All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 244 Is My Love That Hasn't Started Ending Like This? ? (4000 words!)

"You are not 1 star warrior level!!!"

This 2-star warrior no longer had the self-confidence and arrogance he had before. At this moment, his heart was extremely shocked and his face was dumbfounded.

And that mean man and the other relatives in Doudou's family were just ordinary people, and couldn't bear Wang Teng's momentum at all.

In their eyes, Wang Teng seemed to have turned into a terrifying beast, staring at them eagerly, trying to swallow them.

The few people were scared and faceless, and they were forced by Wang Teng's momentum to sit directly on the ground, staring at him blankly, completely losing their words.

"A mere 2 star warrior level, who gives you the courage to come here to find something?" Wang Teng looked at the other side and said lightly.


As soon as the voice fell, a stronger momentum suddenly erupted, and fell from the head of the 2-star warrior.


The opposing side changed drastically, this time after all he could not stop Wang Teng's momentum, he was directly knocked out.

Then he fell to the ground fiercely, spitting out a mouthful of blood on the spot, his eyes were full of terror, in the face of such a huge disparity in strength, he could not have the idea of ​​resisting at all, and even apologized and begged for mercy: "Yes, I'm sorry!"

"Get out!" Wang Teng said coldly: "If I see you again, I will send you to another world."

"Go to another world!" The face of the 2-star warrior suddenly changed.

He obviously knows what Wang Teng said about going to another world is not as simple as sending him to play.

A sense of fear came to my heart.

"I'll get out soon, get out soon!" He rushed out of the company gate, ignoring the mean man and the others.

The mean man and others looked at the back of the 2-star warrior who ran away in an instant, and suddenly felt despair.

"Do you want Doudou's property?"

At this moment, Wang Teng's flat voice came into their ears, causing a few people to suddenly feel excited.

"No, no, we didn't think about it, absolutely never." The mean man looked back at Wang Teng's face and shook his head again and again in fright.

"Since I haven't thought about it, what are you doing here, huh?" Wang Teng looked at him, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"We..." The mean man was speechless, couldn't think of any good reason, cold sweat broke out on his anxious forehead.

At this time, a middle-aged woman behind him said quickly: "We just want to see Doudou, that poor child, we are also worried about losing his parents at such a young age."

"Haha." Wang Teng sneered. These people would open their eyes and talk nonsense, but he didn't bother to talk with these people, and said: "Doudou doesn't want to see you, you dare to show up in Doudou or my family again in the future. In front of me, I will let you have money but no chance to spend it."

The plain words made several people feel chills in their hearts. They immediately understood that Wang Teng was not joking, but would really do that.

Compared with his own life, money can only lean back, and several people quickly promised that they would not dare to appear in front of them again.

"Get out!" Wang Teng said.

Several people also ran out of the company in a very embarrassed manner, and did not dare to stay for a while, and stopped panting until they ran far away.

"Brother, did we really give up like that?" the middle-aged woman asked the mean man.

"Otherwise, you really want to fight him? Even the 2 star warrior-level warrior saw a cat in front of him like a mouse, almost not scared to pee our pants, what qualifications do we have to fight him!" The mean man stared.

"I'm just a little unwilling, so much money." The middle-aged woman said in a chattering way.

"Money, money, money, you know money." The mean man said in an unpleasant manner.

"That little girl is lucky in the film, and found a big backer, no one will dare to touch her in the future." The middle-aged woman rolled her eyes and said again: "Do you think that the Wang family is also coveting this property?"

"Come on, there are many martial artists, and they are powerful warriors above the 2-star warrior level. They will appreciate that little money. Anyway, I don't think it is possible." The mean man shook his head and said: "Forget it, I don't want this, I I decided to fly back to my hometown later, if nothing happened, I would never go back to the East China Sea again."

"Well, count me, I won't come to the East China Sea anymore. This kind of big city, Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, is really not something we people can play around." The middle-aged woman also said somewhat disheartenedly.

The other people were completely led by these two people. They had no right to speak at all. They made a decision. They immediately went straight to the airport, booked the nearest ticket, and went back to their hometown without looking back.

Wang Teng didn't pay any attention to them anymore. They were all ordinary people, who couldn't get over any big waves, and wouldn't kill them for this matter.

