All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 249 I am taking a 100 test because the test paper only has 100 points

In the end, Sha Zhuxiu didn't let the students of Danding Class 1 copy the book a hundred times, or a hundred times. After all, considering that a book as thick as a dictionary, copying a hundred times was a bit inhumane.

The students in Danding Class 1 finally breathed a sigh of relief, but their eyes were full of resentment towards Wang Teng.

Even Zuo Qiutong, who admired Wang Teng before, couldn't help but complain.

God, a hundred times is terrible.

Student Wang Teng's heart must be black after cutting it open.

Wang Teng ignored everyone's gaze and gave an expression of "I am doing good for you", Shi Shiran left the class.

"Wang Teng!"

As soon as he walked out of the classroom, Xiang Cheng's voice came from behind.

What is Xiang Cheng looking for Wang Teng for?

The students had planned to leave, so they couldn't help stopping at this time.

"What's the matter?" Wang Teng asked.

"This time our class just didn't have a good review, so the exam was so bad. Next time we won't lose to you." Xiang Chengdao.

Wang Teng looked around and asked everyone, "Do you think so too?"

"Yes, we just didn't review well, and we will definitely not take the exam so bad next time."

This was originally their profession. Wang Teng was considered an outsider. No matter what, he shouldn't be ashamed in front of an outsider.

Many people responded one after another, regardless of whether Wang Teng passed the exam or not, at least his momentum should not be weak.

Wang Teng glanced at the attribute panel, and after picking up attributes for so long, the elixir identification had reached the proficient level.

Elixir recognition: 3501000 (proficient)

This elixir identification has an unwritten classification in the alchemy world. From low to high, they are beginner, proficient, proficient, master, grandmaster...

The proficiency level is already the level of the school instructor.

In other words, his elixir recognition has reached the standard of the school instructor.

He looked at everyone and laughed: "It seems that you have not understood the gap between you and me. You are still working towards one hundred points, and the reason why I only test one hundred points is because...the paper only has One hundred points!"


After finishing talking, Wang Teng turned around and left no matter what the crowd was in.

When he walked away, the students in Danding Class 1 finally reacted, and instantly exploded on the spot.

"Too arrogant, too arrogant!"

"But the truth seems to be what he said, don't forget, it only took him half an hour to finish this paper."

"Damn, it's just a matter of half an hour to grow others' ambitions and destroy one's prestige. Maybe these topics happen to be familiar to him."

"That's right, next time we must do better than him in the test, I don't believe that he will be able to test 100 times back."


Xiang Cheng's expression was a bit ugly. He regarded Wang Teng as his opponent, but Wang Teng didn't seem to take him at all. What a fucking feeling!

Wang Teng ignored these. For him, progress is always present. You are so much worse now, and you will only be worse off in the future.

So don't really compare him, otherwise it will only be more desperate.

"I'm all for your good, why don't you understand." Wang Teng sighed in his heart, his face showed the sadness of an old father.

The next day, Thursday, there is a rune lesson.

As soon as the tutor Chen Yisheng walked into the classroom, he put a stack of test papers on the table and said with a smile: "Classmates, take a quiz today."

Then came a wailing!

The same world, the same wailing.

Wang Teng found that the teachers seemed to like to engage in surprises, leaving you unprepared, wondering if it was a bad taste.

In addition to some theoretical things, the exam for runes major is mainly about drawing symbols.

Wang Teng shook his head helplessly. This test was completely meaningless to him. It's better to pick up attributes.

But since it's here, do it.

Huh huh!

At the end of half an hour, hand in the paper.

The students in the rune class raised their heads in consternation.

Instructor Chen Yisheng knew that Wang Teng had a good grasp of basic runes, but he didn't expect that he could finish the papers so quickly.

After looking at Wang Teng in surprise, he immediately began to revise the volume.

After a few minutes, the paper was changed, and Chen Yisheng was shocked. The paper was perfect. Even the difficult basic runes were painted perfectly. It felt like the standard version, just like a mold. from.

If it's just like this, then forget it, after all, he has seen a lot of students who can do this.

Copying is not difficult.

The hard part is to have your own spirituality.

The runes painted by Wang Teng already possess their own spirituality, which is very rare.

Runic literature is not a rigid knowledge. Its basic structure is not difficult, but the difficulty lies in its ever-changing nature.

People who are talented but lack spirituality may be able to become rune masters, but they definitely can't go too far, and the future is limited.

Spiritual people are different, their future is immeasurable.

There are not many such people.

As for spirituality, it sounds a bit mysterious. It seems that the runes painted are all the same, so how can you tell whether it has spirituality?

In fact, for a rune master of the level of a tutor, it can be seen at a glance.

This is the same as calligraphy, copying the same font, some people are very rigid, but some people can write spirituality, and calligraphers who have been immersed in it for many years can fully see the difference.

After editing the papers, Chen Yisheng's eyes flickered, and he glanced at Wang Teng without knowing what he was thinking.


In the afternoon, forging class.

The instructor of the forging class is an extremely strong man, at least two meters tall, with arms as thick as thighs.

When he first met this mentor, Wang Teng immediately thought of Lu Zisheng.

Both of them are the same muscular man, and the muscular bumps look terrifying.

If you see fitness coaches like those in the previous life, you will definitely have no place to show yourself.

Wang Teng couldn't help wondering, is it true that forgers are all this virtue? If it becomes like this in the future, don't cry and faint in the toilet.

Fortunately, he relies entirely on picking attributes, so far there has not been that explosive muscle.

The instructor of the forging class is called Xiong Ba, yes, it is such a rough and domineering name.

But all the students felt that his name was wrong.

"Students, we took the exam today. Did you see the metal on the forging platform? What you have to do is to finish the tempering and forging before the get out of class ends, and I will score based on your completion." Xiong Ba said, His voice is not domineering at all, on the contrary, like a liberal arts tutor, he would never think that he would be a muscular man over two meters.

"I didn't test the theory, I just forged it directly." Wang Teng looked at the metal on the forging table with surprise.

"This is the more common black sand iron."

At the beginning of the exam, Wang Teng flashed an introduction about black sand iron in his mind, and turned on the forging furnace next to him.

When the temperature reaches a certain point, a soft force is carried to send the black sand iron into it.

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