All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 202 Challenge the top 100 (4000 begs for subscription!)

Wang Teng dragged his exhausted body away from Tantaixuan's residence, as if he had been played badly.

When I think about it, I will be discussing life under the hands of that woman in Tantai Xuan, and my heart suddenly feels that life is gloomy.

Looking back, Tantai Xuan's home is like a magic cave, hidden in the darkness.


Wang Teng came to the second floor of the logistics office in accordance with Tan Taixuan's instructions.

Even if it is late, there are still staff working here.

Wang Teng said he was here.

"Black jade ointment!"

The staff member is a middle-aged man. He raised his head in surprise, but said nothing, and said directly: "One 100 credits can be used for five days."

"What?" When Wang Teng heard the price, he felt that his life was gloomy again: "How can it be so expensive?"

"It's not expensive, it's worth it, and it's a childish man!" said the middle-aged man expressionlessly.

"..." Wang Teng seriously doubted whether Tantai Xuan was a support, otherwise how could he lie to him to buy some black jade ointment.

One 100 credits!

Why not grab it!

It's not expensive, it's not expensive for your size...

"You classmates, I have seen a lot, and I came over to exchange things one by one, but when I looked at the credits, I was reluctant and reluctant. It was like cutting meat back and forth, making me feel like I was forcing you to buy." Middle-aged man Shook his head.

Wang Teng is speechless, you are standing and talking, but your back hurts. Look at your price, who is willing to buy it.

But thinking about his state and the terrible training to be carried out tomorrow night, he can only gritted his teeth and said: "Give me a copy!"

"That's right, credits can't be earned. Don't hold it so tightly. It only makes sense to spend it." The middle-aged man smiled.

"Ha ha!"

Wang Teng exchanged a piece of black jade ointment, turned around and left.

Nima angina!

He accepted the challenge of his sophomore year, and only 100 credits a game for the life and death. This shit black jade cream actually costs 100 credits. It will not be used a few times, and all the credits he has just accumulated have to be filled. Go into this bottomless hole.

"It seems that I have to think of other ways to earn some credits." Wang Teng thought, touching his chin.

"By the way, since we are going to challenge the top 100 students in the school, this is hard work. You can't do it in vain. Can you operate it in it?"

"But then again, it seems a bit exciting to challenge the top 100. I don't know if they will unite and beat me to death."

"Don't panic, don't panic, let me think about it..."

Wang Teng thought all the way and returned to the dormitory. Upon entering the house, he found that the destroyed living room had been repaired.

This efficiency is really good enough!

Wang Teng sighed, opened the bedroom door and walked in.

A black shadow rushed over immediately, squatting in his mouth, sounding a little pitiful.

Wang Teng patted his head: "Yes, forget this little thing."

Since someone will come to repair it today, he locked the room, and the school is not worried about anything wrong, just for fear that this little thing will run around and be lost.

He didn't come back one day, so he left some star beast meat when he went out in the morning, which was obviously not enough for the young crows to eat, but he was starving.

"My fault, my fault!"

Wang Teng scratched the little crow's head and took out the flesh and blood of the star beast and fed it to it.

As soon as the little crow saw the food, he threw his dissatisfaction away. Of course, it didn't know what it was, so he just ate.

"Slow down, you can't do without you." Wang Teng was afraid that it would choke, but he was obviously thinking too much. What the little crow ate was called a smooth one. It took a bite of meat, rolled his throat, and swallowed it, completely worried.

After a while, the little crow was full of food and drink, and wandered around the house.

Wang Teng's chin almost didn't fall off. This development is too fast, he can walk in just one day after his shell breaks. Why don't you go to heaven.

It's a pity that the hair hasn't grown up yet!

Wang Teng didn't care about it, and let it toss it by himself, while he walked into the bathroom with clothes and black jade ointment.

Take off the clothes and apply the black jade ointment to the whole body while putting in hot water.

There are instructions on the black jade ointment, saying that after applying it, it can be soaked in hot water to help the absorption of the medicine.

Well, it's best to use boiling hot water, the kind that can burn bald skin.

Wang Teng was also ruthless enough. It was not enough to increase the water temperature to the maximum. When the water in the bathtub was full, the fire force was flowing in his hand, and then he dived into the water.

The temperature of the hot water keeps rising...

Wang Teng felt it was almost done, so he stretched out his feet to test the temperature of the water, and suddenly felt that he might be dying, but in order to quickly absorb the power of the medicine, he cruelly walked into the water and sat down grinning.

"Huh...I'm going to be familiar with it!"