No one made trouble, and the company finally returned to normal. There is no panic. Even because Wang Teng just showed his hand, the employees of those companies are morale up and talk in private.

After all, their own company's young bosses are powerful fighters. Not only do they feel proud, but they also have more confidence in the company's future development.

Wang Shengguo and Wang Teng returned home, Li Xiumei was cooking, Doudou had also returned to watch anime in the living room.

"Brother, you are back." She saw Wang Teng, her eyes lit up, and she ran over, opening her hands for a hug.

"Unfortunately, it's a small thing. If only a big beauty asks for a hug, that's fine."

Wang Teng couldn't help but think of this, he shook his head quickly, and hugged the little beauty in front of him.

On the other side, Wang Shengguo enthusiastically told Li Xiumei about what had just happened, with a little excitement in his tone and a sense of pride.

"You didn't see, our son's awe-inspiring, he didn't even do anything. He just let out his momentum and scared the 2-star warrior to pee in his butt. He didn't dare to say a word, and he ran away!" Wang Shengguo was very happy. road.

"Last time you were arrested, I saw our son do something. Those people were so scared that they didn't dare to breathe. The martial artist is really powerful." Li Xiumei said with emotion.

"Anyway, our son is a warrior, and his strength is so strong, the Wang family will only get better and better in the future." Wang Shengguo said with longing.

"By the way, Dad, the license has been obtained, and you can start to form a company." Wang Teng walked over and said.

"It's got it down!" Wang Shengguo's eyes lit up, but he was very surprised: "Why so fast?"

That is not a general license, but a license related to important strategic resources such as weapons and pill.

He has long heard that even some powerful martial artists who want to apply may not be able to apply.

Even if the application is submitted, there are a lot of procedures to go through during the period, such as qualification assessment, financial estimation, etc., which is very troublesome. It is not impossible to delay for half a year and a year.

"For some people, it's just a sentence." Wang Teng smiled mysteriously.

Wang Shengguo's heart was shaken.

It seems that the background behind Wang Teng is not so deep!

His heart became more excited, after all, the deeper the background behind Wang Teng, the greater the benefits for their Wang family.

But he turned to think about it, and suddenly felt that he couldn't see through Wang Teng more and more.

The current Wang Teng is not only powerful, but also has a profound background that he doesn't know, and suddenly surpassed the accumulation of their Wang family for so many years.

Such an achievement is really impossible for ordinary people.

But he didn't ask much.

Wang Shengguo was in a complicated mood, and then chatted with Wang Teng for a while about forming a new company.

Before long, Li Xiumei prepared the meal and greeted everyone to the table.

The meal at noon was very hearty, and the family ate very happily.

In the afternoon, Wang Teng greeted his family and left home, but did not go back to school immediately, but contacted Lin Chuhan.

He and Lin Chuhan had never seen each other for a period of time since the beginning of school, and they didn't know how she was doing in the new environment.

After making the call, Wang Teng drove to her home after learning that she was at home.

When he arrived at Lin Chuhan's house, Lin's mother was as enthusiastic as before, greeted Wang Teng to eat fruit and snacks, and seemed very happy to see him here.

"Wang Teng, you haven't been here for a while, how did you spend your time in college?" Lin Mu asked.

"Very good, Auntie." Wang Teng ate the fruit that Lin mother handed him and smiled.

"That's good, that's good, well, you young people talk, I won't bother you." Mother Lin winked at Lin Chuhan, and went to see the store with a smile.

Lin Chuhan rolled his eyes helplessly, and said to Wang Teng: "What kind of drug did you give my mother, she is so towards you."

"You don't understand, this is my personality charm." Wang Teng laughed.

"Bing Se." Lin Chuhan said helplessly.

This guy is really thick-skinned!

"Let's go upstairs and sit for a while. My sister hasn't seen you for a long time. She often talks about you. You are all right, big and small." Lin Chuhan said.

"Has Early Summer feel better recently?" Wang Teng asked.

"Still the same." Lin Chuhan sighed.

The two came to Lin Chuxia's room.

The windows in the room were open, and sunlight came in, dispelling the coldness in the room.

Lin Chuxia was lying on the windowsill, holding her cheeks, looking at the sparrows on the road outside the window, she didn't know what she was looking at so seriously.

