All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 238 I will take you to ask for justice for my teacher! (For subscription)


General Shen shouted coldly.

"What place do you think I am? It's all a lot of old people, don't you think about it?"

The 7-star warrior of the Scarlet Tiger Legion snorted coldly, and finally sat down without saying anything.

"General Shen, you give a comment, which is right and wrong?" Li Hei asked.

"This matter is already very clear. Liu Huaixing, a member of the Scarlet Tiger Corps, and the Wolffang Squad framed the Battle Tiger Squad. Li Gang oversight and partial trust in his subordinates eventually caused this series of vicious consequences." General Shen said.

"Impossible, how could Liu Huaixing lie to me? How dare he lie to me? This recording must have been forged by the Battle Tiger team." Li Gang suddenly shouted.

General Shen couldn't help frowning.

"Shut up!" The 7-star warrior of the Red Tiger Legion shouted angrily: "Isn't it ashamed?"

Then he turned his head and rushed towards the general: "After all, this matter involves our internal personnel. I need to go back to verify it and ask the military leader to make a decision."

"Why, now I don't care, I just want to leave." Li Hei mocked.

"Li Hei, don't go too far." The 7-star warrior exploded immediately.

"Okay, Lao Li, you just need to say a few words. Of course, the Red Tiger Legion is wrong first, but you shouldn’t be bothered by it. This matter is not a trivial matter. It should be thoroughly investigated. I believe the Red Tiger Legion will definitely give it. Please give a satisfactory explanation." General Shen was also helpless, and the troubles had reached this point. It was not clear in one sentence or two sentences for a long time. He could only come out and talk about it.

"Hmph, your Fighting Tiger team let go of the felon, and you have to give us an explanation at that time."

The 7-star warrior of the Red Tiger Legion snorted angrily, and led the desperate Li Gang and the others, flicking their sleeves away.

"Oh, look at this." General Shen shook his head and sighed.

"General Shen, thank you very much this time, and we are also leaving." Li Hei stood up and said.

"You're welcome, I didn't do anything." General Shen said.

"If it weren't for you, the Scarlet Tiger Army might not be so easy to talk."

Li Hei thanked again, and then left with Wang Teng.


On the way back, Li Hei said to Lin Zhan and the others: "Don't worry, we will not ignore this matter at the Pole Star Martial Arts Center."

"Thank you Uncle Hei." Lin Zhan said gratefully.

To be honest, facing the behemoths of the Scarlet Tiger Legion, Lin Zhan and others had no confidence at all, and it was a blessing to be able to save their lives this time.

Now Li Hei promises to get justice back for them, what else are they dissatisfied with.

Li Hei waved his hand and said with a smile: "I'm really curious about how you escaped back."

Lin Zhan told them about their escape, but he concealed the fact that Wang Teng had mental power. This was also what Wang Teng had told them before. He didn't want too many people to know about it.

Lin Zhan and others depended on Wang Teng to save their lives this time. Not only were they very grateful to him, but they regarded him as their own, and naturally they would not reveal this secret.

Listening to Lin Zhan and several people finishing the matter with one word and one word, Li Hei's face showed a look of surprise: "I didn't expect you to have this level of strength at a young age."

Wang Teng quickly humbled a few words.

Li Hei smiled and didn't say anything. For a character like him who walked through the blood in the corpse mountain, he has seen too many geniuses, and even defeated the geniuses killed. Although Wang Teng's strength surprised him, But it shouldn't make a fuss.

Besides, he doesn't care about cultivating geniuses, and he doesn't bother to take care of it. There will be other people in the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall to worry about.

Everyone first returned to the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall branch in Yongcheng City to hand over the task, and then they were ready to return to Earth Star to recover from their injuries.

In the process of fleeing, they all suffered a lot of injuries, especially those of Lin Zhan. It was estimated that they would not be able to fully recover after seven or eight days.

Going through the space cracks and returning to the earth and stars, everyone feels like a world away.

"Every time I come back from another world, I am very thankful that I am still alive, and this time, this feeling is even stronger." Lin Zhan said with emotion.

Wang Teng also had some feelings, his understanding of the world of warriors was getting deeper and deeper.

"Captain, let's separate here, I decided to go back to school." Wang Teng said.

He has injuries on his body. If he goes home like this, he will definitely worry his parents.

Moreover, the school can use credits to buy various healing medicines, which is more convenient. There are still three days in the holiday. Many students should not return to school yet, and no one will disturb them, so the school is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Okay, I have something to contact." Lin Zhan said.

Wang Teng nodded, and then left by car.

"His potential is so huge, our team will soon be unable to keep him." Yan Jinming said.

"Yes!" Lin Zhan, Liu Yan and others couldn't help sighing.


When Wang Teng returned to the school, he greeted the doorman uncle when he entered through the gate.

"I'm back, huh? Why are you hurt like this?" The doorman frowned.

"It's okay, it's just an accident, which has been resolved." Wang Teng shook his head, and didn't say in detail: "Master, I won't talk to you anymore. My body is quite dirty. Go back and take a bath."

