All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 186 Harvesting and Disposal (two in one)



[Intermediate Gold Talent*5]

【Golden Sword Force*8】

【Golden Force*25】


These are the attribute bubbles that just dropped from Zhuotai.

Now Wang Teng has almost figured out the falling law of attribute bubbles. Generally speaking, the number of attribute bubbles dropped directly to death is undoubtedly the most.

If it's just for exercise, normal competition, or injury to the opponent, the drop attribute bubbles are relatively small.

But Wang Teng is not a murderous madman, he cannot kill people for no reason, so he can only accumulate attribute bubbles by learning and learning.

In addition, the talent of the drop will also affect the number of drops, and people with good talents will definitely drop more.

It's like a rich person. People's pockets are filled with big bills and big bills. If you accidentally drop it, it will naturally be a big bill.

There are a lot of good things in the attribute bubbles that Zhuotai dropped. Needless to say, the spirit, savvy and the original force of the gold element, there are a lot of them.

These attributes have been picked up a lot, and Wang Teng can now remain plain.

He can shout out loud: I, Wang Teng, is no longer the ignorant hillbilly!

However, the following two attribute bubbles still surprised Wang Teng.

Intermediate gold talent!

Wang Teng's five element attributes originally had only three talents: water, fire, and earth, but he had just obtained the wood element talent not long ago, and now he has obtained the gold element talent, the five elements are considered to be complete.

The most important thing is that the talents of the five elements are all intermediate, which is a little scary!

Zhuang He and others thought that Wang Teng was a martial artist with both ice and fire elements. They were already surprised. If they were to know that Wang Teng not only has the talent of the ice element, but also the talent of the five elements, and even the wind element and the poison element. This kind of rare mutation talent, then they probably smashed their jaws.

Not only them, but if other people knew it, it wouldn't be any better.

Then there is... Swordsmanship!

Gold swordsmanship!

The gold sword power at 8 o'clock, although not much, not even a tenth of 10%, made Wang Teng suddenly realize the gold sword power.

Sword power, Wang Teng himself has practiced, knowing that it is not easy to comprehend sword power, otherwise everyone would not be so surprised to see Zhuotai understand the sword power.

But now Wang Teng has obtained Zhuotai's attribute bubble, and he has directly realized the sword power, one step to the stomach...Ah, it's one step!

After the fighting ended, one of the parties was also dead. Everyone on the playground had their own thoughts, and they left one after another without waiting.

At this time, Wang Teng also returned to his dormitory, sitting cross-legged on the bed, closing his eyes and comprehending the golden swordsmanship.

There seemed to be a horrible golden sword light circulating in his mind, and the sharpness cut Wang Teng's consciousness, making him feel like he was on the scene.


Half an hour later, Wang Teng let out a long breath and slowly opened his eyes, as if an extremely sharp golden sword light flashed in his pupils, just like the essence!

"Fire and gold, the fire sword is hot and fierce, but the gold sword is extremely sharp, as if it can cut through any object.

If you compare the two, the gold sword power pays more attention to a concentrated attack. If the sword power that Zhuotai comprehends is also half-performing, my fire sword power may not be able to hold him under the same level. "

Wang Teng thought to himself, then smiled slightly.

"But in the end, I won, and this gold sword power was also gained by me. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and behind it is the kung fu of water milling. Slowly understand and deepen, the gold sword power will naturally become stronger and stronger!"


The battle between Wang Teng and Zhuo Tai has come to an end, and the battle between him and the sophomore can be considered to have come to an end for the time being.

It's not that the sophomore doesn't want to find a place, but that Wang Teng blows everything he can!

At least for the time being, they couldn't find anyone who could compete with Wang Teng.

With the strength shown by Wang Teng, I am afraid that the average 2-star warrior level may not be his opponent. Now even those 2 star warriors of the junior year who want to make a move, I am afraid that they have to weigh.

Zhuotai's lessons for the past are in sight.

What's more, Wang Teng's even his mentor is correct. Obviously he is not a soft role to be squeezed by others. If you want to challenge him with some other ideas, he will definitely not be pleased.

Speaking of Wang Teng's hard-working Chen Xiangming, Zhuotai's mentor, even the seniors of the third and fourth seniors couldn't help but give a thumbs up and shouted "Niu Bian!" (broken sound)

And after this incident, Wang Teng's fame in the new life really reached its peak, and no one could shake it anymore.