"Early summer, who do you see is here?" Lin Chuhan called to her.

"Sister!" Lin Chuxia turned her head and saw Wang Teng next to Lin Chuhan, and exclaimed in surprise: "Brother-in-law!"

Lin Chuhan patted his forehead: "Yes, this dead girl can't change it!"

Seeing her like this, Wang Teng laughed happily.

During this period of time, many attribute bubbles have accumulated in Lin Chuxia's room. Wang Teng greeted her and secretly picked them up.

【Poison Force*10】

【Demon Lotus Poison*6】

【Poison Force*10】

【Gun Fighting Technique*3】


A total of 56 points of poison force and 45 points of demon lotus poison body attributes were obtained.

Poison Force: 35500 (2 stars)

Demon lotus poison: 26010000

This time, the force of the poison system jumped directly to 2 stars, but it was still a long way from the complete demon lotus poison body.

This special physique really is not so easy to obtain.

In addition, Wang Teng also gained 18 spear fighting attributes.

Obviously, this little girl must be practising gun fighting skills secretly by herself.

However, Lin Chuxia's talents seem to be really not weak, and he can practice it in a variety of ways, without training crookedness, ordinary people can't do it.

"Brother-in-law, when will you take me out to play again?" Lin Chuxia asked.

"Next time, I will definitely take you out next time I have time." Wang Teng smiled.

"Ah, again next time." Lin Chuxia was a little disappointed.

"I will definitely take you out next time, I promise." Wang Teng stretched out two fingers, nodded her forehead, and said.

"Oh, don't poke my forehead." Lin Chuxia shook her head and nodded again: "Well, then you can't lie to me."

"A liar is a puppy." Wang Teng smiled.

"Yes, it's a puppy!"


Wang Teng stayed in Lin Chuhan's house for more than two hours. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Chuhan and Wang Teng were ready to go back to school.

"I'll give it to you." Wang Teng said.

Lin Chuhan pulled her hair down, nodded, did not refuse.

They bid farewell to Lin Mu and Lin Chuxia, came to the intersection, got in the car, and drove towards the university town.

Donghai University Town.

A sports car drove into Tunghai University, and under the attention of many students, it slowly stopped downstairs in the freshman dormitory.

"Sports car, who is this?"

"I haven't seen this license plate number before. It's not the old and young in our school."

The students around couldn't help talking, and suddenly someone exclaimed.

"I'll go, look, it's Lin Chuhan!"

"Lin Chuhan? Which Lin Chuhan?"

"Which one can it be? Lin Chuhan is the only one in our school."


Lin Chuhan walked down beside the car, and found that many eyes were looking here, condensed on him, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

But isn't this exactly the result she wants!

"It seems that you are very popular here at Tunghai University." Wang Teng parked the car and walked down, smiling.

"Of course, I am such an excellent person, wherever I go, everyone's attention is paid." Lin Chuhan shook his head.

"Tsundere!" Wang Teng joked.

"..." Lin Chuhan suddenly realized that he seemed to be under the influence of Wang Teng, and he couldn't adjust his speech. He coughed dryly, "You wait here, I will put my luggage back to the dormitory, and then come down to treat you to a meal. Rice."

"Okay, go." Wang Teng nodded.

Here Lin Chuhan carried the suitcase to the dormitory building, leaving Wang Teng waiting in place.

But the students who saw this scene around exploded.

"I rely on me, who is this boy? Lin Chuhan got off his car and treated him so kindly."

"It's over, my iceberg goddess was melted."

"Ahhhh, does my love that hasn't started just end like this?"

"Have you heard? My heart seems to be broken."


Many people are speculating about Wang Teng's identity.

Lin Chuhan gained a very high popularity with his outstanding looks and temperament as well as his excellent academic records as soon as the school started.

Many boys regard her as the new goddess of Tunghai University.

In the first month of school, many boys who think they are excellent have already confessed to Lin Chuhan, but Lin Chuhan has not given anyone a good face so far, all of them are cold rejections.

As a result, Lin Chuhan's popularity has increased.

But now, Lin Chuhan is coming to school in a boy's car, and his attitude towards him is also very intriguing.

The boys from Tunghai University said they couldn't accept being killed! ! !

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