A rush of heat rose above his head.

When he first entered the water, the hotness almost didn't make him jump, but soon, a cold feeling radiated from the black jade paste, which quickly swept the whole body, offsetting the hot water.

"It turns out that the effect of black jade ointment is like this, I said it's not that crazy!"

After half an hour, the temperature of the hot water completely disappeared, and the black jade ointment on Wang Teng's body also fell off on its own. He walked out of the bathtub, feeling refreshed, and his fatigue and pain eased a lot.

"When the medicine in the body is completely dissipated, it should be fully recovered tomorrow." Wang Teng thoughtfully, dried his body, put on pajamas, and dried his hair. He returned to the bedroom and sat on the bed cross-legged to start practicing.

The operation of the original force is even more conducive to the transformation and absorption of the black jade plaster power.

"If you have time to practice "Strong Bull Skill", you need to be beaten before you learn martial arts. Beating is also a skill!"


No words for a night.

On the second day, Wang Teng went to class as usual.

There is a course schedule all day on Tuesday, so he can't go to other colleges to pick up classes, he can only wait for get out of class to go to pick up attributes.

No one noticed him, because when he passed by, the other students had already left.

What's more, he just passed by, and with a sweep of his mental power, he picked up all of them, which was completely effortless, simple and easy.

After eating at noon, Wang Teng took advantage of his lunch break and went to the student dormitory, which ranked 100th.

Room 100 in Area A.

Although it is only the last suite, this is District A, which represents the last of the top 100 students in the Huanghai Naval Academy.

Before the start of school, he had heard from the senior Zhu Tao that the top 100 were at least 3 star warriors, and had experienced many tasks one by one, with rich practical experience and strong strength, which was by no means comparable to ordinary students.

Wang Teng didn't worry about it. With his current strength, it might be a little overwhelming to challenge the top 100 students, but it's more or less certain for the latter.

His only concern is that most of the top 100 students will not stay in school. They have learned almost all the courses. They usually do tasks outside. If they are not in school, wouldn’t they be unable to complete Tantai? Xuan explained the task.

If you fail to complete the task, you will suffer at night, right?

Thinking of the woman who was unpredictable like a devil, Wang Teng felt that he still had to stay with him for the time being, and it would be better to obediently complete the task she explained.

Step forward.

Knock on the door.

Fortunately, someone opened the door.

What came out was a tall young man, just looking...a little old, with a beard all over his face.

"Wang Teng?" He was a little surprised, apparently recognizing Wang Teng.

"It's me, that, senior Yue Qun, are you free tonight?" Wang Tenglai had already investigated the 100th senior before.

In fact, it is not difficult. The top 100 are listed on the school's official website, and anyone can find out.

Of course, the above is only a rough introduction, and will not give the students a clear explanation, but it is enough for Wang Teng.

"What are you going to do? I... don't disturb the foundation!" Yue Qun seemed to think of something, his expression changed, and he took a step back suddenly.

"Stir, stir the foundation?!" Wang Teng was instantly stunned, his whole body stiffened in place.


Wang Teng exploded in an instant, but thinking of today's purpose, he still took a deep breath, forced his composure, and said, "Senior, I'm here to challenge you!"

"Challenge me!" Yue Qun looked serious, and stared at Wang Teng with striking eyes: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Sorry, my master's order is hard to violate!" Wang Teng said.

"You have been a teacher!" Yue Qun's expression changed and said: "Can I say that I am indeed a genius? Not long after I entered the school, there is already a tutor that has valued it, or even the dean?"

Wang Teng did not answer, but said, "At seven o'clock in the evening, Wu Lei, the senior will come, right?"

"You look very confident!" Yue Qun said.

"It's a little bit, otherwise I wouldn't dare to come to the senior." Wang Teng smiled.

"Hahaha, okay, then I will accompany you to fight, let you see the strength of the top 100." Yue Qun laughed.

"Then I'll wait for the seniors to arrive!"

Wang Teng didn't say much, turned around and left.

Standing at the door, Yue Qun narrowed his eyes slightly and watched him go away. Then he dialed the number of his mentor and talked about what Wang Teng had just challenged. At the same time, he also asked who Wang Teng had worshipped as his teacher.

It's a pity that his mentor didn't tell him the answer, but said helplessly: "Do your best and accompany him to fight a game!"

Yue Qun hung up the phone. Although his tutor did not say clearly, he was not stupid. He had guessed that Wang Teng's teacher must be a senior leader of the school.

"I'm really envious, genius, you don't need to go to a teacher by yourself, you will be valued by the strong, how is it like me, back then I was able to worship a mentor as a teacher." Yue Qun shook his head and said to himself.


