All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 247 Chen Yang's face is green.

Chen Yang's challenge to Wang Teng was passed out by classmates of the war class 1, and soon many people in the freshmen knew about it.

This has nothing to do with Chen Yang, mainly because Wang Teng's current reputation is indeed very big.

Successively defeated several seniors in the top 100 schools, this strength is not something ordinary people can do.

He is now not only famous, but also very famous, and many people are proud of it.

Because of Wang Teng's existence, the senior elder sisters of those seniors all took a high look at the freshmen, at least they would not treat them as pure newcomers as they did in the past.

To put it bluntly, as long as Wang Teng stands up and screams, at least one-third of the new students will come forward to support him.

For this challenge, in fact, many people think Chen Yang has nothing to do with it.

You go first, and we will cheer you up later.

Probably holding this thought.

In fact, the freshmen do not have a very intuitive understanding of the top 100 in the school. Of course, Wang Teng defeated several top 100s, so that many freshmen lowered the psychological height of the top 100.

They just think Wang Teng is very good.

But Wang Teng is just a new student. Why can't we do what he can do?

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and that's what they are talking about.

But when these news reached some of the sophomores and juniors, many people shook their heads and laughed.

Able to defeat the top 100 fierce men in the school, at least they also have the combat power of the 3-star warrior level. Unless Chen Yang can be promoted to the 2-star warrior level within a month, and learn a powerful force combat technique, let Its own combat power has reached the level of 3 stars or more.

Otherwise this is a child's play.

After a meal, many students were discussing this matter, but most of them were talking about Wang Teng.

"Have you heard that there are freshmen who want to challenge Wang Teng."

"Newborn? Who? Are you so confident?"

"I don't know, whoever he is, it's just a freshman anyway."

"Wang Teng is probably going to give people a head start again, after all, even the seniors and seniors can't escape."


Chen Yang was walking on the way to school, he would always hear such comments in the cafeteria, and then he found himself completely reduced to a background board.

Nima's background board! !

His face was green with anger.

I thought it was a good opportunity to become famous, but the development of things seemed a bit unexpected. No one paid attention to him at all. Everyone was discussing how Wang Teng would abuse him in a month.

"You all wait. I, Chen Yang, was also admitted with the hard power of an extreme martial artist. Coupled with the supply of resources at home and school, in one month, I don't believe that I can't keep up with Wang Teng." Chen Yangzhen Clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, thought angrily in his heart.

Originally wanted to go out for a wave, Chen Yang turned around and walked to the training building.

Practice practice!

Practice to the death!

The enthusiasm has not been maintained for a few days, everyone is busy in class and practice, who is thinking about it every day?

In particular, some people have not yet been promoted to the martial artist, and they have all worked hard, wanting to catch up as soon as possible, so as not to fall behind too much.

And the newly promoted martial artist did not relax at all. Wang Teng Zhuyu was ahead, of course, they had to catch up and narrow the gap.


Time is passing, Wang Teng goes to class every day, picking up attributes, dismissing get out of class, picking up attributes...

Of course, after his savvy and talent have been improved, his cultivation speed is not slow. After picking up his attributes, his free time is used to cultivate combat skills, and various combat skills have been steadily improved.

Life on campus is very fulfilling.

This Wednesday, there was a theory class, and Wang Teng slipped away after picking up his attributes.

Purely theoretical things can be mastered by Wang Teng alone by picking up attributes. The progress is far surpassing other students, and there is no difficulty.

He has already gone further and further on the road of no return of Xueba.

Then he ran to Danding College to take a class.

He is still more interested in alchemy, runes, and forging.

So whenever I have a chance, I will go to the class.

Due to the increase in the number of visits, the teachers of all subjects have an impression of Wang Teng and are more concerned about it.

Students with such excellent martial arts talents did not want Wang Teng to go wrong, but they found that Wang Teng's talents in all subjects were not weak.

So pay more attention.

For a long time, even the students of their major can't stand it anymore, and many people have complaints.

Hey, we are your cubs!

Wang Teng is a cub of someone else's family, can you not share so much love with him~

Sha Zhuxiu, the instructor at Danding College, stood on the podium and said, "You have been studying elixir identification for some time. In this class, we will take a test. The class leader will come up and send out the test papers."

"Ah, the instructor is too much, he actually makes an assault."

"I haven't reviewed it at all, how can I take the test?"

"That is to say, Teacher Sha is too thief, so he didn't notify him in advance."


The students below suddenly screamed.

The squad leader of Danding Class 1 stood up hard, went to the podium and took the test papers to everyone. He thought it was a good thing to be a squad leader, but it turned out not to be the case. The teacher called him the squad leader for everything. .

"The most important thing for the identification of elixir is to have a solid foundation, ten years of practice on weekdays, and one hour of alchemy. When you make alchemy, you should also give you time to review?" Sha Zhu cultivated.

"Teacher, you said it was ten years of work. How long have we learned? There are so many elixirs known, and the book is thick like a dictionary. How can it be written down." The classmates complained endlessly.

"That's why you have to work hard, classmates." Sha Zhuxiu tried his best, and then said: "Don't worry, today is just a quiz. I can see your mastery level, and then I will be able to guide you in a targeted manner."

The monitor handed out the test papers to everyone. The last one was Wang Teng's turn, and there was just one paper left in his hand.

Obviously, the instructor specially prepared a copy for Wang Teng, and he felt a little helpless, how could there be this guy everywhere.

Even if he has a strong talent in martial arts, he also has a very high talent in herbal medicine, which is simply a foul.

"I don't know how many points you can take?" He put the test paper on Wang Teng's table in angrily, turned around and returned to his seat.

Wang Teng shook his head and looked down at the test paper.

The exam begins.

The students complained and complained, and now they can only do the test papers honestly.

For a while, there was only a rustle of writing in the class.

"This paper is not too difficult." Wang Teng glanced at the title on the paper and began to write swiftly.

In less than half an hour, the entire test paper was finished, and it was ready to leave.

It seems that there are no attributes to pick up today.

"Student Wang Teng, you are finished." Sha Zhuxiu was a little surprised. Looking at the paper with answers, he didn't expect it to be finished, but then frowned, "You don't check it anymore?"

"No, this paper is not difficult." Wang Teng said flatly.

"No difficulty?" Sha Zhuxiu couldn't help but glance at him.

This paper was written by him himself, and some of the questions above are still somewhat difficult. For a rookie, it is basically impossible to answer comprehensively.

Especially for the last two questions, the difficulty doubles directly. For students who are not deep enough in herbal medicine, it is considered good if they can answer one or two points correctly, but Wang Teng said that it is not difficult?

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