All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 230: Prison Break? (Seeking monthly ticket for subscription)

Crimson Tiger Legion Iron Prison!


Lin Zhan hit the iron door of the cell with a fist.

"We were locked up like prisoners without even giving a chance to argue."

"What did the villain Liu Huaixing say?"

When Liu Yan, Yan Jinming and others thought of the last smug smile Liu Huaixing showed when they were taken into the iron jail, they couldn't help gritted their teeth with hatred.

A cold light flashed in Wang Teng's eyes. He did not expect that Liu Huaixing would dare to deal with them without any evidence.

Or is that flat-headed man his backing?

But when he thinks of the flat-headed man's style, he also has a headache.

That's obviously a Tie Han Han!

I don't know what Liu Huaixing said to him, making him so angry.

The flat-headed man looked like a hot-tempered person who couldn't tolerate sand in his eyes.

It is unreasonable to run into such a person.

Maybe he was so angry that he would collapse them regardless of the three or seven twenty-one.

It is estimated that Liu Huaixing had spotted this point and came up with this trick to drive away tigers and devour wolves, using the man as a gun.

He must have distorted the course of the matter, and even concealed some information.

Otherwise, even if he didn't mention the "senior" rank, but his identity as a yellow navy school student, the flat-headed man would not even give Wang Teng the opportunity to explain.

"At any rate, they are in their thirties, how can they be more impulsive than those of seventeen or eighteen years old." Wang Teng thought helplessly.

"I hope he won't be muddled, otherwise he will have to push through."

However, he also knew that after all, this was the headquarters of the Red Tiger Legion, and the number of warriors among them was unknown. This difficulty was tantamount to a life of nine deaths.

Wang Teng couldn't help smiling wryly.

"Send a message to the martial arts gym?" Liu Yan said at this time.

"It's useless, the cell is completely shielded from the signal, and it can't be sent out at all. I had known it a long time ago and notified the martial arts side." Lin Zhan shook his head, and said with some annoyance.

"Who would have thought they would do it suddenly!" Yan Jinming sighed.

Several people couldn't help being silent, and no one expected that this Scarlet Tiger Legion would be a tiger's lair where there was no way out, and it finally got to this point.


Wang Teng and others were detained for two days and one night.

The next night, when the warrior guards of the iron prison brought them dinner, Yao Jun also came to the cell.

"Tsk tusk tusk, just eat this? It seems that these two days have not been a great time!" He looked at the dinner of Wang Teng and the others, and smiled happily.

"Yao Jun!" Lin Zhan and others glared at him.

"These are all ghosts between you and Liu Huaixing," Wang Teng said lightly.

"What if I did it?" Yao Jun said with a hand in his pocket, disdainfully said: "Don't look like you are indifferent to life and death. I hate people like you the most. I pretend."

"Little man!" Lin Zhan and others yelled angrily when they saw him confess.

"Hey, Captain Lin, you are right. I am a villain. In the next life, please remember, don't offend the villain, especially the rich and powerful villain." Yao Jun smiled not ashamed.

"What do you want?" Liu Yan said coldly.

"Oh, this elder sister is so beautiful. What a pity, she is going to die." Yao Jun smiled and said with regret: "I didn't think about anything. I just want to see you for the last time. After all, you guys Also the one who almost became my teammate."

Seeing his ugly face, everyone looked ugly.

"You are a villain who deserves to be our teammate." Liu Yan said.

"Yes, don't put gold on your own face. You are a vicious-hearted person, we will not accept it even if we die." Yan Jinming said.

"Shame on your face!" Yao Jun's face was livid, and Liu Yan and Yan Jinming were so embarrassed that he turned and left: "Just wait here for your death."

"What!" Liu Yan cursed at Yao Jun's back.

"You have all heard what he said, look like this, we are going to be executed tomorrow!" Lin Zhan said with an ugly expression.

Several people were speechless for a moment.

"I didn't expect that we would die in our own hands, and we would still be the military department." Yan Jinming smiled bitterly.

"Don't give up in a hurry, we still have a chance." Wang Teng said suddenly.

There was a sudden shock in everyone's hearts.

"Really!" Lin Zhan asked directly.

"Hush!" Yan Jinming quickly covered his mouth.

Liu Yan and Yan Jinyue stared at him fiercely.

"Don't say it." Wang Teng glanced at Lin Zhan speechlessly, and spoke again.

Lin Zhan nodded desperately before Yan Jinming let go.

Wang Teng looked around and slowly said, "At night, we... escape from prison!"

"prison Break!!"

The expressions of several people suddenly changed. They thought Wang Teng could do anything good, but they did not expect to hear these two words from him!

"Wang Teng, you're serious, it's not a joke." Lin Zhan smiled wryly, transmission said.

"Yes, this is the headquarters of the Scarlet Tiger Corps. It is almost impossible to escape from prison." Liu Yan and Yan Jinming also felt unreliable.

"Have you forgotten my concealment method?" Wang Teng reminded.

"Yes, Wang Teng's concealment method can be concealed even by high-level dark species, let alone ordinary warriors." Lin Zhan said suddenly.

"But there are a lot of strong men in the military. It is definitely not easy to hide from them." Liu Yan hesitated.

"Do you have any better way?" Wang Teng said.

This sentence undoubtedly became the last straw that crushed the camel, and the balance in Liu Yan's hearts instantly tilted to the side of ‘jailbreak’.

"Mother, it's done!" Lin Zhan gritted his teeth.

"A dead horse is a living horse doctor. You can't wait for death here." Liu Yan also emphasized.

"I have no problem, Wang Teng has never let us down anyway." Yan Jinming smiled and said.

"Me too." Yan Jinyue said.


Seeing that they finally came together, Wang Teng couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth, and continued: "Then we will discuss the next night's escape plan..."

They discussed for more than an hour.

The so-called one person counts the shortcoming, two counts the length, let alone five of them.

Several people discussed together, filled the loopholes, and found the best escape route and a perfect plan.

After the discussion, they did not think the prison food was unpalatable, they filled their stomachs first, and then waited for the time to pass.

In the evening, the guards of the warriors changed their shifts, and after more than two hours, the time gradually reached a little over midnight.

Wang Teng, Lin Zhan and others opened their eyes from pretending to be asleep, and turned their eyes to the guardian who had fallen asleep leaning on the wall to look at the warrior.


Wang Teng and Lin Zhan and the others looked at each other, nodded, and then their eyes condensed, and their spiritual thoughts spread out.

A bunch of keys slowly floated out of the guard warrior's pocket...

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