Things are fermenting.

Students and tutors are all discussing.

The school’s major forums, the WeChat groups of each class, and the chat software all talk about this.

Many people even worship Wang Teng.

Although Wang Teng directly beat Zhuo Tai to death in that martial arts fight, many students were a little unbearable, but they were martial arts students after all, with different ideas and concepts.

This is a fair challenge, the war between warriors, entered the ring, life and death conceited!

Warriors have always respected their strength.

Without Wang Teng's knowledge, he has quietly added a group of fans.


In the afternoon, in an office of the Academic Affairs Office.

Peng Yuanshan of the Headquarters, the branch deans of the five major colleges, and the senior leaders of the school are all sitting inside.

They are discussing the life and death fight at noon.

Peng Yuanshan has a headache now, rubbing his eyebrows, and secretly sighed: "Wang Teng, this stinky kid actually caused such a big trouble for me!"

The reason why he placed Wang Teng with him and took out the rank that he had promised him as a challenge bet was that he hoped to suppress Wang Teng's temperament and let him know that there are people outside the world, and there is heaven outside the world.

This is actually the norm.

Most schools will try to trick the freshmen. Those with good talents need special care, so that they don't know the heights of the world, and they will be directly beaten to death if they don't know what they shouldn't mess with in the future.

Even if Wang Teng's military rank was taken away in the end, Peng Yuanshan would not treat him badly, and would definitely make up for it from other places in the future.

Who knows that this kid Wang Teng is too enchanting, and he has a bad stomach, revealing his strength bit by bit, turning the sophomore student around.

Almost everyone who could play was beaten again, and they knew that Wang Teng was so strong.

By this time, things were out of control.

And Zhuotai and his mentor...

"That's a shame for Chen Xiangming!" Someone sighed just at this moment.

"In these years, he has not passed that hurdle after all." Another school leader shook his head.

"Huh, I was frightened on the battlefield back then. Not only did he not come out after he came back, he gradually obliterated the will to martial arts, otherwise he wouldn't have been stuck at the 5-star warrior level, and he would have to rely on students to compete for resources. "Some people are angry.

"His martial arts is considered abolished, otherwise Zhuotai won't let Zhuotai go to life and death battle this time!"

"Chen Xiangming may be behind the scenes, but it's useless if Zhuotai disagrees. To put it bluntly, it is Zhuotai's own choice."

Life and death battles in schools are relatively rare, especially in military academies. Many students will step onto the battlefield in the future.

Like those sophomores who challenged Wang Teng before, they are more sensible. They are just challenging and not murderous.

Mentor Chen Xiangming is just an example.

He came down from the battlefield. He had experienced some things that year, his mentality collapsed, his will to martial arts was obliterated, and he was gradually immersed in the "wrong way" over the years.

It's not something illegal, it's just that it's not so upright, relying on various methods of exploiting loopholes to seek resources.

This time it can be said that Wang Teng was forced into anxiousness.

Zhuotai is a seed he cultivated after spending a lot of resources, but he has high hopes.

And most of those resources are his own pockets.

Zhuotai did not disappoint Chen Xiangming. He showed a very good talent. As a result, the school matched a lot of resources, and he also benefited a lot.

But for a 5 star warrior, those resources are of course not enough.

However, if it develops in this way, Zhuotai's future must be bright, and the future can be expected.

When Zhuotai is in a high position, it is time for him to get the reward.

It is a pity that his wishful thinking was directly shattered by Wang Teng!

Therefore, Chen Xiangming eventually became angry and lost his attitude on the spot, and even said threatening words to Wang Teng.

After all, people can make mistakes.

But in general, the other tutors in the school would not be like this. If they didn't even have such a capacity to accommodate people, they wouldn't be the tutors of the Yellow Naval Academy.

What's more, most of the martial arts will be very firm when they can get to their point, they have their own pride, and they will not do anything to compete with the students.

As for the battle of life and death, there is nothing left to say.

In the battle between warriors, there is no reason not to hurt the undead.

"In the martial arts dispute, there is no right or wrong. If you lose, you can't blame others!"

Everyone knew this truth, so they didn't think Wang Teng had done anything wrong about Zhuotai's death in Wang Teng's hands.

