All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 205 The name of the evildoer (seeking subscription!)

The school’s top 100 is an honor and a symbol of the school’s strongest.

The rankings are on the official website, and people are watching them all the time.

Many people stare at them and want to compete for the top rankings.

Yue Qun was right. In order to keep the top 100, he was under tremendous pressure at all times and did not dare to slack in the slightest.

Because too many people are staring at the 100th place and want to pull him down.

Now he was defeated in Wang Teng's hands, and while lonely and sad, he suddenly felt a sense of ease.

Putting down the burden, for him, it may not be a bad thing!

However, the next day, when someone boarded the school's official website as usual and saw the change in rankings, it caused an uproar.

"How can this be??!"

When they saw the familiar and unfamiliar name at the bottom of the ranking, many people lost their voices on the spot!

"Wang Teng!"

"Is that Wang Teng?"

In the next moment, the consultation call on the school's official website was blown up!

The school staff was so troubled that they had to make an explanation on the official website.

First, there is no error in the ranking!

Second, Wang Teng on the ranking is the freshman Wang Teng!


Seeing this result, many people fell silent, and it took a long time to express with a complex expression: "Monster!"

This time, Wang Teng was completely well-known throughout the school.

Not long ago, he broke through his sophomore year, and his reputation spread among sophomores and sophomores at best.

Among the juniors and seniors, not too many people pay attention.

No matter how strong Wang Teng is, he is just a new student with great potential, and there is still a big gap with them.

It takes time for him to grow up.

But now, Wang Teng was in the top 100 overnight, standing at the same level as the strongest group of students in the school.

In this way, who would dare to despise him?


Early in the morning, Wang Teng walked on the campus and found that the students passing by were always looking at him with strange eyes.

Achievement: [Returning rate of 200%! 】

Wang Teng touched his face and asked Hou Pingliang and the others: "Is there something on my face?"

"Hehe, what's the matter, don't you have any points in your heart?" Hou Pingliang despised several people.

"Brother Teng, you have made a big news this time!" Song Shuhang exclaimed.

"We discussed it for a while and seriously doubted you... It's hanging up!" Lu Shu looked at Wang Teng with sharp eyes.

Wang Teng was speechless.

You guessed it!

It's a pity that I won't admit it...

Hou Pingliang and others apparently already knew the news that Wang Teng was in the top 100. Of course there were shocks and complications, but there was a sense of urgency in their hearts, and they all made up their minds to try hard to catch up.

...Can't be too far behind!

A few people laughed a few words, and when they arrived in the class, Wang Teng was watched by onlookers. At this time, no matter whether there was an intersection in the usual way, they all ran over and got a familiar face.

"Teng Ge Teng, do you still lack pendants on your thighs?"

"Brother Wang Teng, can someone be your girlfriend, okay? I'm a loliy voice!"

"While going, Wang Teng, I can do laundry and cook, and I can also warm the bed. Think about it..."

I have to say that Wang Teng was a little moved.

He has no shortage of pendants.

But girlfriend, he is missing!

Very lacking! ! !

But which one should I choose?

Loliyin, it seems to be a great feeling, but this beautiful woman with a broad mind and bed-warming skills seems to be a good choice too?

Wang Teng was tangled, but his heart was full of happiness. At this time, he wanted to sing a song:

Hey, I feel that life has reached a climax~

Hi, I feel that life has reached its peak~



When he was imagining a bright future, the class bell rang, and several girls reluctantly left.

Wang Teng was stunned!

Hey, don't go, I haven't promised you yet.

It’s okay if you’re a little round, you have to have a beginning and an end...

The instructor came, glanced at Wang Teng who was still standing there, and said, "Student Wang Teng, sit down!"

"Good teacher." Wang Teng sat down honestly and instantly entered the state of a sage, listening carefully.

There are always unsatisfactory things in life!

Don't panic!


At noon, Wang Teng went to the dormitory in District A and challenged Fang Ming, who was ranked 99th.

Fang Ming was greatly surprised: "You just challenged me after you played Yue Qun, are you so hearted?"

"No way, one homework given by the teacher every day." Wang Teng said shyly, and at the same time complained in his heart-pretending to be tender and shameful!

"So that's it, I understand!" Fang Ming nodded, "It seems that your teacher is very demanding of you. I suddenly want to see the strength of your ‘monster’."

"Monster!" Wang Teng's mouth twitched, and said: "Then at seven o'clock in the evening, see you Wu Li!"

"Okay, see you Wu Li!"

In the afternoon, the news that Wang Teng challenged Fang Ming spread like wildfire. Before the evening, almost everyone who should have known would have known it.

As if a storm was brewing.

Needless to say, there must be someone behind it.

Sure enough, after class, Wang Teng received a call from Zhuge Fatty, and a burst of laughter came: "Hahaha, how about it, this scene is not big enough, if you think it is not enough, I will add fire!"

