All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 215-The Forging Technique of the Dwarves

Nia took Wang Teng and the others around in the dwarf tribe, but they didn't see what they wanted to see.

Wang Teng couldn't help asking: "I heard that the dwarves are good at forging, can you show us around?"

"The patriarch had already guessed that you would ask this. He explained it. If you want to see it, let me take you to see it and come with me." Niya said.

She led everyone into the stone fort that was connected to the mountain, and went all the way in, through a long corridor, and a downward-facing stone ladder...

It didn't take long for Wang Teng to see the scene inside.

This is a hollow mountainside with many stone chambers excavated in it. These stone chambers are connected by various wonderful mechanical structures, giving people a sense of science fiction.

There is red light in each stone room, and at the same time it is mixed with the tinkling metal percussion, echoing in the empty mountain belly, like a symphony.

Lin Zhan and the others looked at each other and were amazed.

"Today is considered to be upright!" Yan Jinming sighed.

"Our dwarves live by forging, which has lasted for thousands of years." Niya said proudly.

"Any race has its own way of survival. It can persist for thousands of years, enough to develop a skill to an extent that we can't imagine." Lin Zhandao.

Wang Teng was caught by the countless attribute bubbles below, and he couldn't move his eyes away.

Too much!

Large and small property bubbles are floating around, looking quite spectacular!

The corners of Wang Teng's mouth rose uncontrollably.

Pick up.





A large number of [Forging Techniques] attributes were integrated into Wang Teng's body, and a segment of forging flashed out of his mind instantly.

Even his body is experiencing some kind of reaction, it seems that a segment of body memory has been implanted, so that not only the theory is complemented, but even the practical ability is becoming more and more proficient.

Forging technique: 60500 (Xiaocheng)

This is the original attribute, but at this time the attribute value keeps increasing until it exceeds 500, and the forging technique has changed from ‘small achievement’ to ‘great achievement’!

Forging technique: 1251000 (Dacheng)

Most importantly, this is the forging technique of the dwarves.

The forging techniques on the Earth Star are all learned from the Xingwu Continent, and the forging techniques on the Xingwu Continent are especially dwarf forging techniques.

Wang Teng is equivalent to learning part of the best forging techniques in the alien world. Although it is only one of them, it is undoubtedly more subtle than the forging techniques learned on Earth Star, and many details are more complete.

At this moment, the lower attribute bubbles completely disappeared, and they were all picked up by Wang Teng.


Wang Teng couldn't help but sighed, his heart was extremely happy... This wave of profits has been huge!

No one knows what benefits Wang Teng has gained, and then Niya briefly introduced the situation in the belly of the mountain. Obviously she had reservations. She just let everyone see the superficial things, and naturally they won't show them the deeper ones, Lin Zhan The others who are also acquainted did not ask much.



On the hills where the dwarves live, a bonfire rises, brightening the surrounding area.

A bonfire party is going on.

The open space is very lively, with constant laughter and laughter.

Rough singing accompanied by drums, and various unknown ancient musical instruments, played a very distinctive dwarf tribal music.

The dwarf girl offered various fruits, vegetables, barbecue and wine. Lin Zhan and the others were dazzled and frantic.

"Wow, it's so fragrant!"

Lin Zhan couldn't wait to pull off a roast pork leg and ate it.

With the other hand not idle, he picked up a large wooden cup full of wine, smelt it lightly, revealing the color of intoxication, and drank a big swig impatiently.

"Ha~ good wine!"

"Damn, Captain, you're fast enough." Yan Jinming was not far behind, gulp of meat and wine, and his mouth was full of oil. It was not too cool.

Liu Yan and Yan Jinyue are more gentle, although the speed is not slow, but at any rate they are not like they have never eaten good things.

Wang Teng smiled and shook his head, released the little crow, tore a large piece of barbecue, let it deal with it, and then he also poured a glass of wine, while eating the barbecue, while enjoying the wine, looking at the starry night sky , I suddenly felt that this life is really beautiful!

