakfast.

Everything seems to emphasize the word discipline.

After eating, I came to the playground, did nothing, and stood in a military posture for twenty minutes.

This day’s training started from standing in the military posture...

At noon, after lunch, there is a two-hour break.

Wang Teng came to the playground as agreed.

The so-called martial arts arena is a martial arts arena, a place dedicated to warriors in combat.

The fighting power of the warrior is too strong, and if the fighting arena is not strong enough, it is easy to be destroyed.

Therefore, the construction materials of Wu Lei must be hard enough, and even runes with a "defense" effect are depicted on it.

Otherwise, it will be damaged at every turn. Although the repair cost is only a fraction of a fraction for the warrior, it is too troublesome to repair each time.

A lot of people have already arrived on the playground at this time.

There are both old and new students.

Wang Teng walked over from a distance, and saw a sneer at the corner of his mouth when he saw people gathered around him.

Needless to say, this news must be passed on by that Wei Hua, otherwise how could so many people come to watch it.

There are always many people who have extravagant hopes for military rank.


When Wang Teng's figure appeared on the edge of the playground, someone immediately noticed it, and low voices of discussion sounded all around.

"It's really here, new born calves are not afraid of tigers!"

"As the No. 1 freshman in this class, I was placed high hopes by the dean of the mentor, and they were all approached. How could I refuse to fight!"

"Wei Hua has just been promoted to a martial artist. This Wang Teng was a martial artist in the college entrance examination. Wei Hua may not be better than him."

"Before high school, there was no university's resources. There was too much difference in the skills and combat skills. That Wang Teng didn't know how to become a martial artist, but he certainly couldn't compare with Wei Hua, a martial artist trained by our military academy. Bar."

"makes sense……"

For these old students, they are also 1 star warriors, but the training of the military academy is their greatest support.

In today's martial arts era, it is recognized that the academy warriors are higher than the social warriors.

This is a crush on resources.

Before entering university, Wang Teng's method of becoming a warrior was roughly the same as a social warrior.

So when they face Wang Teng, they will have some psychological superiority.

However, Wang Teng became a warrior at such an age, and was able to be recognized by his mentor and dean, which naturally has its merits.

It's hard to say who wins and loses in today's fighting.

Wang Teng walked closer, and the discussion gradually disappeared.

There is more than one Wuchai.

Wei Hua was already standing in one of the martial arts competitions, and his eyes fell on Wang Teng who was walking below.

"You are late!"

"I want military training, otherwise you can ask my instructor to talk about it." Wang Teng said and went to the Wuchai and stood face to face with Wei Hua.

Wei Hua's face turned dark, and he snorted, then said nothing more.

Instructors for freshmen are generally held by seniors.

They also came from the freshman year, who hasn't learned the methods of seniors.

Go to them and say? He is not so courageous.

"Stop talking nonsense, since it's here, let's start now. Please bear a testimony. If I lose, I will give Wang Teng's younger brother 100 credits, but if I win, his rank will belong to me." Wei Hua turned towards everyone below. Said.

When everyone heard this, many people sneered at the corners of their mouths, and some couldn't help frowning.

There are not a few people who have followed Wang Teng's rank. At this time, some people were annoyed that they didn't do it earlier and were preempted by others, but some people were there and didn't care about it.

"This time the martial arts will be judged by our martial arts club."

Just when everyone fell silent, showing a gesture of "watching a good show", a burst of laughter suddenly sounded outside the crowd.


The expressions of the people present changed slightly, and they couldn't help looking behind them.

I saw two figures walking slowly from outside the playground. They seemed to be able to gather light, and everyone's eyes were attracted involuntarily.

One man and one woman, the boys are heroic and tall, the girls are pretty, confident and decent.

"It's the junior Yang Lin senior sister and Chen Su senior!!!"

"It turned out to be them."

"Why do they come to join in the fun? Do they want that rank too?"

"Impossible, the junior elder sisters and seniors have already surpassed the 1-star warrior level, and there is no chance to challenge Wang Teng."

"And both of them seem to have military ranks."

"Could it be that you want to recruit Wang Teng into the martial arts club?"


When the two walked to the martial arts challenge, the boy named Chen Su smiled slightly and said: "We will be the referees. How do you think?"

