All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 200: A Dishes That Will Shine! (Please subscribe!)

In the Rune Academy class, few minutes before the end of get out of class, some students wanted to ask a tutor for questions, but found that he had been stuck in the corner of the class.

"What is the mentor doing?"

"Hey, isn't that Wang Teng?"

"He actually came to our side to listen? The instructor is watching him draw runes?"

"Hey, look at the tutor's face, there seems to be a problem."


The students who hadn't noticed Wang Teng before finally saw him at this time and couldn't help talking in a low voice.

Among the freshmen now, there are many people who recognize Wang Teng, but there are also many people who are uncomfortable, and it is inevitable to say something sour.

Bell Bell Bell...

When the bell rang after class, Lin Yisheng shook all over and woke up abruptly. Looking at Wang Teng, he was already a little surprised.

"Thirty basic structure runes have been thoroughly mastered, and there is no slight error. Although these 30 runes are the basics, how can the mystery of the runes be as seen on the surface? Most people may not be able to master them in a month."

"Is this kid a beginner? Or did he learn it a long time ago?"

"If you are a beginner, even if this talent is not as good as his martial arts talent, it will not be much worse."

Lin Yisheng's thoughts were tumbling, and he was a little undecided for a while.


Wang Teng was a little hairy when he saw him, and he gave a cautious cry.

"Huh?" Lin Yisheng regained his senses, his face changed, and said in a gentle tone: "Student Wang Teng, is there anything you want me to do? Anything you don't understand? Just ask if you don't understand."

"No, what... get out of class is over, can I go now?" Wang Teng said.

"Oh yes, get out of class is over, you can go." Lin Yisheng reacted and said with a smile: "Student Wang Teng, if you are interested, you can come to listen to the class often in the future. Will you not be able to hear clearly if you sit in the back? Reserve a seat for you in front?"

"Don't use it, you can hear clearly. I will come to listen to the class often when I have time. Then...Teacher, I should go first?" Wang Teng was flattered.

"Go." Lin Yisheng smiled and nodded, looking very satisfied with him.

Everyone:? ?

Everyone was at a loss, especially those who thought Wang Teng was going to produce some moths just now, they were even more bewildered.

Mentor, did you take the wrong script?

Still accidentally misrepresented?

What exactly is this scene of harmony between teachers and students?

Everyone can't understand, and Wang Teng can't understand either.

After he walked out of the classroom, he sighed. He felt that this instructor was a little too enthusiastic. Wouldn't he have any intentions against him... right?

"What can I do, I feel like I'm being targeted."

Wang Teng shook his head helplessly, and followed the crowd to the cafeteria.

In the afternoon, Wang Teng finished his class at the War College, went to the class at Danding College, and got in again.

The classes in Danding Academy are different from those in Rune Academy.

The Danding Academy focuses on alchemy, and their classes are more like alchemy rooms. Each position is equipped with a boiler, and various tools such as medicine tongs and pestle are placed next to it. The boiler is also open to fire. , Allowing students to practice their hands at any time.

This configuration is a bit like a chemical laboratory.

The first time I saw such a classroom, Wang Teng also found it quite interesting. He couldn't help but think of the book "Harry Potter" he had read in his previous life. The potions classroom in it was similar to this.

Wang Teng found a corner to sit down, trying to make himself less conspicuous.

However, the number of people in a class at Danding College is really pitiful, and one more person makes it easy to be seen.

Besides, Wang Teng is not a passerby male protagonist, and he still has a sense of existence.

The instructor of this class at Danding College was named Sha Zhuxiu. He noticed Wang Teng as soon as he was in class. He was taken aback and said with a smile: "There is one more classmate in our class today. It seems that my class is very popular with everyone. , Even classmates from other colleges came to listen in."

"Teacher, he is Wang Teng from the War College." A girl raised her hand and said.

"Oh, so you are classmate Wang Teng." Sha Zhuxiu was a little surprised, and then suddenly said.

"He has heard about you. I heard that the qualifications for listening were approved by the General Hospital of Peng. In that case, I have nothing to say. I just hope you can abide by the classroom discipline. Okay, we will start the class. I will tell you today. Talking about elixir identification..."

Sha Zhuxiu nodded to Wang Teng, and then began to talk endlessly, and attribute bubbles of different sizes emerged from his mouth.

Pick it up!

【Elixir Identification*2】

【Elixir Identification*1】

【Elixir Identification*3】


The end of a lesson.

Elixir Identification: Introduction to 31100

After class was over, Sha Zhuxiu found that Wang Teng had quietly left. He was peaceful throughout the class, and he didn't even have any sense of existence. He couldn't help shook his head.

"It should only be on a whim. I wonder if the next class will come?"


At seven o'clock in the evening, Wang Teng came to the staff dormitory.

The student dormitories of Huanghai Naval Academy are magnificent, let alone faculty dormitories.

Along the way, the environment was secluded, like villas, scattered and scattered. From Wang Teng's eyes, he even felt that it was no worse than the house in Luyuan.

It is not very appropriate to say that it is a dormitory.

As the principal of Tan Taixuan, even if she is not often in school, her residence is the top treatment.

In front of the door, Wang Teng rang the doorbell.

It was Tan Taixuan who opened the door. She was yawning, wearing pajamas, her hair was a bit messy, and she looked awake.


Taking a look at Wang Teng, regardless of him, turned and walked into the house.

"Come in, close the door by the way!"

After speaking, he walked into the kitchen to pour a glass of water and poured it down.

Helpless, Wang Teng closed the door and walked into the house.

Tan Taixuan didn't greet him either, Wang Teng could only stand, and looked around without a trace.

The rooms are well-equipped, but they are not very lifelike. They look like a newly renovated house, except for a box of unfinished takeaways on the table.