"Well, I didn't lie to you, the dwarf wine is definitely a good thing." Yan Jinming said with a smile on Wang Teng's shoulder.

"It's really good wine." Wang Teng raised his glass and touched him, and the two drank it.

"Everyone, are you satisfied with our dwarf's wine and food?" Nia came over, and behind her was the dwarf named Wacker.

Wang Teng can also tell that this guy has a deep admiration for Nia, so when he first saw him chatting with Nia, he was upset, and he murmured at each other.

However, after seeing Wang Teng's strength, this guy was much more honest, at least he didn't dare to use words to attack him, and he guessed that he could see that Wang Teng had no idea about Niya at all.

Lin Zhan and Yan Jinming both gave thumbs up when they heard this, but unfortunately their mouths were so full of food that they couldn't speak.

Seeing them like this, Nia and Wack couldn't help laughing. There is nothing better than action to prove.

"eat more……"

Before Niya's voice fell, suddenly a huge drum sound resounded, overwhelming all the sounds.

All around suddenly became quiet!

"What's the matter?" Wang Teng and the others changed their expressions slightly and stood up.

"Enemy attack!"

Nia's complexion changed drastically, and she turned and rushed down the mountain, followed by Wacker.

Suddenly, there was a mess on the scene.

"Quick, quick, hide in the stone castle!" Patriarch Aum's voice sounded, spreading all around.

The bonfire was kicked away, food and wine poured all over the ground, and the dwarves rushed towards the stone castle wherever they could manage.

"We will pass too."

As Lin Zhan said, he rushed towards Patriarch Aum, Liu Yan, Wang Teng and others hurriedly followed.

"Patriarch Aum, what the hell is going on?" Lin Zhan asked while taking advantage of the gap.

"It's a bandit!" Patriarch Aum said solemnly.

"Robbers?" Lin Zhan and the others were startled, and said suspiciously, "How come there are robbers here?"

"I don't know, there have been no bandits in this area for many years." Chief Aum said.

"I don't know how strong this group of bandits is." Lin Zhan said.

Patriarch Aum looked worried and hesitated: "Several people, if my people can't resist it, can you please help me..."

Lin Zhan exchanged glances with everyone, and said, "Don't worry, since we met, naturally we won't just sit idly by."

As soon as he finished speaking, more than a dozen figures rushed up from the darkness.

"Kill, kill everyone, rob their belongings!"

Violent laughter came, and they killed people when they saw them.

Niya and the others were a few steps behind. Seeing the clansmen were killed, their eyes suddenly turned red, and they roared at the bandits.

Lin Zhan, Wang Teng and the others couldn't bear it, and they immediately joined the battle group. After all, every time there was a delay, an unarmed dwarf might be killed.

A few of them entered the flock like tigers, and the bandits were killed seven or eight in a moment.

Wang Teng punched a 1-star warrior-level bandit to death, and suddenly felt a strong wind coming from behind.

I saw a brunet-haired man with a fierce face standing not far away and slashing at him. The blade's glow exuded a scorching breath, and it arrived in an instant.

Hurry up!

Wang Teng used his footwork, turning into an afterimage, avoiding him sideways.

Seeing that Wang Teng had avoided his attack, the brown-haired man's complexion changed slightly.

"3 star warrior level!"

With a glance of the eyes of Lingshi, Wang Teng could see the strength of the opponent.

After that, there was almost no pause. After avoiding the opponent's attack, he slammed on his feet, forming a shock wave, and slammed the brown-haired man.

"Idiot!" Seeing Wang Teng rushing over with his bare hands, the brown-haired man greeted him with a cold smile and unavoidably greeted him.

Wang Teng's figure suddenly disappeared in front of him, and when he reappeared, he was already behind him, and he was holding a golden brick in his hand, with a holy expression on his face, and he screamed.


The brown-haired man only felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and then his eyes went dark, and he could not help falling forward.

Before he lost consciousness, he only heard such a sentence.

"You are the shaman!"

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