All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 250 Hundred Forged Black Sand Iron (for subscription)


Ten minutes later, Wang Teng accurately aimed at the timing and took the black sand iron out of the forging furnace.

The hammer was lifted, and the clanging hammering sounded.

At this time, other students had already started their own forging, and the entire forging room was full of metal impact noises.

Wang Teng's hammering sound merged into many voices, and there was nothing to hear.

But Xiong Ba raised his eyebrows.

"This voice."

With a move of his ear, he immediately found the source.

Don't think that the forging room's hearing is worse than ordinary people in the face of these noises every day.

As warriors, they naturally have ways to protect their hearing.

Even for blacksmiths, hearing is very important because they need to listen to the sound of metal.

Powerful forgers can judge how much impurities are left in the metal by sound, where there are impurities, etc., in order to refine the most perfect material.

Xiong Ba's gaze instantly locked on Wang Teng, and his eyes suddenly showed surprise.

"It's actually him."

He didn't come close, so he watched secretly from the podium.

The more I look at the result, the more frightened.

"What an exquisite forging technique, is this Wang Teng the inheritor of a forging family? No, how come I heard that he is just a child of an ordinary merchant in Donghai, with no special background, could he find it by himself? That's right, Wang Teng's talent is a bit unusual."

Various thoughts flashed in Xiong Ba's mind, and then his eyes turned to other students.

Among the other students in the forging class, there are still many good seedlings.

Clang clang clang!

Klang Klang!

This is Wang Teng’s first forging. At first, the speed was not fast. It was mainly to adapt. Later, the speed gradually increased. The hammer in his hand kept moving, leaving only traces of afterimages, which made people fast. Can't see clearly.

The students around couldn't help but look over to Wang Teng.

The frequency of this sound is too fast, so prominent, it won't work if you don't want people to notice it.


When they saw the situation on Wang Teng's side, the students were shocked.

"Is this speed due to being single for a long time?"

Everyone opened their mouths wide, some couldn't close together, and all kinds of slanders were in their hearts.

Xiong Ba also opened his mouth, suddenly a little envious, he only had this hand speed when he was young.

"It's nice to be young!"


After an hour and a half, Wang Teng had completely completed the forging. He nodded in satisfaction when he looked at the black-sand iron with black and shiny black hair in front of him.

He didn't say anything, just raised his hand.

Xiong Ba had seen him stop forging a long time ago, and walked over when he saw him raise his hand.

Regardless of the temperature above, pick it up and take a look.

The color of surprise in his eyes is even thicker.

"This is... one hundred forging!"

Xiong Ba wondered if he had read it wrong, so he flipped it over and looked at it twice, and no corners fell.

Even with the force of penetration into the metal, it was finally confirmed that this was indeed a hundred forged black sand iron.

The so-called 100 forging is to forge the raw material hundreds of times. The more the forging times, the less the impurities inside the metal. Above the 100 forgings, there are thousands of forgings, ten thousand forgings, one hundred thousand forgings, and even one million forgings. .

There are forging divisions who are willing to spend years, even decades, to forge a weapon, what do you think their time was spent on.

Of course, if you want to complete such a high-level forging, the materials must be good enough.

Too much too!

Correspondingly, only those excellent materials, forging masters are willing to spend a lot of precious time to forge.

Black sand iron is just the most common metal material. It can reach the limit of one hundred forging. Even the forge's technology is not enough, the strength is not well controlled, resulting in excessive pressure, and it will become a piece of useless scrap iron if it cannot be beaten a hundred times.

"Very well, this piece of black sand iron has a very high degree of completion, and its tempering degree has reached 97%. It is already a rare piece of fine iron." Xiong Ba praised him, watching Wang Teng's eyes full of appreciation. This is an excellent blacksmith seedling.

For the same hundred forging, there are differences in the degree of tempering, depending on the craftsman's skill.

In the forging industry, no one has ever achieved a 100% level of tempering. It is an ideal value, and it is almost impossible to achieve it.

Even the most common materials can not be achieved by master-level blacksmiths.

Therefore, Wang Teng can reach 97%. In Xiong Ba's eyes, it is already high and can't be higher, and good can no longer be good.

Others were immersed in forging, and didn't hear Xiong Ba's words, otherwise at this time they would really have no thoughts for forging.

"Your forging skills are very good, have you ever visited a teacher?" Xiong Ba asked the doubt in his heart.

"No, I learned it in your tutor's class." Wang Teng shook his head directly.

"I only learned this in my class in such a short period of time."

Although he was psychologically prepared, Xiong Ba couldn't help being shocked when he heard Wang Teng's personal admission.

"Okay, it's okay. You can dismiss the get out of class first." Xiong Ba waved his hand and said again: "By the way, this piece of forged black sand iron will be placed with me first, and I will return it to you in the next class."

"Okay." Wang Teng didn't know what Xiong Ba was doing with this black sand iron, but he knew at least that Xiong Ba would not covet a piece of 100-forged black sand iron.

After Wang Teng left, Xiong Ba did not announce the end until ten minutes before the end of get out of class.

Then he checked the results of the students one by one, and there were actually two people who reached 100 forging, but the degree of tempering was not as good as Wang Teng's, one 67% and one 83%.

Sixty-seven percent is pretty good for beginners.

As for the other 83%, a student from a forging family, the foundation itself is good, and being able to reach this level is considered excellent.

Xiong Ba announced the results, tried his best, and then announced the end of get out of class.

"Wait, tutor, what is the tempering degree of Wang Teng?" the student from the forging family stood up and asked.

Xiong Ba really couldn't bear to hit the child, but when he saw his persistent eyes, he sighed in his heart and said, "One hundred forged, ninety-seven percent!"

The students in the class were shocked.

"Unexpectedly, it has reached a tempering degree of 97%!"

"How can it be so high!"

"At least you need a master forger to reach this level."


"It turns out that there really is such a genius in this world." The student from the forging family said bitterly.

"He is an exception. There are few such geniuses in the world. You don't have to compare with him, you are already very good." Xiong Ba comforted.

It's okay not to be comforted, but the student feels even more uncomfortable when he is comforted.

It's not even comparable, it's too shocking.

In an instant, the student's face was gray and dejected, and there was an aura of depression all over his body.

"Here again." Xiong Ba felt helpless. This student was very good at everything, but every time he was hit, he would turn into this walking corpse. It really made people laugh and cry. He coughed dryly, "Ahem, classmate Yang Gong. , I suddenly felt that if you work hard, you might be able to catch up with Wang Teng soon."

"Really? Mentor."

"Yes, I'm pretty sure."

"I know, I won't lose to anyone, Teacher Xiong, I have to go back and train hard, goodbye."

"Goodbye, call~" Xiong Ba let out a sigh of relief.

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