"I have no opinion." Wang Teng said indifferently.

Wei Hua gave a dry smile and said quickly: "It is my honour to be able to show the two seniors."

Yang Lin and Chen Su nodded.

"Then let's start."

"I use a knife, what kind of weapon do you use?" Wei Hua drew a long knife from behind and asked.

"Oh...I use this." Wang Teng thought for a while, took out a golden brick in his pocket.


The surroundings suddenly fell into a strange silence.

There were still many people peeking at Yang Lin and Chen Su, but at this time, all eyes were on the brick and Wang Teng's face.

Are you serious about using bricks as weapons?

And it's still a golden brick, is it made of gold?

"Hey, no one wonders where the brick was pulled out?" someone said profusely.

"Could it be hiding there?"

Several people looked strangely at Wang Teng's lower body.

"Ahem, brother Wang Teng, are you sure you want to use this "brick" as a weapon?" Yang Lin couldn't help asking.

"Yeah!" Wang Teng looked at the brick in his hand and weighed it by the way, feeling very handy, and asked in confusion, "Can't it?"

Hearing the surrounding discussion, Chen Su glanced at Wang Teng's lower body without a trace, and said, "That's not true, it's just that this weapon is too unexpected."

"Don't you think this weapon is great?" Wang Teng asked seemingly serious.

Everyone: "Haha, you just want to be happy."

"Wang Teng, you use a brick as a weapon, don't you put me in your eyes too." Wei Hua stared at Wang Teng, his expression a little ugly.

"Absolutely not, my weapons have always been made of bricks." Wang Teng was serious nonsense.

"I believe you a ghost."

"You are too arrogant, let me teach you today what it means to be someone outside of someone."

After speaking, Wei Hua suddenly stepped on his feet and rushed towards Wang Teng. The earth element force was excited, and the sword in his hand drew an arc in mid-air.

"Good job!"

Wang Teng pretended to shout, and waved the bricks to greet him.

He leaned sideways, slapped the brick on the side of the saber, shook it away, and then suddenly rushed forward, calling out a brick to Wei Hua's face.

Wei Hua's expression remained unchanged, the blade quickly turned, forcing Wang Teng to return to defense, and the brick and the saber collided again.


The original force erupted at the point of collision, and the huge impact formed a wave of air visible to the naked eye, pushing the two back away.

The next moment, they both stepped heavily on the ground behind them, and rushed towards each other again.

"This Wang Teng seems to be quite strong!"

The faces of everyone below were slightly solemn, looking at the two people who came and went on the ring, silently comparing the differences between the two of them in their hearts, and found that their strength seemed to be not much different.

This makes many people feel incredible. Wei Hua is a sophomore. After more than a year of training, he is now on par with a freshman.

Is Wei Hua too weak?

Or is Wang Teng too strong?

In any case, this is a shame for the old student.

And some freshmen who wanted to see Wang Teng's defeat felt very bad at this time.

The stronger Wang Teng's performance, the greater the gap between them. Everyone is a genius in various high schools, and no one wants to subdue to others.

However, some classmates accepted it happily. At this time, seeing that even the old students couldn't help Wang Teng, they suddenly felt proud.

Wei Hua became more impatient as he played. Wang Teng's strength exceeded his expectations. It was not a glorious thing to challenge a freshman who had just enrolled in school. In the end, if he still couldn't win, he would lose his face. He will pay back in front of his classmates. How can I lift my head?

The two sides fought against each other several times, and no one can do anything about it. Of course, this is Wang Teng deliberately letting go. If he gets serious, Wei Hua may not even be able to take a punch.

"It should be almost done." Wang Teng thought to himself.

At this time, Wei Hua suddenly pulled away, and a strong yellow light burst out from the blade of the war knife.

"I don't believe it, you can still take this trick." He gritted his teeth, the force of the sword was poured into his entire body, and he cut out boldly.


" strong! Watch me take a serious blow."

Wang Teng let out a violent roar, his face seemed very dignified, the palm of his hand was condensed with icy blue force of light, and he patted the huge yellow sword light with one palm.


The palms of the blades collided, and the force exploded in the center and swept all around.