Wang Teng was speechless and asked, "How many people are there now?"

"Hey, eighty or so, all of them are regular customers, safe." Fatty Zhuge lowered his voice and said triumphantly.

"By the way, what would happen if the teacher caught him?" Wang Teng asked curiously.

"What else? Credits confiscated and punished." Fatty Zhuge said with a curled mouth.

"Then you have to sit back and take it when you see it. Don't overdo it." Wang Teng couldn't help but exhorted.

"I know, I am very experienced in this matter, so you can focus on the night game, as long as we win, we will make a profit!" Zhuge Fatty said.

Wang Teng hung up the phone and couldn't help shaking his head. This fat man was so wild, it was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

But that's okay, if he is there, you don't have to go off the court yourself, leave it to him to operate, just wait for the money.

In a blink of an eye, it was more than six o'clock.

Wang Teng, Hou Pingliang and others came to the playground and were shocked to see the scene on the playground.

"so many people!"

The entire playground, at a glance, is crowded with people, nothing else but people.

Wang Teng stepped onto the arena, and the referee gave an order, and the two went straight to it.

Half an hour later, Wang Teng won, and the audience was shocked.


"You are very strong, it's no wonder that Yue Qun loses in your hands." Fang Ming smiled freely and turned away.

In the next few days, Wang Teng continued to challenge, one person every day, all of them won, and his ranking continued to be high.

But he actually doesn't care about this ranking. What really makes him happy is that his strength is improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Of course, there is a steady stream of credit income!

He and Zhuge Fatty really made enough this time.

At the same time, Wang Teng finally settled down on the name of the'monster'.

With the help of a new life, several people in the previous 100 in Lien were undefeated. Isn't this what an evildoer is?

Everyone was numb, and gradually accepted Wang Teng's evil spirits.

Many people are even guessing where Wang Teng will eventually go, the top 50? Still in the top 30?

No one can be sure. After all, the further forward, the greater the gap in strength. Every tenth person is a barrier, and it is not easy to cross it.

But this does not prevent everyone from talking about it.

Wang Teng didn't care about this in the slightest, and he had a very fulfilling life every day, attending classes, picking attributes, challenging, training...the same, his strength increased day by day.

Soon to the end of September, the school ushered in the National Day holiday.

During the holidays, the school allowed students to leave school and go home, so the students left after class in the afternoon.

During the seven-day holiday, many students from other provinces are preparing to go home.

Suddenly the whole school was more than half empty.

Wang Teng also wants to leave school. Lin Zhan and others informed him that they were going to another world.

They had planned to go long ago, but it was postponed until now to wait for Wang Teng.

When Wang Teng left the school, the little crow naturally had to take it with him.

It happened to be this time that I went to another world to get some more Star Beast flesh and blood for it to store, so I don't have to worry about not having to eat it in the future.

These days, the little crow eats a lot and grows fast.

The feathers on its body weren't as soft as when it had just broken its shell, but now it has a metallic texture.

Wang Teng has been tested and it is very hard and sharp.

It's just that this little guy still can't fly.

He took the little crow back home.

Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei were surprised to see that Wang Teng brought back an ugly crow.

"Oh, why did you raise a crow?" Li Xiumei asked.

"That's right, what is bad to raise? It must be a crow." Wang Shengguo was also puzzled.

"This is a star beast." Wang Teng said.

"Star Beast!" The two were shocked.

They know that star beasts are difficult to domesticate and must be raised from birth to make them recognize their masters.

But the cubs of the star beasts are very rare, and it is a great fortune to get one. As for the breed, there are so many requirements.

"No wonder." Wang Shengguo suddenly looked at the little crow curiously: "Is this the star beast? I didn't see any difference."

"You are an ordinary person, what can you see." Li Xiumei said in a bad mood.

Wang Teng laughed and said, "Dad, don't look at its ugly appearance. Its mouth and claws are all powerful weapons. The feathers on his body are very hard, and ordinary weapons can hardly hurt them."

"Tsk tsk, so powerful!" Wang Shengguo said in surprise.

"This is nothing. It is still a juvenile body. When it grows up in the future, it may be equipped with other stronger methods. Only then will it be considered truly powerful." Wang Teng said.

"Then you have to train well." Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei immediately discarded the initial discrimination against the crow and said seriously.

"Don't worry, I know how to do it." Wang Teng smiled.

Doudou watched their conversation, without interrupting, staring at the little crow curiously, and when they finished speaking, he said, "Brother Wang Teng, Doudou can touch the big crow. ?"

"Of course." Wang Teng smiled slightly, patted the little crow on the head, and passed it over.

The little crow seemed to understand Wang Teng's meaning, gave him a dissatisfied look, then fell in front of Doudou and quacked at her twice.

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