All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 245 The little brother is so handsome, I can be forgiven for everything~

Ten minutes later, Lin Chuhan got down from the dormitory.

With her, there are two other girls. The three talked and laughed, and they seemed to be quite close.

"If you don't come down, the boys in these surroundings will eat me alive." Wang Teng smiled.

"Are you still afraid of them?" Lin Chuhan asked with a slight smile.

"I'm not afraid of it. I guess that few of the martial arts students in your school are my opponents, but that doesn't mean I want to be seen as an animal." Wang Teng said casually.

Before Lin Chuhan spoke, an ordinary-looking girl beside her suddenly said: "Chuhan, your friend's tone is really not small!"

"Don't pay attention to him, this guy has always been silent." Lin Chuhan said: "But he is not bad, don't worry."

"If it weren't for your friend, I would definitely say it well." The ordinary-looking girl said.

When Wang Teng heard the words, he just smiled and didn't say much.

"By the way, this is the first time I've seen you speak for a boy like this, and won't you introduce me?" The ordinary-looking girl said again.

The other girl who came with Lin Chuhan is cute and pretty, with a bob head and a little fat baby on her face. Compared to Lin Chuhan, her appearance is only so bad, but the two have very different temperaments. Different types of beauties.

At this time she also agreed: "That's it, such a handsome little brother, quickly introduce us."

"Hey, Tian Xiaoxiao, do you want to be so unethical!" The ordinary-looking girl suddenly yelled helplessly.

"What does it matter? The little brother is so handsome, and he can be forgiven for anything he said." Tian Xiao smiled.

The ordinary-looking girl immediately held her forehead with her hands, revealing that she was completely defeated.

Wang Teng couldn't help laughing.

Lin Chuhan shook his head helplessly, and said, "Introduce, this is my high school deskmate, Wang Teng, and now he is studying at Huang Haijun Academy and is also a martial arts student."

"Wow, high school at the same table!" Tian Xiaoxiao immediately yelled, as if she had discovered something terrible, and then said enviously: "Why don't I have such a handsome little brother at the same table in my high school?"

"Nantho!" The face of the ordinary girl was full of contempt and disgust, but she was a little surprised when she looked at Wang Teng: "You are actually a student of Huang Haijun Academy. It's not vegetarian either."

"Yes, yes, Donghai's martial arts students are also very good." Wang Teng nodded without arguing with her.

"Huh!" The ordinary-looking girl snorted softly.

"These two are my roommates, her name is Xu Wantong, and the nymphomaniac girl next to her is Tian Xiaoxiao." Lin Chuhan said.

"Hate, they are not nympho!" Tian Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes and said.

"You are not a nympho, who is a nympho, you can't walk when you see a handsome boy." Xu Wantong said unceremoniously.

"Why, I don't do this to other little brothers." Tian Xiaoxiao retorted.

"Hehe, they are not handsome enough, right." Xu Wantong glanced at her sideways.

Seeing that the two started to fight each other again, Lin Chuhan felt helpless, shook his head and said: "They usually do this, just get used to it."

"It's nothing, it's quite lively." Wang Teng laughed.

However, these two roommates of Lin Chuhan are not difficult to get along with. It can be seen that although both of them have some minor problems, they are harmless.

"It's so lively, it's noisy every day." Lin Chuhan said so, but she seemed to have thought of something, and she couldn't help but laugh.

"Chu Han, Chu Han, give me a comment, Xu Wantong bullies people." Tian Xiaoxiao ran over and shook Lin Chuhan's arm vigorously.

"Okay, okay, do you still want to eat?" Lin Chuhan said.


Tian Xiaoxiao and Xu Wantong immediately ignored the noise and said in unison.

"It's a rare treat for you, how can we miss it." Xu Wantong muttered.

"Then go quickly," Lin Chuhan said.

Lin Chuhan walked out of school first, and Xu Wantong and Tian Xiaoxiao quickly followed.

When the boys around saw Wang Teng leaving with the three girls, there was another cry of despair.

There were not many girls in the Budo Academy, but Lin Chuhan and Tian Xiaoxiao’s beautiful women were even rarer. The boys in their school did not receive this treatment. As a result, a boy who didn’t know where they came from actually asked them to leave at the same time. This, does this make people live?

This world is too cruel!


Lin Chuhan did not go to a high-end restaurant, but chose a restaurant outside the school with a good environment and relatively affordable prices.

After ordering the food, several people chatted while waiting.

Several people mainly talked about the current situation in the school. Xu Wantong and Tian Xiaoxiao were quite curious about Huang Haijun Academy, so they asked each other and the topic kept going.

Wang Teng occasionally shifted the topic to Lin Chuhan, banging on the side, and after a while, he covered some of the things she had experienced in school.

"Your college life feels richer than mine." Wang Teng glanced at Lin Chuhan and couldn't help feeling.

"Why, listening to you, college life is also very rich?" Lin Chuhan narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a dangerous light.

"Hahaha, you definitely think too much." Wang Teng said with a dry smile.

Lin Chuhan stared at him for a few seconds, then suddenly said, "Are you free to take me to your school?"

"Huh?" Wang Teng was shocked, and thought narcissistically: "I am also a man of the world at any rate. I am still very popular with girls at school. What if Lin Chuhan sees him and overturns the jealousy?"

"Can't it?" Lin Chuhan asked.

"That's not true. Outsiders enter our school and need to apply." Wang Teng said.

"Then you can apply." Lin Chuhan said.

Wang Teng seemed to have made a major determination, nodded and said: "Okay, when do you want to come, tell me in advance, I will apply."

Only then did Lin Chuhan's face show satisfaction.

After dinner, Wang Teng sent Lin Chuhan back to the dormitory.

"It's too early, I should go back to school." Wang Teng opened the car door and said to Lin Chu.

"Yeah." Lin Chuhan nodded lightly and said, "Thank you for coming over with me today."

"Don't say thank you to me." Wang Teng waved his hand: "Let's go."

Then got in the car and left.

"Don't say thank you to me...Wow, little brother Wang Teng is really handsome!" Tian Xiaoxiao said with intoxication, holding his heart in both hands.

"Let's go, nympho!" Lin Chuhan couldn't help knocking her on the head.

Really, the atmosphere is destroyed.

The three people walked into the dormitory, but the voice came out faintly.

"Chu Han, Chu Han, do you like Brother Wang Teng?"

"How, how is it possible."

"Then I will contact him tonight, I just added WeChat."


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