All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 201 My stupid apprentice (please subscribe!)

During the rebirth of martial arts era, Wang Teng gradually understood a truth.

People...don't look like!

The old lady crossing the street on the street may be a master of martial arts, and the butcher who kills pigs may also be a strong man who was born with a single knife... For example, a cute fat man may be a master chef.

Delivering food to people like a takeaway brother is not because of his low status, but because the person who wants him to deliver is too big!

Lingcook is a career with a long way to go, and it is also highly sought after by martial artists. Its status is not low, and Master Lingcook is a guest of many powerful people.

So don't underestimate anyone, especially those who are ugly.

Tantaixuan’s dinner is very rich. The food box has five layers in total. One layer is crystal clear and plump rice, the other layer is light and fragrant and delicious soup, the soup surface exudes a faint light, and the remaining three layers are fish and meat. ,vegetable……

Very simple configuration, but not simple style and taste!

Every dish is shining... It is not an exaggeration, it is really shining, and the dishes that will shine are not just for fun.

Tantai Xuan eats very happily, at an amazing speed, but it is not gobbled up. It will make people feel disrespectful. On the contrary, it is like a queen eating, without losing her temper, and even giving people a pleasing feeling, so that the appetite of the bystanders is great. increase.

At least Wang Teng looked at him, and suddenly felt a little hungry.

It's weird, not long after dinner tomorrow!

"Teacher, why does this glows?" Wang Teng swallowed calmly, and couldn't help asking his doubts.

"Because of the Force!" Tan Taixuan said casually.

"The Force?"

"Yes, the food cooked by the Spirit Kitchen is made of star beasts and elixir, and the commonality of these ingredients is that they contain the original force. The Spirit Kitchen uses a special cooking method to stimulate the original force in it to achieve The effect of auxiliary cultivation, so you should now know why the spirit chef must be a martial artist to be able to serve it." Tantai Xuan said.

"It's because only warriors can perceive and mobilize the force." Wang Teng nodded.

"Speaking of this spirit chef, I have to admire the Xingwu Continent. It is really rare to develop an ordinary secondary profession to such an extent." Tan Taixuan exclaimed.

"Teacher, are you sure it's not because the spiritual food is so delicious?" Wang Teng said leisurely.

"Oh, my stupid apprentice, how could I be that kind of person, your teacher." Tan Taixuan avoided Wang Teng's gaze and let out a weird laugh.


Wang Teng felt a pain in his brain. He just wanted to stay away from this woman named Master. Everything she said seemed to irritate him, driving him mad and helpless at the same time.

Enduring patience, waited until Tantai Xuan finished her meal.

She got up and patted her flat belly, burped, and said, "Fate and drink, come with me, let us have a friendly after-dinner exercise between the master and the apprentice."


As soon as Wang Teng got up, he suddenly staggered, and said twitchingly, "That's not great."

"Hehe, your kid is really very skinny." Tantai Xuan walked into the house without a smile.

Suddenly, Wang Teng's scalp exploded, and he scolded himself for being owed, and hurried to follow up: "Teacher, exercise right after eating is not good for the stomach, should we take a rest and start again?"

"Do you think this small amount of exercise can hurt my stomach?" Tan Taixuan said with disdain.

Wang Teng followed Tan Taixuan to a spacious training room.

Tantai Xuan moved his hands and feet during the activity, and rushed to Wang Teng said: "Everyone has their own cultivation methods and combat skills, so I will not easily teach you these things. How to choose is all up to you, and this world does not come out of thin air. If you want something better, you need to fight for it yourself."

"But starting from today, I will suppress my strength, fight with you in the same realm, and cultivate your combat experience and combat awareness."

"In my opinion, this is what a warrior really needs to possess. I have seen many warriors who have come down from the battlefield. Many of them do not have strong combat skills or advanced techniques, but they have some When the so-called genius warriors, they all win by overwhelming advantages."

"I don't want you to become that kind of warrior. You have a strength, but you don't have the corresponding combat power. In the end, it's just nothing."

"It just happened that I didn't have a lot of fun last night. I will continue tonight."

As she said, she let out a violent cry.


The outrageous aura broke out in an instant, and she actually started to move her hands first. She kicked the ground barefoot, as if turned into an arrow, shot like a knife, and pierced Wang Teng's chest with a fiercely cracking wind.

One trick is to take the key directly, without the slightest intention of keeping hands.

"So strong!" The pupils in Wang Teng's eyes shrank slightly, and he immediately reacted. He stepped forward, dodged sideways, and slammed into Tantaixuan's temple.

But the next moment she had disappeared in place, appeared on the left side of Wang Teng, and swept over without mercy.

Wang Teng escaped dangerously and dangerously, and storm-like attacks followed one after another without any interval.

Boom boom boom!

Wang Teng was too tired to deal with it and hardly had the strength to fight back.

He could feel that Tan Taixuan had indeed suppressed his strength to the same level as him, but he was still difficult to resist.

too strong!

Some strong fouls!

She didn't try her best last night.

The corners of Wang Teng's mouth twitched, and his heart was shocked. Everything was used for the original force and the extreme speed, but...what's the use?

Tantai Xuan's fighting instinct is already at its peak, and he feels powerless with horror.

"Damn, fight it!"

Wang Teng was beaten back in defeat, his legs and feet collided with Tantai Xuan, and he was numb. His heart was ruthless, regardless of whether he could be beaten or not. The two words... are tough.


After half an hour.

Wang Teng was lying on the ground, suffering from all over his body, unable to stand up even in battle.

"Teacher, you are too cruel!" He said hoarsely with a dry throat.

Tan Taixuan smiled gently: "My stupid apprentice, the teacher is all for your own good. Now it is the teacher who is fighting against you. In the future, you have to face all kinds of enemies, and they will directly kill you. I don’t care whether you hurt or not, and only in this way can you force your potential and make you grow."

The above words, Tan Taixuan may not lie, it is indeed to force his potential, but today is just the first day, is it necessary to put such a heavy hand?

It's definitely for revenge!

This small-minded woman!

Wang Teng rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling silently, saying that he didn't want to pay attention to the black-hearted teacher at all.

"It's okay, it's okay, teacher, I'm very determined. Go back to the logistics office and buy a bottle of black jade ointment to apply to your whole body. Tomorrow you can live and live, and you can continue to face the teacher's love training." Tantai Xuan said with a smile.

After dismissing Wang Teng, she stood alone in front of the door, her mouth suddenly curved.

"I didn't come back in vain this time, I really couldn't do that back then!"

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