All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 199 Mixed Into Rune Class (Subscription required!)

The little crow just broke out of its shell, waiting to be fed.

It didn't take long for it to eat a small piece of meat in it, and its belly gradually bulged.

"It seems that I will get more of the Star Beast's flesh and blood in the future, this little guy is a big meat eater." Wang Teng looked at the little crow in front of him, shook his head and smiled.

After the little crow finished eating, he rubbed Wang Teng's palm, and then became a little drowsy.

"Go to bed after eating. You are very comfortable." Wang Teng scolded with a smile, and after thinking about it, he took out a quilt and piled it on the corner of the bed as a little crow's nest.

The little crow didn't dislike it, and seemed to know that it was prepared for it, so he quacked twice before crawling into the nest and fell asleep quickly.

Wang Teng didn't worry too much. The cubs of the star beasts were no better than ordinary crow cubs.

After dealing with these things, it was late at night, and Wang let out a sigh of relief and fell asleep on the bed.

Early the next morning.

Wang Teng, Hou Pingliang and others had breakfast and went to class. They had two classes a day on Monday and two hours of training in the afternoon. The rest of the time was free to arrange.

Wang Teng finished the first class in the morning.

Class ended at ten, and went to the school logistics building to report the destruction of the room and let them repair it.

"Is it room No. 1 in District C? It has already been explained above, otherwise you have to make a certification report." The staff in the logistics office is a middle-aged aunt, smiling at Wang Teng.

"That's good, please help me deal with it as soon as possible." Wang Teng said.

"Don't worry, classmates, it won't take much time, then let you see our work efficiency." The middle-aged aunt said confidently.

Wang Teng came out of the logistics building and went to the class in the Rune Academy.

There are more students in the five colleges, the war college and the command college, while the forging college, the Danding college, and the rune college have each put together a class.

Today, there happened to be a course in Rune Academy that was staggered with the class time of War Academy, so Wang Teng was going to mix in and listen to it.

The idea is good, but no one knows him now.

He sneaked into the multimedia classroom with the class bell, and sat in the corner without taking the front position.

The classmates in front might not have noticed him, but the few students in the back row noticed him immediately. They were all surprised and couldn't help whispering a few words.

"Why is Wang Teng here?"


"I remember that he wanted to report to the five colleges at the time when he applied for the college. At that time, he thought it was just to attract the attention of the deans, but he didn't expect it to come."

"Hehe, sensationalism, maybe just behave, and see if he can hold on for a few days."

Without saying a few words, the instructor who was in class walked into the classroom, his voice disappeared immediately, and the whole classroom was completely quiet.

The instructor nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that the students have adapted to our Huanghai style of behavior. This is very good. Keep it up and observe the discipline."

The student below rolls his eyes straight: "Can you adapt? If you are a little late, you will be punished to run to the playground, what else do you have for thousands of push-ups, leaping laps, etc... Don't mention absenteeism, who dares!"

Wang Teng was also dumbfounded. The tutors of Huang Hai were kind-faced and dark-hearted, and the methods to rectify students were endless.

Many stab-head students did not believe in evil and had to frantically test the bottom line of the instructors. As you can imagine, they never dared to come up again.

"Okay, let's start the class now. Last week we talked about the basic construction method of runes..."

The instructor started to give a lecture. Wang Teng hadn't come to listen to the lecture last week. There were gaps in knowledge, and there was no teaching material in his hand. Naturally, he was confused.

However, as the tutor's lecture deepened, some bubbles were spit out from his mouth, then fell on the podium, and then rolled to the ground.

This picture is naturally invisible to other people, but Wang Teng sees it clearly and feels quite interesting.

Pick it up!

[Basic Rune Basics*2]

Wang Teng's heart was shocked, and he felt that a stream of information emerged out of thin air in his mind. Some pieces of rune-based knowledge were integrated into his memory. Although it still could not be a system, after picking up more, he would naturally continue to complement and improve. He was not worried at all.

The instructor above took the class seriously, and there were constant attribute bubbles popping up. In the end, there were 40 minutes left for the students to practice on their own, and then he was on the side to guide the correction. At this time, bubbles also popped up.

Wang Teng stayed silently below, earnestly picking up attribute bubbles.

[Basic Runes*2]

[Basic Runes*3]

【Basic Runes*1】

【Basic Runes*1】


The time of a class is long or short, but it is definitely a great harvest for Wang Teng.

There were still fifteen minutes before get out of class, Wang Teng looked at the attribute panel.

Elementary Rune Fundamentals: Introduction to 32100

The two-hour course has reached this level. I am afraid that none of the students in the Rune Academy can match him.

The open life is so lonely as snow!

Wang Teng sighed secretly.

The tutor had finished guiding the students in front at this time, walked to the back, raised his eyes and saw Wang Teng sitting in the corner.


He naturally knows Wang Teng too. If you say that you don't know Wang Teng in the school now, there are some, but they are all going out to do errands a while ago, so it's really not a lot of them.

Lin Yisheng’s impression of Wang Teng is quite deep, and he also knows that at the beginning of the school, he was elected by the five colleges of the "fool deeds". Few people took it seriously at the time. Naturally, he will focus on martial arts, and will no longer clamor about learning forging and alchemy.

But today I actually saw this kid in the class, still hiding in the corner to listen to the class secretly, which was surprising at the same time, but also a little funny.

He walked over calmly...

Lin Yisheng thought that by surprise, he would be the best choice for every student. In fact, Wang Teng had noticed him a long time ago.

Seeing him coming over, he quickly picked up the rune pen on the table and drew the basic structure rune he just talked about.

The Huanghai Naval Academy has various facilities. For example, in this classroom, every seat is equipped with talisman pens and talisman ink for students to practice.

When Lin Yisheng quietly walked behind Wang Teng, Wang Teng had already drawn all the thirty basic structure runes he had talked about.


He wanted to see if Wang Teng really came to study or pretended to be, but when he saw the basic structure runes drawn by Wang Teng, his eyebrows could not help but he had forgotten his original plan. Seriously I saw it, but the more I saw it, the more I was frightened.

"This kid has something!"

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