All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 246 Who Is Not A Genius?

It was past eight o'clock when Wang Teng returned to school.

He also drove the car to school.

After all, it is very inconvenient to go out without a car in a big city like the East China Sea.

The school has a special parking lot for students and teachers.

In this respect, I have to say that military students are different from liberal arts students.

The school does not allow liberal arts students to drive to the school and implements a fully enclosed teaching, but there is no such rule for military students.

It's not that special treatment is offered, but the status of martial arts students is destined to be different, and you can't follow the rules.

The martial arts students in the school have to go out for missions. Many missions are near the East China Sea, but they are remote and few drivers are willing to go to those places.

No amount of money is used.

After all, in the martial arts era, under the nourishment of the force, many animals and plants have mutated, and there is a certain degree of danger.

If you don't have a car, just find a car to go to those places. If you are out of luck, you may have to delay most of the day, which is a waste of time.

So the car is very necessary.

The school also knows this, so it is not forbidden.

Many Wuke students have their own cars.

Of course they are not short of money to buy a car.

Some people even have several cars driving by turns. After all, the damage rate is quite high when going out, and one is scrapped from time to time.

These Wang Teng heard from the senior sister of the Budo Club.

He was wondering whether he should buy a few more to prepare, it is better to be more resistant.

As the students returned, there was a lot of anger in the school. Many buildings were lit up, not as deserted as the previous few days.

On the second day, the school will continue as usual.

Wang Teng discovered that after a holiday, many new generations became warriors.

That's right, it's a warrior!

Maybe it's just a breakthrough, those students still don't know how to control the force, and they escaped from the body.

With Wang Teng's strength, he could easily detect it.

In fact, it is not surprising that to be admitted to the Yellow Navy Academy, the talent will not be weak.

Moreover, many people are advanced warriors who are only a thin line away from the warriors. After entering the school, if they have enough credits to purchase resources for training, they will soon be promoted to the warriors.

Entering the university, not only Wang Teng is making progress, no one is idle, and everyone is trying to climb up.

Especially when Wang Teng appeared in this class, many students who considered themselves the pride of heaven were suffocating in their hearts. They all set Wang Teng as the goal and secretly pursued them.

Several people in Hou Pingliang's dormitory were also successfully promoted to the martial artist, but none of them fell.

Baili Qingfeng is in this list. It seems that what he said two days ago was just a little too close. I don't know if he was stimulated by Wang Teng, or he was about to be promoted to a martial artist.

However, there are some students who have not yet been promoted, and everyone's aptitude and strength are different, and it is impossible for all of them to be promoted together.

Before class, the students in the class gathered together for a lively discussion, with smiles on their faces. There are some happy ones, some excited ones, and some people, some...expansion!

"Student Wang Teng, I have already been promoted to a martial artist, and when I practice Force combat skills, I will fight with me." A boy walked straight to Wang Teng and said with a smile.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and the atmosphere became a little weird.

"I went, Chen Yang actually challenged Wang Teng?!!!"

"He is too...I don't know what to say, who gave him the courage?"

"Nor say that. We have all given Wang Teng to the myth. He may not be that strong. Everyone is a genius in various high schools in various places. No one is weak. We may not be able to do what Wang Teng can do. ."

"Then you go."

"I... let me slow down, Chen Yang will go first."


The classmates immediately started talking, and many people thought it was weird. I'm afraid this fellow Chen Yang is not inflated.

But no one too much trouble.

Since the beginning of school, Wang Teng's record has been outstanding, and he has become the so-called "New King". Many people feel that it is amazing from the bottom of the heart, but it is impossible for everyone to be convinced.

Who is not a genius yet.

Don't Chen Yang know the gap?

No, he knows.

But he still has to give it a try. As a martial artist, if the courage to challenge is useless, he doesn't need to practice martial arts.

Seeing more is imaginary, he will be reconciled only if he has really fought.

Wang Tengzheng and Hou Pingliang chatted with a few people. Hearing the voices raised their heads, they looked at the handsome boy in front of him differently: "You...want to challenge me?"

"Yes, but not now, but a month from now." Chen Yang said.

"Courage is commendable, but you can't be my opponent. It's impossible now, and you won't be possible in the future." Wang Teng shook his head.

He didn't take any contempt, just expounding a fact.

For a long time, his gaze has been on the front, new students such as Chen Yang have been pulled too far.

Even if he looks back, he may not be able to see it.

This is the gap!

Chen Yang didn't understand this, as if he had received humiliation, his expression was a little embarrassed: "Huh, whoever wins and who loses won't know until he has fought."

"If you insist, I can give you a chance, but I hope you don't regret it." Wang Teng said.

"Wang Teng, you are too arrogant!" Chen Yang felt that his mentality was about to explode.

Listen to what this says.

What does it mean to give you a chance?

What do I hope you don’t regret?

Every sentence makes Qi Qiao smoke smoke, which is Chi Guoguo's contempt.

"I'm not conceited, just tell you a fact." Wang Teng said.

"I won't talk nonsense with you, see you in the ring in a month." Chen Yang dropped a word, turned his head and left.

Wang Teng shook his head. This Chen Yang didn't know how much the strength of the two was different. He was 4 stars and could kill 5 stars, while Chen Yang had just been promoted to 1 star.

With Wang Teng's promotion speed, one month later, he still doesn't know how strong he will be. Chen Yang has reached the top of the sky and reached 2 stars. How can he fight him?

However, Wang Teng tried his best to persuade him, but the other party couldn't listen to him at all, thinking that Wang Teng was insulting him.

"Human, just can't listen to the good words." Wang Teng sighed in his heart.

"Brother Teng, are you really going to fight him?" Hou Pingliang leaned over and asked.

The three of Lu Shu also looked at him, with some curiosity in their hearts.

For the first person who dared to challenge Wang Teng, whether stupid or courageous, they all admired Chen Yang.

At least he did what they didn't dare to do.

"Yeah, since he wants to fight, then it's fine to fight. Anyway, he won't waste much time." Wang Teng said flatly.

"Then have to do it lightly, everyone is classmates." Hou Pingliang hesitated for a moment and said.

"..." Wang Teng was full of black lines: "Am I the kind of person who doesn't know the importance?"

"We don't know whether you know the severity or not, but your special habit of giving people a lot of heads and corners, now almost the whole school knows it." Song Shuhang said leisurely.


Nima, this is trying to black me out! !

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