Peng Yuanshan looked at the people who were discussing endlessly below, and said: "Okay, let's talk about your own views on Chen Xiangming's handling of the problem."

The school leaders couldn't help being silent for a while.

"Otherwise...remove the post of instructor?" a school leader hesitated.

"It doesn't seem to be justified to get rid of it directly. After all, Chen Xiangming has been a mentor in our school for so many years. There is no credit and hard work." Another school leader seemed a little unbearable.

"To blatantly threaten students, this matter can be big or small. When it gets bigger, it has established an extremely bad image of a mentor and lowered the credibility of the mentor among students. For the mentor team of our entire school, this is not a problem. It's not a good thing." The dean of the school said slowly.

" it a bit heavy?"

"What the old Qian said actually makes sense. On the way here, I have heard many freshmen questioning their mentors!"


Everyone sighed, knowing that there was no room for maneuver to deal with Chen Xiangming.

Sure enough, Peng Yuanshan said: "Well, let's keep Chen Xiangming's mentor position, and then... send him to the battlefield of another world for half a year. As for how to deal with it after half a year, it depends on his performance."

"The meeting is over!"

After speaking, Peng Yuanshan got up and left the office.

The school leaders present wanted to ask Peng Yuanshan how to treat Wang Teng. After all, Wang Teng showed an extremely terrifying talent, and the school should pay attention to it.

"By the way, I have notified the principal about Wang Teng, and now I'll hold on to that kid, how to deal with it, and wait for the principal to come back before making a decision."

Peng Yuanshan walked to the door, turned around and said something, and finally left with a big stride.

"Have you notified the principal!" Everyone was shocked, whispered for a while, and got up and left with various thoughts.


At five o'clock in the afternoon that day, the school issued a statement on the disposal of Chen Xiangming.

Many students saw Chen Xiangming's face as ashes, and they were taken on a military pickup truck and drove away from the school.

Another world battlefield!

Many freshmen have heard of these words for the first time, let alone seen them.


Just look at the words and you know where it is.

And from Chen Xiangming's face and the expressions of the surrounding seniors, it is not difficult to see that this alien battlefield is more terrifying and dangerous than imagined.

The school actually dealt with Chen Xiangming's tutor so seriously!

Originally, many freshmen were indeed questioning the school's tutor, thinking that Chen Xiangming threatened a student so as to violate the teacher's morals, which made people very uneasy.

But now the freshmen see the school's attitude on this matter.

"I was actually sent to the battlefield of another world!" Wang Teng thoughtfully, all kinds of thoughts flashed in his heart.

The school intervened, and Chen Xiangming was also sent to the battlefield of another world, which was an explanation to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng had said that he was going to challenge his students, but now it is a bit difficult to operate.

"If they don't come to provoke me, life and death will be avoided, but the challenge is still to be challenged, otherwise I really think I was bullied." Wang Teng thought secretly.

"If you still come to provoke me, then the school can't blame me for fighting with them."


The next day, the last day of military training completely ended. The freshmen were exhausted, dragging their tired bodies one by one, as if they were broken by playing.

Fortunately, the school gave two days of rest time for the freshmen to take a break before starting the formal class.

The Yellow Navy Academy implements closed management, and freshmen can only stay in the school and cannot go out.

Fortunately, there are a lot of recreational facilities in the school, which can allow students to have fun, and in fact, many freshmen have begun to practice non-stop.

Perhaps it was stimulated by Wang Teng. Many freshmen secretly decided to be promoted to a martial artist as soon as possible.

As a result, the meager credits the freshmen received after military training were all used in various training rooms.

Many high-end training equipment in the school are very targeted and very helpful for cultivation. There is nothing wrong with it except that you have to pay for credits every time you use it.

Wang Teng was so happy. When the freshmen went to train, he went to pick up attributes with them.

Not only does it save credits, but there are also a lot of free attribute bubbles that can be picked up.

"Brother Teng, you said that you are a 2-star warrior, so you can't rest. You don't give us a way to survive!"

"That's it, why don't you go back to sleep for two days and give us some room to catch up."

Hou Pingliang looked at Wang Teng, who was heading to the training room together, with a slightly bitter expression, feeling that there was no hope in life.

What is the scariest thing in the world?

He is better than you, and works harder than you...

Wrong, the most terrible thing in the world is that you think he is a genius, you think he works very hard, in fact he is a gangster!

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