All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 214 The dragon does not live with the snake! (Please subscribe!)

Although Yan Jinyue's words were jokes, they were also indisputable facts.

In the Battle Tiger team, her strength has always been the bottom, and now Wang Teng is coming from behind. Before she can enjoy the taste of falling for a few days, she was stepped on again.

They have all experienced the strength of the Storm Mantis. The speed is amazing and it is impossible to defend. A few people rely on absolute strength to kill it. As a 3-star star beast, the degree of difficulty is more difficult than that. .

Therefore, just relying on Wang Teng's sword to slay the Storm Mantis King, Liu Yan and Yan Jinming may not be his opponents.

"In the past, I always heard that there are some real geniuses who practice incredibly fast, and they spend one year or even two or three years on others at the top of a month. I used to disagree, but now I believe it." Lin Zhan looked at Wang Teng, Some sigh.

"Seeing you, you can imagine that there are some super geniuses in this world."

"You geniuses, it really makes us ordinary warriors depressed to death."

In fact, Lin Zhan can become a 4-star warrior in his twenties, his talent is naturally not weak, but compared with those super geniuses, the difference is more than one and a half stars, not to mention that Wang Teng is actually more of a super genius. superior.

He cannot guess by common sense.

"Yeah, you guys are too enchanting." Liu Yan said with emotion.

"As a result, our team’s hard power will be overturned. Before, the captain felt that he had just broken through the 4-star warrior level and was not sure to deal with the 4-star beasts. Now with Wang Teng’s joining, the captain, we can completely. Let go." Yan Jinming said excitedly.

"Well, what you said makes sense. With Wang Teng's strength, we only need to be careful now. There should be no big problem in hunting 4 star beasts." Lin Zhan nodded.

"Great, so that we can hunt 4 star beasts ahead of time, don’t look at 4 stars and 3 stars but only one level difference, the money earned by hunting 4 star beasts is definitely more than the money earned by hunting 3 star beasts. Much, our team's strength will enter a period of rapid improvement next." Yan Jinyue said with anticipation.

Even though she always looks soft and weak, in fact, her heart to become stronger is not much weaker than that of Lin Zhan and others.

It is because you and her are weak, so I hope to become stronger.

Lin Zhan glanced at Wang Teng subconsciously, opened his mouth, and couldn't bear to spoil everyone's interest. After all, he didn't say some words.

He sees it more clearly.

With the talent that Wang Teng has shown now, it will only get stronger and stronger in the future, and it won't be too long. When Wang Teng's strength and everyone are in a gap, it is time for him to leave the Tiger Team.

The dragon does not live with the snake!

And they are those snakes who don't even know it!

Wang Teng's world is in a wider area, and he will fly away sooner or later.

Lin Zhan sighed in his heart, said nothing, and greeted everyone to clean up the body of Haifeng Mantis.

Nia, Vack and other dwarves went up to help. The strong would be respected wherever they went. Obviously, Lin Zhan and others had already won the respect of these dwarves.

According to the mission statement, the Storm Mantis hunted by Lin Zhan and others belong to them, and the materials on these Storm Mantis can be sold for a lot of money, and they will not waste it.

Wang Teng glanced at Lin Zhan's back, thoughtfully, and then turned his eyes to the attribute bubbles dropped by other Storm Mantis.

At a glance, there are more than ten or twenty attribute bubbles floating in the grass.

【The Force of Wind*8】

【Blank attribute*6】

[Wind Force *10]

[Wind Force *4]

【Blank attribute*15】


Wang Teng picked up all of them, and got a total of 76 points of blank attributes and 84 points of wind force attributes.

The force of the wind system just broke through the 2-star warrior level, and immediately jumped up again.

Wind Force: 105500 (2 stars)

The strength can be called skyrocketing, but it is a pity that the wind system star beasts are not common, let alone such groups, otherwise his strength can really soar all the way.

At the same time, with the recent accumulation of blank attributes, the number is also very considerable.

Blank attributes: 322 points

This time the mission was quite rewarding!

After picking up the attribute bubbles, Wang Teng was not idle, and went to help clean up the body of the wind mantis.

Twenty-odd blast mantises, including the blast mantis king, did not find the star core and star bones, which made everyone a bit regretful. Fortunately, the materials of these blast mantises can also be sold for a lot of money.

Coupled with task rewards, they made a lot of money this trip.

The crowd transported the dead wind mantis back to the place where the dwarves lived. Chief Aum had been waiting for a long time.

Niya stepped forward and explained the matter briefly, and the Chief Aum was overjoyed and said: "Great, the hurricane mantis is cleared, so that a large piece of farmland can finally return to normal farming."

The dwarves all around had already seen the corpse of the hurricane praying mantis and were talking in a low voice.

"The damn blast mantis are finally over!"

"Hahaha, this is a happy thing, let's have a bonfire banquet in the evening!"

"Yeah, yeah, we must have a show, call the guests together, we have wine and meat..."

Patriarch Aum, accompanied by Niya, stepped forward and suddenly bowed to Lin Zhan. Wang Teng and others bowed, "Thank you so much, powerful warrior of the human race."

"The patriarch doesn't need to be like this." Lin Zhan and the others were shocked and said quickly.

This old patriarch is not too young, how can they deserve such a great gift?

"No, this is not enough to express our gratitude. We will prepare a bonfire party in the evening. It is not too early now. Why don't you stay and join us. Let us entertain you with good wine and meat." Chief Mu said with a smile.

Lin Zhan and others are very interested. The wine of the dwarf tribe is well-known, and the wine of each tribe has its own characteristics and is yearning.

The two big men, Lin Zhan and Yan Jinming, couldn't help swallowing, and asked Liu Yan and others for their opinions: "What do you think?"

"Look at what you two look like. I'm afraid I won't be able to walk if I don't drink this wine. Why do I still ask our opinions." Liu Yan rolled her eyes and said.

Yan Jinyue covered her mouth and smiled.

Seeing them like this, Wang Teng became curious about the dwarven wine.

Having said that, in another time and space, after the defeat of the Wang family, he often used wine to dissipate his sorrows. After all, wine and cigarettes have always been good brothers, and one is indispensable to the other.

"Then we're welcome." Lin Zhan rubbed his hands and smiled, and said to Patriarch Aum.

"Hahaha, don't worry, enough wine tube!" The Aum clan elders are not old, they are a little skinny, and they wink their eyes like a child in the forest war.

Patriarch Aum is a busy man, so Nia leads the crowd around, and he directs the dwarves to start preparing for the party.

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