All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 237 Questioning! (For subscription)

Yongcheng Dixing Army Headquarters.

The crowd was taken to a conference room.

"Everyone, please wait a moment, General Shen will come right away." A military officer retired after speaking.

The atmosphere in the conference room was a bit tight. Everyone in the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall was on one side, and the fighters of the Red Tiger Legion were on the other side.

Not long after, footsteps came from outside the door, and the first person was General Shen, whom Wang Teng had a close relationship with.

"General Shen!"

The 7-star warriors of the Scarlet Tiger Legion all got up quickly and saluted slightly.

"Sit, sit!" General Shen smiled and pressed his hand.

"General Shen!" Li Hei also got up and shouted at the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall.

"Old Li, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Although we are in Yongcheng, you have never been here before." General Shen smiled.

"General Shen is busy with military affairs and dare not bother." Li Hei said.

"You, you!" General Shen couldn't help feeling a little regretful when he looked at Li Hei who was a little gloomy.

He sat down on the main seat, looked around, and said, "Sit down, what's the matter, now everyone is here, everyone spread out."

"Li Gang, tell me." The 7-star martial artist of the Red Tiger Legion said.


Li Gang immediately stood up and said: "A few days ago, we found traces of the Dark Seed on a mountain. We sent people to investigate and discovered that there are raw stone mines. In order not to attract the attention of the other world, I only sent my subordinate Liu Huaixing. A small team led to carry out this task."

"Perhaps it was discovered that there were a large number of Dark Species, and they were short of manpower, so they temporarily recruited the Spike Team and the Battle Tiger Team that happened to be doing tasks nearby at the time."

"But I didn't expect the war tiger squad to act against the evil. Not only did it fail to obey the order of Liu Huaixing to block the dark species, but instead led the dark species to the warriors and wolfya team of our army. When they and the dark species were both injured, they made a move to pick up the bargain. The military warriors and wolfya squad suffered heavy casualties. On the other hand, the Zhanhu squad has a lot of them. Now they are all standing here in good order."

Hearing this, General Shen couldn't help but glance at Wang Teng and others, and frowned slightly.

If this is the case, the guilt of the Battle Tiger team is indeed not small, and such a deed is indeed spurned, the Red Tiger Legion did not too much.

Li Hei's complexion remained unchanged, as if he was not worried at all.

Li Gang continued: "I was so angry that I detained them all and waited until they verified their guilt before punishing them. In the end, they chose to escape from prison. If they weren't guilty, how could they escape? Tiger squad, caused the loss of a lot of warriors in our Red Tiger Army, and they even let go of a felon."

"One by one, General Shen thinks they deserve to die?"

"Li Gang, speak carefully!" the 7-star warrior of the Red Tiger Legion shouted.

"Sorry, I was so excited!" Li Gang said quickly, knowing that he had failed.

General Shen waved his hand, and said to everyone in the Zhanhu team: "Is what he said is true?"

Lin Zhan, Liu Yan and others saw that Li Gang was completely distorting the facts, and they were immediately angry.

"Wang Teng, Lin Zhan, if you have anything to say, if you are wronged, our Pole Star Martial Arts Center will not ignore it. Even if I can't help you, Li Hei, I will have the head of the main center to help you." Li Hei said flatly.

"Fart, I will wrong them?" Li Gang was furious, even if he was facing the fiercely famous ‘Big Sword’ Li Hei at this time, he was glaring.

"Okay, let them say." The 7-star martial artist of the Scarlet Tiger Legion said.

Wang Teng smiled coldly and stood up and said: "General Shen, Uncle Hei, is it exactly what he said? You will know after listening to these few recordings."

Speaking, he manipulated the watch, and a few conversations came out inside.

"I have sent people to explore these three caves in secret before. There are high-level dark species garrisoned at the left side of the cave. The Tiger Squad must be fierce and lucky. When they consume the strength of the dark species, we will go hunting."

"Haha, the Battle Tiger team, today will be a thing of the past."

"Squad leader Liu, I wrote down your favor."


"There is no news from the Battle Tiger team so far. It seems that they are in trouble, but the advanced Dark Seed has not rushed out, indicating that they have not completely failed, and it is time for us to play."

"Otherwise, wait, it's better to let the higher Dark Seed kill them, and we will make another move."

"Go in first, or not, it depends on the situation."


"These are all ghosts between you and Liu Huaixing."

"What if I did it?"

"Don't look like you are indifferent to life and death. I hate people like you the most. They are dead, and you are still here to pretend."

"Little man!"

"Hey, Captain Lin, you are right. I am a villain. In the next life, please remember not to offend the villain, especially the rich and powerful villain."


After playing the recording, Wang Teng returned to Lin Zhan and the others without saying a word.

The complexions of the three 7-star warriors of the Red Tiger Legion changed slightly.

"Very good!" Li Hei sneered with a gloomy expression.

General Shen's expression was ugly, and he yelled: "What are you doing! Ah? What are you doing!!"

Li Gang's face changed drastically, and he was extremely pale in an instant. He could only feel the blood rushing from his whole body, and his body couldn't help shaking. He cried out in disbelief, "This is impossible!"

"What's impossible?" Wang Teng said coldly.

"Did you see it with your own eyes? Or did you hear it with your ears?"

"If it wasn't for you to be self-righteous, and you didn't even give us the opportunity to argue, would you get into this field?"

"If you hadn't listened to and believed only by Liu Huaixing's one-sided words, we would be condemned to death, and would we choose to escape from prison?"

"If we don't run away, are we waiting for death in prison?"

There was a question, causing Li Gang to retreat continuously, his complexion gradually turning from pale to red, and then from crimson to black and purple, and his soul was greatly impacted.

"Presumptuous!" Seeing this scene, the 7-star warrior of the Scarlet Tiger Legion burst out with momentum and shouted.

"I am presumptuous?" Wang Teng did not show any weakness, staring at each other coldly, "Is it presumptuous, or are you too much?"

A fierce momentum erupted from behind Wang Teng, like a murderous knife, slashing towards that 7-star warrior.

"Do you think I dare not kill you?" Li Hei said coldly.

The 7-star warrior's face turned pale, but immediately became angry: "Li Hei, you dare to be an enemy of our Red Tiger Legion!"

"How about being an enemy? Lao Tzu gallops on the battlefield with death as his head. Why has he ever been afraid of whom?" Li Hei's old body seemed to have a domineering domineering lurking in me, making the expressions of several warriors in the Scarlet Tiger Legion changed again and again. Change, obviously extremely jealous.

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