"Okay, go now." The uncle doorman watched him walking away and couldn't help shook his head.

Wang Teng first went to the logistics office to exchange two bottles of healing medicine for external application and internal use. It took a full 300 credits, which made him feel distressed.

Then returned to the dormitory.

Although he defeated the top 100 students, he did not change the dormitory with them. He still lives in Room No. 1 in District C.

After all, I have to challenge one by one. Wouldn't it be too troublesome to change a dormitory after every challenge? Fortunately, it’s not too late to change after the challenge to the top-ranked senior.

Wang Teng took the clothes, walked into the bathroom, took off the clothes, turned on the sprinkler, and let the cold water wash down from the head.

Pain came from the wound on his body under the cold water, causing the muscles on his face to twitch.

The blood ran down the stream.

Ten minutes later he finished the shower, dried his hair, and walked out of the bathroom.

Take out the ointment and apply it to the wound, and then put on a bandage.

After a while, a bandage weird came out.

"Will it be regarded as becoming too much?" Wang Teng couldn't help smiling bitterly when he looked at himself in the mirror.

It was getting too early at this time. He was exhausted and relaxed, fell on the bed and fell asleep.

When he woke up the next day, it was already more than eleven o'clock, and his stomach was grunting with hunger.

"Go to the cafeteria for a meal first."

He was about to go out and found that the communicator on the watch had several messages sent by Tan Taixuan.

Apparently she already knew that Wang Teng was back.

But what makes Wang Teng strange is that she didn't go out during the National Day holiday. Did she stay at home all the time?

The first one was sent at eight in the morning: "Come to my place."

Nine o'clock: "Why haven't you come yet."

Ten o'clock: "My stupid apprentice, you will be dead if you don't come again."


Seeing this, Wang Teng's forehead began to sweat, and it felt a bit bad!

He jumped up from the bed, put on his clothes, and rushed out of the room.

"I don't know if I can eat a meal today?" Wang Teng touched his stomach and ran to Tantaixuan's residence.

To be honest, he has been coveting the spiritual food that Tantai Xuan ate for a long time. After all, it was from the hands of Master Lingcook, and most people can't eat it.

Bah, shouldn’t it matter how to save the dog’s life first? What else do you want to eat.

When he arrived at Tantaixuan's residence, Wang Teng took a breath, with a pleasing but reserved smile on his face, and rang the doorbell.

The door opened, and Tan Taixuan's lazy voice came out with an irrational voice.

"My stupid apprentice, do you dare not take the message for the teacher a few days away..."

But when she saw Wang Teng's appearance, she couldn't help but "pushed" and laughed: "How did you make this look?"

"Don't mention it, bad luck!" Wang Teng put on his slippers, closed the door, and briefly said the matter, but suddenly found that there was no sound behind him.

Turning his head to see, Tan Tai Xuan squinted her eyes, and she exuded a heart-palpitating breath.

"Uh, I'm hungry, do you have anything to eat?" Wang Teng felt that something was going to happen, so he quickly changed the subject.

Originally, he wanted to pull out the tiger skin of Tantai Xuan to ask for justice to the Red Tiger Legion, but then General Shen and Uncle Hei came forward, and the matter was almost settled, naturally there was no need to move out of this backer.

"Don't give me sloppy eyes, you dare not tell me about such a big thing, do you treat me as your teacher?" Tan Taixuan said with a calm face.

Wang Teng said lightly, but no one knows what a legion is like, and the dangers in it can be imagined.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, isn't it because the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall has come forward, where is your old man still needed?" Wang Teng smiled nonchalantly.

"Fuck off, Pole Star Martial Arts Hall is Pole Star Martial Arts Hall, and I am me. Could it be that when the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall came forward, I didn't have to do anything and let them bully my apprentice?" Tan Taixuan said in a bad mood.

Wang Teng didn't expect her reaction to be so big, and she was speechless for a while.

"Follow me!" Tan Taixuan stood up without saying a word.

"Why are you going?" Wang Teng asked in confusion.

"I will take you to ask for justice!"

Tan Taixuan grabbed Wang Teng's shoulder and appeared at the door in a flash, turning into a shocking rainbow soaring into the sky.

"I want everyone to know that my disciple of Tantai Xuan can't be bullied by anyone?"


Tan Taixuan led Wang Teng through the cracks in the space, to another world, and then turned into a scared rainbow and flew into the distance.

"This breath... it's her!" General Shen was shocked at the Star Army Camp in the city of Yongcheng. He rushed into the sky, looking at the scared rainbow that was going away, with a shock in his heart: "There is another person who seems to be Wang Teng, that direction... …The Scarlet Tiger Legion is in trouble now!"

In the Pole Star Martial Arts Branch of Yongcheng City, Li Hei stood on the top of the martial arts center building and looked into the distance, he hehe smiled: "I didn't expect that kid had such a big backing. It's interesting, it's really interesting!"


Red Tiger City!

Two hours later, Wang Teng came here again!

But this time, it was obviously different.

A loud shout resounded from the sky and spread throughout the Red Tiger City.

"Xiao Nanfeng, get out of here!"

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