All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 206 Wang Family's Development Direction (please subscribe!)

When Wang Teng went home, Li Xiumei made another delicious table.

In fact, it hasn't been long since he went home last time, but before Wang Teng went to university, he had never been away from home so long, so for Li Xiumei, even if it was only a week, it was a long time.

After dinner, the family sat in the living room and chatted.

Doudou didn't even watch his beloved cartoon, and had a good time with Little Crow.

"A few days ago, those relatives from Doudou's family came." Li Xiumei suddenly talked about it.

"Oh!" Wang Teng asked curiously: "What did they say?"

"They want to take Doudou back." Li Xiumei seemed to think of something unpleasant and shook her head speechlessly.

"Then what do you think?" Wang Teng had expected this, so he asked.

"Doudou is unwilling to go back with them, and we don't want this child to fall into the hands of those who are ambitious." Li Xiumei said.

"Wang Fugui's relatives are really not good things." Wang Shengguo interrupted at this moment.

"It seems I want more sisters." Wang Teng smiled and asked, "Do you need me to take action?"

"You look down on your dad and me. All those individuals are wine bags and rice bags. If I can't even deal with them, these years will be considered a fool." Wang Shengguo said.

"See if you can." Li Xiumei rolled her eyes at him and said, "I used to hear Doudou's mother say that Wang Fugui's relatives are not learned and skillless, but they are very close to the people on the road. Be careful. They hacked."

"In that case, you really have to be careful." Wang Shengguo frowned.

"You live in the deer park now, and they don't dare to be presumptuous. If they really do anything, they will be outside. Then I will settle the matter." Wang Teng said.

This time, Wang Shengguo didn't say anything. He knew that there were some things that Wang Teng would show up, and the result would only be better. The status of the warrior was not a joke.

Thinking of this, Wang Shengguo was both gratified and a little unwilling. It didn't feel good to be compared by his son.

"Doudo, come!" Wang Teng shouted at Doudou, who was playing wildly with the little crow in the living room.

"What's the matter? Brother Wang Teng." Doudou ran over, sweat on his forehead.

Wang Teng wiped the sweat from her forehead, and smiled, "Will I be your brother from now on?"

"But aren't you the elder brother now?" Doudou said with his head tilted.

"It's not the same, you can call my brother directly in the future, no longer by name." Wang Teng said.

"It's not a name, isn't it a real brother?" Doudou asked after thinking about it.

"Yes, Doudou is really smart. Brother Wang Teng will be your own brother and help you get rid of the bad guys. Are you okay?" Wang Teng looked at her with big sullen eyes and said.

Doudou took a serious look at Wang Teng, revealing a big smile, and a shallow pear vortex appeared on his round face.

Then she plunged into Wang Teng's arms and hugged him tightly.

"Okay, brother!"

Li Xiumei and Wang Shengguo couldn't help but smile.

"This kid really fell in love with Xiao Teng." Li Xiumei said.

"Yes, I didn't expect our son to be like this." Wang Shengguo said with emotion.

From this moment on, Doudou officially became a member of the Wang family.

Doudou seemed to be able to feel a subtle change, and the smile on his face couldn't help but increase.

After putting down Doudou and letting her play by herself, Wang Teng and Wang Shengguo chatted again, while Li Xiumei was cutting apples on the side.

"Oh, do you think our company has a chance to enter the martial arts industry?" Wang Shengguo hesitated and asked.

Wang Teng was a little surprised and glanced at Wang Shengguo.

My father's ambition is not small!

But that's right, he is now in his prime, so he can't let him relax at home.

What's more, he has always been very ambitious. Before Wang Teng had become a warrior, he wanted to expand the scale of his company, but he lacked some opportunities and it was difficult to make breakthroughs.

Now that Wang Teng became a warrior, his mind naturally became active again.

Wang Teng pondered for a while, and said with a smile: "Dad, there are naturally opportunities..."

"Really!" Wang Shengguo's eyes lit up and he was a little excited.

"What are you so anxious about? You can't let us finish talking." Li Xiumei gave him a white look and handed over the peeled apple.

Wang Shengguo smiled, thinking that the apple was handed to him, and was about to take it, but Li Xiumei ruthlessly slapped his hand away.

"Go, this is for my son, how can you be of yours."

Wang Teng couldn't help but laughed, took the apple, and ate it beautifully in Wang Shengguo's sorrowful eyes.

In the era of warriors, under the nourishment of the force, the various fruits of the earth star have also undergone different mutations, some are more full and sweet, and some can no longer be eaten.

Fortunately, apples can still be eaten, and they taste better. If this kind of apple is placed in a previous life, other ordinary apples will probably have nowhere to survive.

"Oh, what's the chance you just said?" Wang Shengguo asked in an irritating tone.

"Pills, weapons, even rune instruments..." Wang Teng said directly without concealing it.

The country originally did not allow ordinary merchants to sell these things, but Wang Teng has now worshipped Tantai Xuan as his teacher. This background is definitely enough.

Let her help to clear it up and get a license certificate. Naturally, it won't be a problem.

As for the supply of goods, hasn't he started to learn alchemy and forging recently, and he has made rapid progress, I believe it will not take long to start making.

High-grade pills and weapons cannot be made for the time being, but they can make low-end products first, expand slowly, and continue to grow bigger and stronger.

At that time, Wang Teng himself will have enough strength to support the development and expansion of the Wang family, and there is no need to borrow the hands of others.

And as the company expands, the Wang family can also recruit alchemists and blacksmiths, and he will be able to get out...

Wang Teng and Wang Shengguo chatted for a long time.

What was revealed made Wang Shengguo agitated. With his concentration, he was a little restless at this time, and he wanted to act immediately.

He didn't expect Wang Teng's channels to be so wide. Pills, weapons, and runes are all involved. The Wang family is about to take off!

"Don't worry, you won't be too late when I apply for the license certificate," Wang Teng said amusedly.

"Okay, I'm not in a hurry! I'm not in a hurry!" Wang Shengguo said cheerfully.

"And I think we still come one by one. Pills, weapons, etc. are all very lucrative industries. If we do it at the same time, it is easy to attract people's eyes. Now the whole country, this piece of cake is so big, staring at this. There are many people who have a piece of cake. They are real giants. If we get their attention, I'm afraid...

"After all, the establishment of a company in the world of warriors still depends on strength. If my strength is not enough, it is nothing more than just making a wedding dress for others!" Wang Teng said.

After listening to him, Wang Shengguo broke out with a cold sweat behind his back, calmed down, and said with a wry smile: "You are right. I didn't expect me to be at an age. I'm not as thorough as you think."

"Of course I'm talking about the growth. In the beginning, those giants won't pay attention to small companies like us." Wang Teng smiled and said with relief.

"You!" Wang Shengguo suddenly felt that he was being tricked, red dates and sticks, this kid is very slippery~

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