All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 185 Who Is Threatening Who?

The fighting had ended, but everyone present could not calm down for a long time.

As for Zhuo Tai, the first sophomore, he was forgotten by everyone at this time.

After a while, those sophomores who supported Zhuo Tai reacted, and looked at Zhuo Tai who had fallen on the ground unconsciously, showing anxious expressions.

"How is Zhuotai?"

"No... die!"

"The outcome is divided, let the medical staff go up and have a look."

Chen Su coldly shouted: "Quiet!"

Everyone dared not say anything, considering that Zhuotai's situation was urgent, and immediately quieted down.

"medical personnel!"

Chen Su shouted at the medical staff who had been waiting for a long time nearby.

The medical staff immediately checked Zhuotai's injuries. After a while, the doctor shook his head, regretting:

"He is dead!"

"This..." Chen Su couldn't help but glanced at Wang Teng, this guy was really merciless when he started!

Those sophomores turned pale.

Zhuotai, who was given all hope, not only lost to Wang Teng's hands, but even lost his life.

Just for this battle!

A great genius did not die on the battlefield, but was trapped in the school.

This has to be said to be a kind of irony!

does it worth?

No one can answer this question. Some people do regret it, but what's the use?

People are already dead, and it is futile to say more.

There was an uproar all around, and those sophomores glared at Wang Teng.

Zhuotai's mentor jumped onto the ring and rushed to Zhuotai's side.

"Go away!"

A surge of energy radiated from him, and several medical staff rushed away, and several of them fell to the ground involuntarily.

Several medical staff dared to be angry but did not dare to speak, and retired from the ring angrily.

Zhuo Tai's mentor personally checked Zhuo Tai's injury, and he was already exhausted. He suddenly raised his head and stared at Wang Teng with cold eyes.

"You are fine!"

"Are you threatening me?" Wang Teng smiled suddenly.

"My apprentice is more than this one. Today you killed Zhuotai and forged a vengeance with me. You will never die. Someone will challenge you again in the future." Chen Xiangming said indifferently.


Zhuang He led everyone from the martial arts club to the arena, staring at Chen Xiangming coldly and said, "Teacher Chen, you passed!"



Chen Xiangming gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Do you really treat you as if I dare not move you?"

"Try it!" Zhuang He was originally indifferent, but at this time he was full of suffocation, and he stared at Chen Xiangming not to be outdone.

Chen Xiangming's Qi orifices produce smoke, although his mouth is tough, it really makes him start with the martial arts club, and he dare not lend him a hundred courage.

But it is impossible for him to admit it now, otherwise he will have a face to teach students in school in the future.

The mentors who were with Chen Xiangming hurriedly came out to be peacemakers.

"Zhuang He, Master Chen is just an ardent apprentice, and he didn't want to be an enemy of the martial arts club. Let's understand each other."

"Yes, right, Zhuo Tai is after all Tutor Chen's beloved disciple. Now that he is beaten to death by Wang Teng, Tutor Chen is not feeling well, otherwise he will not be so gloomy."

Zhuang He didn’t hold onto it, and said lightly: “Tutor Chen’s mood is naturally understandable, but in the martial arts arena threatening a student like this, Tutor Chen’s methods really make it difficult for us in the martial arts club. I hope to be able to pay attention in the future. One point, we can't control other places, but when our martial arts club maintains order, it is better for everyone to cooperate."

He said plainly, but the overbearing between the words did not hide it in the slightest.

"It must be!" The instructors didn't seem to feel anything about it, and smiled and nodded.

"Huh!" Chen Xiangming snorted coldly, without saying a word, picked up Zhuo Tai's corpse and walked straight to the ring.

When passing by Wang Teng's side, Senran glanced at him.

"Teacher Chen, right?" Wang Teng suddenly stopped him.

Chen Xiangming stopped and looked sideways.

"You don't need to wait for your apprentice to challenge me, wait to find out about your apprentice's situation, and I will send you the battle book one by one!"

Wang Teng looked at him and smiled slightly.

"I am now at the 2nd star warrior level, and I will challenge your 2 star warrior level apprentice first. When I am 3 stars, I will challenge your 3 star warrior level apprentice. When I reach 4 stars, I will continue to challenge your 4 star warrior level apprentice. , Until they are all killed!"

The corner of Wang Teng's mouth was smiling, but what he said was icy chill.


Chen Xiangming was furious.

Everyone was stunned, and they didn't expect Wang Teng to say this.

The Martial Arts Society and others were shocked to Wang Teng.

Zhuang He just sent Chen Xiangming away, but Wang Teng threw a bomb at him again. Is it because the matter was not big enough?

"Are you arrogant? You'll know if you try."

"I never accept threats, whoever threatens me, I will kill him, just like your apprentice Zhuo Tai, you see, he is now a corpse." Wang Teng said indifferently.

"Arrogant, too arrogant!" A sophomore was filled with indignation.

"If you are not convinced, please prepare your credits, and then continue to challenge me, as long as the same level, no one will refuse." Wang Teng looked down at the sophomore student shouted.

Those sophomores' complexions changed, but they suddenly lost their voices.

Wang Teng smiled disdainfully, and said to Chen Xiangming: "Teacher Chen is a 5-star warrior, right? When I get promoted to a 5-star warrior, I will challenge you and kill you."

"Presumptuous!" Chen Xiangming scolded angrily: "Do you really think you are invincible?"

"Invincible is not invincible, but you, I must challenge." Wang Teng said.

"I can kill you first now." Chen Xiangming suddenly calmed down and looked at him coldly.

Wang Teng was not afraid at all, and even took a step forward, his eyes rounded, and he shouted violently at him.

"Come, do it!"

"You!" Chen Xiangming's face flushed instantly, but he didn't do anything.


Chen Xiangming just left, his face was gloomy as if dripping water, he wanted to kill Wang Teng on the spot, but he couldn't and didn't dare.

He was sure that if he killed Wang Teng the moment before, he would be killed the next moment.

Even before Wang Teng was killed, he would be suppressed by other mentors. They wouldn't let it go. They would not be able to kill Wang Teng at that time, and they would die first.

At this point, no one is a fool.

Wang Teng dared to intimidate himself in such a way face-to-face, because of this consideration, but does he think there will be someone to protect him outside the school?

A cold light flashed in Chen Xiangming's eyes.


Wang Teng watched Chen Xiangming's back go away. He knew that he had offended this person to death today, but if he did it again, he would still do it.

Everyone is threatening, and there is no room for easing things. It is better to preemptively.

Besides, he is dignified, now he is a 3-star warrior level, will 5 stars be far away?

Thinking of this, Wang Teng couldn't help looking at the attribute panel. The attribute bubble that had just dropped from Zhuotai had been picked up by him...

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