All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 198 This little thing looks so unique! (Please subscribe!)

Sending off Tantai Xuan, Wang Teng stood in the living room, looking at the messy surroundings, and shook his head.

What a crazy woman!

Actually did it directly in the house.

Fortunately, it's just the living room. If the entire dormitory is destroyed, he won't even have a place to sleep tonight.

"Let the school fix it tomorrow."

Wang Teng ignored these, his eyes turned to a few attribute bubbles floating on the ground.

These attribute bubbles were dropped when Tantai Xuan started his hands.

Just now Tantai Xuan hadn't left, Wang Teng didn't dare to act rashly. There are enough things exposed today, and she can't know the golden finger for picking up attributes.

After all, Tantai Xuan was a general-level warrior, and Wang Teng didn't know anything about the methods of a general-level warrior.

Although she estimated that she would not think of the golden finger coming up even if she wanted to break her head, Wang Teng still didn't want anyone to see the slightest clues.

At this time Tantaixuan had already left, and Wang Teng had no scruples.

Spiritual power swept away.

Pick it up!

【The Force of Wind*20】

【Golden Force*18】

【Black belly*10】



When he saw the content of the last attribute bubble, Wang Teng was stunned.

Black belly attribute?

There is such an attribute?

What kind of black-bellied Xuan Tantai will cause the black-bellied attribute to overflow, and...are you really kidding the system?

Having said that, it was only a short time to fight, she actually dropped so many Force attributes, is she really worthy of being a warlord?

A single martial artist will definitely drop a lot of attributes.

It's a pity that the strength is not enough, only to be killed!

Saying "the one who doesn't know is fearless" twice.

Wang Teng quickly threw this dangerous thought of death out of the sky.

"By the way, my crow egg, I don't know if I encountered it in the previous fight, so be sure to be fine." Wang Teng suddenly remembered this, and quickly picked up the backpack on the sofa and took out the crow egg. Look carefully.

"Good risk, good risk, but luckily it didn't break."

Wang Teng checked the crow egg carefully, and let out a sigh of relief.

Then he walked into the bedroom, placed the crow egg, opened the incubator that was also brought back, and continued hatching.

Take the clothes and wash in the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, Wang Teng wiped his hair and walked out, dried his hair, and when he was about to rest, he subconsciously glanced at the crow egg on the bedside incubator.

A crack suddenly appeared in his eyes.

I rub!

Broken... Broken!

Wang Teng's eyes widened, and he hurriedly looked up.

There really is a crack!

It is quite conspicuous, spreading from the left to the right, almost spanning a third of its length.


Suddenly, there was a slight crisp sound.

Another crack emerged slowly under Wang Teng's eyelids.

There was a "click".

This time the sound was much louder than before, and then dozens of smaller cracks suddenly burst out around the crack.

"This is... hatching?!" Wang Teng suddenly felt a little surprised.

There has been no movement before, but I just moved it back to the dormitory today and it is about to hatch.

Is it pure coincidence?

But it's always a good thing. After waiting for so long, it's finally about to hatch!

Wang Teng's eyes stared at the crow egg unblinkingly. As time went by, he saw more and more cracks on it.

But the little guy inside just doesn't come out.

He simply sat cross-legged on the ground and stared at him with his chin.

Time passed bit by bit, and after more than two hours, the crow egg shook suddenly and a piece of egg shell fell.

Wang Teng's eyes lit up, and his spirits suddenly appeared.

The little things inside were pushing up, and on the top of the crow egg, slices of eggshells fell one after another.


A ugly head suddenly appeared.

Wang Teng: "..."

My mother! This little thing looks so unique!

The little crow in front of him had only his head exposed, but his body was still in the eggshell, looking at Wang Teng and let out an immature cry.

Wang Teng didn't help it, letting the little crow toss it on his own, but it took a long time before he crawled out of the eggshell.

I have to say that the descendants of star beasts are indeed very different from ordinary animals, and the little crow in front of them is actually not small.

It is almost the size of an adult hen, and it even grows feathers, how can the cubs of ordinary birds be like this.


The little crow lay on the ground, screamed, and crawled towards Wang Teng.

"This little thing is black and fat, and dumb. It's hard to see how handsome the giant crow was." Wang Teng held it up, one person and one crow, with big eyes staring at it.


"Stop calling, I don't understand your crow language." Wang Teng said helplessly.



The little crow kept yelling, making Wang Teng a headache: "Is it hungry? But I don't know what you are eating."

"By the way, ask Lu Zhiqing, I don't know if she slept this late?"

Wang Teng quickly picked up his mobile phone and contacted the beautiful lady at the pet shop.

"Are you there? Have you slept yet?"

After the news was sent, Lu Zhiqing came back five minutes later.

"Yes, I just went to take a shower, what's the matter?"

Wang Teng: "My crow egg hatched, but I don't know what it can eat? o(╯□╰)o"

By the way, I took a picture of Xiao Crow and sent it over.

"It hatched, congratulations!"

"This body is really big!"

"I have looked up relevant information before, you can try to feed it with the meat of a different animal."

Lu Zhiqing was obviously also the first time to see a crow at the star beast level. She was very surprised and sent three text messages in a row.

Wang Teng thought for a while. It seemed that there was no alien beast meat on his body, but there was a large piece of snake meat at the star beast level.

"Can the flesh and blood of the star beast?"

"Yes, the flesh and blood of the star beast is more effective than the flesh and blood of the alien beast. Your little crow is the offspring of the star beast, and should be able to withstand the energy of the star beast's flesh and blood."

"ok, I know, thank you!"

"You're welcome, take the little crow to the store to show me when you have time."

"No problem."

Wang Teng ended the conversation with Lu Zhiqing and took out the flesh and blood of the snake-like star beast killed at noon from the space ring.


As soon as he smelled the flesh and blood of the star beast, the little crow screamed restlessly, and thumped on the ground, trying to pounce on the flesh and blood of the star beast in Wang Teng's hand.

"It's really hungry, don't worry! Don't worry! I'll eat it right away." Wang Teng cut off a small piece of star beast flesh and blood with his war sword, and handed it to the little crow's mouth.

The little crow was at an amazing speed. As soon as his neck stretched forward, the blood and flesh of the star beast in Wang Teng's hand entered its mouth. Seeing a stubborn neck, he swallowed it wholeheartedly.


After eating a piece of meat, the little crow's eyes were still staring at the flesh and blood of the star beast on Wang Teng's right hand, and continued to call at him.

"Hey, still a foodie!"

"Forget it, I originally planned to bring it back for my own food, now it's cheaper for you." Wang Teng shook his head and smiled, and continued to cut off the star beast's flesh and blood to feed it.

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