All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 229 Come, take it for me (seeking monthly ticket for subscription)

On the way back, Lin Zhan, Liu Yan and others were very happy, because they not only received generous rewards, but also gained the friendship of the Hongye Dwarf tribe.

When they left, many dwarves came to see them off and warmly invited them to come to play again next time.

Of course, Lin Zhan and others always promised, after all, the wine and food of the dwarves can't live up to it!

Speaking of fine wine...

Lin Zhan suddenly remembered that Patriarch Aum seemed to say that he was giving some fine wine as a reward. His eyes lit up and he immediately opened the package, and three hip flasks lay in it.

Lin Zhan picked up a hip flask and opened the lid as he drove, the rich aroma of wine wafted out, and he couldn't wait to pour it into his mouth.

Then he burped contentedly.

As for driving and not drinking, does it matter to the warrior?

"Damn, Captain, it's too much, I secretly drank it first." Yan Jinming smelt the smell of wine, poked his head out of the back seat, and cried strangely.

"Hey, I'm here to taste the taste for you, to see if Patriarch Aum has fooled us with inferior wine." Lin Zhangan laughed.

"I believe you are a ghost." Yan Jinming rolled his eyes, reached out and grabbed another hip flask, and drank it himself.

call out!

The last hip flask flew up suddenly and fell into Wang Teng's hands.

"I'm not welcome for this last pot." Wang Teng smiled.

"You are young, don't learn from these two alcoholics." Liu Yan couldn't help groaning.

"That's right, at a young age, give me something to drink quickly." Lin Zhan agreed.

"Go, go, it's all ages, you can get married at the age of eighteen, what happened to my seventeen-year-old drink." Wang Teng glared at Lin Zhan, opened the hip flask, touched Yan Jinming and laughed. Have a drink.

Liu Huaixing drove the car ahead.

There are wilderness and hills along the way. I have to say that the territory of the alien world is very wide, and there are many undeveloped areas. Unlike the earth and stars, except for some places where the environment is bad, it is really unsuitable for humans. Footprints are almost all over the world.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the existence of star beasts. The human race of Star Wu Continent is not the only species at the top of the biological chain.

There are a huge number of star beasts, and there are many powerful overlords among them. They occupy a large area, and these places are all forbidden areas for humans.

The wilderness between those forbidden areas and human cities is the buffer zone.

Along the way, Wang Teng and others met several waves of wandering warriors, but the road was headed towards the sky, and everyone walked aside. Normally, they would not ask for trouble.

The crowd traveled for two or three hours before they arrived outside a small town.

Red Tiger City!

This town is directly named after the Red Tiger Legion, which is different from the trading city like Yongcheng.

It can be seen that there are military garrisons built around the Red Tiger City, and troops are deployed, which is like a heavily guarded military town!

Liu Huaixing drove the car into the red tiger city obliquely, and as he approached, the ground gradually showed a dark brown, just like... the color after the blood stains penetrated and dried up!

Wang Teng could even smell a faint fishy smell in the air.

When he arrived at the gate, Liu Huaixing made his identity clear, and the guards at the sentry box let him go.

However, outsiders like Wang Teng, they all went through another round of investigation.

Wang Teng discovered that these guards turned out to be warriors, although they were only 1 star warriors, but with such a scarcity of warriors outside, it would be a luxury to think of them as guards.

After interrogation, Wang Teng and others naturally had no problems.

In the past, Wang Teng was also worried that the dark force in his body would be detected and then killed on the spot as an adulterer or something.

But obviously he thinks too much.

Entering the Red Tiger City, the buildings and layout inside are very simple, the roads are straight and straight, not complicated, and there are no high-rise buildings. They are all two or three-story low-rise buildings built with hard boulders or metal.

Wang Teng and the others were taken to a building in the middle of the city and arranged a room for them to rest.

"I'm going to report on the mission. You can wait here first." Liu Huaixing finished speaking, ignored them, turned around and left.

But just as he walked out the door, the voice came in again.

"Yao Jun, come out with me."

Yao Jun chuckled, looking provocatively at a few of Wang Teng, and then went out.

"What the hell, just hang me here!" Yan Jinming couldn't help frowning.

"That's it, why just call Yao Jun away and treat it differently?" Liu Yan also said indignantly.

"Okay, let's just say a few words, just wait, there will be two pieces of meat." Lin Zhan said.

"You said why Liu Huaixing only called out Yao Jun alone?" Yan Jinyue asked suspiciously.

"Is it like interrogating prisoners to record confessions separately to avoid collusion?" Yan Jinming said, touching his chin.

"Damn, Liu Huaixing treats us as criminals!?" Liu Yan's temper suddenly exploded.

"There should be something important in that cave, so they are so careful." Of course Wang Teng knew what was in the cave, but he couldn't directly say it.

Who knows if there is surveillance in the room?

If they knew that he had figured out the things in the cave, he would definitely think of a lot of things, and he might not be able to keep Liu Huaixing.

Moreover, the rough mine is still in the secret stage, if they use this as a reason to imprison him forcibly, it is not taking themselves in a ditch.

"Wang Teng said that it is impossible, I think they are mysterious, it seems that this is really not just to eliminate the dark seed." Lin Zhan said in a deep voice.

"Anyway, we have done meritorious service, don't know what reward will be given to us?" Liu Yan said with a smile.

"It's better to be practical. The military has a lot of good things." Yan Jinming said with some excitement.

"If only you could give me a rune gun specially provided by the military." Liu Yan said.

"Let's choose a combat technique, it's not bad at all." Lin Zhan smiled.

Seeing that they were discussing with great joy, Wang Teng shook his head secretly, not knowing why, seeing Liu Huaixing's expression just now when he left, he always felt that he was going to have a moth.

Several people waited in the lounge for more than half an hour. Liu Huaixing walked in with a sturdy man in his thirties, with a flat head.

He glanced at Wang Teng with a stern look, and said: "According to my subordinate's report, you defied the order and delayed the fighter plane during the mission. As a result, more than 20 soldiers of the Red Tiger Legion died unexpectedly. You Are you convicted?"

Lin Zhan and the others didn't expect that after waiting for a long time, they were surprised at such a question.

"We just didn't have enough strength to let the higher dark species run out..."

Before Wang Teng finished speaking, the flat-headed man was already in anger and said coldly: "Enough!"

Lin Zhan and others jumped in their hearts.

The flat-headed man didn't give them a chance to speak at all, and suddenly waved his hand.

"Come on, take it for me!"

A group of military fighters swarmed in, and dozens of black holes pointed their guns at Wang Teng.

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