All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 207 There is a crow called Xiaobai (seeking subscription!)

Wang Shengguo didn't expect that one day he would be routinely beaten by his son. For a moment, the expression on his face was wonderful.

Bastard, how afraid are you that I will be dazzled by benefits?

Although I know that Wang Teng is out of good intentions, I still feel... so unhappy!

Forget it, for the company's development.

I endure!

Wang Shengguo shook his head helplessly, and discussed with Wang Teng for a long time.

At around eight o'clock, Li Xiumei took Doudou to take a bath.

Doudou returned the little crow to Wang Teng and asked, "Brother, does the big crow have a name?"

"Big crow?" Wang Teng laughed and said, "It's still a little crow. I haven't named it a short time after it was born."

"Is it just born? Then why is it so big?" Doudou asked curiously, gesturing to the size of the little crow.

"Because its parents are the size of a plane, so even if it was just born, it is also very big." Wang Teng explained, and when he saw Doudou, he wanted to ask again, and quickly said: "Doudo, do you want to get it for him? name?"

"Okay, okay." Doudou was very happy, clapped her hand, thought for a while and said: "Call it...Xiaobai, how about it?"

"Xiao, Xiao Bai!" Wang Teng was a little dazed.

You call such a black crow Xiaobai?

"Yeah, it's so dark, so I call it Xiaobai, I hope it can turn white." Doudou said seriously.

Puff, this reason is very good and powerful!

Wang Teng couldn't help but gave Doudou a thumbs up: "Then call it Xiaobai."

The little crow screamed "quack" twice and seemed to be protesting.

However, Doudou and Wang Teng did not want to seek its opinion.

The protest is invalid!

"Then it's settled." Doudou happily followed Li Xiumei upstairs to take a bath.

"Xiao Bai, um, good name." Wang Teng touched his chin, pondered for a moment, and felt that he was really good.

What a great meaning!


The little crow ran over and pecked Wang Teng's hand, expressing dissatisfaction.

"Go! Go! Go."

Wang Teng hurriedly avoided, unsuspectingly, if he was pecked, he would be fine.


The next day.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Wang Teng and his family had finished breakfast, drove away from home, and headed to Ji Xing Wuguan.

Today, he is going to meet Lin Zhan and others and go to another world.

Arriving at the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall, parked the car, Wang Teng was wearing a full set of combat uniforms, looking heroic, walked towards the martial arts hall.

When he walked into the hall, he swept his eyes and saw Lin Zhan and others.

But Wang Teng saw that two people were talking with Lin Zhan and the others at this time.

"Captain Lin, I know that your team has just withdrawn from a member, and my young master sincerely wants to join, why don't you agree." said one of the two middle-aged men.

"I'm sorry, we already have another team member." Lin Zhan said.

"I know, I know, it's the champion in the martial arts exam, but if I say something bad, he is only a 1-star warrior who will only drag your team back, and my master is already a 3-star warrior. Soldier-level martial artist, and the strength of your team is exactly the same, I think my master is undoubtedly more suitable." The middle-aged man said.

Hearing this, the young man next to him couldn't help showing an arrogant look on his face, and said, "Captain Lin, I know you all value the potential of Wang Teng, but in my opinion, he is even the champion in the martial arts exam. It’s nothing remarkable. Every year there are champions in the martial arts exam, but how many early do you think they can get?"

"You don't need to say any more, our team will not just discard any member." Lin Zhan shook his head.

"You..." After being repeatedly rejected by Lin Zhan, Duan Jinzhi, who has always been in a smooth flow, felt very embarrassed on his face, and his heart was very angry.

If it weren’t for the strength of this war tiger team among the many low-level warrior teams, and its captain, Lin Zhan, who has just broken through the 4-star warrior level, he definitely has a lot to do in the future, how could he have to join in for nothing? Fighting Tiger Team.

Originally, he thought that with his background and strength, joining the Battle Tiger team was just a breeze.

Unexpectedly, Lin Zhan and others would hold Wang Teng in their arms, and shut him out in front of so many people, preventing him from coming to the stage.

"Captain Lin, my master is the high-level consul of Ji Xing Wuguan. It doesn't seem to be a wise choice to reject my master for a Wang Teng who has no background. You really don't think about it anymore?" The middle-aged man stared at him. Lin Zhan said.

"Haha, are you threatening me?" Lin Zhan smiled slightly: "To tell you the truth, Wang Teng was arranged by the museum owner in our team. If you have any comments, you can talk to the owner."

The middle-aged man's complexion changed suddenly.

"In that case, forget it, let's go." Duan Jinzhi looked ugly, turned around and planned to leave.

Just at this moment, Wang Teng came over and shouted at Lin Zhan: "Captain!"

"Come!" Lin Zhan nodded.

"Humph!" Duan Jinzhi snorted, stared at Wang Teng coldly, no longer stayed, and left directly.

"He is?" Wang Teng just heard a little, but it was not comprehensive, and he couldn't help asking curiously.

"Hehe, a second generation of Wu, wants us to kick you out of the team, and then he can join in." Liu Yan said with a smile.

"Looking at him, it seems that the background is quite deep." Wang Teng frowned.

"It's a bit of background, but this is Donghai. The master Fu has the final say, their family can't reach here yet." Lin Zhan said indifferently.

"I'm afraid the villain is thinking about it." Yan Jinming said suddenly.

"After the big deal, be careful." Liu Yan said: "That kid's appearance is not a good thing at first glance. You can rest assured that he joins the team?"

"Of course, don't worry, otherwise the captain would have been persuaded to take him in." Yan Jinming shrugged.

"Forget it, don't mention him, since everyone is here, let's set off!"

As Lin Zhan said, he walked out of the hall first.

Everyone walked to the parking lot, picked up the car, and drove straight to the military forbidden area where the crack in the space was located.

After getting in the car, Wang Teng opened his backpack and let the little crow come out to breathe.

This time when he went to another world, he decided to take the little crow and let it feel the virgin forest, where was the heaven of star beasts.

The star beast still has to be wild, and Wang Teng is afraid that if he raises it in the city, he will give it up and discard it.

Lin Zhan, Liu Yan and others were very surprised when they saw the little crow: "This is... a star beast?"

"Yes." Wang Teng nodded without concealing it.

"Good fellow, where did you star beast cubs come from? It's still birds." Lin Zhan asked enviously.

"Good luck!" Wang Teng said, without explaining too much. If the origin of the little crow is explained, many things will inevitably be involved.

When Lin Zhan and others saw this, they stopped asking, but they all expressed envy: "This little thing is raised, it is definitely a big help!"

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