"It looks a bit like an otaku!" Wang Teng slandered secretly.

"Sit down." Tan Taixuan finished drinking the water by herself, she didn't mean to pour him at all, and said casually, she sat down on the sofa, picked up the phone on the table, pressed a button, and dialed out. Later, he rushed to the phone and said, "Get me something to eat."

Wang Teng sat down on the sofa next to her, feeling weak in his heart.

Looking at Tan Taixuan like this, it is estimated that she just got up after a day of sleep, and she didn't even eat any food, so she can only enter the topic after she finishes eating.

"Why, your teacher, I haven't eaten any food, maybe you want me to teach you hungry." Tan Taixuan said with an aggrieved expression as if he could see what he was thinking.


Continue to install!

Wang Teng was disdainful, but smiled on his face, and said, "Teacher, you have misunderstood me. How could I be that kind of person? You must eat before you teach me, or I will feel guilty."

"Sure enough, I am my dearest apprentice, knowing that I feel sorry for the teacher." Tan Taixuan said moved.

"Haha." The corner of Wang Teng's mouth twitched.

This drama is fine!

"Close to the subject." Tan Taixuan leaned on the sofa and said lightly: "I almost understand your strength. It has nothing to compare with other peers. You have already walked in front of them. This is your advantage. You must not slack off. What you have to do is not to lead, but to surpass your peers. Peer refers to not only your peers, but also those talented warriors of the younger generation. They are your goal, and you should keep your eyes long and don't be stuck in the school."

"Your teacher is invincible of my peers, and even many older generations of strong men are screaming at me. As my apprentice, not to mention being better than me, at least not much worse."

When Wang Teng listened, he couldn't help smiling wryly, his own teacher was terrifying!

Invincible peers!

Is it bragging, bragging, or bragging?

Tantai Xuanquan didn’t see his expression, and continued: “However, you have to eat one bite at a time, and you have to go step by step. The martial arts training is not anxious. The juniors and seniors in our school still have a lot of talents. Yes, your path starts with our school. I will set an indicator for you. Starting from tomorrow, I will challenge a top 100 student every day until it reaches the top!"

"Teacher, you want me to be the target of the public. As a freshman, I challenge one person every day. I will definitely become the public enemy of the whole school and be hated by them." Wang Teng said silently.

"What are you afraid of!" Tantai Xuan scolded: "If you defeat them, even if you are an enemy of the whole school, they will only respect you and fear you!"

"The strong have always only worked with the strong, and have never lacked friends."

"Well, what you said is correct." Wang Teng nodded when she saw that she was angry about it.

Who allowed himself to be a teacher!

There is a saying, but it’s hard for masters and women to raise them?

What's more, the man in front of me is both a master and a woman.

Besides, he wasn't afraid of anything, but he didn't think it was necessary, and the way to become stronger was not the only one. Everyone is a classmate, and it's not good to be like an enemy.

At this time, Tan Taixuan also realized that Wang Teng was definitely not a person who was afraid of things, otherwise he would not have pitted the whole sophomore in front of him, and finally even dared to harden his instructor.

"I know what you think, but among warriors, challenges are commonplace. Except for some narrow-minded people, most people don't hold grudges because of failure. If they are inferior in skills, they will lose if they lose. Three years and five years, I will find another place next time, so I can only say that you think too much." Tan Taixuan said.

Seeing her explaining so patiently, Wang Teng nodded and said: "Teacher, I know!"

"An La An La, don't be so serious, I'm your teacher, and I can still cheat you." Tan Taixuan smiled and waved his hand carelessly.

"...!" Wang Teng always feels unreliable. It's weird to be at ease with such a teacher.

At this time, the doorbell rang.

"Xiao Tengzi, go and open the door." Tan Taixuan commanded.


God is so small!

Lao Tzu is not called Xiao Tengzi, your whole family is Xiao Tengzi, oh yeah...whatever you call it, you just can’t be called Xiao Tengzi!

Wang Teng was dizzy, with a premonition that he would be planted in the hands of this woman for the rest of his life, and once again wondered if it was a mistake to worship her as a teacher.

"Go, go, your teacher, I'm hungry!" Tan Taixuan urged when he saw that he hadn't moved for a long time.

Wang Teng's face was dark, and he muttered, "If it weren't for it, if it wasn't for it..." he walked to the door and opened it.

A fat man stood outside the door and saw that Wang Teng was opening the door. Suddenly, the wicked man thought he had gone the wrong door and looked back at the house number.

Not to mention, it looks a little cute!

"You didn't go wrong, give me things." Wang Teng said.

"Oh, okay!" The fat man got the house number right, and he passed the food box in his hand to Wang Teng.

He didn't ask anything, watching Wang Teng close the door, standing outside the door and feeling his chin for a moment in thought.

Then his eyes lit up, his left hand clenched a fist and slapped on the palm of his right hand, and he nodded self-consciously, as if he had figured out something.

As for what he figured out, the ghost knows!

Wang Teng put the food box on the table, and Tan Taixuan could not wait to open it, and a strong fragrance wafted out.

"It smells good!"

"How can it be so fragrant?"

Wang Teng's gaze couldn't help but be attracted to him.

Golden light overflows!

So dazzling!

My eyes are going to be blind...

Is this the legendary dish that will shine? ?

Wang Teng's whole person is dumbfounded, is there something strange coming in?

This is a martial arts fan, not a cook god!

Seeing Wang Teng’s hell expression, Tan Taixuan smiled and said, “I see it, this is Master Lingchu’s masterpiece. If you want to cook for me, you have to be at this level. The one who brought me the meal was a fat man. Right? He is the Master of Spirit Kitchen!"


That cute fat fat man is actually the Master of Ling Chef?

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