All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 213 The Talented Skill of the Storm Mantis King: Wind Hide

Although the speed of Haifeng Mantis is a bit tricky, in the face of absolute strength, it is impossible to make a big wave.

Lin Zhan is now a four-star warrior-level warrior. He didn't need to use all his strength to cleave the battle axe and cut off the pair of sickle-like forelimbs glowing with metallic luster.

Except for this pair of sickle-shaped forelimbs which are aggressive and as hard as metal, the other parts of the hurricane mantis are very soft. Lin Zhan swung his battle axe, and the sharp axe instantly split the hurricane mantis in half.

Turquoise blood splashed out, and he immediately dodged.

Although Yan Jinming's brother and sister are not as relaxed and casual as Lin Zhan, they can deal with a wind praying mantis alone without any difficulty, and they will soon be killed.

Niya and other dwarves saw this scene and looked at each other, shocking their hearts.

too strong!

Lin Zhan's strength exceeded their expectations.

At the next moment, Niya looked happy, and the stronger Lin Zhan and the others, the more sure of clearing the wind mantis.

"Captain, take care of your hands. The forelimbs of the Storm Mantis are rare refining materials, don't break them all." Liu Yan couldn't help reminding.

Lin Zhan looked at the forelimbs of the Storm Mantis that he had split into two sections, and smiled dryly: "Ahaha, I didn't pay attention for a while, I will definitely not break it next time."

"This is all money, don't waste it." Liu Yan said worriedly.

"It's safe."

A few people rushed into the grass and already alarmed dozens of wind praying mantises deeper, and they fanned their wings to fly into the air and attacked.

It's not difficult to deal with one or two Hurricane Praying Mantis alone, but there are too many at the moment, they are fast, their sickle-shaped forelegs are extremely sharp, if they are cut at the vital part of the body, they will not die or be seriously injured.

All of a sudden, Yan Jinming's brothers and sisters and several dwarves were under increased pressure.

Only Lin Zhan was still invincible, swinging his great axe, rushing from left to right, and a few corpses of the wind praying mantis soon appeared under his feet.

Liu Yan focused on covering the Yan Jinming brother and sister, firing from time to time to force the wind mantis attacking the two of them. She did not forget to take care of several dwarves. Although it was a bit unpleasant before, it is not the time to delve into everything. As important.

"You won't do it?" She asked Wang Teng, who was motionless next to him, while shooting.

"Wait and see." Wang Teng said lightly.

At this time, Lin Zhan and the others completely dealt with it, and there was no danger, so he focused on searching for the Storm Mantis King.

Liu Yan shrugged and said nothing, she believed Wang Teng must have his plan.

More and more Hayate Mantis were killed by Lin Zhan and others...

"No, it's the Storm Mantis King!" On the other side, Nia and Wack were fighting a Storm Mantis, and suddenly exclaimed.

A hurricane praying mantis that had doubled its body shot out from the deep grass, and a pair of thicker sickle-shaped forelimbs cut down towards Nia's head.

Nia was petite, and she was not slow, but she was pinned down by another hurricane praying mantis, and the hurricane praying mantis unexpectedly attacked her, making her unprepared, and there was no time to avoid it at this time.

"Niya!" Wacker's eyes were splitting, he couldn't help but yelled, but he was too free to rescue him.

"It's hidden there, why didn't the Eye of Lingshi see it?"

This doubt flashed in Wang Teng's heart, he had already cut out a sword in his hand.

"But... I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

The sword light flicked in the air, and the second came first, directly beheading the Storm Mantis King, and turquoise blood splashed on the faces of the two dwarves, Nia and Wacker.

Liu Yan turned to look at Wang Teng, her face full of shock.

"This kind of strength...4 star warrior level?!"

She is a little confused. Isn’t Wang Teng a 1-star warrior? Although he has killed a 2-star warrior, it was a coincidence, but he just killed a 3-star warrior mantis head-on. , How could his strength become so strong?

Wang Teng smiled, did not explain, and looked at the location of the corpse of King Hayate Mantis.

Nia and Wacker were still in a daze. They thought they were in a catastrophe, but they didn't expect that Wang Teng slashed the Storm Mantis King with a single sword and saved Nia.

The other gust of wind praying mantis was stunned by Wang Teng's sword light, but immediately attacked Niya and Wak.


At this time, a bullet suddenly penetrated its head, and the hurricane praying mantis immediately fell to the ground from mid-air.

"You two want to die!" Liu Yan exclaimed angrily.

Nia and Wacker immediately recovered, looking at the dead wind mantis that was less than half a step away from them, a thin layer of cold sweat erupted from their backs.

Wang Teng ignored the complicated gazes of the two dwarves, his attention was completely attracted by the two attribute bubbles dropped by the Storm Mantis King.

【The Force of Wind *36】

【Wind Hide*1】

Pick it up!

He didn't hesitate to pick it up with mental power.

Instantly add 36 points of wind force.

His whole body shook, as if there was a faint cracking sound coming out of his body, as if he had broken a bottleneck, the force of the wind system gushed out from the first pronucleus, entered the second pronucleus, and slowly hovered.

Wang Teng looked at the attribute panel.

The original force of the wind system at 85 points has now broken through the 1-star limit of 100 points and has become a 2-star.

Wind Force: 21500 (2 stars)

Wind system 2 star warrior level! !

Wang Teng's gaze continued to be swept down, and he saw the second harvest from the Storm Mantis King in the combat skills column.

Wind hiding: (1100 entry)

After obtaining this skill, he finally knew why the Eye of Spirit Vision could not spot the Storm Mantis King.

Because this is a hidden talent skill.

However, after being picked up by Wang Teng, it did not become Wang Teng's talent, but existed in the form of combat skills.

Even so, Wang Teng was overjoyed. This skill was quite good. It was able to hide the detection of the Eye of Lingsight, showing the powerful concealment effect.

At this time, Lin Zhan and the others also cleared the remaining Wind Mantis and walked over.

"Everyone, clean up the body of the Storm Mantis, and you can go back." Lin Zhan's battle axe was covered with unsolidified blood of the Storm Mantis, he rubbed the blade of grass next to him, and put his back behind him.

Niya and the other three dwarves also walked over at this time and thanked Wang Teng.

Wacker next to Nia had a complicated expression, and said with an annoyed voice: "Young warrior of the human race, anyway, thank you for saving Nia. I apologize for the rudeness before."

"You don't need to thank you, we have a task. This is what I should do." Wang Teng said.

"Wang Teng, you have made a lot of progress. Even the Storm Mantis King can be killed with a single sword." Lin Zhan sighed.

"Yeah, how long it will take you to have such strength." Yan Jinming exclaimed.

"I thought that after Wang Teng joined our team, I finally wasn't dragging my feet, but in the end, I still can't get rid of this name?" Yan Jinyue said bitterly.

"Hahaha..." Lin Zhan and others couldn't help laughing.

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