"Puff!" Wei Hua spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was shocked, and his figure involuntarily moved backwards.

At this time, the pupils in his eyes shrank, and he saw a black shadow bursting through the air wave and rushing straight forward.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Teng rushed to Wei Hua, held the brick high, and called his head down.


One hit is sure to hit!

Wei Hua felt his eyes turn black and staggered, but he insisted on not falling to the ground.


"It is worthy of being a warrior, and the ability to resist strikes is strong."

Wang Teng gave a soft voice, and Banzhuan called out again...

When the air wave on the ring dissipated, everyone finally saw the situation above, and saw Wang Teng panting, with some messy clothes on his body.

Looking at his feet again, a figure fell to the ground face down, obviously unable to get up.

" strong!" Wang Teng gasped and emphasized again, his expression extremely solemn and serious, as if he had encountered the enemy of his life.

Secretly, he secretly picked up several attribute bubbles around Wei Hua.

【Earth Force*12】

[Intermediate soil talent*5]



I go, good stuff!

Sure enough, all the students of Yellow Navy Academy are geniuses. Look at the attribute bubbles that fall.

Intermediate soil talents have all come out!

8 points for spirit, 10 points for comprehension, a lot of sincerity.

People with high talents will drop more attribute bubbles.

Looking at the harvest, Wang Teng was secretly delighted.

Under the ring, everyone was a little shocked. The battle just now was very exciting, and at the same time the strength of the two should not be underestimated.

Wang Teng is even more remarkable, actually defeating sophomore Wei Hua.

Yang Lin and Chen Su of the Martial Arts Club immediately jumped to the ring. The two checked Wei Hua's injuries. They were only slightly injured, and there was nothing serious about them. There were just a few eye-catching...big bags on this head!

The two looked at the gold bricks in Wang Teng's hands with weird eyes, and suddenly felt that this schoolboy seemed a bit nasty.

"For every genius who loses in my hands, I will give respect and give them the best!" Wang Teng explained earnestly with his eyes.

"..." The corners of their mouths twitched, and they exhausted all their life learning, but they couldn't find a word to describe Wang Teng's shamelessness.

The crowd onlookers also heard his words, and then looked at the several big bags on Wei Hua's head. In an instant, they seemed to see a thick black air coming out of Wang Teng's body.

This person's heart is cut open, I am afraid it is black!

Wang Teng despised everyone, hehe, I want to trouble Wang Teng, please be prepared to be taken care of.

"Senior, senior sister, I have won this battle, right?" He asked the two of them.

The two looked at each other, and Chen Su nodded and said, "You won!"

"That's good, then I will trouble the two seniors to help me supervise, and don't let people lose my 100 credits." Wang Teng said.

"Don't worry, since our martial arts club has intervened, no one can take it away." Yang Lin and Chen Su were speechless, and Wang Teng was still a money fan.

"Then thank you two senior elder sisters, I still have military training in the afternoon, so I will go back to rest first, this senior Wei Hua troubles anyone to send it to the infirmary to see, don’t wait for any sequelae left on my head. My guilt is serious." Wang Teng said, staggering down the ring.

"..." Everyone.

Knowing that there will be sequelae in the beginning, I even called people's heads specifically.

Looking at the big bag on Wei Hua's head, thinking about it, it feels a little bit painful!

As Wang Teng stepped off the ring, he leaned on his waist and yelled: "My old waist, Senior Wei Hua is too strong, too strong, I almost lost!"

The voice is not small, as if he is afraid that others will not hear him.

"Uh...Scholar Wang Teng, would you like to go to the infirmary too?" Yang Lin couldn't help but look at him like this.

"No need, senior sister, I just go back and rest for a while, hiss...My palm, the last move just now is really strong, I almost can't stop it." Wang Teng once again emphasized that Wei Hua is very strong, he almost It was defeated.

Everyone looked at his walking away, their eyes flickered, and a sigh of joy rose in their hearts.

Comparing the strengths of himself and Wei Hua, if you challenge Wang Teng, it seems that you have a great chance of winning...

There are only a few people who always seem to find something weird, but they can't say it. It's just why Wang Teng's younger brother has always emphasized that Wei Hua is strong. Is this a sympathy?

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