All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 251 Virtual Reality Pod

All colleges are taking exams these days, and the War College and Command College are no exception.

Commanding academy test theory, test sand table deduction, battlefield command, these Wang Teng has no interest, the attributes have been picked up, but the test will not go.

As for the war academy of this major, there are also examinations for theoretical courses, but the main ones are actual combat.

Friday afternoon.

Deng Bai, the instructor of the actual combat class, led everyone to the training building.

As he walked, he said: "Today's actual combat assessment, wait for the exam with other classes."

The war academy has the most people, with more than one class.

Wang Teng's war class 1 ran into several other classes in the middle of the road. The instructors of each class greeted each other and gathered in one place and came to the training building.

"I actually took the exam with other classes."

"If you fail the exam, wouldn't it be embarrassing."

"Be sure to take the exam well later, and you can't lose to other classes."


Not only the War 1 class, but the other classes are also whispering, and they don't want to lose to the other classes.

When they arrived downstairs in the training building, everyone found that the president of the War Academy, Tong Hu, who hadn't seen him for a long time, was already waiting for them.

"Did the dean preside over this assessment personally? It's so serious and formal, and I feel a little nervous." Everyone whispered.

"Let's go, go to the fifth floor." Tong Hu said directly.

Wang Teng was a little surprised, because the fifth floor is usually not open to the outside world, so the assessment was actually placed on the fifth floor.

When he reached the fifth floor, his eyes were a little confused, and the scene in front of him was completely different from what he had imagined.

The entrance is a corridor, and on both sides of the corridor are rooms of exactly the same size.

The door is tightly closed and the spacing is very small. It can be seen that the space inside should be very limited.

"This is a virtual combat room." Tong Hu said, making everyone stunned.

"Virtual combat room!!!"

"Is it like a virtual device in a movie??"

"Is it impossible? Has our technology reached this level? I have never heard of it."

"If even the virtual device appears, can it also make a virtual game?"

Everyone couldn't help talking in a low voice.

For everyone, this news is quite exciting, and many people are curious about it, looking at the rooms as if they want to see through it.

"You guessed it right. This is the kind of virtual device you think. It is still a strategic resource, so it is not open to the outside world." Tong Hu said.

"It turned out to be true." Wang Teng's eyes were also surprised, and he couldn't help frowning: "Where is the current technology, it seems that there are really many things that ordinary people can't reach."

"Don't talk to the outside world for the time being, otherwise it will be severely punished. This kind of equipment is only available in the top universities in the country. You should be fortunate. But when the time comes, the country will be popularized in a small area. This time should not be too long. Far away." Tong Hu said again.

"So strict." Everyone felt tight, but at the same time they were more eager to try.

"Well, not much gossip, you choose a room to enter, choose the difficulty, choose the scene, the computer will give a comprehensive score based on your performance." Tong Hu said.

"There are still difficulties and scenes, wow, it feels like a lot of fun." Everyone was a little surprised, and couldn't wait to choose a room to enter.

Looking at them, it seemed that they had long forgotten that this was an assessment, but it seemed to be a game.

"Hey, these little guys are very happy now. I hope I don't cry when I come out." Tong Hu couldn't help but smile unscrupulously, turning his head and saying to each instructor: "Go, let's go to the master control room to see their performance."

The master control room that Tong Hu said is at the end of the corridor. It is a very large room. The walls are full of screens, showing pictures of deserts, grasslands, and even oceans... The students have already Entered the virtual scene and started the assessment.


After Wang Teng entered the room, he found that the space inside was really very limited. Only a huge silver-white gaming cabin-like machine was placed inside.

"Please enter your identity information, wear an induction helmet, and enter the virtual cabin." A prompt sound was heard from the machine.

With surprise in his eyes, Wang Teng entered the number of his student ID, then put on the helmet placed aside, and stepped into this so-called virtual cabin.

"Staff are in place!"

"Student Wang Teng, welcome to use the Shenlong 08 virtual cabin!"

"The hatch is closed!"

"Connecting to nerves, body data collection..."

"Collection is complete!"

"Enter the virtual world!"

Wang Teng's eyes were dark, as if the whole world was spinning, and the scene in front of him changed instantly.

The surroundings have completely turned into a void, surrounded by huge stars, and there are galaxies hanging upside down in the distance, just like the real cosmic starry sky.

"This..." Wang Teng was a little speechless, this shock made him realize the power of technology.

He looked down and found that he was just floating, touching his body and face, it was extremely real, and even his expression was no different from reality.

"Just like a real person!"

"Technology has not declined, but has there been cross-century progress?"

"Hello, student Wang Teng, welcome to the virtual world, please choose the virtual scene." A mechanical voice rang.

"Why does this make people feel like AI?" Wang Teng was surprised again.

As the sound fell, scenes appeared in front of him one by one, flashing quickly as if watching a horse.

"Choose a prairie scene!" Wang Teng chose one at random.

"The grassland scene is determined, please select the difficulty."

There are five levels of difficulty, namely Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced, Nightmare, and... Hell.

"Hell level, this is one level more difficult than the previous Jiugongzhu. I don't know how far it will be? Why don't you try? Anyway, it's just a virtual actual combat."

Wang Teng immediately made a decision: "Choose hell-level difficulty!"

"Hell level difficulty is determined."

"Please get ready……"


The picture turned again, and the surrounding scenes changed again, and Wang Teng immediately found himself standing on a vast grassland.

And the grass feet here are... one person tall!

"This Nima is a prairie?" Wang Teng directly scolded his mother, even if it was the earth star that had been infested by the Force, the grass could not grow so high.

Or is this the starting setting for Hell Difficulty?

"But it's really too real, everything is the same as reality, if you don't say it, who would have thought that this is a virtual scene."

Wang Teng sighed with emotion: "But is this technology a bit advanced? Can Earth and Planet now research this kind of thing?"

It's not that he looks down on Earth Star's family, but the technology really doesn't match reality, and it's too far behind.

According to his thoughts, even if Earth Star moves forward for a hundred years, it may not be able to do it.

"Forget it, I don't even think about it."

"By the way, there is no hint as to how to play this thing."

Looking at the deserted grassland, Wang Teng shook his head, and chose a random direction to walk, but the vigilance in his heart was still raised.

In any case, this is an actual combat assessment, not for fun.

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