Only a few people knew about Wang Teng's challenge to Yue Qun for the time being.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, Yue Qun came to the playground and saw that Wang Teng hadn't arrived yet, so he went directly to the martial arts challenge.

Then he stood in the center of Wuchai, closed his eyes and calmed down.

Only then did some students training on the playground realize that something had happened.

"Is that the 100-ranked Yue Qun?"

"He is in the martial arts challenge, who will he fight tonight?"

"I rely on, the big news, the battle for ranking 100, hurry up and inform everyone to come and watch!"


It is recognized that the top 100 rankings can be challenged, and whoever wins will be on the list!

This is an honor!

Someone reacted and took out their mobile phone to send a message to the class group, or directly relayed it to the roommate in the same dormitory, etc.

As a result, in less than ten minutes, many people came to the playground.

When Wang Teng came to the playground, he was still on the phone: "I know, I'll go there when I finish the call... How can I be lazy, I am definitely not that kind of person... OK, no problem, I must win, I can't win? If you can't win, do what you do...Yes, what I said...I'm on the playground, don't say anything, hang up?"

After getting permission, Wang Teng hung up the phone, and then let out a sigh of relief: "My God, women are really troublesome animals, and no matter how strong women are, there is no exception."

Wang Teng had already seen Yue Qun on Wu Chai from a distance, and walked forward, suddenly a fat man caught Wang Teng sneakily.

"Wang Teng brother."

"You are?"

"Zhuge Xiaoliang, a student at the Junior College of Commanding College!" said the fat man.

"Uh, your name is a bit awesome!" Wang Teng said in astonishment.

"That is, I was originally called Zhuge Changliang, but because I really admired Mr. Wolong Zhuge Liang, so I changed my name. Zhuge Liang’s achievements are not comparable to me now, but one day I will definitely surpass him. Then I will change my name. Zhuge Daliang!" Zhuge Xiaoliang said.

"Puff...You are really a talent, admire it!" Wang Teng said silently.

"Don't dare to be it."

"You stop me, what's the matter?"

"Oh, yes, isn't Yue Qun going to compete with others? I opened a game. Although I don't know who the challenger is? But it must be a junior, so the odds are lower. Three to one. Are you interested? Have fun?" Zhuge Xiaoliang first looked around carefully, and then whispered.

"..." Wang Teng was astonished as a god. You must know that the school has always been known for its strict discipline. This fat guy is bold enough to do this kind of thing.

"Zhuge Fat, you really don't repent. How many times have you been arrested, and you dare to play this one." A joke of laughter suddenly came from the side.

"Damn, who did I think it was? I was shocked." Zhuge Xiaoliang patted his chest, but he was still choppy. He was out of breath and said: "Yu Xuexing, don't you guys always behave like ghosts, do you have a heart attack? Are you with me?"

"Okay, you fat guy is very courageous, and your heart is big enough. Anyone can be scared by me, but you won't." The man said: "Don't you want to play? I'll take 100 credits and bet on Yue Qun to win. ."

"Aren't you afraid of being discovered? Why do you want to play?" Zhuge Xiaoliang asked in surprise.

"We've all seen the tricks of the instructor, so I'm afraid of it." Yu Xuexing didn't care.

"Okay, if you dare to play, I dare to accept it." Zhuge Xiaoliang smiled and turned to look at Wang Teng: "How is it, brother Wang Teng, how are you thinking about it?"

"I'm a little strange, why would you look for me?" Wang Teng said.

"What's so weird about this, freshmen are easy to fool, and you have the most credits among the freshmen, and he doesn't fool you." Yu Xuexing said.

"..." Zhuge Xiaoliang.

"Haha." Wang Teng smiled slightly: "I also have 100 credits, and the challenger wins."

Zhuge Xiaoliang thought he would not participate, but when he heard these words, he suddenly raised his head: "Okay, Wang Teng's younger brother is refreshing enough."

"Knowing that he is going to fool you, do you dare to end?" Yu Xuexing was a little surprised.

"I can afford 100 credits, so I can have fun." Wang Teng said.

"The freshman is so rich and powerful, you are the first one." Yu Xuexing smiled.

Without saying anything, Wang Teng transferred 100 credits to Zhuge Xiaoliang, then squeezed into the crowd and walked towards Wu Lei.

When Yu Xuexing and Zhuge Xiaoliang saw him stepping into the ring, they both had an expression of seeing a ghost, and it took a long time to utter a word: "Fuck!"

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